tmobile uk users recommend a rom - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam Software Upgradin

I'm pretty confident that I can upgrade my tmobile vario rom following the great instructions provided by forum members! the main question I hqve is do any tmobile uk owners have any recommendations on what rom to upload to? I'm fed up with all the bugs in this handset!

For now I'm using the HTC (AKU2.3) ROM
I tried the HTC (AKU3.3) ROM, but there were a couple of little things that didn't work - Windows Media Player wouldn't stream anything for example.
As a T-Mobile UK user who lives and works in London, it was nice to see the little "U" at the top of the screen turn into a little "H" with the AKU3.3 Rom, but I'm waiting for a final release with the bugs ironed out before I go back to AKU3.3.

I've had some irritating issues with my T-Mobile UK Vario II as well.
After I did a hard-reset and the T-mobile crap installed intself I can't for the life of me get the internet explorer to browse over Wi-Fi (even though I can connect to the router just fine).
What is the latest (or best) official t-mobile rom and where do I get it? (the wiki directs me to a blackberry download page).

there is no t-mobile uk rom at present, i am waiting for one myself, after already sending my device back once and getting a replacement as kept dropping calls, and bluetooth is utter rubbish on this device at present. Major problems with bluetooth car kit and this device.people not hearing me speak or in spits and spurts.
I am currently runnning the test aku 3.3 2.05 rom, which is far better than any of the others that i have tried. the 1.35 is also a lot better than the standard t-mobile rom.
my advice is either go for the 1.35 or the test 2.05 rom. you will notice the differnce immediately over the normal rom.
Hopefully it wont be long now before an official rom gets released by T-Mobile. They are seriously dragging there heals on this.
I uploaded this on to to my unlocked HTC TyTN (AKU 2.3), as I'm a T-Mobile USA subscriber & miss two of the MDA (wizard) ExtRom apps -
a. the sign in for TMobile (accesses the secure tmobile1x with a protcol that is not in 2.3 (AKU 2.3), and
b. a TMobile push for pop3 email on their My T-mobile service.
I also cannot send or receive MMS and hoped it might help with that.
It did not add either tool, nor make MMS worked and it stopped the Exchange 2003 push working. It really only adds meta icons for tools already present and a camera patch (not sure if needed).
The other Wizard apps - Instant Messaging and t-zones are available elsewhere.
I flashed it back to the HTC ExtROM & my MS Exchange push works again.
Thanks to the excellent help on this site that I could do this and go back.
Main reason for the post tho is to explain the content & post a warning about the Exchange push.

Do you guys using the original rom also have networking troubles with msn messenger?
Just sits there attempting to sign in?
I also had this on my mda pro and wondered if it was a rom problem or a t mobile specific thing

i think messenger is just slow not sure if the latest version messenger live rectifies these problems! does rom 2.5 rectify the tmobile 3g issue?

T-mobile Rom
I too am having issues with the t-mobile rom. Historically, T-mobile are always amoung the last to fix their bugs. They were very very slow on the universal.
I also really do wonder why operators see fit to include loads of operator branded [email protected] that no one wants!
I have unlocked my device using Pof's unlocker and installed radio 1.27. I mainly use my device on the train with a laptop via bluetooth. Thus far, I am finding that the 1.27 rom is worse than the 1.06 rom. Data does not keep moving as well as before, and I have more black spots on my commute.
I dont have the time, patience or nerve to chop and change roms too often, so I will wait for a AKU3.3 english official rom that has streaming etc working correctly before I upgrade.
I'd love for t-mobile to release on officially, but I doubt this will happen any time soon.
My main issues are with bluetooth and MMS. Bluetooth disconnects and disables itsself randomly (bloody anoying!). MMS does not appear to work unless you install all the t-mobile crap. I tried to install it by cherry picking from the cabs, but unless I install them all then the MMS folders in outlook dissapear on a soft reset.
The device also has a habit of deleting the t-mobile internet settings for the hell of it.
My universal was like this at first, until I shoved a Qtek rom on it instead.


