Upgrade Issue ... - JAMin, XDA Neo, S200 ROM Development

Hi all ...
I've upgraded my prophet using jumpspl tool ( by Pof ... ) ... Congratulation for his work !
I have IPL 2.20.0001 and SPL 2.13.0001 ... my device is G4 device...
With jumpspl i have successfully replace current rom of my SPV M600 ( Orange ) ... with Rom by I-Mate ( i have get it from ftp ).
My question is :
I have tried to upgrade to WM6 with New guide to upgrade to WM6 ...but when the process arrive at 100%, my device reboot and show the bootloader ...
I' don't know if it's possible to upgrade to WM6 ... do you have some ideas ???
I think my device is CID lock ! ...
Thanx in advance ...

skunknet said:
Hi all ...
I've upgraded my prophet using jumpspl tool ( by Pof ... ) ... Congratulation for his work !
I have IPL 2.20.0001 and SPL 2.13.0001 ... my device is G4 device...
With jumpspl i have successfully replace current rom of my SPV M600 ( Orange ) ... with Rom by I-Mate ( i have get it from ftp ).
My question is :
I have tried to upgrade to WM6 with New guide to upgrade to WM6 ...but when the process arrive at 100%, my device reboot and show the bootloader ...
I' don't know if it's possible to upgrade to WM6 ... do you have some ideas ???
I think my device is CID lock ! ...
Thanx in advance ...
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JumpSPL only works once, you have to run it prior to every Rom uopgrade you want to do.
The "New WM6 Upgrade Guide" is based on an other method, namely HardSPL instead of JumpSPL. The advantage is that HardSPL stays resident (until you flash another SPL) so you don't have to bother again with the SPL issue every time you want to flash.
So, if you are aquainted en comfortable with the way you did your first upgrade: Run JumpSPL first and the RUU afterwards, do it again with your new upgrade attempt. The result is the same, it's only one step more to execute.

skunknet;1806937 said:
Hi all ...
I've upgraded my prophet using jumpspl tool ( by Pof ... ) ... Congratulation for his work !
I have IPL 2.20.0001 and SPL 2.13.0001 ... my device is G4 device...
With jumpspl i have successfully replace current rom of my SPV M600 ( Orange ) ... with Rom by I-Mate ( i have get it from ftp ).
My question is :
I have tried to upgrade to WM6 with New guide to upgrade to WM6 ...but when the process arrive at 100%, my device reboot and show the bootloader ...
I' don't know if it's possible to upgrade to WM6 ... do you have some ideas ???
I think my device is CID lock ! ...
Thanx in advance ...
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http://forum.xda -developers.com /showthread.php?t=353547
enjoy ~~~

Thanx for answer ...
Rondol1 but i have G4 device ... are you sure that i can upgrade to WM6 ? ... I have IPL 2.20.0001 and SPL 2.13.0001. Do i have to upgrade IPL to the last version, run Jumpspl on device and launch RUU utility with my favorite ROM ??
Thanx again in advance ...

skunknet said:
Thanx for answer ...
Rondol1 but i have G4 device ... are you sure that i can upgrade to WM6 ? ... I have IPL 2.20.0001 and SPL 2.13.0001. Do i have to upgrade IPL to the last version, run Jumpspl on device and launch RUU utility with my favorite ROM ??
Thanx again in advance ...
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I have a G4 myself and I have flashed allmost every single ROM that has come out here. Old and New style alike.
You IPL is fine, don't change it. Just run JumpSPL (your Prophet has a white screen) connect it to your PC and launch the RUU. If you want to try more ROM's after each other, you could install HardSPL to save time the next try.

rondol1 said:
I have a G4 myself and I have flashed allmost every single ROM that has come out here. Old and New style alike.
You IPL is fine, don't change it. Just run JumpSPL (your Prophet has a white screen) connect it to your PC and launch the RUU. If you want to try more ROM's after each other, you could install HardSPL to save time the next try.
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Sorry for the broken link in the previous post
Please have a look here:-...
hope it helps~~ ^_^

