8525 fell in a puddle. - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam Accessories

Well it fell out of my pocket into a puddle yesterday, It was still in the leather case so it didn't completely soak. The first thing i did was take out the battery. It was still on after it fell in the water and seemed ok, but i was still in panic mode and took the battery out right away. I didn't have a torx 6 so i took a blowdryer to it, on cool!
Well got the torx 6 today and took the whole thing apart and its under a desk lamp drying up whatever is left.
while i was still panicing i did do a test and put the battery back in when i thought it was dry, and it would turn on and reset itself once it got to the windows push to talk green screen. Dumbest thing i could have done but im past that.
Is there anything else i should do? i was thinking of buying one of those air duster cans and try to blow out any water that might be hideing under the components that could cause shorts.
Any other ideas to get this thing working properly would be awsome. I definatly can't afford another one, i only paid $99 for this one, refurb on cingular.com when they had a mistype.

I dropped my wife's Blackberry pearl in water once, I had the same immediate steps that you did. The only thing differently I did was left it in front of a space heater for a few "good" hours haha. Worked fine after that. Good luck

leave it in a car in all day if its still warm where you live. fixed mine when it fell in the sink and mine still works just fine.

Ok everything went ok when i put everything back together. everything turned on properly and went well till i tested the keyboard.
Now most keys work and a slight few dont. Typing "r" results in "rh" coming on the screen.
Would this be due to the keyboard being ruined, or is it internal circuitry of the pda?

Also something that I experienced with the blackberry. For me I disconnected everything again and let it heat for a couple more hours and it worked just fine. Prob. due to the ability to conduct electrical currents/signals on waters part, just a guess though.

they keyboard area is like sealed i believe the contacts area, i would assume there is water still there or corrosion build up... you can fix that by taking the sticky thing off very very carefully and cleaning the contacts... that is the easy part... aligning it all back and making sure it works would be the hard part... leaving just they keyboard to dry out in some good heat for a while could solve your problem as well... might want to try that first
read the wiki and other areas about taking apart or fixing stuck keys its what i was talking about..