Any good Tmobile US ROMS

I've looked around, and it seems everything focuses on HTC and Cingular. All the Tmobile roms are VERY old. Anyone have any suggestion what would work well with Tmobile service in the US?
Tmobile has no plans to release update, there is some post, where somebody asked tmobile support about that. I think branded ROMs is not so good, as cooked roms, in branded roms is many useless programs, and settings, and this roms usually is not so fast, as cooked roms...
ROM for Vario II (T-Mobile Germany) wanted!!!
I have a big problem: During a firmware update for my vario II (Hermes) the installation has been interupted and now, I can't start the PPC anymore (only bootloader mode).
To solve the problem, I need the original Firmware from T-Mobile
(, which I have to load it from SD-Card into the PPC. In wiki I found a version, but it doesn't work (unpack failure). Where can I get an another version?
Thanks in advance!
I also wanted to know what "cooked" roms there are that are good for tmobile service... and maybe those that are geared with tzones (wap proxy) internet.
I do not know why but im having a lot of trouble getting the wap internet to work right. I have tried many different ports for the proxy area, as well as leaving some blank and so on... its just not working for some sites, on my other phone i300 with wm6 it worked perfect on every site just that it had gprs only no edge.
no i get stupid errors in IE like "the requested page is too long" url= (the url that im trying) and then status=62(hex)
what is that? i never had that before, and my web gmail always worked on the i300, now i can maybe some times sign in but never go to inbox at all.
ROM that is on the phone vp3G 3.60.2 radio 1.50
im just wondering what i should get... for tmobile service here in AZ

X01ht Chef Needed Ingredients Provided

I am stuck here in Japan and I have a softbank X01ht and I have upgraded it to the DYMOND 3.5 and now I can not get my mms nor my internet to work rigth and yes I have used the settings off of this site but they really do not work well .I also have my wife's x01ht (white one ) which I used that phone image cloning program to copy everything off of it as well as I have copied all of the registry files the hidden files ...basically all of the phone info but I do not know how to crack modify or recreate anything that would help we folks stuck over here in Japan serving our country really be able to use our phone and get help once we have upgraded to ENGLISH and MOBILE 6.We have taken our phones back into softbank but since we can not get past the huge language barrier we are stuck and the tech side of softbank only offers a hard reset as the answer to everything which does not fix anything for us.Hopefully someone can help us (over 30 active duty folks with the same phone and issues)
I sense a business opportunity here... Too bad I am outside of Japan until July 12. Can you wait that long?
If you crated up all 30 phones and shipped them over, I could put together an Englishized version that still supports Softbank data connection and Softbank MMS - on all 30 phones.
I do not think that any if not all of the folks would want to turn over their phones since these are our life lines to the states because we get free wifi on base so we all use skype in so that our family in nthe states can call us and because we do not have to fight for a computer somewhere so that we can email family back home I was just looking for someone who could take all of the info that I copied and make a workable cab file rom or whatever that is for softbank with the right settings because everything that I have compared to from this site and the extended rom on the x01ht are very different and you are missing a few but since I do not know how to do it I am asking for help with it.
Are you gus in the yokosuka area?
Or on Okinawa.
Are you wanting Dymond or Another ROM running? I have used prety much all the different ROM available here with the Softbank settings working on every one. I did get mine about 1 week after release here from Softbank though. Are the phones already sim unlocked? I havent tried MMS in a while but I can try later today to get it to work.
We use dymond and Black 3.0 MMS works but the internet just does not and I just see different cab files when I open up the phone there is one file that is 1.33mb called update_h182 actually its an application but it puts the password settings on the phone I believe because on the nonupdated phone there is something called PP_Generic_Conn_Settings.xml, (yen sign)Windows (yen sign) PP_Generic_UI,Windows_other_conn_settings.xml, andPP_otheruxc. Pre auto run also
docsmitty112 said:
there is one file that is 1.33mb called update_h182 actually its an application but it puts the password settings on the phone I believe because on the nonupdated phone there is
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This is what makes your x01ht unable to sim-unlock, updates the radio bootloader from 0107 to 0182.

