8525 for sale - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam Accessories

Hey Community,
I have moved on to a different phone and i wanted to give the people here an opportunity to possibly buy this phone from me for a reasonable price. Its an sim/cid unlocked cingular 8525 with the usual wear and tear that a phone gets.. its mostly had a screen protector on it so screen is in perfect shape, just a couple dings and whatnot on the rest of the phone.. i still have the box and all things that came with it including the software extra stylus etc. etc. i still have the receipt too if you would like that.. this phone is under a year old.. if anyone is interested please email me a reasonable offer.. i am not trying to get rich. I also do not smoke crack so please dont insult me with a 50 dollar offer.. I know what i paid for it and i also know what they are selling for on ebay.. i just want whats fair for both you and I . i am willing to trade however if someone has a blackberry(newer model, 8800, 8300, pearl [gsm only].
private message me only if you are serious about buying the phone
Thanks for your time


Thinking about selling the ol' XDA1 -- how much??

As I'm not on the road as much as I used to be, I'm finding I really don't need my ppc phone. I find it too big to carry around in the summer in shorts pockets anyway, so I switched to a nice little Motorola v300.
I'm sure eventually I'm going to get another PDA Phone - perhaps this fall or winter, but I'm thinking by then there will be plenty of new stuff out, so I might as well just try to sell this one I've got now.
Anyway, enough babbling. I've got a T-Mobile branded phone, with WM2003 (final relase) OS. All of the original accessories are included, as is a nice EB Cases leather slipper case.
Any offers out there? What have these things been going for lately? If anybody's interested, you can email me at [email protected]
i am too in the same possition I live i florida so the summer gets pretty hot and will not be able to where the pants with the big pockets, i have the xda 1 with the new t-mobile rom wm2003 all the new software registered alll the software recomended by the previous posts, all the original accessories for it, plus a krusell case, the original t-mobile case, extra stylus, extra charger, car adapter, anybody interested please contact me at [email protected] thank you.
Just bought used XDA
Just bought a used XDA from ebay (T-Mobile MDA, specifically), described as excellent condition. Not much in the way of extras. Paid $190 + $12 shipping. These seem to be going for $190 - $250 or so.
Oooh, i hadn't even considered all the software I've got for this thing. Bunch of games, plus Journal Bar, Battery Pack, etc, etc...hmmm
Extra Software....
The big problem is that a new buyer may or may not see the value of the software you bought for it... so I don't know if that will add much to your final selling price. Extra accessories often boosts price, but, I haven't seen that a bunch of registered shareware does (I could be wrong). Also, usually, I would think, this software is registered to you and they might have problems getting updates (could be wrong).
True... would be difficult for them to get updates, I guess. Also, may have trouble entering registration codes, etc, as some are dependent on the user name entered for the device. :roll:

8525 dummy housing off ebay?

Hi i have a cingular 8525 and plan on purchasing a tilt.....so to pay for it so it doesnt hurt my wallet as much (im still on contract haha) i decided to sell the 8525. however, the phones condition cosmetically isnt exactly the best.
I recall seeing from time to time on posts on various forums people mentioning using a dummy phone to replace the housing. The only problem with this is im under the impression that dummy phones are simply glued together? so i was wondering if anyone knows or can varify if this is possible?
it would definetly be cheaper than getting a new oem housing. i understand the material on the dummy phone isnt the best but basically i dont care much at this point as long as it works and looks decent enough when i sell it. because the phone itself, even the screen is in flawless condition.
any help on this would be appreciated. thanks.
any ideas? ive seen people make mention of getting dummy phones before.
Going the dummy route, isn't smart. ha. You have to be really good with an exacto knife and assuming you have taken apart a 8525 before, it can be a challenge to get it all back together and working properly both electronically and physically (like the slider)
I would say just sell it in its honest form. Just how you have it. Its better than trying to decieve someone into buying a like new phone.
well, yea. i understand what your saying, and dont get me wrong my intention was not to be sneaky and underhanded. its just that the phone cosmetically doesnt look all that great, yet it works flawlessly. it has no problems. people whom have already showed interest in it wont buy it for anything more than $200, and other than the cosmetics the phone to me seems like it would be at best worth $300. at the same time though, i guess it would not be fair to give them something that was cheaper and not as durable than it is in its current form.
it doesnt matter now though. ive found a deal on the phone through att's service for 149.99 w 2yr contract. seeing as how my current contract is barely into its 6month i figure what the hey? if i cancel itll be $175. anyway around the cancel fee? if not its still an awesome deal as it would only be about $350 after all is said and done.
thanks for the help in advance.
yeah, the dummy phone has its buttons molded, and the plastic feels a lot more flimsy. It wouldn't be a nice route to go. I would recommend getting the one off of cnn.cn

[Q] Selling My X10....

