Android claims its storage space is full - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

As you can read my phone claims that it is has no enough free memory for installing aps.
I tried installing Titanium back-failed it says i must free up some space
i tried some other diferent apps some of them have the same problem (even with play store)
Also i have 3gb free space in SD
I have been trying to fix this for more than 2 days
edit: freed up even more space now i have almost 300MB free space still problems
edit2: Now i cant move apps2sd because it says storage is full BUT I HAVE 2GB FREE


[Q] hw to manage my storage in HD2

Hi all,
I have a problem with my hd2 mobile and I am seeking help from any member in here that know how to solve my problem.
The problem I am facing is with the storage space whenever I install a program the system will use the free storage and leave the program storage, so I have 30 mb free in the free storage and 168 mb free in the program storage.
I need to know if there is a way to free my storage and use the program storage instead.
Thank you all in advance.
I think "free storage" is internal phone memory where you place the apps, games, music, files etc...
And "phone storage" is I think RAM. You can't install apps on ram.
thanx for your pass, i think that you are telling me that i will have this problem all the time

[q] Tablet storage getting low, Internal Storage practically unused

The problem is the "Tablet Storage"(Total space 16.12gb) or the storage that comes up in USB mass storage is almost full while the Internal Storage(11.81gb) still has around 8gb left.
I already moved all apps into Internal but I guess the real problem is that most android apps downloads extra data into the sdcard while the apps themselves are very small in size.
Hmm I guess I answered my own question. Any thoughts?
harrykh said:
The problem is the "Tablet Storage"(Total space 16.12gb) or the storage that comes up in USB mass storage is almost full while the Internal Storage(11.81gb) still has around 8gb left.
I already moved all apps into Internal but I guess the real problem is that most android apps downloads extra data into the sdcard while the apps themselves are very small in size.
Hmm I guess I answered my own question. Any thoughts?
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i think that is too stupid from htc to use more than half of 32 gb storage for applications, to fill it, we must install more than 1000 apps :silly::silly:
but i also think that it can be solved by re-partition of sd card and we must only ask custom rom maker to provide it in next version
try installing some of these apps to delete junk files
Experienced the same problem so I installed root explorer and manually searched for unwanted files and then freed allmsot 2 GBs of space. A lot of work though.
good luck

[Q] exchange memories problem

Hi, I have successfully done exchange internal whit external sd card memories following the instructions from great thread :
The only problem I've occurs is "insufficient storage available" when try to install some aps, not all, from play store or aps previously downloaded to internal-external memory. I was on the phone properly format required partitions for LINK2SD apk which works perfectly and I have a lot of free internal (now ext 341 MB used 2GB free) and external memory(now internal total space 8.95GB available 2.1GB).
For example I successfully install Nenamark2 after an unsuccessful attempting to install the Electopia from play store when showed up error "insufficient storage available".
If someone can help me I would be grateful:fingers-crossed:
3ddane said:
Hi, I have successfully done exchange internal whit external sd card memories following the instructions from great thread :
The only problem I've occurs is "insufficient storage available" when try to install some aps, not all, from play store or aps previously downloaded to internal-external memory. I was on the phone properly format required partitions for LINK2SD apk which works perfectly and I have a lot of free internal (now ext 341 MB used 2GB free) and external memory(now internal total space 8.95GB available 2.1GB).
For example I successfully install Nenamark2 after an unsuccessful attempting to install the Electopia from play store when showed up error "insufficient storage available".
If someone can help me I would be grateful:fingers-crossed:
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Are you using LINK2SD to move you data??
Sent from my LG-P765 using xda premium
This strange behavior happen to me when I swap internal and external memory. It seem to work fine when your internal memory (real phone internal) is not nearly full. If internal memory (real phone internal) is almost full I got a not enough memory even there're a lot of available space on my external SD (which is now internal mem by swap)
I think there might be some system config that not properly changed for swap script. So I use Link2SD and directoryBind instead.

[Q] Memory related

I use a 9 inches Qpad, rooted, owl upgrade bootloader. Model number L916-3 internal memory is 16gb partitioned into 2.. 4gb for installation and 12gb as internal sdcard.. 32gb external sdcard.. 2gb Ram
Now, the first problem is aver since the day I started using it, the Ram as been used up even though there are very few applications installed. I usually have less than 350gb free ram space. So the device is slow..
Second problem is I installed the things I needed along the line, but recently I realized applications are missing on my phone, like 11 of them, at first I think this is nothing.. I tried to instal some again then it says insufficient memory.. then I uninstall some applications, some well above 45mb, and yet I can't instal back an application of 850kbytes.. and I still have above 3gb free internal memory, 7gb free internal sdcard and 28gb free external sdcard.. please help me, my device is becoming useless

Confusion As To Internal Storage Space After Download

I had 3.10 GB free space in my Internal Memory. I downloaded Dungeon Hunter 4 which is written as requiring 0.96 GB.
So after download and installing, i had 2.78 GB free space in my Internal Storage.
Shouldn't that be 2.14!??? I'm really confused right now.
You may say that maybe during download, the phone cleared caches just in case but i did cleared caches myself manually before downloading so what gives?
Another Question
Asphalt 8 is listed as needing a free space of 98MB. It then made an additional download of 1.3 GB.
Now my internal storage after this was still around 2.78.
I understand that it downloaded the 98MB part to internal memory and the rest to the SD Card. So effectively, installing the game to SD Card? Seems neat.
So on Android, on storage settings, the part listed as app is the one installed in the internal memory and the part listed as data is installed on SD Card. It's true for all applications on Android, correct?
Please excuse my confusion. This is the first time i'm having an experience of Android.