Vario II problems after WM6.1 upgrade

I have a T-Mobile Vario II, I have unlocked it, installed HARDSPL v7, installed radio 1.50.00 and it works fine with WM5.
However ANY version of 6.1 installed and the phone function goes to pot. To get a service network I have to manually configure it and then it shows a good signal.
Now if I try to dial a number it just says "dialling" but doesn't actually do anything until it times out.
It also doesn't accept incoming calls, it goes straight to answer phone.
Everything thing except SMS works fine.
I downloaded the official T-Mobile WM6 and this also works fine now, I can make and receive calls, the service network was picked up automatically.
I would like to upgrade to WM6.1 with a cooked ROM but don't know how to fix the above problems? Thanks for any suggestions......
Well, try changing your radio rom, reading around it seems that different ones have problems with different roms ect.
Im running on T mobile UK 3G (I have the same Verio II as you)
(radio rom list: )
Plus this rom:
Fastest rom around imo, and I have tried almost all of the WM6.1 ones.
New radio
Thanks I will try that radio and then do another WM6.1 upgrade
I would upgrade with the latest shipped WM 6.0 first, which comes with radio anyway.
The Verio should work with DOPOD ROM from here, looks like .00 is made for US and UK, 30.10 is made for down under, and 00.10 is made for general use, at least that's where I read somewhere.
I have solved this buy going to phone/settings/band and changing the network type to GSM instead of auto.
I have also changed my phone to a Vario 3 and the problem was exactly the same.