I was just curious does anyone know of a good site other than ebay or kijiji. This question is more for My Ontario Canada brothers.....I understand every community or region may have a certain place to sell used tech stuff. Hey if anyone is interested pm me. Also what do you all feel is a good price? Thanks ahead of time for the responses.
Hey man i feel you still I bought my X10 on the day it was released here in Canada with high hopes, and it been kinda of ****. But to be honest If you got your phone with a contract just keep the phone for a year or something and just wait for the next gen phones to come out to Rogers/Canada. I know some people are have switched to the Desire and stuff, well it may seem cool now it is kinda outdated and the "next gen" phones are coming out next year as well. So yeh.
Also try ebay. I tried to sell my X10 at a point but people are kinda aware of the lack of multi touch and stuff so I gave up. One guy was asking me 250.
Redflag Deals might be a good place, but plenty are already selling their X10s there.
The going price in the UK for a used X10 in good condition without scratches is between 200 and 250 pounds. I think it's a good price. You could can sell on ebay as long as you are priced right.
I get one free device per year of up to 1,000 euro in value from my service provider. Plus the local dealer let's me get a second device at the same price as a new customers with contract. So I bought the iphone4 in the beginning of July for 300.
I got the X10 for free, so 200 pounds would go towards covering the cost of the 4. I am taking mine to a flea market next weekend and going to try to get 300 to 250. If not I will put it on Ebay with a buy now price of 220.
Are you just trying to sell it or do you want to replace it with another phone? I'd suggest offering a trade for some other phones on Kijiji and various message boards...
Good grief. Nobody here want to use XDA's own marketplace?
im looking to pick up an x10 if youre still looking to sell. send me a msg and maybe we can work something out? im in ontario as well

The reason why i will never buy toshiba devices ever again-toshiba policy->get in