Atrix Alcohol poisoned

During the storm this past weekend somebody (me) spilled a drink on my phone when the power went out. I immediately took the battery out and tried to dry out the phone as much as I could. The next day I powered up the phone only to find out that I could not make phone calls using the earpiece. Speaker phone and Bluetooth works fine. I also discovered that media will not play through the speaker although plugging headphones in works fine...the ringer and notifications work fine. Other than that, the phone works great. I tried flashing another ROM to see if just maybe it was a software thing...it wasn't.
The real issue is that I don't have insurance or store warranty coverage and my bootloader is unlocked. There is also signs of moisture on the phone. For now I can live with it, but I wanted to ask if anyone knew of any other options I could try. Or...maybe there is a way to redirect the sound??? Please help!!!
Lesssons learned:
1. Finish all drinks
2. Don't sit the phone next to the drink.
lilhaiti said:
During the storm this past weekend somebody (me) spilled a drink on my phone when the power went out. I immediately took the battery out and tried to dry out the phone as much as I could. The next day I powered up the phone only to find out that I could not make phone calls using the earpiece. Speaker phone and Bluetooth works fine. I also discovered that media will not play through the speaker although plugging headphones in works fine...the ringer and notifications work fine. Other than that, the phone works great. I tried flashing another ROM to see if just maybe it was a software thing...it wasn't.
The real issue is that I don't have insurance or store warranty coverage and my bootloader is unlocked. There is also signs of moisture on the phone. For now I can live with it, but I wanted to ask if anyone knew of any other options I could try. Or...maybe there is a way to redirect the sound??? Please help!!!
Lesssons learned:
1. Finish all drinks
2. Don't sit the phone next to the drink.
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If the phone works in general... then most likely a specific piece is ruined related to the phone speaker/mic.
You can try tearing apart the phone ( I believe there are tear down guides online) and then using rubbing alcohol try to clean out any corrosion, especially around components that are having issues.
If that doesn't work, then you'll have to try to replace the component. unfortunately not sure how easy that is. Tons of components sold for iphones but doubt as much for atrix.
mysticdrew said:
If the phone works in general... then most likely a specific piece is ruined related to the phone speaker/mic.
You can try tearing apart the phone ( I believe there are tear down guides online) and then using rubbing alcohol try to clean out any corrosion, especially around components that are having issues.
If that doesn't work, then you'll have to try to replace the component. unfortunately not sure how easy that is. Tons of components sold for iphones but doubt as much for atrix.
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Yeah, I was thinking of that as an option...being optimistic, I was gonna try to use the phone for a few days and see if it miraculously clears up...wishful thinking
I bet your Atrix will revive once the hangover subsides!
No really, it will be ok I'm sure, I've seen cases where people inmerse their devices into pools and toilets only to discover a few days later that they keep on ticking.
The clue here is to be patient and keep it from using it for several days, and I'm talking 3, 5 or even a week! So be very patient.
Remove the battery and let it dry inside a bag, box or bottle filled with uncooked rice or if you have plenty of dry bags (those that come inside some medicines or electronics) use them!
Try not to disassemble the Atrix to avoid dust contamination, but if you wan't you can go ahead and do it. The Atrix is very easy to disassemble. Just use common sense, and if you use alcohol to get rid of moisture and corrosion, be wary that even cotton or cotton swabs can be dangerous since there are components that are cold-soldered onto the motherboard and can be peeled-off very easily.
Don't use a hair dryer, since you could damage the plastic if not used correctly.
Let us know how it goes!
Sent from my Atrix using Tapatalk