Rogers_Fuze_Rom_v2_2009_02_19 *BaseRom 5.05.405.1 Shipped*

My goal will be to try to keep the roms as clean as possible and as close to OEM as possible. The attached Rom is all OEM except for the items listed in the change log below:
[SIZE=2]Base ROM Used: RUU_Raphael_HTC_WWE_5.05.405.1_R_Radio_Signed_Raphael_52.58.25.30_1.11.25.01_Ship
[*]Removed following applications: ZIP, Cyberon Voice Speed Dial, Opera
[*]Added following applications as OEMs: PocketRar 3.80, Microsoft Remote Desktop Mobile, PHM Reg Edit, Opera 2808, PIM Backup 2.8
[*]Fixed SMS time stamp on Rogers Network
[*]Auto pick network date and time enabled during setup
[*]Disabled Unknown Publisher prompt when 3rd party applications are run
[*]Name Display Working on Rogers/Fido Network if subscribed
[*]Removed TouchPro.3gp movie
[*]Manila: Changed locale to Canada, removed all cities from Weather Tab, added Mississauga, set default focus to Canada when adding new cities
[*]Changed the default behavior of LongPressEndKey to change profile from Normal/Silent
[*]Mapped MS Voice Command to the PPT button (should work if installed)
Disclaimer: Use this Rom at your own risk.
Da_G thanks for your help.
Sounds like a great ROM, Im more than willing to try it. My only question is, does this fix the whole issue of when using Fido, it claims Im roaming?
I could be wrong...but I think that might have something to do with your SIM, it might not consider Fido and Rogers network as one (outdated SIM maybe?)
The reason I am saying that is because when I do a network search on my Fuze, it only brings up Rogers Network as the available network and I am in downtown Toronto.
I am unable to test it unfortunately.
Great work! Keep it up
My original (old, first sim card) got destroyed with my Excalibur in a car accident I got into. I have the latest and newwest SIM. I guess the whole thing is because non Fido branded handsets don't know that the Rogers & Fido network are the same, so it raises the flag but thats something software related no?
the Fuze I am using was bought from US (AT&T Branded) and I am using it with Rogers SIM...I never noticed that issue...
Can you post a few Screen shoot of this?
I'm feeling that I can request on this ROM
Let's all put our effort together and make a nice Canadian ROM.
Im not much of a cook though if u need any beta testing, im ur man. let me know and keep up the good work.
ps. Anyone wanna try releasing a rom with the BELL UI or a cab for it at least? it seems real nice.
digitalextremes said:
I could be wrong...but I think that might have something to do with your SIM, it might not consider Fido and Rogers network as one (outdated SIM maybe?)
The reason I am saying that is because when I do a network search on my Fuze, it only brings up Rogers Network as the available network and I am in downtown Toronto.
I am unable to test it unfortunately.
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If you have rogers then you can not see fido (no in-canada roaming, you have 97-98% of Canada's populated area as non-roaming), ld charges are still applicable
If you have Fido, I think once you are out of metropolitan areas, you are technically roaming, unless you have the extended network soc on your account (contact customer care to find out more) which will stop roaming, but not the potential long distance charges.
I know for sure about rogers, but I gave up my fido sim 1.5 years ago, so things may have changed. It used to cost about $5.
Thanks buddy. I am ordering a fuze this week and I cannot wait to flash your rom.
Looking forward to it.
pandaboyy said:
Can you post a few Screen shoot of this?
I'm feeling that I can request on this ROM
Let's all put our effort together and make a nice Canadian ROM.
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There screen shots are not different than the OEM rom, there are no modifications to the UI. Let me know if you still need the screenshots
finch said:
Thanks buddy. I am ordering a fuze this week and I cannot wait to flash your rom.
Looking forward to it.
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no worries, let me know if you have any issues, mine is working 100% fine
digitalextremes said:
no worries, let me know if you have any issues, mine is working 100% fine
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Thanks. Ordered the phone today. I will be back soon.
sounds like a good idea, im gonna flash in a minute and see how it goes, will let you know if i find anything funny.
Ive been having problems trying to web browse on Rogers, not sure if its the ROM on it now or not, but i cant seem to find a fix. Hopefully a new flash will fix it.
This is by far the best rom ive used so far especially since it fixed the sms time stamp issue on rogers. The rom is stable and for some reason give me a lot better battery life with the same radio compared to other roms. base rom and functionality seems excellent for now. i believe a newer OS is out which would be a next step. Also, the color icons for the signal strength, 3G/H/E icons, etc. from the RRE HTC Fuze ROM Ver 4.5 Special Edition rom looks good and that would be good if it could be cooked into the next rom. jus suggestions to improve the visual aspects. keep up the good work.
nitroproductions said:
This is by far the best rom ive used so far especially since it fixed the sms time stamp issue on rogers. The rom is stable and for some reason give me a lot better battery life with the same radio compared to other roms. base rom and functionality seems excellent for now. i believe a newer OS is out which would be a next step. Also, the color icons for the signal strength, 3G/H/E icons, etc. from the RRE HTC Fuze ROM Ver 4.5 Special Edition rom looks good and that would be good if it could be cooked into the next rom. jus suggestions to improve the visual aspects. keep up the good work.
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Thanks, I will definately keep working on it as I get comfortable with things to include in the ROM to make sure they are stable, that will be my goal.
Also just a note: I have tried almost all other famous radios and have found this one to give a better voice quality (sounds less hollow, using other radios I was able to hear a bit of myself as well, 25.32 specifically)
First time the GPS fix may take a very long time but afterwards, it almost connects right away using TomTom, I think some people just give up the first time due to not good visibility to the sky etc. and consider the radio to be not good for GPS, that has not been the issue for me in and around Toronto using this ROM and the radio even through I do admit that the GPS signal is not that strong.
This is a very good mod for at&t fuze canadian user. Thanks and looking forward to updates.
A little suggestion: the version of rom is a little bit old. Why not try to cook a newer one? I think 1.95 is also a stable version.
digitalextremes said:
Also just a note: I have tried almost all other famous radios and have found this one to give a better voice quality (sounds less hollow, using other radios I was able to hear a bit of myself as well, 25.32 specifically)
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In raphael family, only at&t fuze is a device can work on US 3G band(850MHz), canada as well. You chose 25.19 seems like a HTC retail version radio which does not support US 3G. I'm not sure cuz I never tried 25.19. Can you acces rogers 3G network?
And 25.32 seems have a stronger GPS signal.
fallred said:
In raphael family, only at&t fuze is a device can work on US 3G band(850MHz), canada as well. You chose 25.19 seems like a HTC retail version radio which does not support US 3G. I'm not sure cuz I never tried 25.19. Can you acces rogers 3G network?
And 25.32 seems have a stronger GPS signal.
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You are welcome to try different radios as you wish, i never had issues with the one included that came with shipped rom, and yes I am on 3G Rogers without issues, if you go into the Phone settings, and look into the drop down menu that lets you select the GSM/UMTS band will see 850 there.
New Rom should be up soon
using Raphael_HTC_WWE_5.05.405.1_Radio_Signed_52.58.25.3 0_1.11.25.01

HTC Hero ROM update for 3 UK?

