ALPINE (Qtek 2020i) flash "Country ID Error" - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 ROM Development

please, please I need help
for flash AlpineĀ“s ROM. I tryied 4 different ROMs for flash my device and always detects "Error 120: Country ID Error".
Flashing by way of xda2nbftools with XOR codes of Alpines ROMs not worked - control checksum errors.

You should use an executable that does not check country ID. MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe is the file you are looking for. Run your ROM upgrade program. At the point when you face the country ID error under a directory (sth like this: C:\Documents and Settings\Your Name\Local Settings\Temp\A funny named directory) you will find 6 files. Before cancelling the upgrade copy them to another safe directory (after cancelling all will be deleted automatically) and cancel the upgrade. Replace HimUpgrade.exe with the file I attached in that safe directory. Put the alpine in bootloader mode and cradle it. Then run this file (MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe). First it will fail then in the second time it should work.

Thank you very well,
your method is correct.
Now i have:
Radio: 1.03.00
Ext.ROM: 1.11.144 WWE
ROM: 1.11.00 WWE
Protokol: 1337.42

HRomek, is this firmware from I-mate PDA?

voln, no it is firmware from i-mate PDA2 (ALPINE).

that really works. thanks a lot


Upgrade Extended ROM from I-Mate 1.52 to T-Mobile 1.60

Upgrading Extended ROM from Imate to TMobile Extended ROM, Easy As 123 Please follow the Steps
1. Get hexeditor
2. Download TMobile 1.60 and extract it to get ms_.nbf
3. Download I-Mate Ruu15283WWE and extract to get ms_.nbf
4. Open Both Files in hexeditor, please remember both files so you will get confused.
5. if you are having T-mobile and want to upgrade to I-mate Extended ROM you have to do the following in reverse.
6. Copy "2d 43 44 4c 00 00 00 00 " (-CDL....) and paste it to T-Mobile ms_.nbf, location "2d 54 4d 4f 42 49 4c 45" (-TMOBILE) , This is the Version.
7. Copy "62 34 34 39 38 64 31 34" (b4498d14) and paste it to T-Mobile ms_.nbf, location "65 38 34 31 37 61 63" (e8417acd), this is the CountryID
8. Save the T-mobile File to c:\New folder\ms_.nbf
9. Include in the New Folder "HimaClearJumpCode.exe","HimaGetDeviceData.exe", and "HimaUpgradeUt.exe".
10. Start to run the "HimaUpgradeUt.exe" and it will start updating your mobile.
Have fun and enjoy your new extended rom.
ROM Version : 1.52.00WWE
ROM Date: 10/23/03
Radio version: 1.06.01
Protocol version : 1337.16
ExtROM version : 1.60.06
Next i will try to update my I-mate 1.52 nk.nbf to T-mobile nk.nbf but not the radio because radio will not work with my area.
Let me try it!
the 8 hex digit number is not the country code, it is the sum of crc's of 256k blocks of data of the file.
for a tool to calculate it.
soon an adaptrom version will follow.
a warning though: if an upgrade fails, you may be left with an unbootable device. you can use xda2dmp to fix this in most cases. ( I hope )
also DO NOT consider trying out 'HimaClearJumpCode.exe', it will make your device unbootable. and you will have to figure out how to use xda2dmp to fix it.
Update I-MATE ROM to T-MOBILE or backward ?
I have an I-MATE and sometime ago updated to T-MOBILE ROM 1.6
Later on I-MATE released their own ROM update and when I tried to install it, even knowing that it is "lower" version - I got message that "Country Code ID is incorrect" (I am sure it is already known issue for XDA II community )
1. Is it make since to go waist a time and try go back in lower I-MATE ROM?
2. and if 1 is YES, how to change Country Code ID so installation of I-MATE will proceed further?
I would really appreciate reply from XDS developers.
Thank you
I did test it.
This method not only allow to install the extended rom it self , but allow the machine to flash the full set of rom!
Moreover, after flash the new rom, it will keep the country id of the new rom, not the old rom.
I found the bug, the problem is that the language of the device is reported as 'WWE'
maybe you can change one of the language identifiers in the binary of HimeUpgradeUt.exe.
or as I just noticed. the update tool in the Update.rar attachement in this thread has a updated version of the upgrade tool, which does know 'WWE'.
More interesting things :
1.All rom files (extended / radio / ce rom) has countryid inside the files. However if the ms_.nbf passed the countryid check, the rest of the rom will be allowed to flash, even the country id is wrong.
2.If you just want to upgrade a radio that not belongs to that countryid, just rename the company name of the radio rom by hexeditor to the machine's countryid (it is in the first few lines of the radio.nbf),
3. I can't find the country id inside the nk.nbf but it seems himaupgradeut.exe may not regonize a nb.nbf from different upgrade set.
For safe , use the himaupgradeut.exe comes with nk.nbf to upgrade the cerom
4. If you want to upgrade the CE ROM will different countryid, you must upgrade the extended with modified countryid too.
For example, I want to upgrade the CEROM to T-Mobile 1.60 CE ROM, but I want to keep the O2 1.52 extended rom, I have to
a. mod the T-Mobile extended rom's country ID / CRC to O2 countryid /CRC
b. upgrade the moded t-mobile extended rom with himaupgradeut.exe
