RAMdisk and main memory + Storage solutions for wm 2005 - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 ROM Development

Has anyone come with a solution how to use RAMdisk as main memory or storage memory for wm 2005. Because i cannot open many softwares they eat the storage memory. I have 8 MB storage memory and 9 MB main memory but when i open and installed software it brengs the Storage memory to 0,00 MB !! :?: :?: Have any idea !!
I had also installed it to storage card but the same problem !!!


Storage Card Reported No Free Space ??

Hi, I have a problem with my storage card since last week.
The system (Resco Explorer 5.14, File Explorer, Pocket Mechanic) says that I have no more free space on my storage card (Lexar 512 Mb) though actually there is still 60Mb of free space..
It never happened before..
BUt then if I pull out the storage card & put it in back, it will be normal again (I have 60 Mb free space)..
I haven't noticed what is the cause of this problem..
I use WM2003SE 2.06 WWE...
Anyone here know the solution ?


Upgraded to WM2005 put in RAM and EXtROM but when trying to relaod programs like Voice Command device says not enough storage. How can I allocate more room for Storage? I have currently showing in Main memory Storage total 14.57MB/In use 10.77MB/FREE 3.8MB (I need more to load programs. The Program Memory shows Total 120.32MB In use 18.08/Free 102.24MB. Tried to install to Ram or Storage card but need Main memory. Help!! :shock:
Yes I have also tried all the versions. Big or small memory it did not work. We need some help here :lol:
14.57MB is the part of flash memory available for you to use and called storage. Rather confusingly, part of the main memory is also called storage. Sounds to me as if you are trying to install to flash storage and not to main memory.
same problem here, keep on getting message that memory is critically low, but I still got 101,79 Mb of program memory left, can I install apllications here??
Twin Power!!
I have this same problem. Can anyone help?
It says I have 14.5mb storage but only 5.0mb left. I have 56mb of memory left out of 64mb I think and a 2gb SD card thats empty.
I'm tryin got onstlal tomtom buti it leeps saying that the storage is critically low;.
Can anyone help?
I'm using wm5 v 2.01.64.wwe
I have only one program installed so far.

WM5 storage problem.

after upgraded my xda II to wm5
i realised that my memory storage on the ppc are low.
The total of my momory storage only 14.54.
and i dun know why suddenly comes out a RAM DISK32. it's storage is 30.82mb.
i can't install others software due to the low memory storage.
anyone can help me? can i merge the RAM DISK 32 to my main memory storage?
Which ROM upgrade version you are using?

[Q] hw to manage my storage in HD2

Hi all,
I have a problem with my hd2 mobile and I am seeking help from any member in here that know how to solve my problem.
The problem I am facing is with the storage space whenever I install a program the system will use the free storage and leave the program storage, so I have 30 mb free in the free storage and 168 mb free in the program storage.
I need to know if there is a way to free my storage and use the program storage instead.
Thank you all in advance.
I think "free storage" is internal phone memory where you place the apps, games, music, files etc...
And "phone storage" is I think RAM. You can't install apps on ram.
thanx for your pass, i think that you are telling me that i will have this problem all the time

i have problem with memmory setting

hi guys
how are
when iam going to memmory setting>>>and main storage
i found main storage have 512 mb
storage reserved is 487 mb
and in free just 24mb
i dindt know why
becuase iam install all game and all apps on extrenal storage (memmory card)
how can i increase of it size or make it empty
because i face allways error tell me should to delet some think of main storage to be able receve msge and call?