Many thanx guys ...
i've upgrade successfully my G4 device to WM6 ....
I've upgrade to Prophet Touch VIII using jumpspl ....
Many thanx at all for information ....


cannot install imate jamin original rom after installing evo8en - help

i have a G4 imate jamin
i upgraded it to wm6 evo8enbefore upgrading i used the instructions to first install RUU_Prophet_220734_2207114_024721_NVID and then upgrade to wm6.
my imate has changed into a QTECK (welcome screen)
but now that i want to downgrade and use the imate original rom i cant
it gives me error 296 (the nbf file cannot be used.)
i tried to CIDunlock using the wiki method.
when i run the downgrade.bat it worked fine and finished but when i soft reset to do the next steps (runnıng unlockcid.bat) my imate freezed and did not boot.
can some body help me on how can i install the imate orginal rom on my jamin again???????
By installing RUU_Prophet_220734_2207114_024721_NVID.exe you probably upgraded your SPL from 2.13 or 2.15 (i guess) to 2.20 and now when you try to downgrade your rom you receive that error.
I know because i did exactly the same thing with my first prophet but later I found dopod 2.15 . . . rom which didnt change my second prophet's SPL.
Now, since there is no solution (yet) for downgrading (unlocking) G4s the only thing you can do is: http://www.imei-check.co.uk/m600unlock.php. I havent! done that myself but someone sure has... Or you can try some other WM6 roms like Touch, Mysterious, etc.
Oh, and btw CID unlock is for G3 ONLY!!!
Maybe someone should update that guide so people dont get into these situations
mcupurdija said:
By installing RUU_Prophet_220734_2207114_024721_NVID.exe you probably upgraded your SPL from 2.13 or 2.15 (i guess) to 2.20 and now when you try to downgrade your rom you receive that error.
I know because i did exactly the same thing with my first prophet but later I found dopod 2.15 . . . rom which didnt change my second prophet's SPL.
Now, since there is no solution (yet) for downgrading (unlocking) G4s the only thing you can do is: http://www.imei-check.co.uk/m600unlock.php. I havent! done that myself but someone sure has... Or you can try some other WM6 roms like Touch, Mysterious, etc.
Oh, and btw CID unlock is for G3 ONLY!!!
Maybe someone should update that guide so people dont get into these situations
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yes this should be notified properly ,also usb switch is missing in instructions too .

Latest SPL and IPL

Hello could somebody post the latest SPL & IPL for G4?
i don't suggest to play around with IPL and SPL , if you make a mistake you can brick your device forever.
here is the link you want :
once again , if you like your phone and you want to keep it and use it , don't play around with these two. specially IPL.
Lastest IPL/SPL is 2.58.0001 and can found on a T-Com TC-500 Prophet.
NetrunnerAT said:
Lastest IPL/SPL is 2.58.0001 and can found on a T-Com TC-500 Prophet.
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and where can i find this?

dopod 818pro in bootmode,3 colours

hi to all,newbie here.
my problem:
prophet dopod 818pro,as i read on label,still in 3 colours mode.
i see on display:
ipl 2.10.0001
spl 2.g3
what i can do for restore?
in origin the prophet is g4,as i know,and after one bad update this is result.
tnks to all.
i have taked a look in wiki and lot of topics,but i need help for start,how to force the upgrade or restore,how to connect the htc to pc whit win xp etc...
nykocam said:
hi to all,newbie here.
my problem:
prophet dopod 818pro,as i read on label,still in 3 colours mode.
i see on display:
ipl 2.10.0001
spl 2.g3
what i can do for restore?
in origin the prophet is g4,as i know,and after one bad update this is result.
tnks to all.
i have taked a look in wiki and lot of topics,but i need help for start,how to force the upgrade or restore,how to connect the htc to pc whit win xp etc...
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You have a G3 SPL on your G4 device. Not a lot you can do...
EDIT: The most progress on this is here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=384235
I Need Help PLS 818pro 3 colour screen
I Have A Dopod 818pro, yesterday I Download This Rom Prophet_S4V.19701.01_F N i upgrade It But Now Be come 3 Colour Screen only
cant boot in win IPL 2.210.0001 SPL 2.20.0001 it is dead ??????:
egghead7 said:
I Have A Dopod 818pro, yesterday I Download This Rom Prophet_S4V.19701.01_F N i upgrade It But Now Be come 3 Colour Screen only
cant boot in win IPL 2.210.0001 SPL 2.20.0001 it is dead ??????:
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You need to flash an official ROM, and then apply hard/soft SPL to the device.
Hei Bro i try that original Rom. Still ask for New NBF Can u help me or Post new rom to me thanks
egghead7 said:
Hei Bro i try that original Rom. Still ask for New NBF Can u help me or Post new rom to me thanks
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Use an NVID ROM from the wiki.