c. Your device is now recognized a a t-mobile device. Use T-Mobile's himaupgradeut.exe to upgrade the CE rom to T-Mobile 1.60.
d. mode the o2 extneded rom's country ID / CRC to T-Mobile's countryid /CRC
e. upgrade the moded o2 extended rom with himaupgradeut.exe
It looks like very stupid, so we need want a new adapt rom and we love XDA-developers 8) .
1: also the checksums is only verified for the nk.nbf
3: nk.nbf is encrypted, decrypt it with xda2nbftool. then you can see the countryid.
4: I saw that the extended rom, is where HimaGetDeviceData gets the language/country id from.
"XDA developer Itsme" the 8 hex digit number is not the country code, it is the sum of crc's of 256k blocks of data of the file.
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ahhh ic.. :?
killercheung said:
It looks like very stupid, so we need want a new adapt rom and we love XDA-developers 8) .
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I agree with this :wink:
I try to search difference between nk.nbf and the other version nk.nbf, the Qtek2020 ver 1.60 nk.nbf is almost the same as I-Mate 1.52 nk.nbf, but with T-Mobile, it is totally different.
I will still try untill my unit becomes a paper weight, just to get that countryID error. it should be flexible like the old one.
XDA developer Itsme said:
I found the bug, the problem is that the language of the device is reported as 'WWE'
maybe you can change one of the language identifiers in the binary of HimeUpgradeUt.exe.
or as I just noticed. the update tool in the Update.rar attachement in this thread has a updated version of the upgrade tool, which does know 'WWE'.
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i get the update.rar from the files of I-mate 1.52.. I think the version is WWE. :roll:
XDA developer Itsme said:
1: also the checksums is only verified for the nk.nbf
3: nk.nbf is encrypted, decrypt it with xda2nbftool. then you can see the countryid.
4: I saw that the extended rom, is where HimaGetDeviceData gets the language/country id from.
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Where can I possibly get this file "xda2nbftool"
Suceed!!!!!.. because I update Already my I-mate 1.52WWE Extended ROM to T-mobile 1.60 Extended ROM, I successfully update all the upgrade within T-mobile 1.60 (nk.nbf, ms_.nbf, radio_.nbf), The CountryID error didn't appear anymore, the upgrade that I done with Extended ROM change my Country ID to what ever Extended ROM I update my device, the countryID is in extended rom(ms_.nbf) , now everybody can change thier unit to whatever update they want.
Thanks for the Help of XDA-Developer Team. More power 8)
another thing I noticed is that the password used for the nk.nbf encryption is different for each upgrade tool version:
v0500 uses password 'HTC'
v0600 uses password '921211'
so, yet another update to my xda2nbftool
now also has an option to change the crcsum in the file.
Thanks for XDA developer Itsme again
Finally I can change countryid of a TMOBILE rom to flash on an O2 Device.
However I found that himaupgradeut.exe v0500 come with the TMOBILE can't flash the rom (It reported MODEL ID error), but v0600 is OK.
I got an XDA2 , it will report country ID error when use TMobile's upgrade utility, but I want to upgrade the CE ROM to TMOBILE 1.60 WWE version.
Here is what I did :
1. decrypt the T-Mobile 1.60 CE image
run "xda2nbftool -d nk.nbf HTC"
Because T-Mobile 160 upgrade rom is come with himaupgradeut v0500, therefore the decrypt code is "HTC"
2. Use HEX Editor change the countryid from T-MOBILE to O2 (It is in the first line of the rom)
3. update the crc checksum of the
run "xda2nbftool -c -u"
4. encrypt the T-Mobile 1.60 CE image. Because I cannot use himaupgradeut v0500 to update, I have to use v0600 and the encrypt code is 921211
run "xda2nbftool -e nk.nbf 921211"
5. Run the himaugradeut.exe v0600 to upgrade your rom!
I got one more question.
Is that the rom content inside the decrypted identical to the rom dump by xda2dump ?
Because I tried to copy a xda2dump version of XDA2 Chinese 1.52 rom and copy the content from address 0x1000h ( Something like D300A0E300F0 in HEX code) to the end, and overwrite the 0x411150h - the end of a TMOBILE 1.60 with the chinese rom content , and fill the end of the file to 0x1f80030h with 00 . I can flash the rom to the device without any problem, but it stop in the 1st boot screen.
The chinese is working with the bootloader SD card upgrade method.
What's wrong with me?
XDA developer Itsme said:
another thing I noticed is that the password used for the nk.nbf encryption is different for each upgrade tool version:
v0500 uses password 'HTC'
v0600 uses password '921211'
so, yet another update to my xda2nbftool
now also has an option to change the crcsum in the file.
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Hello XDA developer Itsme, can you send me this file/site "xda2nbftool", because i can not access it here, i think the site is forbiden here, thanks in advance
here are the tools attached
XDA developer Itsme said:
here are the tools attached
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Thanks... :lol:
killercheung: it is almost the same. the decypted file has a 64 byte header, followed by the rom found with xda2dump at offset 0x80040000.
I don't think you can mix roms like you describe.