I sat it in rice over night, and used a blow dryer on cool but still not dice so far. Unfortunately I don't have any other form of comms other than my Atrix...I may go and buy a cheap Go Phone to use and let the Atrix take a nap. I will be patient...I'm thinking that it will wake up one day and everything will be OK
Atrix = featherweight!!!
So if the only part that's not working at the moment is the ear speaker, then maybe you can get a spare from cnn.cn and replace it yourself. Very easy to do by the way.
The bad thing is that I think they don't sell the speaker alone, but the whole modular assembly that contains the speaker, power button and biometric scanner. But check the site above to verify.
Sent from my Atrix using Tapatalk
Was it a mixed or sugary drink? It could've pooled up in your speaker into something sticky. You might want to try cleaning it with alcohol disassembled. Or even dabbing it with alcohol while assembled but leave battery out and let dry at least a day. Each time you dab it with alcohol, try sopping it back up with a dry q tip.
I voided my warranty and your mum.
Unfortunately it isn't just the speaker, media will not play through the loudspeaker either...kinda weird because the speaker phone works just fine. Also, game sounds don't play. I'm thinking it might be an amplifier or something.
It was a mixed drink so it did have some sugar in it.
I dropped my atrix in the toilet. It was only in there for 2 seconds max, but I dried it off and tried to see if everything still worked. None of the speakers worked, but I put it in a bowl of rice for a couple of hours in the Texas heat, afterwards everything was working fine.
I have taken my Atrix for about a 10 minute swim, after jumping in the pool with it on my hip in an otterbox defender case. I felt something on my hip and noticed my phone there! I immediately jumped out of the pool, removed the case and battery. Dried what I could with a towel. Then put the phone in rice for about 3 hours. I then took the phone out of the rice and gave it another bath in alcohol, swishing the phone around to make sure the alcohol got every where the water got... I then let the phone sit for 4 days next to a floor vent in my house. Not directly on the vent. After the four days I tried powering the phone on. The phone powered on with no problems(no sim or memory card.) I then put my sim and memory card in, plugged in the phone and tried powering the phone on again, an it would not power on.
I then took the phone apart(not completely did not dis-connect any ribbon cables etc..) and used a q-tip and rubbing alochol to wipe any contacts that I thought might have signs of oxidation or water damage. Put the phone back together and let it sit again next to a vent for another 3 days. Put my sim, memory card and batter back in and the phone powered up with no problem.
I am currently using the atrix, the only thing that does not work is the front facing camera. It just doesn't seem to want to power up... but that is something I can live with. I did even after the 7 days had some moisture between the LCD and digitizer, so I let the phone sit in my hot car for an hour or two of an on to help get rid of the moisture.
Hope this helps.. I would recommend if you see any moisture to turn the phone off and let it sit, as if you can see moisture, there is also probably some that you cannot see and could cause more damage.
Great stories!!!
But I have to wonder how safe are we from e-coli and other bacteria/viruses when buying second hand smartphones that have visited the crapper!!!!
Sent from my Atrix using Tapatalk
Rayan said:
Great stories!!!
But I have to wonder how safe are we from e-coli and other bacteria/viruses when buying second hand smartphones that have visited the crapper!!!!
Sent from my Atrix using Tapatalk
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what's really funny are people that put their phone up for public sale, are honest enough to mention that it was dropped in the toilet and still want market value and not the best offer. what kind of crap is that? it's my valuable crap?
Thanks for all of the help...you guys are the greatest...I will buy a backup before I tear the phone open...but I think cracking it open is in order...I think the moisture is gone but the sugar may have coated something.
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium
Just an update...I opened the phone and cleaned all of the contacts with alcohol...that solved the problem...thanks again for the help

