Switch to Bionic? - Atrix 4G Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I usually hate these threads, but given the short time on this deal I want to make sure I'm not overlooking anything.
Being able to get the Bionic for $0.01 with a new contract on verizon is very tempting. I had even contemplated paying the contract termination fee + the cost of a new phone around the holidays, but being able to just pay the termination fee makes it a much more appealing move.
I'm aware that there may be some new phones (such as nexus prime) coming out in the very near future, but waiting will essentially double my costs for any new phone.
Basics specs would seem to indicate that the bionic is the better phone and it seems like it has been well received. I know that 4G can be a bit more draining on the battery though. I know I'll be losing the fingerprint scanner, which is kind of cool, but I've never really used it. I know some would complain about the size of the Bionic, but I'll be fine with that. I know that the atrix is further along in terms of developer stuff, but I've fallen behind with that on this phone, so it wont really feel like a step back in that regard.
I know that it's a hefty bit of money for a relatively small upgrade, but getting off AT&T would also be quite a benefit in my eyes. I'd really appreciate any input about something I might be overlooking for this switch or any other (verizon) phones I should be considering. I appreciate any advice/further information on this!


8525 dummy housing off ebay?

Hi i have a cingular 8525 and plan on purchasing a tilt.....so to pay for it so it doesnt hurt my wallet as much (im still on contract haha) i decided to sell the 8525. however, the phones condition cosmetically isnt exactly the best.
I recall seeing from time to time on posts on various forums people mentioning using a dummy phone to replace the housing. The only problem with this is im under the impression that dummy phones are simply glued together? so i was wondering if anyone knows or can varify if this is possible?
it would definetly be cheaper than getting a new oem housing. i understand the material on the dummy phone isnt the best but basically i dont care much at this point as long as it works and looks decent enough when i sell it. because the phone itself, even the screen is in flawless condition.
any help on this would be appreciated. thanks.
any ideas? ive seen people make mention of getting dummy phones before.
Going the dummy route, isn't smart. ha. You have to be really good with an exacto knife and assuming you have taken apart a 8525 before, it can be a challenge to get it all back together and working properly both electronically and physically (like the slider)
I would say just sell it in its honest form. Just how you have it. Its better than trying to decieve someone into buying a like new phone.
well, yea. i understand what your saying, and dont get me wrong my intention was not to be sneaky and underhanded. its just that the phone cosmetically doesnt look all that great, yet it works flawlessly. it has no problems. people whom have already showed interest in it wont buy it for anything more than $200, and other than the cosmetics the phone to me seems like it would be at best worth $300. at the same time though, i guess it would not be fair to give them something that was cheaper and not as durable than it is in its current form.
it doesnt matter now though. ive found a deal on the phone through att's service for 149.99 w 2yr contract. seeing as how my current contract is barely into its 6month i figure what the hey? if i cancel itll be $175. anyway around the cancel fee? if not its still an awesome deal as it would only be about $350 after all is said and done.
thanks for the help in advance.
yeah, the dummy phone has its buttons molded, and the plastic feels a lot more flimsy. It wouldn't be a nice route to go. I would recommend getting the one off of cnn.cn

[Q] So torn!!!