Dear all,
my xdaii from1.52.00CHT 10/23/03 1.08.00 1337.18 1.52.118)
used "Xda_II_Upgrade_v16050.exe" update to Eng. ver. but it death at:
Stage1:Earaing Rom image. please wait.... my xda2 now show "USB v1.06" only. I tried meny version to re-upgrade, but it show "ERROR 100: MODEL ID ERROR 1-N-PH-PH-PH"; and I create a sd card image from my other working xda2(1.52.00CHT, bootloader v1.03) by a terminal program via seiral cable type 'd2s', insert this sd card to death xda2 and put xda2 to "Serial v1.06", wait a few time it show "SD Download Section=1 No allow update!".
Can any body to help me ?
thanks a lot !
Try with 1.72 ROM
It seam to be the only one that you can put on your device when you have PH-PH-PH error.
Hope these healp you.
Dear Gibbo,
:lol: Thanks for your reply, but I tried run "ruu172104wwe_t_mobile-uk.exe" it show "ERROR 120: COUNTRY ID ERROR 1-1-3-3-3" and run "ruu172126wwe_imate.exe" then it show "ERROR 120: COUNTRY ID ERROR 1-1-8-8-8".
Thanks & Regards,
kaceda have you fixed your devaice with above link?
I haven't.
Keep trying with the 1.72 ROM and change and/or delate Country code, Langage and ID Model.
Good look! and Ciao.
How To update ExtRom ?
I create a sd card image from my other working xda2(1.66.00wwe,1.08.00,1.66.165, bootloader v1.06) by a terminal program via seiral cable type 'd2s', insert this sd card to death xda2 and put xda2 to "Serial v1.06", press power buttom,wait a few minutes, it show "Checksum OK". Gread !!! I did a hard reset, It work !! But some application show disorderly code, i check it all version, it show (1.66.00wwe,1.08.00,1.66.174,bootloader v1.06), So I think this way update CE rom only n ExtRom(Chinese ver.) did not change.
Any body can help me how to update the Extention Rom only?
Meny thx Gibbo n cairo31male n all !
To update the extended ROM the EASY way:
1. Just copy all the contents of your working XDA's Extended ROM to your PC via ActiveSync or to an SD card,
2. Delete all the files in the Extended ROM of the device you which to upgrade,
3. Put the files you copied in step 1 in the empty Extended ROM.
4. Hard Reset.
That's it. You will have the desired Extended ROM, and you will notice that the version will have changed.
In case you do not know how to access Extended ROM through ActiveSync or File Explorer, have a look at the following post and download the ExtendedROMUnlocker.arm.CAB:
update the extended ROM
Thanks cairo,
But I wish reflash wwe version ExtRom to xda2, hard rest xda2 the ExtRom not change. I tried usd HimaUpgradeUt to flash ms_.nbf into xda2, but many many times all failed, do you know how to used SD card method to dump ExtRom from xda2 and reflash it to xda2? CE rom have been worked ! how about ExtRom ?

