Need 8525 Motherboard or 8525 w/broken screen. - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam Accessories

Cheap EBAY car charger from fried the charging circuit/sync/USB connnector on my brand new 8525. The guy tells me he won't do anything about damages, so I'm stuck needing a replacement motherboard. Other than this my device is in perfect condition, so I'm not looking to part it out either.
If you have an operational motherboard, Please email me at:
natedog731 <NO @ SPAM>

Have you tried putting the phone in for warranty?

Well, I got the phone 2nd hand off of ebay (No Warranty). Shortly there after, another ebay product killed it. See this thread:

I would still try and get it replaced through AT&T. I bought my 8525 through eBay and had an issue with it and AT&T still replaced it under the manufactures warranty for me. I've done it numerous times with phones over the years. The number you should call is 1-800-801-1101. It's definitely worth a shot...

Hmmm... I suppose the worst thing they can tell me is "no"...

I'll be damned... I didn't think that would work... A replacement is on the way! Thanks for the idea, TheBrit and ahfunaki!!

No problem, glad to have saved you some time and money...
And the nice thing is too, the phone you'll receive basically is brand new...

Bah... Cingular/ATT sent me a unit with the White screen issue. right out of the box... *sigh* A replacement for the replacement is on the way...

Nate731 said:
Hmmm... I suppose the worst thing they can tell me is "no"...
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Or charge you for the new phone after they determine the damage wasnt due to a defect. You gotta be careful as they try to find anthing to make your fault. I got a couple boards if interested

LOL Just called them again tonight... Time for the replacement for the replacement for the replacement . The rep tried to talk me into taking a different model in exchange. "Sir, since you've had the trouble with that model, how about a different model instead? A Blackberry 7100, perhaps?" LOL. He didn't seem too surprised that I asked about the Tilt, and it seemed like he checked stock and said that there was none so far. We'll see what happens.

omg.....really>? if i would of known this i wouldnt of opened my phone and voided you guys think that they will accept it?? i got my 8525 from ebay

to ahfunaki:
Can you write all procedure step by step, because I don’t live in USA but I have couple friends in USA with ATT account? I can ask for help but their don’t realize how to do it, because I was send my device couple weeks ago but in ATT local store refuse to help because of ebay purchase. A can call to ATT via skype and organize everything.
Sorry for my poor English.


adx ii motherboard wanted

does n e body know why i can buy a new xda ii motherboard from or even a second hand on that hasnt been iemi bared pm me plz
How much you looking to spend? I've got an XDA II that I can part. It works perfectly and has the newest version of ROM.
13hours on the Call Timer
not sure how much they are worth there in nothing wrong with the one i have but i got ripped of good style i paid somert like 300 pounds for it in the box but found out it had been reported lost so they bard the imei number making the phone part usless over here in the uk my board would work over there no problems at all tell me how much you are looking for the new board and i could possable even send you this one i have back to you
I bought mine used on eBay... It works fine here in Canada, not sure whether it was barred in UK or not.
According to the Seller, it wasn't barred anything. Not looking for a new motherboard. I am selling the phone in parts or in whole soon.
not sure how much they are worth there in nothing wrong with the one i have but i got ripped of good style i paid somert like 300 pounds for it in the box but found out it had been reported lost so they bard the imei number making the phone part usless over here in the uk my board would work over there no problems at all tell me how much you are looking for the new board and i could possable even send you this one i have back to you
PM me with an offer and we can work something out.
You'll need to use the retainer (for LCD connector) from the motherboard you have; My retainer broke when I tried to remove the cable. I'm holding it on with a piece of film negative right now.
I have a uk blocked motherboard, pefect order but barred in uk because of insurance claim. £50 wanted. will work in rest of world.
lol i wont a motherboard than isnt blocked in the uk money waiting for the right part : help to ease the pain of been ripper of if i can get one
ill give up to 70 pouns for a fuklly working unlocked motherboard pm me if you have one for the xda ii
XDA2 Mboard
Ive got a damaged XDA2 that I have driven over with a go-kart. I am just waiting for my insurers to send me a cheque for a new one before I release this one. It still can receive incomine calls and make all the beeps and tones. The screen and case is knackered. As soon as its avail I will post it here!!
I am sorry but the insurance company have kept it.
Go kart? what the sausage where u doing? I've 'ahem' had my xda stolen BUT I Hear from visions i have in my dreams that its NOT been barred :lol: ah well £220 in da bag :lol:
all reported stolen phones are blocked eventually, its just a matter of time usually.
Here's Hopin and will post news

un-brick the TyTn? Can you buy batteries?