I don't know how many of you have been in the same boat (or care, really) but I am just so torn as to what to do!! I have been with t-mobile for the last 10 years and haven't had too many problems other than small hiccups from time to time. And I got onto their no roaming charges plan fairly early on after i signed up. I don't travel very often, but it was nice to not worry about roaming charges. I would always look at verizon and see that they charged roaming fees and were generally more expensive than what I had. Then I got my first smart phone in 2006 and was hooked! However, t-mobile was pretty late in the game as far as 3G speeds were concerned, especially in my area. And sometimes, the "3G" speeds really suck!! Tho I have compared against people with AT&T and verizon, and when I have 3G speeds on my phone, they tend to be faster. Hell, I can even stream netflix movies through my phone! But now with the onset of 4G, verizon seems to be in a good position. Tho I just read that Salt Lake wasn't going to get complete LTE coverage until the end of the year. Which kind of bites. Anyway I am kind of wanting to jump ships now, however I would have to cut my allowed minutes in half (to 450), and service would STILL cost like 10-15 dollars more per month than what I already pay. But I really do have my eye on the thunderbolt. I have gone in like 3 times to the verizon store to play with it. I am a little bit concerned with battery life, and I don't want to pay extra for 2 GB worth for tethering. Yes, I understand you can root and put new ROMs on the device, but that process still confuses the crap out of me since I have never done it before. The other thing that i get stuck on is that I am a terrible decision maker, so I am kind of scared of making a bad move and regretting it (like buying an HD2.) So I guess that my question is (especially for you former t-mobile customers) is why do you like verizon? I'm not asking you to convince me to switch, I just want to know why you like verizon. Is there a reason you don't like verizon? I don't think I need to ask why you like or dislike the thunderbolt, since I have found plenty of posts for that. But hopefully a few of you will give your two cents
Well, from what I can say, I'd honestly say that if you main concern is speed, verizon is the way to go, if you lookin for a balance, maybe look into sprint. They have 4g phones (the evo, and the evo shift) being almost the same as the inc I just owned (I ran an evo rom, radios, and battery), as they have decent prices and coverage and 4g. T mobile I have never used or been a fan of, but if they work, why change? They will catch up in a bit I'm sure. I've always been with Verizon as I'm on someones plan, and could never afford the insane rates myself. really though I'l check to see what you need, what you want, and what you can afford. Assuming sprint is good in your area, I'd highly suggest an eve/evo shift as a balance, but I can't really give you a definite answer. I have a thunderbolt as of he last few days and like it. I can't say I love it even with the 4G speeds being impressive at the moment. Just waiting for some more hackers and HTC to give us the code we need then I may love it.
Hope that helps a bit and I didn't bore you.
I moved over from AT&T this past summer because well I really don't like AT&T and even as a priority customer on an iPhone I had terrible coverage/service. I made the move to Verizon initially for the superior network/service. I am paying significantly more as I'm no longer on a family plan w/ my brother who didn't want to leave his iPhone...
And if you do come to Verizon by the time the free mobile hotspot promo ends I'm quite sure the hacker/developer community will have greatly simplified the rooting process and there will be custom roms/kernels to optimize power. If not the extended battery add on doesn't cost too much and doesn't add to much to the overall size, I grabbed it for those days I'm traveling. And there are tethering options that don't require monthly payments/limits that don't require root.
I'm loving my thunderbolt, though I agree w/ kdb424 I'm looking forward to some further development on the custom roms/kernels front. I only have rooted currently to get rid of the bloatware & access to the root apps, but can't wait to have some more custom roms to play with. But well currently seemingly the community is waiting for HTC to release the kernel source.
But again I love Verizon for the service/quality of network/helpful employees & I am definitely liking the thunderbolt even though it is a significant change in size from my Droid Incredible.
Holy massive block of text!
I would recommend checking out which carrier best serves your personal needs. Verizon is a little pricey if you cannot get any sort of discount (through work, family, etc.)... but they also have amazing coverage and an impressive start on their 4G LTE network.
I understand why you may not want Verizon though. Sprint is a tad more affordable and can offer great devices and service depending on your area.
I was with TMobile for about 8 years before switching to Verizon a week ago (relocated for work and had no data coverage with TMobile at my new location).
Well I have looked at the options. I might get a new job in Elko, Nevada in which case only Verizon and AT&T have any decent coverage. This is also another reason why i ask. And I doubt Elko would be getting 4G any time soon.
Oh, decisions decisions!!

Verizon's new prices

3 new android phones are coming to Verizon in November. I have been waiting it seems like forever for the new Nexus device. Now that its just on the horizon I find myself with a bit of a dilemma. All 3 new phones phones cost about the same to make as the previous models yet Verizon is now asking for $100 more for every high end android handset. After some poking around I still can't figure out a good reason for such a stiff increase. The only thing I can figure is that Verizon is just being greedy. They know they are the top carrier and have the best phones so they are going to keep tightening to screws to see how much money they can bleed out of us. The $100 isn't that big of a deal but when it comes down too it if we continue to support companies raising prices for no reason what so ever then where will it stop? We lost unlimited data and new every 2. If left unchecked these carriers will continue to remove features and increase prices. Verizon is the first to try these price hikes and they need to be made an example of before it spreads to the other carriers.
I'm strongly considering jumping ship to Sprint. The prices look better, they have Google Voice integration and they have unlimited data (as of now). The plan is to either get the Epic 4g Touch (Galaxy SII) or to cross my fingers and pray that the Galaxy Nexus makes its way over to Sprint.
Anyone have any thoughts on Verizon vs Sprint as far as quality of service, pricing and policies? Anyone else think that Verizon is going to regret this price hike?