water damage

Last night i was out, and well basically my phone isnt working and im 90% sure its water damage now, the screen has little white bits round the end, whats the best way to get it working again, because it wont turn on :/
sell it on ebay for parts and buy another one.
pcdocta said:
sell it on ebay for parts and buy another one.
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I concur.
My girlfriend knocked her phone off the counter into the toilet when she was sick (needless to say phone had some chunks on it as well). It was game over. luckily in US we are able to insure it and we are now getting a new one for the one time "low cost" of $125. 125 is better than a full retail, thats for sure. I made her call AT&T before just to see if we could weasel a SII on early upgrade, no dice.
Moral: Insurance ftw
First suck all the beer out of it! Want not waste not!
Assimilated via WinBorg 4G
Best thing to do would have been to take out the battery/sim/sdcard and put in dry rice immediately, then leave overnight. Might not be too late either, but def should have done that right away. Right after I got my Captivate I got really drunk and accidentally soaked it, I didnt even realize it had gotten so wet until I woke up the next morning and tried to turn it on. It even tried to boot, showing the Samsung screen briefly then immediately turning off. Taking the battery door off there was water drops inside. After about 18 hours in rice I was soooo surprised that it booted right up and I havent had a problem out of it to this day!! I still use it all the time.
CaelanT said:
First suck all the beer out of it! Want not waste not!
Assimilated via WinBorg 4G
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It wasnt even beer, it was just raining loads so it got soaked in my pocket
Thanks for the advice guys, i put it in dry rice so we'll see how that goes *fingers crossed*
So i have put it in dry rice, and well it booted up but the touch screen was unresponsive, and so was the fingerprint sensor leaving me with no way to actually use any of the phones features, i think there is a tiny bit of water left so im going to stick it in rice a bit longer but try and get the screen repaired if that doesnt help,
Is there anyway i can access the stuff on my phone using the usb connection maybe?
Sorry to hear about your phone. My son got pushed into a swimming pool with his Atrix in his pocket. It is fully functional today.
What we did.
Rice and a warm spot. Not for hours... It took a whole week before everything straightened out. There was an issue with the sim and sd card readers, but nothing an emery board didn't fix.
First mistake, you turned (tried to) it on. Second mistake...........you turned it on too soon after putting it in rice.
One day in dry rice is not enough. If you read guides about water damage you will see that you really should have the phone in dry ice for 5 days. Never ever plug it into the charger or turn it on before you do this. Only takes one wee drop of liquid to short something out.
Next, you should strip the phone down and clean everything internally to make sure you will not suffer from oxidation and corrosion in the future. Many phones will work after being in dry rice, only to succumb to corrosion after a few weeks or months because all the connectors inside became oxidized.
In short, water damage is horrible, but there are many guides on the internet specific to this outside of XDA which can help you. The iPhone water damage guides are especially useful, even though the hardware is different. The concept is exactly the same.
First rule is always do not attempt to turn the phone on, and do not plug into a charger.
malfuncion said:
I concur.
My girlfriend knocked her phone off the counter into the toilet when she was sick (needless to say phone had some chunks on it as well). It was game over. luckily in US we are able to insure it and we are now getting a new one for the one time "low cost" of $125. 125 is better than a full retail, thats for sure. I made her call AT&T before just to see if we could weasel a SII on early upgrade, no dice.
Moral: Insurance ftw
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SII isin't an upgrade.
Thanks caelan, cant change what i've done now, so maybe ive ruined my phone my turning it on multiple times, ive left it in the dry rice which im gooing to do for the rest of the week and if it isnt then working im going to take it to repair shop, thanks for all your guys help.
King_MSD said:
Thanks caelan, cant change what i've done now, so maybe ive ruined my phone my turning it on multiple times, ive left it in the dry rice which im gooing to do for the rest of the week and if it isnt then working im going to take it to repair shop, thanks for all your guys help.
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Hope this helps, the phone that I mentioned, was turned on immediately after getting wet. His girlfriend was the smart one and pulled the battery for him.
We sat it in the rice and checked it every day by turning it on. (I am in no way recommending this btw, simply reporting an experience.). Each day it seems like it got better and better. The last two days everything was working, but there was still evidence of moisture on the screen. So we baked it for a few extra days. I did have an advantage over you. The outside temp was 100 plus and I sat his, in that bag of rice, on the hood of a red car everyday for most of the afternoon. It will most likely take longer with a cooler temp to work with.
We may have been 'lucky'. But this is so you know that there is a great chance that everything will be fine.
well, an update on my girlfriend's PUKE phone:
The day I posted that was I think thursday, we let is sit all thursday- friday- saturday. On sunday (around noon) she couldnt handle the Nokia 3360 any longer. When she left for her "mani/pedi", I sat down with the poor phone. After a little cleaning of contacts and such I was able to get it to boot and come up. When she got home it was up and going. She was thrilled and I got a "reward".
She used it all Sunday and today until the insurance joint came in. The only thing that didnt totally dry was the screen. It looked like pure hell, but worked. She said anythign was etter than the old green screen nokia
PS- she had tried to turn it on friday and got a "Modem Failed to Initialize: Starting RSD". Sunday it worked fine.
i dropped my phone in the toilet. managed to take it out. it was still in the power on state. removed battery asap! whats next?? shall i get it some heat, hair drier or bulb ?? how many day do i need to keep this phone in the rice? also im not an expert in disassembling!!! any suggestions?
I've heard up to a week but a couple days will probably work. I would probably just use a can of compressed air. Hair dryers can create enough heat to loosen the adhesive for screens on phones. Maybe place it near a vent or put it on a window sill with sunlight?
njarun said:
i dropped my phone in the toilet. managed to take it out. it was still in the power on state. removed battery asap! whats next?? shall i get it some heat, hair drier or bulb ?? how many day do i need to keep this phone in the rice? also im not an expert in disassembling!!! any suggestions?
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phone got wet?