You may remember me, i was one of the first to brick my TyTn. Back in Oct/Nov, i sent it to Germany to be repaired. It never arrived and I assumed it was lost so I bought another one, which I have since sold.
Today, to my suprise, the package was at my door, it never made it and was returned in it's original box. So, because i haven't been following these threads as I didn't have a Tytn, i have a couple of questions.
Have people been able to un-brick the TyTn? Can you buy batteries? as I sold mine as an extra when I sold the new phone.
Anyone want to by a perfect condition, bricked TyTn w/no battery?
spartanrob said:
You may remember me, i was one of the first to brick my TyTn. Back in Oct/Nov, i sent it to Germany to be repaired. It never arrived and I assumed it was lost so I bought another one, which I have since sold.
Today, to my suprise, the package was at my door, it never made it and was returned in it's original box. So, because i haven't been following these threads as I didn't have a Tytn, i have a couple of questions.
Have people been able to un-brick the TyTn? Can you buy batteries? as I sold mine as an extra when I sold the new phone.
Anyone want to by a perfect condition, bricked TyTn w/no battery?
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You can buy a battery for the PPC/XV6700 as they are the same. Depending on how you bricked your phone it might be possible to fix with some newer techniques.
Where are you from spartarob, the UK? I believe you if you are, with the state of the postal system here at present!
I'll give you a tenner for it if you are interested? I need a paperweight for my desk...
Christos said:
Where are you from spartarob, the UK? I believe you if you are, with the state of the postal system here at present!
I'll give you a tenner for it if you are interested? I need a paperweight for my desk...
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I am in the states and sent it to Germany.
It's been sold. Thanks

The cost to unbrick a Hermes...

In case anyone was wondering... the cost quoted to me by PocketPCTechs to replace the system board on a bricked JASJAM is $590 USD, plus $60 labor.
Yeah. So I'm having them send it back.
There is also a shortage of the JASJAM/TyTN/Hermes system boards. They've had it a month, and a lot has happened in these forums since then, including some stuff that looks like I'll be able to unbrick it myself... maybe. Hopefully they didn't mess it up any worse (when I sent it, I could still get into the OS).
Unfortunately, when I managed to screw mine up, none of these recent cool programs were out -- and I had to go on a business trip in a week, so I figured I'd send it to the warranty provider and hope they could figure out how to get the radio working again.
How did you brick it?? also what was it doing??
$590+$60 labor? You can get a brand new Softbank X01HT on EBay for less than that.
I had PocketPCTechs replace the LCD on my old XDA IIs. When it came back from PPCT, there was an annoying hum in the earpiece whenever I used the phone. Made the IIs pretty much useless.
IMEI CHECK fixed mine for $40 US. plus shipping....No GSM type brick
Fourgig said:
$590+$60 labor? You can get a brand new Softbank X01HT on EBay for less than that.
I had PocketPCTechs replace the LCD on my old XDA IIs. When it came back from PPCT, there was an annoying hum in the earpiece whenever I used the phone. Made the IIs pretty much useless.
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Yeah, really. I got a TyTN on eBay from Expansys' open box deals they have there every once in a while for less than that.