upgrading radio step by step

hi all
i can't upgrade my radio any help plz i had found thread but i can't do it in right way
Your device must CID Unlocked. You can do this with HardSPL, USPL or SSPL
Rataplan said:
Your device must CID Unlocked. You can do this with HardSPL, USPL or SSPL
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i had installed sspl & hardspl but when i try to install any radio it freez at 99%
my radio is wm 6.1 what can i do
Flash the last official rom:
sorry for late , i works with me now i had wm6.5 on my mobile and all function work , thank u
sorry for late , i works with me now i had wm6.5 on my mobile and all function work , thank u

Can i upgrade my phone with a new Rom?

I´ve an HTC Wizzard / T-Mobile MDA and i think AKU 3 was installes.
The bootscreen say :
IPL : 3.08.0001
SPL : 3.08.0001
GSM : 02.69.11
OS :
Is ist possible to upgrade the Rom to any custom Firmware?
I´ve found that this is an G4 phone but im not sure it´s possible to upgrade.
Maybe you can tell me it´s possible or not.
I hope my eglish is good enough so that somebody understand what i mean.
yes, you can
o0opaniko0o said:
I´ve an HTC Wizzard / T-Mobile MDA and i think AKU 3 was installes.
The bootscreen say :
IPL : 3.08.0001
SPL : 3.08.0001
GSM : 02.69.11
OS :
Is ist possible to upgrade the Rom to any custom Firmware?
I´ve found that this is an G4 phone but im not sure it´s possible to upgrade.
Maybe you can tell me it´s possible or not.
I hope my eglish is good enough so that somebody understand what i mean.
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hi, yes, you can flash a new rom, but first of all, read , read, read and then read again, the process is very simple once you have readed the faqs (stickies)
good luck !!!1
Thanx for your answer!
I´ve read the Wiki and the sticky´s in this forum, i´ve searcht for my IPL/SPL Build and read this topics too.
But i´m unsure.
In the past (when the Wizard was new for me) i´ve read that the IPL/SPL 3.08.0001 (AKU3) wasn´t possible to upgrade .
Now i can´t find anything about that but i´m unsure.
Then i´ve read about Soft an HardSPL Flash but what is the best for me?
I´ve read that SoftSPL was better if you have warranty on your phone but my phone havent any warranty because it´s to old.
Should i use HardSPL to permanently remove the CID lock (then i should use only G4Save Rom´s - Right?)?
So Steps i want to do now to upgrade my Wizard :
1 . G4 Hard SPl CID unlock
[Solution] G4 Hard SPL (CID unlock)
But this tutorial say´s (After reboot the IPL version is : 2.21.0001 and the SPL is 2.21.olip) can the IPL 2.21.0001 boot the "old" AKU3 T-Mobile Germany Rom or must i update the rom with Mun's RUU imediatly?
2. I Update the rom with Mun's RUU after i´ve read this ROM Features, Ratings, Information and Program List topic to chose the best rom for me, G4 Safe only!?
Right or have i forgot some steps?
It´s done,
i´ve read some topics again and again und then i used the SoftSPL CID unlock and flash my wizard succesfull.