well my phone got wet on the back with a case, then i took off the case it and the back which was all wet, the battery was wet to and so was under it, i took out the battery and dried every thing and it worked, everything did, the speakers and buttons. so later today the phone just shut off and wouldnt turn on. so i thought it died and i tried charging and just the light would flicker on the top left of the phone. so i put it in rice for about 5 hours and i put battery back on and now when i press the the power button. the screen just turns on like u can see light, just a black screen. then it goes away.
the battery has some green stuff on one of the gold things that conencts your batteries.
So i oredered another battery off of ebay, do you think that would fix it?
Thank you so much for reading this, just post your opinion on what happend.
d1eharddan said:
well my phone got wet on the back with a case, then i took off the case it and the back which was all wet, the battery was wet to and so was under it, i took out the battery and dried every thing and it worked, everything did, the speakers and buttons. so later today the phone just shut off and wouldnt turn on. so i thought it died and i tried charging and just the light would flicker on the top left of the phone. so i put it in rice for about 5 hours and i put battery back on and now when i press the the power button. the screen just turns on like u can see light, just a black screen. then it goes away.
the battery has some green stuff on one of the gold things that conencts your batteries.
So i oredered another battery off of ebay, do you think that would fix it?
Thank you so much for reading this, just post your opinion on what happend.
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Hope it works dude, water damage is pretty random depending on how wet it got. For the future, it would have been better to have taken out the battery and put it in rice immediately...
a friend of mine forgot his phone in the pocket and it got washed by a washing mashiene
he brought it to a phone store and they put the phone into a blue liquide and after that iot worked properly
the green things on the contact came because u put it under voltage due it was wet the water got split into its parts (electrolysis)
i had the same problem with an mp3 player years ago lights went on but nothing else i think u broke ure phone but just leave it for a week or so and try again with the new battery
i hope for it will work
So actually, most phones phone should operate fine on net power and without a battery. Have you tried this? If it behaves the same as you described, I would not spend a dime on it ;-)
Bad luck btw ;-/
Hey guys i know this might not be very useful but hahahahah yesterday night me and some friends of mine were drinking outside near the main river in frankfurt hahahah and drunken girl got 8€ for jumping into the river xD
she did it ( i couldnt believe this xDDDDD i´d never done this )
Afterwards she recognized her galaxy ace in her pocket....
well it got wet
later on in her flat she repowered the phone and everthing worked fine expect the micro usb slot on her device xD
Well jfi xD
Try removing the battery and battery cover and completely submerging in 99% isopropyl alcohol (You can get it at most grocery stores, pharmacies, etc.) for a few hours. At this point the phone should work as normal again, but to be on the safe side take a box of rice and submerge your phone in the rice. Leave it their for a day or two and you should be good to go. Hope this helps.
i might try it myself as my phone has water damage on it as well
9 times out of 10 in my line of work, usually when the screen backlight turns on but doesnt display anything means its done for. I have seen customers with phones that got soaked and they lasted a couple of days but then stopped working... My best guess is that the water was still inside the phone and shorted out one of the small circuits inside. Good luck though i hope you can get it working.
Man.Droid said:
9 times out of 10 in my line of work, usually when the screen backlight turns on but doesnt display anything means its done for. I have seen customers with phones that got soaked and they lasted a couple of days but then stopped working... My best guess is that the water was still inside the phone and shorted out one of the small circuits inside. Good luck though i hope you can get it working.
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Well if ur right he could throw his phone away cus if u the circuits where shorted the possibility his phone got damaged in a unrepairable way is very high

[Q] My mom dropped her Photon in a bucket of soapy water months ago...

