Wallaby's display quality & ebook reading - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

I'm thinking of buying a Wallaby (T-Mobile MDA) and I would like to know, how good is this device for e-book reading. Could you please share your experinces and tell me how it stands compared to eg. Nokia 9210, Palm Treo 600/650, etc.? Or whether you use it (daily approx. for one hour) and how 'pleasant' it is? Thanks in advance.

i've read many a book on both wallaby and himalaya
and they are just as good
wallaby is only 4K colours or something
and himalaya have more
but ebooks are black and white anyway
so res is all that matters and sure ms ebooks mean
that each page is somewhat small but
no biggy
havent tried the ones you compare with

Make sure you enable ClearType on your Wallaby for really nice looking anti-aliased fonts that are really nice on the eye to read. (also you can do this for your LCD display in Windows XP - not many people know about that!).

thanks for your answers. I've never owned PDA or anything similar before, so I just would like to ask:
1) whether my idea of reading an ebook on Wallaby during my way to school in bus (approx 1 hour a day) is real or whether the display of Wallaby is too small for something like that.
2) whether the backlight is with new ROMs from xda-developers adjustable (not only on/off) and if not, whether the backlight is okay for reading.

1 as i said i read many books on mine
2 there are programs which let you adjust it
mine is never at max a such program example is pocket plus


XDA Screen better than other PDA's...why?

I have noticed that, when the backlight is off, my XDA's screen is much easier to view/read than other PDA screens (with backlight off). It seems to be "lighter" in color, reflect external light much better, and therefore saves battery since the backlight is not always necessary. It also seems to have a much more "true" color than other PDA screens either way (however, I don't think it is as bright as others).
Since the screen is the primary source of output from the PDA, this seems pretty significant, and possibly one of the (many) strengths of the XDA, over other PDA's. Can anyone explain why the screen seems to be better? Is the Sony ACX706AKM simply a better LCD than others? More specifically, how can one tell from simple specifications of a PDA whether or not the LCD will be comparable to the XDA's LCD?
The 3630 iPAQ has got a good screen like the Wallaby. But the iPAQ's and the Wallaby's screen hasn't got as contrast as other PDA's.

Video Output on Polaris

Is there a mini-USB to VGA (or S-Video) compatible with the TC?
Every now and then I see some PDAs with a VGA cable. That would be perfect for using the Pocket PowerPoint on the go.
only devices which support usbhost can use usb devices only Athena from htc does that
maybe you can find a mirco SDIO card which support it
Man thought you where kiddin but.....
MicroSDIO Video Out
feaps said:
Is there a mini-USB to VGA (or S-Video) compatible with the TC?
Every now and then I see some PDAs with a VGA cable. That would be perfect for using the Pocket PowerPoint on the go.
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If you really want to see a concept to blow your mind then look at this: http://www.infrablue.co.uk/index.php?a=irmabluetooth
These solutions have been available for Palm devices for years (at least 5 years) and the one I linked to above looks quite old and out of date. I can't understand why someone big hasn't taken up this concept and done it really well e.g. one of the big projector manufacturers or a big-name computer peripheral manufacturer like Logitech or Microsoft's hardware division.
The infrablue device looks dated (only SVGA resolution) and, although it's smaller than it looks in the pictures, I suspect that with today's technology it could be made no bigger then the Touch Cruise itself. It's also pretty ugly.
I would just love a solution like the above at 1024 x 768 resolution, about the size of a cigarette packet, and drivable directly from Mobile PowerPoint. As long as you could map the buttons appropriately then you could hold your TC upside down in your hand (i.e. Dpad at the top) and be able to cycle through your presentation just like a TV weather presenter holding the clicker below their waist.
- Julian
Here's something I stumbled upon. Not sure how it would work though.
SCART connector?
Never heard of it...looks pretty phreakin cool though, heh. Maybe if they had somethin like that that would work with HDMI or SVideo, etc. it would be alot better.
Also, that microSD adapter thing definately DID blow my mind...crazy stuff!
it's been widely used in europe for ages
You guys rock!
Thanks folks. You guys kick arse!
JulianL, the InfraBlue realy got me. Especially because it allows me to keep my microSD for storage. Besides, I dont't feel like the MicroSD was made to handle lots of connections/disconnections.
But thanks for the reply from everybody else.
Has anyone already used the InfraBlue with the TC? Way too many bucks to spend before making sure it does the thing.
Thx once more,

