8525 dummy housing off ebay? - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam Accessories

Hi i have a cingular 8525 and plan on purchasing a tilt.....so to pay for it so it doesnt hurt my wallet as much (im still on contract haha) i decided to sell the 8525. however, the phones condition cosmetically isnt exactly the best.
I recall seeing from time to time on posts on various forums people mentioning using a dummy phone to replace the housing. The only problem with this is im under the impression that dummy phones are simply glued together? so i was wondering if anyone knows or can varify if this is possible?
it would definetly be cheaper than getting a new oem housing. i understand the material on the dummy phone isnt the best but basically i dont care much at this point as long as it works and looks decent enough when i sell it. because the phone itself, even the screen is in flawless condition.
any help on this would be appreciated. thanks.

any ideas? ive seen people make mention of getting dummy phones before.

Going the dummy route, isn't smart. ha. You have to be really good with an exacto knife and assuming you have taken apart a 8525 before, it can be a challenge to get it all back together and working properly both electronically and physically (like the slider)
I would say just sell it in its honest form. Just how you have it. Its better than trying to decieve someone into buying a like new phone.

well, yea. i understand what your saying, and dont get me wrong my intention was not to be sneaky and underhanded. its just that the phone cosmetically doesnt look all that great, yet it works flawlessly. it has no problems. people whom have already showed interest in it wont buy it for anything more than $200, and other than the cosmetics the phone to me seems like it would be at best worth $300. at the same time though, i guess it would not be fair to give them something that was cheaper and not as durable than it is in its current form.
it doesnt matter now though. ive found a deal on the phone through att's service for 149.99 w 2yr contract. seeing as how my current contract is barely into its 6month i figure what the hey? if i cancel itll be $175. anyway around the cancel fee? if not its still an awesome deal as it would only be about $350 after all is said and done.
thanks for the help in advance.

yeah, the dummy phone has its buttons molded, and the plastic feels a lot more flimsy. It wouldn't be a nice route to go. I would recommend getting the one off of cnn.cn


Thinking about selling the ol' XDA1 -- how much??

As I'm not on the road as much as I used to be, I'm finding I really don't need my ppc phone. I find it too big to carry around in the summer in shorts pockets anyway, so I switched to a nice little Motorola v300.
I'm sure eventually I'm going to get another PDA Phone - perhaps this fall or winter, but I'm thinking by then there will be plenty of new stuff out, so I might as well just try to sell this one I've got now.
Anyway, enough babbling. I've got a T-Mobile branded phone, with WM2003 (final relase) OS. All of the original accessories are included, as is a nice EB Cases leather slipper case.
Any offers out there? What have these things been going for lately? If anybody's interested, you can email me at [email protected]
i am too in the same possition I live i florida so the summer gets pretty hot and will not be able to where the pants with the big pockets, i have the xda 1 with the new t-mobile rom wm2003 all the new software registered alll the software recomended by the previous posts, all the original accessories for it, plus a krusell case, the original t-mobile case, extra stylus, extra charger, car adapter, anybody interested please contact me at [email protected] thank you.
Just bought used XDA
Just bought a used XDA from ebay (T-Mobile MDA, specifically), described as excellent condition. Not much in the way of extras. Paid $190 + $12 shipping. These seem to be going for $190 - $250 or so.
Oooh, i hadn't even considered all the software I've got for this thing. Bunch of games, plus Journal Bar, Battery Pack, etc, etc...hmmm
Extra Software....
The big problem is that a new buyer may or may not see the value of the software you bought for it... so I don't know if that will add much to your final selling price. Extra accessories often boosts price, but, I haven't seen that a bunch of registered shareware does (I could be wrong). Also, usually, I would think, this software is registered to you and they might have problems getting updates (could be wrong).
True... would be difficult for them to get updates, I guess. Also, may have trouble entering registration codes, etc, as some are dependent on the user name entered for the device. :roll:

Thoughts on returning 'no gsm' 8525 for repair?