Does anyone know if there will be a ROM update for the HTC Hero that is available from Hutchinson 3 UK?
Presumably yes but HTC Hero 3 branded is very new at the time of writing so we will have to wait. It is basically same thing as eg Orange or T Mobile with there own spash screen and perhaps home page. There may be Planet 3 , I dont know , only 3 users can tell us here.
3 Branded
I have 3's HTC Hero. There is no splash screen or any branding apart from 2 shortcuts on the homescreen(which you can easily remove) to Planet3 and 3favourites. Does anyone know whhther 3's Hero is running the latest version of HTC's Sense or is it still running the first version?
Thank you for info.
You can check that by going to settings>> scroll down>> About phone or something like that.
I think this thread should have been placed in General section.
Software Version
My software version is 1.0.0.A6288 or something like that. What is the latest one?
Don't look at the software version - look at the build number. If it starts 2.73, you are effectively on the latest firmware.
@yusufdaud - did you get any specific software for 3 network by any chance? (ie skype, msn or anything)?
3 Software
Didn't come with Skype or WLM preinstalled. According to Three's website it should have Skype out of the box though.
WLM to be launched soon according to three portal which will also be totally free like skype.
I think other network subscribers are going to be jealous
@yusufdaud - can you confirm the firmware number on your hero? Thanks
I am having some major issues with this.
I bought a Hero from Amazon last month, not knowing that it would be packaged and released by Three Uk, so essentially I have setup everything : I now have internet etc.
I am a Three user however, so when I called the Customer Support (HA!) line they said I should be able to install the skype client once they release their packaged phone this month.
I was able to install the skype client this morning, which, as it was on my old 3 phone, worked perfectly with using any of my minutes.
The issue I know have is that it does not put the phone back to sleep, even after I removed the installation and power cycled my phone... it is awake 100% of the time even after skype has been removed and my power usage has suffered as a result.
Does anyone have any ideas how to remedy this? I am a complete noob when it comes to this :<
Firmware Version - 1.5
Build Number - 2.73.771.62
Software Version - 1.0.0.A6288
Thanks yusufdaud - Seems like 3 UK ship the Hero with the latest version of the firmware
Anyone know anyway to unlock 3's Hero? I called Three yesterday night and they told me I couldn't get a code from then until the contract finishes.
when some calls you on Skype, does it show the contact who is calling?
i bought my Hero before it was released on 3 and downloaded the official Skype client via Planet 3 but mine always says "Skype Service" instead of the person who is calling. a guy in the Richmond shop told me if i had bought the handset from 3 it would work properly. sounds like nonsense to me.
I have unbranded Hero from yesterday and before that an unlocked orange branded. Both worked very well with Skype on 3. Including caller ID.
Is it related to radio rom? You can update radio easily on rooted one but not sure about "virgin" Hero.
I actually updated the radio before Skype on 3 was released. My radio version is - I just tried updating it to and had some interesting results. Now Skype won't work at all - i get a message saying "Skype couldn't connect over your phone connection." (tried uninstalling and re-installing too but that made no difference.)
However, it's the first time i've ever seen all four bars on my signal so that at least is a slight improvement.
Don't know why it wasn't connecting before but it is now. However, it's still not showing the caller.
@Lord Lucan
Can you tell me your Rom and Radio versions please? I tried a 2.73.405.38 rooted ROM (the HTC Generic one) off MoDaCo but still didn't get caller id.
skype on 3 is still in beta testing for HTC hero. both msn live and skype need to be downloaded to the phone from planet 3.