My personal comparison between the Toshiba TG01 and HTC Touch HD

Well I said when I had the time I would write a review comparing the HTC Touch HD and Toshiba TG01. I got the TG01 as an insurance replacement for the HD, so was not a purchasing choice, but I liked the sound of the spec and agreed to the swap (they had no HDs in stock!). Sorry the review's not exactly comprehensive and is a bit all over the place, but is an immediate reaction having owned the TG01 for a couple of weeks and just a list of things which spring to mind!
The Toshiba is big. If you're used to bigger smartphones (Which I was with the HD) then it will still feel big. It's not thick though, it's decidedly thinner than the HD (slim enough to slip through the gaps in my decking it seems... but I caught it in time!), and does slip into an average trouser pocket without poking too much from the top. However, its sheer size makes it hard to use with one hand. The screen is a great size though, and is lovely and clear. It has a built in light sensor also to help with battery life so you may think the screen's a bit dull to start with - go outside and try again or switch the option off and you'll see how vibrant it is.
The hard buttons are laid out slightly differently and aren't too bad - with the HD I did suffer from turning on the phone by accident in my pocket quite often as that button is located on the top of the phone. On the Toshiba, it's on the side and it hasn't activated itself yet. The HD had touch sensitive buttons (as does the TG01) on the screen side at the bottom for 'Home' and 'Back', which are useful... though they don't give the reassuring 'mini vibration' feedback that you got with the HD - I'm guessing that could be rectified in software though.
Battery life - the TG01, quite frankly, sucks in this department. It goes down 3 bars during an average day of a few texts and small amount of calls, maybe a bit of data and needs charging each night. I also think when the charge cycle finishes, it fails to provide power to the phone through the adapter. I could be wrong, but when I charged it at 10pm one night, by 11am the next day it decided it had run out of battery already. The HD could go at least two days with the same amount of use.
The camera on the TG01, although only 3MP (compared to the HD's 5MP) feels less jerky, and it appears better quality than the HD, despite the max resolution. The autofocus works well, though there is a considerable gap between the shutter press and the picture being taken - I'd say almost a full second. The HD was quicker, but not considerably so. Video on the TG01 can be taken at 640x480 and at 30fps - something the HD would really struggle with. And it plays back well, I'm actually impressed with that! I can imagine the next generation will all be 720p, which is exciting.
The software makes all the difference between the phones. I shudder to think how awful the TG01 would have been with the original Windows Mobile 6.1 OS running. Thankfully the one I have is running 6.5 and makes things a little nicer. However, HTC really have trumped this phone with their Touchflow system which is so intuitive and nice to use... in comparison to the basic MS offerings. The keyboard on the TG01 (though made 'better' by Toshiba) is hard to use... easier than the built in Windows one, but still makes producing texts and emails a slow arduous chore. Somehow the HTC one was just better - probably to do with the differences in the type of touchscreen they use (I believe this one is resistive and the HD was capacitive... correct me if I'm wrong). I'm not a fan of predictive text but the TG01 does have it and it seems pretty good.
My TG01 is Orange branded, but it's just a case of switching the Today screen theme to Windows Default to get rid of their horrible attempt... then you get the usual WM6.5 options, which scroll smoothly up and down, and left and right... putting all that processor power to good use. The start menu is better than before - treating everything like 'Apps'... so you can move your most used ones to the top and have everything you want within a couple of clicks, which is good.
The TG01 feels faster and indeed it should, given the 1GHz processor which is a step up from the HD's older, slower one. Running Slingplayer is nice and zippy, though still a little choppy but you can't have everything. It's certainly more responsive flicking through channels and suchlike.
I'd say use Opera for your web browser, not IE because it's definitely suited to this phone - lovely to use with a great start screen for 9 of your favourite websites... and runs so quickly and smoothly, I don't think the HD could cope as well.
The Gyroscope is a little funky on the TG01. Many times I have to shake it up and down to get it to go into portrait mode having picked it up. Although I have calibrated it to try and fix it, quite often it thinks I want to see things sideways when I don't. A gentle twist 90 degrees and back normally fixes it but I can't help shake it when it doesn't! Never had that problem with the HD - but I'm not sure if this is WM6.5 creating problems that didn't exist in the Touchflow environment on top of 6.1.