So I've had the 'no gsm' problem for a couple months. It occurred without me changing or updating anything--I tried many of the suggestions in these forums to no avail. I then gave up.
Now, I'm considering sending it back to HTC for repair--I'm curious has anyone else done this? I haven't seen anyone mention this course of action. If you have done this, please share your experience: did they fix it? how much did it cost? etc.
My phone is far past warranty so I know I'd have to pair for repairs, but I'd rather do that than shell out the $$ for a brand new phone and pay for a new media plan (I'm on at&t and right now I still have a $20/mo unlimited data plan vs the much higher plans that are forced on you with smartphones like these).
any opinions?
Well does anyone think that I shouldn't send it in to see if they can fix it??? Is there a reason why I shouldn't think that this is a solution?
I personally wouldn't bother. It would probably be much cheaper and quicker to get a used or refurbished unit off of eBay or look at the Hermes general forum for ones for sale. You can just swap your SIM into it and keep your current ATT plan, no need for them to even know anything about it.
You can get some pretty cheap off of eBay that have cracked screens or have worn case and swap parts with yours. I paid about $150 for mine (with accessories) which was a fresh refurb from ATT.

Sprint: Phone Replacement, Urgent PLease help!

Hey guys, I ran into quite a predicament today. As I was walking to work, I fell something fall out and slide half way across the parking lot. I felt me phone case (the crappy one that came with the phone), looked down on the ground and noticed it was my AWESOME Sprint Touch Pro. With the site of my phone moving in a hockey-like manner, I finished cursing and decided that I don’t want to have such an amazing phone looking like a piece of crap.
So here is where I am at. I need to get this phone fixed. I think that I might have a few options, but I want to know what you guys think. Originally, I bought this phone from a guy of Craigslist; it was $240, if you can believe it. Now, the phone had never been activated, so it was as if I was the original owner. Additionally, I never got a phone from sprint, but I am under contract. That means, according to sprint, that I am eligible for a new to get a new phone at anytime. Thus, I reach my questions and request for opinions.
Option 1 (least likely): Since the phone was never activated, can I still claim the 30-day phone guarantee from sprint? Meaning, can I return the phone as if it was defective?
Option 2 (What I will probably have to do): Should I buy a phone, get the equipment protection plan, and then process my touch pro as a defective phone. This seems like a relatively good idea, because I can get a phone pretty cheap (like the rant) and sell it on Ebay. So in the end, I make money off of this idea. The only down side is that my contract restarts, but I have only been with sprint for about four months. Also, I was going to save my free phone upgrade for next year so I could get a brand spanking new phone.
Option 3 (Don’t want to do this): Suck it up, and get a silicon case that covers the scratches. The scratches are only around the shiny part on the perimeter of the screen, which, by the way, says a lot about the quality of the screen.
Option 4 (Too much trouble): Sell it on eBay for as much as I can, and since it’s probable less than $300, put the rest out of pocket and buy a brand new touch pro from sprint.
Option 5 (Does it exits?): look for replacement housing. Since the phone is new, I don’t know if it’s even out there yet.
Thanks for all your input guys. I really hope to hear from some Sprint Reps or something. Meanwhile, I am going to try to sucker Sprint into helping me out.
P.S Yes, I know what I am doing is unethical, and that the phone is not really defective, thus I should not be returning it as defective.
I think I am having trouble understanding what happened. You have scratched your touch pro that you bought from someone else, I got that.
You never activated the phone on sprint? You should go ahead and put the phone one your account and get insurance immediately!
If you have only been with Sprint for 4 months how are you eligible for an upgrade?
If it is only chrome scratched my TP came like that. Look at the chrome around the keyboard section. At all 3 corners, excluding the Stylus one check for a "Seam" in the chrome, if it has this you can take it in and exchange at a Sprint store.
A scratched phone on Ebay will go for MUCH less than a regular one.
I am not here to tell you whether you are ethical or not, but you should exhaust all options that seem less unethical first before trying to make someone else pay for your mistake. That being said, I think everyone in the world would try to get a new phone for free, so I wouldn't feel too bad.
The phone is activated on sprint, but the person that sold it to me never activated it. It has been only a few days since I activated, can I still add the TEP? And are they going to charger a deductible, cuz they'll charge me $55 to fix it.
I am eligible for an upgrade cuz I never got a phone from sprint.
So if it has some defects I could take it back, even though I have no TEP? Unfortunately, the phone is flawless other than my stupid scratches.
