program that automatically turns the phone off and on - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 ROM Development

is there a software that automatically turns the phone off, say at 11pm then turns on, say 7am?


Phonealarm can, but i didn't really like te program...
Others do, so ymmv
i'm still not satifield with the way i have to navigate trough WM...
I want a one finger-onehand solution for all applications..

the one and only: pocket zenphone

"Mobile2Wear Power Schedule" would accomplish exactly what you're looking for. Very stable & works without giving any problems.

hey camel, can u upload the cab file here. im try it. thanks

Sure. Here it is.

thanks dude. but i found this at option=com_remository&Itemid=100&id=124&func=fileinfo. this works for me.

thanks dude. but i found this at option=com_remository&Itemid=100&id=124&func=fileinfo. this works for me.


Screen not turning on when SMS recieved

I have wm2003 4.0.11 cooked and when i get an sms the screen doesnt wake up, it plays the notification, the screen wakes when there is a call though.
any ideas guy's n gal's
i think its just the wm2003, because - if i remember correctly, in the rom versions 3.xxxx the screen would turn on, but not in this one.
This is a feature. A nice one, I think, but someone came up with some software to remove it. Sorry, can't remember any more details, but some searching in Google ought to find it.
cheers, will advise if i find it.
I have the same thing, apperciate finding solution ...
whilst searching via google have got nothing in return
mine turns on when an sms is recieved, the problem is it doesnt turn OFF after a few min like it should (like it does if its turned on but recieves no sms). grrr.
Check this:
thank you very much for a solution
ROM 4.01.00 does wake up the screen upon receiving SMS
that's good to know ....
that you very much for the info, seems I do need to make an upgrade anyway
regards, monika
again, be careful. The 4.01.00 file contains RSU upgrade as well. It will put you on RSU 6.24.01 which I 'm not sure it will work for you. Try to extract the ROM upgrade files only using Winzip.
thanks for the fix, anywhere i can get a cooked 4.1.0 rom as i am in the uk.
Do a search in the Upgrading and Modifying It section of this forum for 4.01.00. One of the posts has a link to the 4.01 ROM upgrade (~40M). Worked flawlessly for me.
Do a search in the Upgrading and Modifying It section of this forum for 4.01.00. One of the posts has a link to the 4.01 ROM upgrade (~40M). Worked flawlessly for me.

Anyone have a blackberry connect cab file for this phone???

Trying to combine my devices and have been looking for the cab file. It shows on Rim's website that there is one but checked the web and cannot find it. Any help on finding this will be appreciated.
Ditto...but for my HTC S620
Try this one. No promises. Back up before you install, etc...
It installs on the phone, but when you click on the icon to configure, nothing happen
Well, it didn't for me, and I made sure to install in main memory as well. Anyone else have better luck?
won't even run it.. someone on the wizard thread even got to PIN stage..wonder how..
It installe don my phone
I will goto work and see if I can get the oin to change and see if it works. Also need to find a blackberry desktop manager for smartphone because the rugular one of course not detect it but it we need one to generate a pin for this. Anyone have any ideas?
I'd be delighted to test it with BES account, because it needs oly PIN and IMEI, but my qtek 8500 won't run the soft at all...
Installed fine on mine. Just dont have anyway of testing it now!
hmm an I crazy? I installed it on 8310 and 8500, it won't run on any of two.. Just an icon in the start menu that does nothing..
I spoke to soon. The icon does nothing (
I wrote to RIM, requesting a client status
Let's see what they say, eh?
lol, RIM is known for its ignorance to VIP vendors, not to say individual customers..