Like 6 -7 months ago,
Okay, so my mom dropped her Photon in a bucket of soapy water while she was trying to wash her car. She immediately took out the battery and tried to get most of the water out. She also put it under a fan to dry out for about 3-4 hours... then she plugged it in to charge! 0_0 (I wasn't there to tell her not to plug it in yet...) Few minutes after, I came home from school and she told me. I immediately rushed upstairs and unhooked it from the charger, and took out the battery. We put it in rice and left in there for some days. Finally I had the courage to plug it in. When I did, NOTHING. My mom mentioned something about it saying RSD protocol or something. At that point, I lost all hope and stashed it in the dead phone pile.
I plugged the phone in, the green LED lit. I feel a vibrate, the 4 capacative buttons light. I hit the volume toggles; I hear the Android ding! Vibrate and LED also works! But guess what? The screen is just black... When you plug the Photon into the computer, you hear the notification sound on the Photon, and Windows detects it as:
USB Mass Storage Device
Motorola MB855 USB Device
Motorola MB855 USB Device
Even when booting up, you don't see the red Moto logo, it's like the LCD is dead. I even think the touchscreen functionality is dead too. I really believe now that I can bring this baby back to life somehow. Guys, what can I possibly do?
Maybe try replacing the LCD and digitizer. There should be parts for it on amazon. Its a pain to replace it though. Lastly, make sure that that the motherboard doesn't have signs of corrosion. Otherwise, you'll start to notice the phones performance degrade over time and eventually give out
Sent from my MB855
jajosh66 said:
My mom mentioned something about it saying RSD protocol or something.
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That's so funny.. I can't imagine a mother talking about RSD. :laugh:
I'm sure you can find spare parts on Amazon or eBay, but you can always send it to Motorola and pay for fixing it.
If you decide to fix it by yourself, be careful. After I opened my Photon I couldn't use the power button, and I wasted hours on trying to fix it.
I had a similar issue a week ago, my phone was knocked off a table into my pool. I jumped in after it, clothes and all, and picked it up off the bottom.
I immediately threw it out of the pool, yeah, threw, jumped out and did a battery pull. I let is sit in rice for a few days, opened it up, and scrubbed the contacts on the mobo with a firm toothbrush and 90% isopropyl. It's been a week to the day, and everything is running fine except the proximity sensor. So the only issues I'm having now is when I am in a call, the LCD shuts off, and obviously the screen goes non-responsive.
The proximity sensor is constantly reading that something is close.
Not to derail the thread, but any suggestions on that?
To un-derail the thread, there are only 8 torx head screws holding the phone together, took me only about 20 mins or so to open my mopho to the mobo. if you thing it's worth it, take a look and see what you can see on yours.
use hair dryer
whenever my phones got in contact with water, I used a hair dryer to dry the phones. it worked all the time.
Bock Abrams said:
I had a similar issue a week ago, my phone was knocked off a table into my pool. I jumped in after it, clothes and all, and picked it up off the bottom.
I immediately threw it out of the pool, yeah, threw, jumped out and did a battery pull. I let is sit in rice for a few days, opened it up, and scrubbed the contacts on the mobo with a firm toothbrush and 90% isopropyl. It's been a week to the day, and everything is running fine except the proximity sensor. So the only issues I'm having now is when I am in a call, the LCD shuts off, and obviously the screen goes non-responsive.
The proximity sensor is constantly reading that something is close.
Not to derail the thread, but any suggestions on that?
To un-derail the thread, there are only 8 torx head screws holding the phone together, took me only about 20 mins or so to open my mopho to the mobo. if you thing it's worth it, take a look and see what you can see on yours.
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portman said:
whenever my phones got in contact with water, I used a hair dryer to dry the phones. it worked all the time.
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Ah, but here's the thing, It has been dry for a week now.
I consider the phone saved, and everything is working just as it did before it went swimming, save for the proximity sensor.
water damage repair
Ok i repair cell phones all day and for water damage you need to remove the motherboard and soak it in alcohol for 20 minutes then take a tooth brush and scrub the whole board to remove all the corrosion and do the same to the lcd and digitizer connections its a 50/50 shot
No help on a workaround for my busted proximity sensor? I can't use the keypad when making calls.

Phone Fell In Puddle--Screen Dim On One Side, Fine On Other Side

Hey everyone...so there was a bad rain storm in the area today and I had my phone on my lap while I was driving. Long story short I forgot it was there and when I parked I got out and my phone fell off my lap right into a puddle. It was totally submerged for roughly 5-8 seconds. I immediately ran into the house with it, took the case off (Incipio case), and pulled the battery out. It looked like the only places water had gotten to was the headphone jack, micro-USB port, the earpiece, and SIM and microSD slots. After removing the battery I began to hit all the areas where water could have gotten in with a blow dryer. I even unscrewed the screws from the back and took the back housing off to reveal the board inside. I was able to lift the board slightly but not a lot because I didn't want to rip the ribbon cables off of the front. After blow-drying it for quite some time everything seemed to be dry. I then put the battery back in and powered it up. The phone booted fine, I had service, all seemed fine. I was able to send/receive calls and texts and I could hear people fine and they could hear me. I tested WiFi, GPS, etc. everything seemed to work fine. The only thing I noticed is the LCD is dim on one half of the screen and brighter on the other side. I am wondering if as time goes on it will go away or if this is permanent LCD damage that I will just have to live with? Any ideas on anything I can try to get the LCD working 100% again? Thanks everyone in advance!
mine was also submerged last night for about the same time. I took it apart completely and now it's laying in front of the fan before I go to work. Hopefully I'll be able to post back here later that mine works too!!