I still can't get a 'Comm Manager' which rivals that on the HD, on the TG01. All I want to do is momentarily turn off the data connection - not disable it permanently or anything, and the HD had that really easily accessible. The TG01, as mentioned previously, just has 'Phone', 'Bluetooth' and 'Wifi'... turning off 'Phone' is the only way to stop the data connection. This I want to do in the situation where I'm on Wifi but for some reason the phone continues to use the 3G connection... so is annoying!
Next, until I found an option in the TG01 to disable the screen from coming on whenever it was touched, I was having a nightmare in phone calls with blips and beeps in my ear... presumably my cheek trying to go through my calendar etc. That really should have been off by default. It still happens too, even with the option off, when I cradle the phone between my neck and ear... so now I have to hold it, and be careful not to press the side button with my hand too!
The sound quality of phone calls on the TG01 is pretty bad in my ear compared to the HD - anything 'loud' - even with the speaker turned down - gets distorted. But it's useable.
Now to my current bugbear. The TG01 can't travel at speed and do anything useful. I'm writing this on a train, in Notepad. I have taken this particular train journey (Sheffield to London St Pancras and back) several times with the HD and enjoyed being able to use the internet throughout most of the journey. The TG01 can't even hold onto a network at speed for more than a few seconds at best, so tethering is out of the question and, yesterday, trying to call my bank took 18 attempts to get to the bit where I could hear my balance, I'm not joking. It is bluntly speaking, rubbish.
Unless Orange have moved every mast along the way so they're hardly ever in range, I'm putting this one down to the phone. I mean, we were still in North London at the start of this journey when it lost the signal and it hasn't regained it yet. I'm hoping to upload this review when we're stood still in Leicester, but even then it takes forever for the phone to find the network...
So... yes, you can imagine I'm overall less than impressed with the TG01.
But then it is a cheaper phone, and it is definitely a case of "If you never had an HD, you'd never know". Because overall, it's a good, and fairly amazing piece of technology. But I'd take back an HD tomorrow if offered I'm afraid.
I've decided now I'm going to the dark side anyway and waiting for the launch of the iPhone 4/HD, sorry to say!
Hope this was useful anyway. Any questions, I'll be pleased to answer!
patc said:
Well I said when I had the time I would write a review comparing the HTC Touch HD and Toshiba TG01. I got the TG01 as an insurance replacement for the HD, so was not a purchasing choice, but I liked the sound of the spec and agreed to the swap (they had no HDs in stock!). Sorry the review's not exactly comprehensive and is a bit all over the place, but is an immediate reaction having owned the TG01 for a couple of weeks and just a list of things which spring to mind!
The Toshiba is big. If you're used to bigger smartphones (Which I was with the HD) then it will still feel big. It's not thick though, it's decidedly thinner than the HD (slim enough to slip through the gaps in my decking it seems... but I caught it in time!), and does slip into an average trouser pocket without poking too much from the top. However, its sheer size makes it hard to use with one hand. The screen is a great size though, and is lovely and clear. It has a built in light sensor also to help with battery life so you may think the screen's a bit dull to start with - go outside and try again or switch the option off and you'll see how vibrant it is.
The hard buttons are laid out slightly differently and aren't too bad - with the HD I did suffer from turning on the phone by accident in my pocket quite often as that button is located on the top of the phone. On the Toshiba, it's on the side and it hasn't activated itself yet. The HD had touch sensitive buttons (as does the TG01) on the screen side at the bottom for 'Home' and 'Back', which are useful... though they don't give the reassuring 'mini vibration' feedback that you got with the HD - I'm guessing that could be rectified in software though.
Battery life - the TG01, quite frankly, sucks in this department. It goes down 3 bars during an average day of a few texts and small amount of calls, maybe a bit of data and needs charging each night. I also think when the charge cycle finishes, it fails to provide power to the phone through the adapter. I could be wrong, but when I charged it at 10pm one night, by 11am the next day it decided it had run out of battery already. The HD could go at least two days with the same amount of use.
The camera on the TG01, although only 3MP (compared to the HD's 5MP) feels less jerky, and it appears better quality than the HD, despite the max resolution. The autofocus works well, though there is a considerable gap between the shutter press and the picture being taken - I'd say almost a full second. The HD was quicker, but not considerably so. Video on the TG01 can be taken at 640x480 and at 30fps - something the HD would really struggle with. And it plays back well, I'm actually impressed with that! I can imagine the next generation will all be 720p, which is exciting.