[RELEASE] AKToggleWifi

One of the most common tasks i do many times a day, is turn the wifi in my ATT Tilt on and off. For this I have to go to the Comm Mgr and toggle it on and off. I've always wanted a one tap way of doing it, and had used BatteryStatus in the past, but its icon was too small. With Manilla2D, we dont even have that option anymore, but we do have the nice big manilla launcher.
So i put together some C++ code from myself and from samples around the web, and made a simple exe that just toggles the wifi on and off. I've cabbed it up, so that it will install into \Program Files and put a shortcut in \Windows\StartMenu\Programs called AKToggleWifi.
You can now add it to the Manilla launcher and it will show up as in the attached screenshot.
You can uninstall it from the Settings\System\Remove Programs.
I havent tested it on any device except my Tilt/Kaiser running a 6.1 ROM from Sakajati (Hyperdragon/Blackstone).
let me be the first one to say: THANK YOU.
many, many people have been waiting for this kind of solution before.
nice solution =D
if you got your keyboard open (for the tilt) you can always hit fn + right and it has the same effect. i just discovered the button a few days ago and it made my life easier but so shall this app.
Just flat out awesome. Works perfectly, using the default AT&T WM6.1 ROM minus bloatware.
Thread moved to Dev and Hacking as Per OP request.
Moving to Development & Hacking as requested by OP.
LOL, talk about timing.
P1Tater said:
LOL, talk about timing.
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i use Hbutton for that much more easyier
Wow.....useful. Thanks
rohithathie said:
i use Hbutton for that much more easyier
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to be honest... it's recommended for anyone.. Hbutton is very very fast and works smoothly.. and also very stable.
you can set multiple apps for every button and there are many options to customize the way it loads them... also there are options to assign
Quit, Ok, Toggle WiFi, Toggle BT.. and many more options.
mmh, i use such a wifi toggle since one year, so i´m wonderíng why you made a new one, or did i miss anything ?
the one i´m using at the moment is also here at xda devs:
here is another one that is 2 Years old but i think i rember it works only on wm5 (look at SmartUtilities)
so thank you for your work, but maybe next time some searching ?
big thanks for this function!!!
i'm looking for this for a long time!
i have a P3300 with alot physical buttons
then i searching to activate the wifi without switching to my home screen or comm manage to activate it.
if you can create samething for phone function
i'll be very very happy !!!!
thanks again for your work !!

i wanted something extremely simple to use, needed no configuration and didnt need other apps to be installed on the device. Hence i wrote this in C++. Yes, other tools can do more and thats great, but they all might require some setup. Since i flash often, i wanted something for myself that i can just use without using any brain energy. Hence the simple app. I'm glad some people find it useful... i certainly find it extremely useful for my own usage style. I released it to everyone rather than keep it to myself, because i have benefitted from the work by other developers on this site, and even if 1 other person finds it useful, i'm satisfied.
bluemetalaxe said:
mmh, i use such a wifi toggle since one year, so i´m wonderíng why you made a new one, or did i miss anything ?
the one i´m using at the moment is also here at xda devs:
here is another one that is 2 Years old but i think i rember it works only on wm5 (look at SmartUtilities)
so thank you for your work, but maybe next time some searching ?
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do you mean you want something to turn just the phone radio off, similar to how this one turns wifi off? i'll look into it..havent looked at those api's yet, but it should be possible. However, just out my curiosity, why you want to turn the phone off so often?
Thol said:
big thanks for this function!!!
i'm looking for this for a long time!
i have a P3300 with alot physical buttons
then i searching to activate the wifi without switching to my home screen or comm manage to activate it.
if you can create samething for phone function
i'll be very very happy !!!!
thanks again for your work !!
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akarnik said:
i wanted something extremely simple to use, needed no configuration and didnt need other apps to be installed on the device. Hence i wrote this in C++. Yes, other tools can do more and thats great, but they all might require some setup. Since i flash often, i wanted something for myself that i can just use without using any brain energy. Hence the simple app. I'm glad some people find it useful... i certainly find it extremely useful for my own usage style. I released it to everyone rather than keep it to myself, because i have benefitted from the work by other developers on this site, and even if 1 other person finds it useful, i'm satisfied.
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hehe dude. don't take this the wrong way. no one's judging. developing new apps is ALWAYS good.
cheers for the initiative.
I agree! Good on you for contributing! I want to say thanks for this app and I will be using it.
i am sorry AK and thanks again for your work.i just want to inform that there are allready existing such wifi toggles. they are simple small exe files and dont need any other application or must be modified, like yours.
Thanks for this great tool!, I will save some of my times
Could it be possible to get the same but for bluetooth ?
@akarnik: thanks mate, for a useful application. Cheers!


