Upgraded - now language mix? - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam Software Upgradin

I was very hesitant to flashing the ROM on my T-Mobile Vario II. From what I've read on the forums later versions increase speed and just make it better device alltogether... so I went for it.
Now I've SIM unlocked it and flashed it with the latest UK version of the official T-Mobile ROM. It used to be Dutch, but I prefer my PC's and devices English.
However (not sure why, perhaps due to some installing from the extended ROM) now I have sort of a mixed language device.
Date is in English, 'today' items are in the list in both English and Dutch. Windows menu is in Dutch, but function buttons (on the bottom bar) are English again.
Will flashing another ROM help in this matter and, while on the subject, what would be a good ROM to use... to be honest I'm a little lost in all the information available here. Can I just pick any and flash? Don't want to have to make a post in the 'I bricked my device' thread


Qtek ROM Russion to English

Hi all.
Just flashed my daughters buggy Orange ROM Hurricane to the Russian Qtek ROM found in this forum.
Can anyone tell me how to get it to display in English, if it is possible? Or do I need to flash to a different, English-only ROM? Any feedback will be greatly appreciated.
mackaby007 said:
Hi all.
Just flashed my daughters buggy Orange ROM Hurricane to the Russian Qtek ROM found in this forum.
Can anyone tell me how to get it to display in English, if it is possible? Or do I need to flash to a different, English-only ROM? Any feedback will be greatly appreciated.
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No worries. Got it sorted!!
Could you explain to me in steps how you did it? Because I really would like to do this as well... Thnx!
Russian to English.
Sjraar said:
Could you explain to me in steps how you did it? Because I really would like to do this as well... Thnx!
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Hi Sjraar.
Sorry I misinformed you all by mistake. The Russian ROM works perfectly, but whilst I can change the language to English UK or English US via the Regional settings, everything becomes English (Menus etc) all text, except when you try to type a Note or SMS, then all fonts are in Russian.
Received SMS is in English, but I don't know how to change settings for the keboard/dialpad to be English input. I assume there must be somewhere in registry to change that, but i don't know where and what value to change.
Otherwise the ROM is perfectly stable and totally unbranded!
Anybody know what reg values to change? Any help will be appreciated plus it will give us all a clean, unbranded ROM in English!!
Meanwhile, does anyone still have a copy of the SDAII ROM? I've searched through the entire net (slight exaggeration!) but to no avail. Someone must have it or know of a download link that actually has it, and by that I don't mean the www.iris-crap link to Blue Angel ROM update.
Anyway, here's hoping.
PS. On the Russian ROM, all installed applications still read as English, actually everything is in English, except what you input/type yourself.
If anyone has a direct (working link) to the german ROM (SDAII), that would be better also as they use fonts more in line with the English ones, which would overcome the illegibility of Russian fonts in SMS or type/input.
Hope this helps.
There should be a way to turn it to English right? What if U turn local settings to English, and not just the language? Perhaps that would change it? I tryed it on my C550 (turning it to language English, and Local to Russian, then the date showed turned up in Russian... Maybe the other way arround it would do the same?
mackaby007 said:
Hi all.
Just flashed my daughters buggy Orange ROM Hurricane to the Russian Qtek ROM found in this forum.
Can anyone tell me how to get it to display in English, if it is possible? Or do I need to flash to a different, English-only ROM? Any feedback will be greatly appreciated.
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hi..qtek 8200(spv c550) english rom.(messages caracter russian)
sda2 rom english..
hmm, might look interesting Rafet, but I'm sorry to say I can't make a word out of what is been said on these pages...
Perhaps you could translate it for me/us? Thanks!
Yes, it does look interesting. It also looks like a Turkish version of the T-mobile ROM! Wandering if we'll experience the same problems of not being able to change the language with this ROM too. At least the Turkish fonts look closer to English than the Russian ones.
Oh yeah...changed all settings to English, but that hasn't affected the fonts when inputting data or receiving SMS's.
Still looking..but may give the Turkish ROM a go and will post my findings. Thanks to Rafet for the download links and Sjraar for your reply/intersest.
rafet said:
hi..qtek 8200(spv c550) english rom.(messages caracter russian)
sda2 rom english..
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Thank you very much Rafet. Your link to the SDA II ROM worked and so does the ROM, which I am happy to report is "ENGLISH". All's well with the world again and my daughter loves me again.
The update/flash ran smoothly and quickly and whilst branded with T-mobile stuff, the ROM seems ok. Will report back when [email protected] been extensively tested. Thanks again.
Don't how I came to this idea, but when you placed the russian rom on your device, did you turn-on T9 input for sms? Don't know where I read it, but perhaps that was the problem...
Sjraar said:
Don't how I came to this idea, but when you placed the russian rom on your device, did you turn-on T9 input for sms? Don't know where I read it, but perhaps that was the problem...
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Hi again Sjraar. No I didn't initially but have tried it since flashing it with the ROM, but 'twas no use. It all remained in Russian.
I am however happy to report that the T-mobile ROM is much more stable than the previous Orange ROM that the device came with. No problems there at all.
My prophet is O2 XDA neo in German. I tried to change the language to English with the setting in regional setting as you said, but failed. nothing happened. are you sure that you just made some change in regional setting and then everything showed in english, including Menu?
Qtek ROM = No-go for me!
jackeyz said:
My prophet is O2 XDA neo in German. I tried to change the language to English with the setting in regional setting as you said, but failed. nothing happened. are you sure that you just made some change in regional setting and then everything showed in english, including Menu?
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Yes jackeyz. All i did was go into regional settings and changed any and every option that related to English UK and the menus and allmost everything else ended up in English. However, as I stated previously, anything you would type/input into the phone would result in Russian which I can't read and any incoming texts/SMS were also appearing in Russian, so I gave up after searching for answers and coming up empty.
Like i said, the T-mobile ROM works perfectly and since having flashed it, my daughter has reported no problems at all. Hope this helps a little, but the Qtek ROM was a no-go for me.
Keyboard Language vs. Display Language
Gents, thanks for your suggestions - you've helped me to solve the issue I was fighting with for 2 evenings on my HTC Diamond.
Assuming that English is available on all devices "by default", try the below options (good luck):
a/ Initial language installation (e.g. Russian) => Russian Keyboard
- irrespective of Regional Settings change, this setting allows to retain special local characters/keyboard
- keyboard can be changed between Russian <-> English upon activation (e.g. during writing SMS)
- this set-up doesn't seem to impact Regional Settings (display language)
b/ Change of Regional Settings into English - Keyboard, Location, Language
c/ under Settings -> Personal -> Input Method -> Options, turn off “System Localization" – this setting seems to block activation of English Display and to revert Regional Settings into the Local Language, irrespective of any other changes to the settings
d/ upon synchronization with PC, suggest maintenance of the same Regional Settings