TBH, I don't fell doing this to sprint. They have screwed me over many times over. This would just even it out.
If it is activated just go ahead and get insurance. You can add it anytime. They will charge deductible normally, but instead of telling them its because of scratches tell them you are experiencing poor battery life and that you can't hear anything in the speaker because it sounds like a tin can.
Oh, you never purchased a phone when you switched. I was confused. Thanks for clarification.
Look for those seams, almost every TP has them and they will switch for free without TEP. They are hard to notice but mine has em and I am going to switch soon.
They have screwed me repeatedly and I would be doing the same thing. Haha, I wasn't trying to preach in my post before.
Is there a grace period to get it? I thought it was like 30 days. Yea, I can lie to them, no problem. Though my bat life is amazing. play with it all day and never has died on me.
Can you direct me to a link to where this seams thingy is being discussed, or where the sources where u got this is at. I want to read some on it. Or maybe some pics, I didn't really know where to look.
Yea, well, they decided to renew my contract, and it said they had returned my deposit...I'm definitely going to use that against them.
To be honest, they have messed up so many times, I have only paid my full bill about 2 times.
I Heard my Sprint Rep. say that the insurance can only be added within the first 30 days.
So here is the rub....How do they know when you purchased it? Unfortunately logic would say that the insurance only applies to devices purchased directly from the carrier, but I hope I am wrong.
ramiss said:
I Heard my Sprint Rep. say that the insurance can only be added within the first 30 days.
So here is the rub....How do they know when you purchased it? Unfortunately logic would say that the insurance only applies to devices purchased directly from the carrier, but I hope I am wrong.
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Unless they changed the policy, that's not true. I had a phone for 6 months before I added the insurance online through the My Account feature.
But it's possible that has been changed and no longer do able.
Guys Thanks for all your responses, they are very informative.
So Basically here, I am leaning towards trying to see if I can get insurance added. I don't know how hard of a task this will be, but I hope that they can be persuaded into helping me out.
If not, I will just get a cheap phone and sell it.
Again, I am aware of the ethical lines being crossed, but wit sprint, those lines seem almost unreal.
update (Sorry about the double post):
So to my surprise srpint sent this in an email:
Regarding the call from the technical department, I have forwarded your
concern to the appropriate department.
The handset on the account is under 30 day return period. You can visit
the nearest Sprint store and replace the handset.
Thank you again for contacting Sprint. Have a great day!
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its 30 days from the day you activate the phone...so you can go to a sprint store or call customer service and add insurance
as a tech in a sprint affiliate store i WOULD NOT swap you out for free because of cosmetic damage. So you are looking at paying 50 through Asurion(the insurance company)
cd85233 said:
update (Sorry about the double post):
So to my surprise srpint sent this in an email:
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they are full of crap lol
you cant return a phone you never purchased from a sprint store lol
Well, well see. I am going to request a return kit from them, as they said that they would do. If not, then what ever.
BTW, the phone doesn't look like its been dropped or has any cracks. The excuse, "Its been in my pocket with my keys," would fly without a hitch.
We shall see what happens.
Sorry man, haven't been around the Computer. I had insurance on my touch I bought off of ebay. I had ins on my phone before and when I activated the phone it just went ahead and switched it over to my touch. So you should be fine adding it.
You can probably send it to them, but what are they going to give you back? You paid them $0 for the phone, so be careful, that may be what they give you.
Here is the site you requested talking about the chrome seams.
thacounty said:
Sorry man, haven't been around the Computer. I had insurance on my touch I bought off of ebay. I had ins on my phone before and when I activated the phone it just went ahead and switched it over to my touch. So you should be fine adding it.
You can probably send it to them, but what are they going to give you back? You paid them $0 for the phone, so be careful, that may be what they give you.
Here is the site you requested talking about the chrome seams.
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Yea, as I thought, I don't have that problem on my phone.
So if I understand your correctly, you bought a phone from Ebay, and added insurance to it?
Sorry about double post. I just added TEP, took it in. Told them about some errors, no lies. Just some stuff that happens with the phone. Of course I know its normal, but they didn't know that. They gave me a brand new TP, and let me keep the old battery.