Hi again.
Does anybody have an idea about a screensaver for the Rose? Something, where I could see the time and the missed sms, emails and calls? Something, like always the Nokia phones have.
Thanks for the answers!
On my old WM5 Smartphone I used and really liked maniac's Automatic Keylock but on the S740 I couldn't get it to update the email count. Also the device lock didn't behave as I'm used to.
Give it a try, maybe it fits your needs or you can figure out how to fix the issues that I experience...
Calvin. said:
On my old WM5 Smartphone I used and really liked maniac's Automatic Keylock but on the S740 I couldn't get it to update the email count. Also the device lock didn't behave as I'm used to.
Give it a try, maybe it fits your needs or you can figure out how to fix the issues that I experience...
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Thanks for the tip, but I was not able to configure the programm that it will run on my Rose I dont think its for WM 6.1 devices and thats the problem. Hope, somebody will make program like this in the near future. I am ready to pay for it, dont need freeware I need it very much.
Regards Robert
4omega said:
Thanks for the tip, but I was not able to configure the programm that it will run on my Rose I dont think its for WM 6.1 devices and thats the problem. Hope, somebody will make program like this in the near future. I am ready to pay for it, dont need freeware I need it very much.
Regards Robert
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I am sorry, I was wrong. The Automatic Keylock screensaver runs very well on the Rose, it is only a matter of the right configuration of the programm. It is simple and work great incl email, sms etc. notification.
If somebody would like to use it on the Rose and would have problems with the setting, dont hesitate to contact me.
Do you use device lock or key lock?
Calvin. said:
Do you use device lock or key lock?
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Hi. I dont use nothing of them. I use just the Supress Key presses option in the screensaver. But the Keylock runs well too, I tried it, but dont like to press two keys to unlock the phone

Nebie wanting some answers

Hey all.
I know i need to use the search tool but i don't have a clue of what to search for.
My Touch Dual can make calls once i turn it on but then after one call, i can call people but they can't hear me and i can't hear them.
Has anyone else had this problem?
Also, i've read about updating roms or radio's etc? and would someone please explain this to me.
I hope someone can give me the answers on how to fix the call problem and help with rom's/radio's.
tj_holt said:
My Touch Dual can make calls once i turn it on but then after one call, i can call people but they can't hear me and i can't hear them.
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If it has the original ROM, then it is time to return it to manufacturer for fix.
Also, i've read about updating roms or radio's etc? and would someone please explain this to me.
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In simple terms, ROMs are the operating system of your phone. Like your PC, you can modify or update the ROM. Custom ROMs can have features and programs built in that are not part of the standard ROM that your phone came with.
The radio is the low level drivers to control the hardware of your phone, eg making calls, camera etc.
It does have the original ROM in that case. But unfortunately, I got the phone from Ebay and thus no receipt so they won't touch it.
Would changing the ROM have the ability to fix the call problem.
Would I be able to change the Radio? One of these should work shouldn't they?
And if so... Would you be able to lead me in the right direction on how to do it?
hey i had same problem
not so long ago ..
where i call they cant hear me and i cant hear them either ..
all i did was remove srs wow hd (if you have it - first enable it make sure the speaker is set to internal.. try call if still doesnt work remove the app)
then did a soft-reset
if that doesnt work try a new radio like 1.65.xx.xx or 1.71.xx.xx
Haha, okay.
To start of with, i don't even know what "srs wow hd" is? And where will it be so i can remove it?
And secondly. How do i change the radio etc?
tj_holt said:
Haha, okay.
To start of with, i don't even know what "srs wow hd" is? And where will it be so i can remove it?
And secondly. How do i change the radio etc?
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haha lol yeh i only just learning two i ot my own touch dual just a few weeks ago
srs wow hd is sound driver you can find this in settings (if you have it installed) .. so go to setting it will be under system.
try putting it to use internal speaker(its the first option you cant miss it!) ..try call if it doesnt work ... change ur radio .
download one of the 1.65 or 1.71 one's
next flash hardspl ..
..before you change radio it says you need to CID unlock your device .. so do that..(personally i did'nt do that even though it says it will stop on 99% ....i only didnt do this because my computer wouldnt run the software ..)
so still try to CID UNLOCK just so you dont mess your phone up .. < to get cid unlock + instructions.
so now you've done all that and you have downloaded the radio ... connect your phone to ur pc using active sync and run the file follow instructions( note it says it hard resets aka wipes your phone, it doesnt ) and wait awhile when its completed try to call ..
if that still doesnt work ask a expert
hope this helps ..
Thanks for the help mate, i did all of that but used a different radio previous to reading your reply.
I'll try using one of those now though cause the signal strength is really low on the "RUU Nike Radio Modded" one.
So i'll just have to see what happens
Thanks for the reply though mate, wish me luck! haha
okayy good luck
Cheers man, found a radio that did everything. So it's all good
This forum's pretty sweet.
Now i just need to get some cool apps and games on it and i'll be sorted!
Helpfull liam12189! Maybe a mod can change the title to something that's more suitable? This way it'll show up in searchresults (hopefully) and can be helpfull to others also.
yes .. that would be a good idea like : help with radio if you can't make calls or something!
tj_holt said:
Cheers man, found a radio that did everything. So it's all good
This forum's pretty sweet.
Now i just need to get some cool apps and games on it and i'll be sorted!
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oh and for some apps check out the genral section - development & hacking theres some nice apps 100% free