After talking to TOSHIBA toady and after communicating with them through emails
for more than a week this is the answer I got from them all:
"but unfortunately we cannot provide spare parts outside our repair center"
let me explain what is so "unfortunate" in a global company that does not sell parts for its devices:
I need to send the device to the place I bought it (UK) in an insured express mail AND I am also paying on the back delivery
I will take a day off to pass in the tax office lines in order to fill the papers so they will not to stop my device and ask for taxes of it again.
It is also very "unfortunate" that if the defect will not be covered by warranty Toshiba will get some extra money from my pocket and not any other lab in the world which is not owned by the company =)
Think about a world where you bought a car that were manufactured in japan and you need to send the car!! to japan!!! for a lamp =)
because the company is as just as greedy as Toshiba and they
"cannot provide spare parts outside our repair center"
by the way...If you wanna know I called my garage today to ask them if I want to buy a part from them if this is a problem...not a lamp...an entire gear box!! they said no problem and gave me the price.
I own a laptop...Called the company and told them I need some spare parts...my computer is 1 month old and they gave me the prices but mentioned this may harm my warranty...
So other companies would sell me even a hammer to smash my device if I want it as long as I understand that this harms/cancels my warranty
But not Toshiba.
they will make sure I will fix it under their roof so my 1$ will go to them and not to any other person in the world.
I just needed the micro usb female...
we have enough HTC labs that can do it here in Israel
but just because Toshiba needs my 1$
(yes yes!!! this is how much the part costs for devices like HTC HD2 or HTC DESIRE you can even get it in 5/20 packs on ebay just like any other part you want for an HTC device)
I need to pay 160$ (postage+the perfect day off in order to go and fill the forms)
So goes the global concept in Toshiba...and here comes their small greedy village =)
I am not sure I will fix my device...I think of just letting it rot in the drawer.
I feel sorry for the unlucky person to buy it from me here or in any other part of the world that Toshiba don't have a repair center for the TG01.
maybe I will try my luck on ebay.
Learn From my story...Ban Toshiba!!!
I think your problem is more Tax- related, than anything else. If you buy a device you should always make sure, that it will be fully supported in your country. There are meny devices without worldwide support, you have to live with that.
Not True
The tax related problem is solved by papers-you just list your device so they wont think you got a phone by mail (for this you need to pay taxes)
In many countries there are various Global companies that don't give direct service
But there are always others who can give you the service...
Lets say that you buy a Ferrari(lucky you =)
but then something happens and a part in your car is broken...
So...Now you are going to send your car to the closest Ferrari garage in..
MMm Italy right?....
nice trip for a car...Its much better than the company to send you the part if it can easily be replaced in any other garage near your house or by yourself? NOT!
Give me the name of your state and I will give you countless names of various Companies that does not have a direct link to a repair center near your house yet you can easily repair their products in other labs and order parts online.
This is actually the first time in my life I got into such a situation when a
company does not sell parts to its products!!!
This is a very greedy method...you are forced to repair what you buy only in 1 place!!! even if it is thousands of miles away from your home.
I have several labs in my city that fix HTC,Apple,Samsung and so on...with original and non-original parts for your choice...so why does Toshiba need to be different???
Man I hope Toshiba wont move the repair center in your town.
if you did not get it this is the only place you can get your TG01 repaired
It is most unlikely that Toshiba actually fabricate the uUSB female connector themselves; likely an identical or very close match could be obtained via one of the many electronic parts suppliers and could then be fitted by yourself or a friendly local workshop.
One source I am aware of is Farnell in the UK. [URL="http://uk.farnell.com/jsp/search/browse.jsp?N=500006+1002290+5255151+232999+574277&Ntk=gensearch_001&Ntt=micro+usb&Ntx=mode+matchallpartial&No=0&getResults=true&appliedparametrics=true&locale=en_UK&catalogId=&prevNValues=500006+1002290&filtersHidden=false&appliedHidden=false&originalQueryURL=%2Fjsp%2Fsearch%2Fbrowse.jsp%3FN%3D500006%2B1002290%26Ntk%3Dgensearch_001%26Ntt%3Dmicro%2Busb%26Ntx%3Dmode%2Bmatchallpartial%26No%3D0%26getResults%3Dtrue%26appliedparametrics%3Dtrue%26locale%3Den_UK%26catalogId%3D%26prevNValues%3D500006%2B1002290"]This page [/URL]lists all the varaiations of Type AB uUSB Receptacles for surface mount - bottom, top and mid.
The biggest challenge is to be able to remove the original and resolder a new item working at surface mount scale with hand tools rather than as part of the manufactire process using flow soldering.
Anyway, best of luck and I hope you are able to resolve.
I took the phone to 3 big labs already for an opinion.
we were digging all over the net in order to find the part that might fit.
they even did a few phone call to their suppliers for me.
I am sorry to say that none of the ones That are sold out there on the net
can fit to the spot that Toshiba created on the TG01
So you should not build on that that you can get a match.
As hilarious as it might sound this part can be replaced only
on their repair centers and not on any other place on earth...
how is that for an option?
I am starting to believe that even Apple is not as evil as Toshiba =P
I had the same problem, phone worked fine but would not charge up or connect to my computer through the USB. I talked to Toshiba UK and they told me to send it to Regenersis in Scotland. They did not even bother trying to repair it they just sent me a brand new phone free of charge, the new phone was sim locked but my original was unlocked. I contacted Toshiba again by email and 1 hour later they emailed me an unlock code. They also sent me a new back and SD card free of charge, I bought the phone second hand off Ebay !!!!!
I do not think many companies warrant their products for the second user but Toshiba do. Why not just send them your phone and get a new one....
Agreed, the process with Regenersis works well.
First I don't know how much you pay for an express delivery from your town to Scotland.
I do know that the Delivery from Israel to the Toshiba repair center in England and back will cost me around 70-80$ (insured)
ant again I will need to go to the tax office and fill the forms so they wont think I bought a new phone when I get it back...so I loose a few hours from my day and have some "fun" in the tax office lines =)
I have sent my phone to a Toshiba repair centerr in Romania with my Dad so it will be fixed soon...
My problem is not about if they will or will not replace/fix it for me =)
If I could buy the part I could fix it in a lab here for 30-40$ and get it back after 1 hour.
But Toshiba wants to fix it themselves...So the cost of the shipping+half a day off will cost me around 120$
Plus I will have to be 1 week at-least without my TG01
That's the price I need to pay because Toshiba thinks it will be nice to take also all the money from fixing straight into their pocket.
Because one day friends your warranty will be finished or you will crack the screen or break the housing...and then you will go/send by mail to the only place where you can get your device fixed.
even if you can do it yourselves in 1 minute or know that it costs 30$ to fix in a lab that is right under your house.
you will need to send it to Scotland or England or maybe one day to japan =) why not? maybe they will decide to close some Toshiba centers
and you will pay as much as Toshiba will decide you need to pay because if you did not get it you do not have any choice =P
Toshiba TG01 parts are not sold anywhere.
there is the definition for it folks:
and for this I strongly object.
that's why I will sell my 2 TG01(bought 1 for my brother also ) and buy others.
that its company doesn't hold me in a leash on where do I want to fix my device.
It cost me £5.50 to return the phone to Scotland and this included £500 insurance cover. There are rarely spare parts or broken phones on Ebay at the moment because they are all under warranty. After the 2 years is up parts and broken phones will start to appear on Ebay, so if you want to keep your phone alive it will be easy. I realise your personal circumstances mean the cost to return the phone is a bit high but you did buy the phone in the UK (presumably locked to Orange) so it is reasonable for the company to want to repair the phone in the country of purchase. Perhaps you should buy future phones in Israel, then you will not have this problem....
my TG01 has a broken touchscreen, which I would like to fix. Toshiba support told me to send it to a repair center in northern scotland for refund.
Shipping from Germany would be almost 15€ and I don´t know how much further the repair would cost...
Replacememt parts are almost none available; I am looking for days... The only few things I found are very expensive and not even new.
It´s really disappointing.
unfortunately the material is not very robust. The screen gets scratched very easily, the thin back cover deforms and on all TG01 I saw the usb-cover was damaged by fingernails.
If you need photos of the screen I'll post them

Anyone with a Asus Padfone X and tablet for sale

Hi everyone I love old tech and I'm looking for the above in 5" screen version.
Can pay via eBay listing or PayPal if a long term member on here.
Pics ideally as I'm a scratch a fob hate marks on screen shot or chassis.
Please messages if you have one for sale. I live in the UK but overseas shipping shoulders with be a problem, USPS is good, and must be GSM network and debt free and unlocked.
Think that covers it all.
Mods if in the wrong sections please do adjust.