[Q] T-Mo-compatible recommendation for parent

I'm about to make the switch from my Sprint family plan to either StraightTalk or Net10 Wireless. Initially I wanted to put my mother on Republic Wireless because of its ridiculously cheap rate, but having read some recent reviews I suspect I'll just be setting myself up for frustration instead since I'll be her support. So instead I may swallow the higher monthly fee and bring her over with me to one of the aforementioned SIM-only services, allowing me to give her a better smartphone.
In that case I need to get her a T-Mobile-compatible Android smartphone that's likely to give me the least grief. I'm hoping to find one used and/or discontinued so I don't have to spend a lot of money initially (between contract cancellation, new phone for me [Nexus 4], and new service for both of us, I'm already in the $650 range), and can test out her ability to handle a smartphone before I even consider eventually getting her something better.
So what would you recommend that I could probably find used for relatively little money that's overall solid and reliable? One thing that might be nice is official CM9+ support so I can get her on an AOSP experience with Android 4.x without any of the headaches of semi-supported ROMs. But barring that, I'll settle for something that's already good enough with no fiddling. Preferably with minimal bloatware, especially considering the T-Mobile crap won't work on an MVNO anyway.
Any recommendations on specific models or ranges I should look at with these needs in mind?

Samsung getting a pass??

How in the Holy Hellz is Samsung getting a free pass on the Note 7 debacle?? I even see mainstream Android pundits saying they did about the best they could. That's horseradish. Does anyone else notice how this is being kind of swept under the rug...and quickly too, so they can move on to the Next Big Thing???
Samsung is only offering 100 dollars to people who buy another Samsung phone. The only Samsung phone that is even remotely close to the Note 7 is the S7. So Samsung is trying to entice its customers to buy a phone that is about to iterate in 2-3 months.
What of customers that traded their phones? Many did so comfortable in the knowledge they had a new, functioning phone. Now they have nothing if they choose a straight up refund. Nobody can really "refund the transaction," because to truly redo the transaction they would need the traded phone back...(I was okay with giving up my Note-4 for 40 dollars as long as it was going toward a brand new Note 7. I am not okay with just giving up my phone for 40 bucks and now having nothing but crappy choices).
At best, users came in looking for an upgrade, only to loose everything. Many had to go back to their original phones (if they still have them), and eat the costs of any accessories over 25 dollars.
At a minimum, Samsung should give users a substantial credit toward the next new Samsung phone that is coming very soon.
You're lucky. Here in the UK we've been offered sweet FA.
Well not strictly true, we've been offered a S7 or S7 Edge and a refund on the difference or a chance to cancel the contract free of charge.
Can't really complain. Already got full refund. Also got 2 gear fit2 out of this. They said they'd refund note7 specific accessories, too.
It's going to cost Samsung $30-50 billion dollars - that's BILLION WITH A B - before all this is finally resolved. It will probably hurt them drastically for the next 12 to 18 months so, no, they're not getting a free pass over this.
They're paying for it, substantially.
I really don't care what it's costing them, as a consumer who feels pretty burned (sorry) I don't see why I should. They wasted a lot of our time and in some cases money for a product they apparently didn't test enough.
Sent from my iPad using a walled garden.
There's no reward without risk - in today's world, everything is a risk, absolute consumer safety is 100% impossible and they do the best they can given the situation at hand. iPhones have caught on fire and exploded also, lest people keep forgetting that. Other brands and manufacturers have had issues with their products of various kinds as well.
You can't test for the random events that happen, the world is just too damned complex for that and small compact incredibly complicated electronics technology just takes that to levels magnitudes greater further making it effectively impossible to be able to predict what will actually happen in any given situation.
Two Note 7 devices rolling off the assembly line one right after the other are not identical, none of them are to be honest, when you really break it down.
pinetreehater said:
At a minimum, Samsung should give users a substantial credit toward the next new Samsung phone that is coming very soon.
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Click to collapse
There's a tone in the past few posts I've read where people sound like they're still negotiating. The Note7's over. Talking about what Samsung should have or could have done is pointless. They've lost billions and trashed their brand image. Some people will stay with them (I did) some people won't. It would be a good idea to do something special for previous Note7 owners when the next generation of Galaxy's are released but I wouldn't count on it. Just like I wouldn't count on getting anything anyone hasn't gotten in the mean time. In the U.S. they had always been offering a $25 carrier credit for people that exchanged or returned their Note7's. They upped it by another $75 if the phone people exchanged in to was a Samsung phone. And that as they say is that.

