[Q] hw to manage my storage in HD2 - HD2 Windows Mobile 6.5 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi all,
I have a problem with my hd2 mobile and I am seeking help from any member in here that know how to solve my problem.
The problem I am facing is with the storage space whenever I install a program the system will use the free storage and leave the program storage, so I have 30 mb free in the free storage and 168 mb free in the program storage.
I need to know if there is a way to free my storage and use the program storage instead.
Thank you all in advance.

I think "free storage" is internal phone memory where you place the apps, games, music, files etc...
And "phone storage" is I think RAM. You can't install apps on ram.

thanx for your pass, i think that you are telling me that i will have this problem all the time



Upgraded to WM2005 put in RAM and EXtROM but when trying to relaod programs like Voice Command device says not enough storage. How can I allocate more room for Storage? I have currently showing in Main memory Storage total 14.57MB/In use 10.77MB/FREE 3.8MB (I need more to load programs. The Program Memory shows Total 120.32MB In use 18.08/Free 102.24MB. Tried to install to Ram or Storage card but need Main memory. Help!! :shock:
Yes I have also tried all the versions. Big or small memory it did not work. We need some help here :lol:
14.57MB is the part of flash memory available for you to use and called storage. Rather confusingly, part of the main memory is also called storage. Sounds to me as if you are trying to install to flash storage and not to main memory.
same problem here, keep on getting message that memory is critically low, but I still got 101,79 Mb of program memory left, can I install apllications here??
Twin Power!!
I have this same problem. Can anyone help?
It says I have 14.5mb storage but only 5.0mb left. I have 56mb of memory left out of 64mb I think and a 2gb SD card thats empty.
I'm tryin got onstlal tomtom buti it leeps saying that the storage is critically low;.
Can anyone help?
I'm using wm5 v 2.01.64.wwe
I have only one program installed so far.

[Q] Internal storage

My Galaxy Ace keeps saying that my internal storage is full and that I need to uninstall applications. Also my sms inbox often full.
I got the latest firmware (XKPH) and apps2sd enabled.
All the apps work wit apps2sd are on the sd but still I have < 20mb internal storage free and can't add more app because then I get the message.
What is the best way to get more internal storage? I read some people are still havind 181mb interal storage free with lot of apps installed...
superples said:
My Galaxy Ace keeps saying that my internal storage is full and that I need to uninstall applications. Also my sms inbox often full.
I got the latest firmware (XKPH) and apps2sd enabled.
All the apps work wit apps2sd are on the sd but still I have < 20mb internal storage free and can't add more app because then I get the message.
What is the best way to get more internal storage? I read some people are still havind 181mb interal storage free with lot of apps installed...
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Before posting thread, PLEASE use search. Like here is ONE THREAD about that kinda problem. Or PLEASE more info: dose your SD partitioned right(first FAT32, second ext2)?

Android claims its storage space is full

As you can read my phone claims that it is has no enough free memory for installing aps.
I tried installing Titanium back-failed it says i must free up some space
i tried some other diferent apps some of them have the same problem (even with play store)
Also i have 3gb free space in SD
I have been trying to fix this for more than 2 days
edit: freed up even more space now i have almost 300MB free space still problems
edit2: Now i cant move apps2sd because it says storage is full BUT I HAVE 2GB FREE

[Q] Memory related

I use a 9 inches Qpad, rooted, owl upgrade bootloader. Model number L916-3 internal memory is 16gb partitioned into 2.. 4gb for installation and 12gb as internal sdcard.. 32gb external sdcard.. 2gb Ram
Now, the first problem is aver since the day I started using it, the Ram as been used up even though there are very few applications installed. I usually have less than 350gb free ram space. So the device is slow..
Second problem is I installed the things I needed along the line, but recently I realized applications are missing on my phone, like 11 of them, at first I think this is nothing.. I tried to instal some again then it says insufficient memory.. then I uninstall some applications, some well above 45mb, and yet I can't instal back an application of 850kbytes.. and I still have above 3gb free internal memory, 7gb free internal sdcard and 28gb free external sdcard.. please help me, my device is becoming useless

Gionee Elife s5.1 - Internal Storage Issue

I am having Gionee s5.1 phone with 16GB storage (no SD Card support) running on 4.4.2 Android version. The phone storage divided into 2 sections:
6.25 - This is called Internal Storage. Android version is installed on this with pre installed applications.
9.75 - This is used for media storage and currently no file or images in this storage.
I have uninstall all the unnecessary applications (Pre-installed) from the phone and keep only Cleanmaster, Whatsapp, Facebook Messagner and imo. I have automatic update of apps is off as well as from google play store.
Now the problem is, when I bought this phone it has around 2.3 GB space available and a week back, with above configuration and application, it shows mes only 471 MB space left. I have gone through each and every application manually and removed the cache also used Cleanmaster for the same but no help.
Someone told me to do Factory Reset to resolve this and I do last week. At that time my internal storage back to 2.63 GB free of 6.25 GB allocated and I am happy. Again I configured my phone with above software and disabled the auto update of apps from google apps a week ago. Today, when I go to Settings -> Storage, it shows only 400 MB space left of 6.25 GB. I am not sure what to do and how to deal with this situation. I googled solutions to deal with it like root the phone (King root used) and use Link2SD or App2SD to move the apps but those app said SD partition not mount. I tried minipartition wizard to partition for 9.75GB as shown on the various blogs, but my phone shows message of Corrupted SD Card. No luck...
Can any one let me know how can I merge internal storage (6.25 GB) with phone storage (9.75 GB) to use the phone without any issue? Or
How can I use the Phone Storage as Internal Storage and move applications to Phone storage?
Urgent help is greatly appreciated...
Same problem after i updated to lollipop.
Is this thread resolved?
I have the same mobile phone.
I used to be able to move apps to phone storage ( built-in sd card) but when i upgraded to lollipop, the "move to phone storage" button was gone. All my apps were saved in internal storage and so my phone is running slow.
Anybody know how to solve this?
Thanks in advance!