help me convert my o2 xda2 uk to Tmobile MDA2 uk

Having searched the forum for a straight forward answer to my problem without success....
Can anyone give a step by step guide to changing my device to mda2 uk
at present
ROM version 1.66.00WWE
ExtROM version 1.60.50
the process has been stated more than once in this forum ... plz use the search option ... but in brief, you will have to extract the nk.nbf and ms_.nbf files from the upgrade exe file (using winrar) ... then use the ER2003edit.exe tool to change the country ID to make it tmobile ... then pack the file again and run it while yoru device is connected and synced.
convert to t-mob
I just downloaded file from this site and ran it - everything worked fine (even actually using it with Orange SIM!)


Hi guys,
I have to compliment Stefan for personally e-mailing me back about a problem I was having and pointing me here. Hopefully I can become a little less clueless through the forums.
When using kitchen, I get the ROM.EXE update. I understand I run this on my PC. My phone is a Wallaby, with WM2003 first edition. I've written down my t-mobile settings and I'm ready to flash it. However, when attempting to run the ROM.EXE program, I getting the following error:
Cannot execute the remote communication progra,
Please make sure that the USB/Serial cable is properly connected.
The phone is connected to the PC directly over USB through it's cradle and I have ActivSync 3.7.1 running. Any ideas what my problem could be?[/code]
Alrighty, after reading those, I figured I had to write the WM2k3SE ROM to a SD card. After extracing the NK.NBF from the ROM.EXE I have to a directory, I fire up the XDA OS IMAGE TOOL and select it in the SOURCE. I choose "SD CARD" for my destination and produce the following error:
NK.NBF: Incorrect Filesize(33554464), file size should be exactally 32505888 bytes. Error opening input file.
A quick search of the forums didn't show anything that might apply. According to these wiki instructions this looks like the correct thing to do. Is it possible that I have a bad kitchen rom?
Because of an different Memory Usage of the WM2003SE ROM, thes ROMs could only be flashed via EXE. OSImagetool used for writing this file to SD-Card reports an incorrect Filesize. If you have installed a T-Mobile ROM that prohibits upgrading via EXE-File (you get an error in the DOS-Box) you have to downgrade your phone to 3.17.03 via SD-Card and then use the WM2003SE ROM....
OK, but is the procedure I'm following correct? Download a WM2003FE ROM.EXE at version 3.17.03 and then extract the NK.NKF from the executable and flash with that? This will allow me to use the ROM.EXE of my WM2003SE kitchen image instead of using the OSI tool? (If this works, I'm going to go add to the wiki).

Bring QTEK back to original

I had an crashed 2020 that only displayed the bootloader (serial or USB with v1.02) well that was not the purpose of the device so i searched around the forums and managed to push the llbasha-WM5-AKU35pp16c3R image to the device and its working again.
I'd like to bring it back to its original state so i downloaded the original v1.75.103 from the qtek site but i dont seem to be able to push the nbf files to the device (error like ERROR 100: MODEL ID ERROR) and with the HimaUpgradeUt.exe supplied with the llbasha roms it gives (surprisingly ) the ERROR 102: CE IMAGE FILE CHECKSUM ERROR.
the nk.nbf seems to be encrypted in a different way because every password or xor gives with decryption the error that it doesn seem to be an nbf file cause the headers do not look like they are.
Is what i want possible? if so anyone knows howto?
The device is working with WM5 but i'd like to be able to revert the process.
Because the device was labeled as "broken" i dont have any backups of previous images on the device.....