The software makes all the difference between the phones. I shudder to think how awful the TG01 would have been with the original Windows Mobile 6.1 OS running. Thankfully the one I have is running 6.5 and makes things a little nicer. However, HTC really have trumped this phone with their Touchflow system which is so intuitive and nice to use... in comparison to the basic MS offerings. The keyboard on the TG01 (though made 'better' by Toshiba) is hard to use... easier than the built in Windows one, but still makes producing texts and emails a slow arduous chore. Somehow the HTC one was just better - probably to do with the differences in the type of touchscreen they use (I believe this one is resistive and the HD was capacitive... correct me if I'm wrong). I'm not a fan of predictive text but the TG01 does have it and it seems pretty good.
My TG01 is Orange branded, but it's just a case of switching the Today screen theme to Windows Default to get rid of their horrible attempt... then you get the usual WM6.5 options, which scroll smoothly up and down, and left and right... putting all that processor power to good use. The start menu is better than before - treating everything like 'Apps'... so you can move your most used ones to the top and have everything you want within a couple of clicks, which is good.
The TG01 feels faster and indeed it should, given the 1GHz processor which is a step up from the HD's older, slower one. Running Slingplayer is nice and zippy, though still a little choppy but you can't have everything. It's certainly more responsive flicking through channels and suchlike.
I'd say use Opera for your web browser, not IE because it's definitely suited to this phone - lovely to use with a great start screen for 9 of your favourite websites... and runs so quickly and smoothly, I don't think the HD could cope as well.
The Gyroscope is a little funky on the TG01. Many times I have to shake it up and down to get it to go into portrait mode having picked it up. Although I have calibrated it to try and fix it, quite often it thinks I want to see things sideways when I don't. A gentle twist 90 degrees and back normally fixes it but I can't help shake it when it doesn't! Never had that problem with the HD - but I'm not sure if this is WM6.5 creating problems that didn't exist in the Touchflow environment on top of 6.1.
I still can't get a 'Comm Manager' which rivals that on the HD, on the TG01. All I want to do is momentarily turn off the data connection - not disable it permanently or anything, and the HD had that really easily accessible. The TG01, as mentioned previously, just has 'Phone', 'Bluetooth' and 'Wifi'... turning off 'Phone' is the only way to stop the data connection. This I want to do in the situation where I'm on Wifi but for some reason the phone continues to use the 3G connection... so is annoying!
Next, until I found an option in the TG01 to disable the screen from coming on whenever it was touched, I was having a nightmare in phone calls with blips and beeps in my ear... presumably my cheek trying to go through my calendar etc. That really should have been off by default. It still happens too, even with the option off, when I cradle the phone between my neck and ear... so now I have to hold it, and be careful not to press the side button with my hand too!
The sound quality of phone calls on the TG01 is pretty bad in my ear compared to the HD - anything 'loud' - even with the speaker turned down - gets distorted. But it's useable.
Now to my current bugbear. The TG01 can't travel at speed and do anything useful. I'm writing this on a train, in Notepad. I have taken this particular train journey (Sheffield to London St Pancras and back) several times with the HD and enjoyed being able to use the internet throughout most of the journey. The TG01 can't even hold onto a network at speed for more than a few seconds at best, so tethering is out of the question and, yesterday, trying to call my bank took 18 attempts to get to the bit where I could hear my balance, I'm not joking. It is bluntly speaking, rubbish.
Unless Orange have moved every mast along the way so they're hardly ever in range, I'm putting this one down to the phone. I mean, we were still in North London at the start of this journey when it lost the signal and it hasn't regained it yet. I'm hoping to upload this review when we're stood still in Leicester, but even then it takes forever for the phone to find the network...
So... yes, you can imagine I'm overall less than impressed with the TG01.
But then it is a cheaper phone, and it is definitely a case of "If you never had an HD, you'd never know". Because overall, it's a good, and fairly amazing piece of technology. But I'd take back an HD tomorrow if offered I'm afraid.
I've decided now I'm going to the dark side anyway and waiting for the launch of the iPhone 4/HD, sorry to say!
Hope this was useful anyway. Any questions, I'll be pleased to answer!
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Nice post!!
Great comparison, however to correct you, they are both resistive touchscreen but somehow the HD is slightly more sensitive.
You seem dissapointed by the device. I highly recommend installing a HTC Sense custom rom. It will really make it superior much better than the HD and almost in the same league as the newer HD2!
Also i have also somehow found the Toshiba Keyboard to be less responsive aswell. If you are still use to the HTC Touch HD keyboard, search for HTC Ezinput 1.5 WVGA on one of XDA developers threads. Or you can try the new HTC Keyboard 2.0/2.1 found on newer HTC devices.
Anyway, i recommend flashing a HTC Sense Debranded custom ROM
Best of luck