Keyboard layout problems

So as the others that got similar problems, I had layout problems when upgrading to windows mobile 6.
Device: HTC TyTN, English keyboard (exactly like on the official pics), Rogers Wireless (Canada), unlocked thanks to you guys!
ROM: Official WM6 French ROM from HTC
I recently bought an French HTC TyTN with Rogers (in Canada). I unlocked it and upgraded it to WM6 (official french ROM from HTC). Seeing it had an AZERTY keyboard, I switched it back to QWERTY using your precious advices. However I'm experiencing problems with a few keys and I wasn't able to find similar cases on XDA Devs and Google. Here are the misfits:
' (opt+z) = File explorer
& (opt+x) = Internet Explorer
Start menu = Nothing happens
Ok (on the keyboard only) = Pops up the Start menu
Tab = Acts as the Ok button
File explorer (opt+left on the keyboard) = Messaging
However every other button (including opt+ok and opt+tab) work just as it should. I tried many locales (french canadian, english us, english uk, english canadian) to no avail and I really need " ' " and "&" characters, please provide help quickly!
Thanks a lot,
And for those with my problem: keyboard layout tytn french canadian qwerty azerty wm6 upgrade
Would getting the official ROM in english solve the problem? It seems like there is no documentation on a QWERTY french TyTN?
e: Inserted a question mark, woops. Still in need of an answer
Kinda need a lil' help there, thx!
Not sure, but you can try an official English or you can try a cooked French rom. Schaps has cooked these and you can get information (or ask your questions) on his threads & posts.
Double post, sorry (see below)
galaxys said:
Not sure, but you can try an official English or you can try a cooked French rom. Schaps has cooked these and you can get information (or ask your questions) on his threads & posts.
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And if I take the official English ROM, would I have to reinstall everything or can I use software to reinstall my stuff on it?
Like I said 'not sure', but I would think so for the english rom.
Yes, you would have to reinstall any additional programs, etc.
Yes, there are back up programs for your device; you can search Wiki for information on them.
Alright I'll try that before messing with my device. Maybe not right now, but I will, thanks!
Alright! Problem solved! I used the official english ROM from HTC. The cause of this problem was problably the fact that only Rogers TyTNs use french ROMs AND a Qwerty keyboard. Snce they got the phone 8 months after the rest of the world, we might not see any french WM6 roms with Qwerty support.
Thanks for your great support!
Posted from my TyTN using Opera, weee!
Congratulations! Glad it worked out for you and your device...