Plethora of HD2's for sale?

I hop on craigslist.org this morning and found a lot of people selling HD2's, anywhere from $200 to $400, some brand new, others used but in "good" condition. Is everyone trying to sell their HD2 now for a reason?
phoney_stuff said:
I hop on craigslist.org this morning and found a lot of people selling HD2's, anywhere from $200 to $400, some brand new, others used but in "good" condition. Is everyone trying to sell their HD2 now for a reason?
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a batch of stolen items sold by fictitious different sellers?
Otherwise, 200USD sounds too low to me, way more than good enough to buy anoher one to be used as simple PDA since tmous hardware won't work with european carriers
yea cos its too much fone for a lot of people, and too much stress for the rest.
good enough to buy anoher one to be used as simple PDA since tmous hardware won't work with european carriers
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?? , only the 3g wont work, you can still make calls and use edge, , , ,
I just sold mine. I'm afraid the phone is just too high maintenance for someone with a wife, full-time job and part-time study. iPhone 4 here I come Plus the majority of apps don't work or are ugly as old school hell.
laserviking said:
I just sold mine. I'm afraid the phone is just too high maintenance for someone with a wife, full-time job and part-time study. iPhone 4 here I come Plus the majority of apps don't work or are ugly as old school hell.
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sorry the smartphone was too smart for you. jk!!!
Yeah, I think a lot of people are getting them cheap (we got 2 from wirefly for 70.00 a piece, then a 3rd from wal-mart for 50.00), then selling them and probably screwing over t-mobile in the process (will never pay their 200.00 etf). Probably already on another carrier and trying to make money. Since the phones are gsm, there is no esn to blacklist like sprint and verizon.
on a side note, that is why I was hesitant to add insurance on them (130.00 deductible), but decided it was the most hassle free way if something happens to one if the phones (considering I did give one to my 9 year old).
I can certainly see how the phone wouldn't mesh well with many buyers, who are initially attracted by the cheap contract pricing and specifications. Windows Mobile is certainly not for everyone, and I wouldn't blame them for jumping ship. I've wanted to a few times, when things were acting up. It's never fun to be hard resetting and flashing your phone every few weeks.
guess i've just been lucky with my smartphones. only had to hard reset a couple of times in the last few years. Of course, I've hard reset to flash new ROMs lots of times!!!
winmo is a dying breed.
[email protected]

Switch to Bionic?

I usually hate these threads, but given the short time on this deal I want to make sure I'm not overlooking anything.
Being able to get the Bionic for $0.01 with a new contract on verizon is very tempting. I had even contemplated paying the contract termination fee + the cost of a new phone around the holidays, but being able to just pay the termination fee makes it a much more appealing move.
I'm aware that there may be some new phones (such as nexus prime) coming out in the very near future, but waiting will essentially double my costs for any new phone.
Basics specs would seem to indicate that the bionic is the better phone and it seems like it has been well received. I know that 4G can be a bit more draining on the battery though. I know I'll be losing the fingerprint scanner, which is kind of cool, but I've never really used it. I know some would complain about the size of the Bionic, but I'll be fine with that. I know that the atrix is further along in terms of developer stuff, but I've fallen behind with that on this phone, so it wont really feel like a step back in that regard.
I know that it's a hefty bit of money for a relatively small upgrade, but getting off AT&T would also be quite a benefit in my eyes. I'd really appreciate any input about something I might be overlooking for this switch or any other (verizon) phones I should be considering. I appreciate any advice/further information on this!