[Q] Folio 100 quality

Hello All,
I'm reading this part of forum since a while and I know different pros and cons
of Folio 100, which can be solved mostly by custom rom installation.
But since now I'm finally wondering whether to buy this device or not,
I would like to ask you about quality of it's screen.
I've heard a lot of Folio 100 screen bad angles and it's general
poor quality image, but in the other hand I've heard that this screen is the
same like in the Archos 101 Tablet (which could be my other choice).
And since you all are already using this device, I would like to
know what is your personal opinion and is it really so bad?
Besides all other specs of Folio 100 (maybe not the weight
make it quite worth spending ~540$ for it.
Build quality is not so great, and probably you will have some problems... but for the price is kind of good deal... check for gaps on the screen, around the edges.
The screen is bright enought and constrast is fair. The only thing is not so good is viewing angle, but still if you use it for personal use (not to share with other) is quite enough.
I also thought about the archos 101... but when you look at the hw specs (512 MB ram instead of 256, Dual core cpu vs singel core cpu)... the folio wins imo, the image quality and view angles could be better, but for my use (mostly internet (nice flash performance), working with documents, vpn, rdp and ssh connections, (video) conferencing, watching quick video's, music) it's great...
and the build quality, to me it doesn't feel cheap, it's a good deal for the price...
Software is not really an issue, it's fully functional with some little issues when you use FolioMod 1.4...
I still haven't had the chance to get my hands on an archos 101, but I heard that you can feel the screen "bump in" when you press it? something the folio doesn't have, it's just a solid surface which is very sensitive... Also I heard the edges aren't that nice when holding it, the folio had nice rounded edges... Like I said, this is from what I've heard...
I have been using the Folio for about a week now, and both the view angle and the build quality are good. I have no problems when reading a pdf or playing a game.
Screen for personal use is still quite ok. For reading it is fine, but when I read in dark room with black backround(portrait orientation) it starts to reflect a bit, which I do not like.
Overall this is a good PERSONAL device. Also found one German review where Folio screen was marked as having better quality than the one on Archos 101 IT
Considering slower cpu and less ram - archos is losing here
However build quality may still be a question.
Thanks guys for all infos, they help me what decide.
And now Im new Folio 100 user, but unfortunately Ive already found two bugs (Im using Folio Mod 1.4) which Ive read about in other posts:
- folio is waking up from standby,
- device hangs up frequently during normal use,
Besides above its quite nice device, even screen is ok for me
shidima_101 said:
I have been using the Folio for about a week now, and both the view angle and the build quality are good. I have no problems when reading a pdf or playing a game.
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You must be joking, right?
Build quality is poor. If you play close attention you will see that most of the screws are loose and you have a 1-2 mm gap on the right low corner of the screen glass... this will make very easy to break the glass when pressing
If you consider that most of the countries don't have local repair centers, this means that will have to wait several months to have it fixed.
I recommend everyone to check for defects before buying. Specs wise folio is certain a good deal, but you should pay attention to this details...
In my case screen, especially the gap between glass and plastic is the same in each part of screen, and when I slide my finger gently I feel that glass part is a litttle bit lower than plastic part - each place same.
I've paid attention to this when I was buying my device.
But again it has only few days and I hope it want change within time.
Regarding my previous information about wakes & hangs up, it seems I've partial solution. I've installed REGPON wifi KeepAlive app from market - which keeps wifi alive in standby mode and it looks like now everything is fine (expect a bit shorter battery life).
I've read that this can be solution in someone other post, so it's not my idea.
bastospn said:
You must be joking, right?
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Then i guess i have been lucky, because mine doesn't have any of the problems you describe
I guess that its possible that only some of them have this issues...
I want to buy cheap tablet, first think it was chinese epad/ superpad
but now I can buy folio 100 for only 230$ is it worth to buy ?
the screen is so bad ? this is the cheapes tablet I can buy