[Q] Sending a rooted Samsung GT S7500 to a Repair Centre

Okay. So about a week ago, I got my GTS7500. On the first day, I successfully rooted it. The next day, I broke it in a incredibly careless way using the command line:
It is now completely unresponsive. Don't question me on that. I know.
I emailed Samsung with a fabricated story, trying to sort out a repair/replacement... 3 days later, nothing.
So after giving up with the email system, I finally phoned customer support yesterday.
I described everything that had happened (a version in which my phone just dies unexpectedly with no wrongdoing from myself...), and I was sent an email with all the information I need to send it to a repair centre.
So, it's all packed and ready to be sent to Norwich Samsung Repair Centre.
...I am quite anxious though.
I asked if I'd be getting a replacement, and I was told I would be getting the phone I sent but repaired. Well... if they DO repair the phone, they'll see that I've tampered with it.
Unlike what I thought, I won't be getting a replacement... but what if they can't repair it?
I'm nervous I'm going to get an email or a phone call from someone at the repair centre with bad news... or confronting me on my heinous crime.
Also, if they find something, they'll likely remember my phone and my details and have it blacklisted from being repaired in any repair centre.
To add to my worries, I finally got a reply from my email:
Unfortunately we are unable to replace your mobile phone as your warranty in accordance with your statutory rights within the first 28 days lies with your retailer, after this time has elapsed your warranty is a repair only, therefore if the retailer are refusing to exchange the unit for you, all that we can offer you is a repair.
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More and more seems like they won't be sending back a new shiny phone... which is a shame.
The virgin mobile branding really pisses me off.
Also, I have written a description of what happened to my phone which I must send with the phone to the repair centre. At the end of it I've added:
If it does turn out to be completely unrecoverable like I expect, I ask that you refurbish me with an unlocked phone. Unfortunately, the seller I bought this phone from claimed it was not locked to a provider, but it turned out to be locked with Virgin Mobile. In the time the phone was working, I had not yet changed providers/sims.
This would be much appreciated to save me the hassle of doing this.
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Is this a good idea? Will it do any good/harm? Given that it seems quite unlikely I will be receiving a new phone, should I ask them for an unlocked phone?
I'm not sure if it perhaps looks a little suspicious...
Should I even send it off??? If I go in person will it increase my chances? Could i walk away with a repaired/new phone in the same visit?
Please give me some answers quickly. If I'm sending it off I want to do it later today.
Many thanks.
98 views and no replies?
Please, I need some advice. If I send my phone later today and then find out on this thread that it was a bad idea, that's gonna really piss me off.
ask for a unlocked one
ajay8055, I'm trusting you... Because you're the only person who replied.
Let's see what happens.
Off to the post office now.
hedgehog90 said:
ajay8055, I'm trusting you... Because you're the only person who replied.
Let's see what happens.
Off to the post office now.
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It's always fuzzy to have carrier locked phones they end up with problems more often.... And dude before flashing a firmware ask someone of your carrier to see if it works or not.... Preventing is better than cure
So I've now sent it back.
But there was a slight problem, or seemingly so.
In the email, it said this:
You can send the handset off for repair by using one of the below address options:
‘FREEPOST SAMANREP’ (This is a freepost option)
(On the front of the envelope)’
‘A NOVO COMMUNICATION HOUSE (This is a standard delivery option and will be chargeable)
NR6 6AQ’
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So, I did the above option, I just put FREEPOST SAMANREP on the envelope. This seemed strange to me at the time. When I took it to the post office, the lady behind the window looked at it and gave me a puzzled/concerned look, and I explained to her the reason behind it.
I sent it anyway.
Won't be too surprised though if it's sent to the return address in a couple days...
What's weirder is googling FREEPOST SAMANREP returns absolutely zero results. Try it yourself if you don't believe me.
What do you think? Weird?
Also, I'd like some reassurance about my return. I'm quite anxious that I'm gonna get in trouble.
I've just done the same thing - sent my phone back to "FREEEPOST SAMANREP" for repair, as instructed by Samsung and printed on their address label. I got alot of resistance from staff at the Post Office, who were convinced that it wasn't a valid address.
Was there a happy ending to your story?

Digitizer screw up?!

I just purchased a used Atrix online. When I put in my sim and tried to type in the carrier unlock code, I wasn't able to enter it because I found that there were dead spots on the screen.
Note this is pretty much right out of the box. The only thing that I can think of that might have messed it up is that I stuck my nail in the crack between the side and the screen and moved it along the length of the phone to get some dirt accumulated there out.
What I'm wondering is if I have royally screwed up my digitizer b/c of what I did and if there is a way to fix it? Or do you think i was sent a dud?
I've got the same. The same things are with other Motorola phones like Defy or Milestone.
I've send my Atrix to service
Thanks for the response. Sorry for not doing a search ahead of time. Looks like this is fairly common.
Try warranty. I bought a used one, had the same problem, called in and they replaced it. I didn't tell them I bought it used, nor did they ask. Sent me out a new phone, not a refurbished one.
chrism.brunner said:
Try warranty. I bought a used one, had the same problem, called in and they replaced it. I didn't tell them I bought it used, nor did they ask. Sent me out a new phone, not a refurbished one.
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Oh really? Warranty through AT&T or Motorola?
I use Motorola, they send out new phones, AT&T send out refurbished phones. I found Motorola easy to deal with. I bought my phones used, they didn't ask, and I didn't offer the info. They replaced 2 phones for me.
Another digitizer thread about the atrix. Nothing new here, move along people.