[Q] Titan from AT&T and european ROM?

first sorry for my english, but i`m from Germany.
My Question: Today i became a HTC Titan from AT&T America, without unlock, but with Branding and only english language.
Is there a way to flash a European Rom to this phone, to become other languages, like the German one?
Thanks for your answers.
By the way: When i postet in the wrong forum, please put it in the right one.
I'm not sure about flashing a european rom, but there are other languages in the windows phone oem updates under developing and hacking. They come as cab files and you use a pc app they provide to install them. That's how i got my latest update, and i had to install the language files with it. Ask in that forum and i'm sure they will help you.

Add US English to stock Europe ROM

I want to use US English on my phone but all the European ROMs (downloaded from here) only have UK English available.
I don't want a custom ROM, they seem bloated to me and I don't need the extra features.
After many unsuccessful attempts of installing the 0409 language packs from here, I reflashed my phone to earlier versions of the system and tried again. I managed to install all the necessary language pack versions, up until the current version of the system, all of them installed properly, yet the language didn't appear in the phone's language menu. Heathcliff74's "Version and Language" app didn't find the language either.
I'm desperate, can anyone give any advice?
I know it may seem like a minor issue, but I'm sick of "favourites", "dialling", etc. Surely there must be a way to add US English somehow…

Palm Pepito PVG100e change language to French

Hello ,
I found a Palm PVG100e for sale for a fair price. Its model name is PVG100E-2A1PWEA.
But it only has English, Spanish and Portuguese "on board" languages. The seller says "no language pack available". But I guess he omits "unless you root the phone".
What options do I have to change language to french on a Palm PVG100e ?
• Is it possible to manage language packs keeping its stock ROM (if I root the phone) ?
• Is it possible to switch to a stock french ROM ? If yes, where can I find stock french ROMs ?
• Is it possible to switch to a french LineageOS ROM ?
Thank you for your help !
Have a nice day !
Hello french compatriot !
Just found your thread because i'm also interested by this phone.
The simplest solution (without touching system ROM already installed) is to use one of those apps that can change locale (i.e. language displayed by apps).
It means all installed apps that already support french language (like google apps) will then display in french. But the system UI (settings, menus) and Palm apps will still display in English.
This app for example seems to do the job : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.langs.locales
I think this is the easiest solution, but will keep you in touch when i have received the phone
Hello zyva73,
Thank you for your smart and easy (albeit partial) solution !
I still hope for a complete french interface, but your clever idea is a good start !
Have a nice day !
If you root the device as described here ( https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/...fixes-script-2020-03-11.4052477/post-83354187 ) you can chose French as your system language on the palm
Thank you cfkf for your input !
The howto you mention is a root + debloat method, as far as I understand it.
It is my understanding, that french is not included in some european phones.
The one I mentioned only would have English, Spanish and Portuguese "on board" languages.
I might be wrong, but to me, rooting a phone gives access to things that were present, but locked before.
Do you mean that french is present but locked on some PVG100E phones ?
I thought that french was absent to save space…
I'm not sure, but my experience is this:
I bought my phone through Ebay from a German supplier. When I first booted it, my only language options were German, English (UK) and English (US). There might have been Spanish, I'm not sure, but no more.
But after I rooted, I got a whole list of languages to select from. I even got to select Dutch (my native language). I am not 100% sure French was in the list (I don't have the palm on me right now) but if it has Dutch I'd be rather surprised that it wouldn't have French
EDIT: just to clarify, you only have to root, the debloat process is not necessary to unlock the other languages.
EDIT2: my device is a PVG100E, so European version also
Thanks a lot for your explanations !
I just checked now that I have had access to my Palm: with me, unfortunately it seems that while Dutch is available, French is not. Very strange since, well, French is insanely more widespread...
Still, rooting seems to unlock more languages and maybe some Palms have French? Might be worth a try.
Thanks for your investigations !
Can you please list the available languages ?
There may be PVG100E models for nothern Europe (with german, dutch, etc.) and others for southern Europe (with italian, french, portugese, etc.).
So in my system settings, apart from Dutch I currently have:
- Catalan
- German
- English
- Euskara (Basque)
- Galego (Galician)
- Portuguese
- Turkish
No Italian, so if you have this, this suggests that language options might be different between phones.
I'm under the impression that when I first booted the phone after root, I had more options, but I might be mistaken.
Strange that it would have a series of languages that are extremely uncommon (I didn't even know that Galician was a language - no offense) and it wouldn't have French... Maybe there are some legal constraints in Spain that any device that is sold has to have the regional languages as well?
In any case, even apart from languages it's a good idea to root and then debloat your palm. Does miracles for the otherwise atrocious battery life of this device.
Your phone has Catalan, Euskara (Basque) and Galego (Galician), three regional languages from Spain, but not spanish ! This is so strange !
There must be various languages sets for PVG100E phones.
The PVG100E-2A1PWEA version had spanish as a standard language.
What is the complete name of your PVG100E ?