First Impressions on your new Nokia 800

Lets start a thread purely about your first thoughts on the Nokia 800 and woudl you recommend us to upgrade to one of these phones..
My first impression was wow that screen looks amazing with windows pone. The black really is true black and the ever so slight curve at the edges means it so nice to swipe. My only gripe is the 16gb though i use my zune for music so not that bad and that the screen could of streched a tad more to the edges of the phone. Saying that though i dont mind 3.7 i think its actually a nice size. The other think i notice is that yes it may be a "plastic" phone it feels so solid in the hand. My desire or hd7 have not felt so well put together.
Oh i forgot another design flaw is that all the buttons are down one side making it really hard to find a car dock that does not press the power.
loving my lumia 800, very pleased with it. just upgrded from an n900 which was amazing. its very different to the n900 and there are a few improvements needed but still loving the lumia.
agreed with the lacking in memory or card slot.
not being able to use the phone as a mass storage device is a huge massive fail and going to cause me problems at work.
Very Impressed
I've had this for 3 days now, and it's just a dream to use.
I previously had an HTC Desire (rooted and running the latest CM Mod on 2.3.7), which I found was pretty decent, but the lack of internal storage was driving me crazy, (system, internal storage only, apps were updating and getting bigger forcing me to uninstall apps that I actually wanted!).
Even though the screens of these 2 phones seem the same on paper (3.7" AMOLED, 800x480 resolution), the Nokia's just looks leaps and bounds better, there's no pinkish tinge on low brightness settings and the colours just pop. Also, whatever Nokia have done to make it work better in outdoor lighting has worked too. On my Desire, I could not see anything on the screen outside on a bright day, even with screen brightness at full. The Nokia is still clear outside, even at medium brightness.)
The only gripes I have are OS related, and are not that significant. I was surprised to see that I was unable to change the browser home page for example, but the most annoying thing is not being able to scrub through audio tracks. Having to hold down the next track button, especially on long tracks is pretty poor. It seems to work on some locally stored videos, but not on the YouTube site for example, also, I'm surprised that there is no dedicated YouTube app, (glorified bookmark != app)!
I'm very happy with it in general, and the guys at the office are suitably impressed too.
k4kya said:
The only gripes I have are OS related, and are not that significant. I was surprised to see that I was unable to change the browser home page for example,
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pin the start page to the home screen and launch using that instead of the browser icon.
andy_con said:
not being able to use the phone as a mass storage device is a huge massive fail and going to cause me problems at work.
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Is this your first foray into WP7? This limitation is by no means a fail on the part of Nokia. WP7 does not allow for hot swapping of memory cards and also does not allow for USB Mass Storage function due to the way that it treats external memory as internal memory.
anseio said:
Is this your first foray into WP7? This limitation is by no means a fail on the part of Nokia. WP7 does not allow for hot swapping of memory cards and also does not allow for USB Mass Storage function due to the way that it treats external memory as internal memory.
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I still dont get what is wrong with a memory stick on your keys. Its easier and more practical and as an IT tech i would deffo say i would rather give the emplies them then use mobile phones. I agree it would be better to have more files supported by zune but to get into the file system is no benefit then to break it.
I am new user in WP7
I think Lumia 800 is great. I love its shape and the screen.
But seems the battery life is not really long (even compare to my existing Android Nexus one)
I love it too and will be my next phone as soon as I can buy one unlocked and unbranded. So far no one seems to be selling them this way.
17-apg said:
I love it too and will be my next phone as soon as I can buy one unlocked and unbranded. So far no one seems to be selling them this way.
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Try this one mate, it's going for £470 sim-free.
Seems to be in stock (black).
Regards Dousan...
I'm loving it, the battery seems to be a bit hit and miss but hopefully the update that's due out will sort that out
Sent from my Nokia Lumia 800 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
Dousan said:
Try this one mate, it's going for £470 sim-free.
Seems to be in stock (black).
Regards Dousan...
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Try Phones 4U! Sim-free £399
Its brilliant, much faster and better looking than my old phone, a Sony Ericsson X1. The battery seems to only just last a day, hopefully the update will fix that.
andy_con said:
not being able to use the phone as a mass storage device is a huge massive fail and going to cause me problems at work.
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I think that is possible to do that, but I'm not sure if Dev Unlock is needed or not...
I have some questions i hope you guys can answer me.
Do the Lumia have a blue tint when you tilt the phone on the screen like the N9 have. That was really not nice looking on The N9 and annoyed my eye (very visual and need things to be clear and sharp and continious colour wise)?
Also do the txt and white/light backgrounds/icons have that magenta edge on the left side like the N9?
If yes is it as bad as on the N9?
Regards Dousan...
ale07 said:
The battery seems to only just last a day,
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A day is good considering Android phones tend to be half a day and iPhone 4s is also around 14 hours for many users.
Dousan said:
I have some questions i hope you guys can answer me.
Do the Lumia have a blue tint when you tilt the phone on the screen like the N9 have. That was really not nice looking on The N9 and annoyed my eye (very visual and need things to be clear and sharp and continious colour wise)?
Also do the txt and white/light backgrounds/icons have that magenta edge on the left side like the N9?
If yes is it as bad as on the N9?
Regards Dousan...
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In my experience no and no. The screen looks pretty much perfect from all angles and I've noticed no issues with magenta tinting. I thought I did at first but it was confirmed as being nothing by a few other people
Agreed, the phone screen is bang on, had a Omnia 7 before my lumia 800 and the screen is just as good, also the screen doesn't appear to attract anywhere near the amount of fingerprints as the Omnia 7 outdoor work is easy too, screen works very well.
Sent from my Lumia 800 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
Guys, more impressions please! Very interested in this device
And please, check the phone vibration level. Is it ok to use it on vibro mode in pocket?
Love this phone. Moving on from android and the windows 7 UI just looks so much fresher. I love the WP7 people hub integration with social networks.
But on to the phone. The Nokia design is really nice and even with the phone case that was provided free with it, it has very good styling. The screen is so black that you can't tell where it ends and the case begins because the glass stretches all the way across the front.
Camera seems to be good. However, I did take some pics yesterday and found that if you tap the screen to focus and take a shot it sets the shot to macro which was annoying. That's probably a WP7 "feature"
I don't really like the power button on the side to be honest but can see why it has been put there. When it's in my car dock, I can't activate the phone because of the way it is held in the cradle. Will have to rethink that.
Call quality is what you would expect from Nokia. I don't know if the signal quality is any better than anything else. I have tried the speaker phone and it is good as well. Nice and clear.
Not sure I can comment on any more Nokia specific features as I've only had the phone for 5 days. Do give the battery a chance to condition as it is getting better each day for me. Remember to do a full charge.

