Freaky WinMo6.1 screwup.. - Mogul, XV6800 ROM Development

I just flashed to DCD's 2.2.6 ROM yesterday. After flashing my ROM, i opted to not put all my email info onto the device as i wasn't sure when the new ROM would be out, and i didn't know if it'd be a matter of hours before i reflashed. Anyway, i tried to add my yahoo email to my Mogul out of boredom at work, and the next thing i know, my friend from California texts me saying that she just got 10 texts with a whole amazon confirmation of an order i'd placed back in November. Tracking number, payment method, the whole 9 yards. The email would have been on my HOTMAIL email account and wouldn't have had anything to do with the yahoo email i was setting up, yet when i check my hotmail account through my PC, that specific email that she got split into 10 texts, is magically gone from my account... and i never delete order confirmations till about 6 months after i get the product.
Talk about a HUGE security threat... I thought maybe she was messing with me and somehow got my email password, but she forwarded me back the texts and sure enough, it was the exact email i remember reading when i placed that order.
There is no way that she'd ever know my passwords for anything as they're randomly generated numbers and letters both in upper and lower case, and i have yet to even CHECK my hotmail on this phone with the new ROM. I also have my security settings on the "Reset Password" function of hotmail set to a random date (not my birthday, as it asks for), and the security question and answer have nothing to do with eachother.
The only thing i can think is that when i first got my phone i logged in with windows live and it downloaded all my hotmail stuff, and i backed up originally with SPB Backup. Since then, i've run custom roms without MSN's junkware, and have used SPB Backup to do full backups on my device.
Is it possible that somehow the backups have carried over those hotmail emails that were backed up, and that info isn't really locked down, as it doesn't have an email address on the mogul to attach those backed up emails to?
This really has me freaked out.. i've never seen anything like this before...
It's got me scared to the point where i'm gonna flash back to the ORIGINAL Rom with the bad BT just to keep my ish secure.
Does anyone have ANY CLUE why this would happen?????? My girlfriend doesn't even know my passwords to ANYTHING.
Thanks guys, any help would be appreciated!

Honestly, does anyone have a clue why this would happen? Has anyone else even HEARD of this happening?
If it was a freak incident, i won't worry about it, but still it's definitely an issue that it's possible right?

I havent heard of that happening to anyone. I'm using no2chem's 6.1 rom and its been flawless for me. I cant think of why an email would be sent to annother person via text.

freaky or not it happened to me, however a bit differently i sent an email to someone through my phone around 9am
i sent a text message (after sending other emails and text messages) around 5pm and it sent the text message plus the message i sent at 9am to that person.


Gmail "The message(s) could not be sent..."

***Update 10/29/08***
Just found this update, supposedly from someone high up at Microsoft. Seems plausible to me.
***Update 12/1/08***
I "guess" that fix made the problem a little better for me, but it didn't stop the error. The good news is MS has released a fix for the problem.
We'll see...
I'm going the reverse the instructions from the preceeding "fix" (registry edit), delete my current gmail account, soft reset, apply the MS patch, then recreate my account.
***End of update 12/1/08***
If you've used gmail for outgoing email long enough I'll bet you've seen this error while trying to send at some point, which then prevents you from sending any more emails via gmail:
"The message could not be sent. Check that you have network coverage and that your account information is correct. Then try sending again."
I've seen it using many dcd/no2chem roms using gps and non gps radios.
There are loads of "fixes" on various forums that suggest specifying server port numbers, requiring/not requiring SSL, etc. .It's been my experience that only one fix fixes the issue consistently.
From the Kaiser forum:
jgmdean said:
I usually have to delete the account and then add it again with a different name.
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Creating this new account with a different name is the only fix I've found that works consistently, at least for a couple weeks.
I said in the other thread ( I would wait to test... Well guess I am not good at waiting.
After recreated with a UNIQUE name it is sending fine. I will see how long it lasts.
Another thread here with some of the setup info.
Yup, I've needed to create unique names from Gmail to Gmail6 before to get messages sent.
Never seems to work for more than a couple weeks.
7-12 thru 7-18... Looks like I am on Gmail02
This is a real pain!
That it is!
All I've been able to do is file an error report with Google.
Sure would be nice if someone knew Pocket Outlook well enough to investigate...
I'm having the same trouble and don't use Google for email.
I monitor 4 accounts with my Tilt and the one that causes me problems is the Exchange account, using IMAP and SMTP. The other 3 IMAP accounts use Courier/Qmail and they have never posed a problem.
I even tried sending my Exchange account email using my Qmail SMTP server and it too triggers the error.
It has gotten to be such a pain in the ass that I'm evaluating FlexMail which works so far, but is a bit slow.
My money is on a problem with Pocket Outlook.
For what it's worth, I use a free app called Seven ( to have my Gmail messages pushed to pOutlook my phone, and I've never encountered this problem that you guys are describing.. and i've been using it for about 8 months now.
Thanks for the tip on Seven. Nice how it runs behind the scenes, preserving Pocket Outlook's interface. Too bad how it'll only retrieve messages < 30 days old, but it'll be a good fix for me if it stops these errors...
Huh, I hadn't noticed that limitation, but now that you mention it, it would be kinda nice to be able to go back in my email history a little further (heck, we've got enough internal storage space for it). Anyway, good luck with it.
There's always native gmail...
I prefer to use native gmail running in GC's Java midlet. With native gmail, you get...
a familiar gmail interface
20MB attachments received right on your 6800
full access to read and modify your contacts
access to your complete gmail history, with search
your gmail labels
THREADED messages!
What's missing? A way for your 68000 to inform you, "You've got mail".
Updated first post.
Does this affect DCD roms or just the stock Verizon one? or both?
I have been tearing my hair out since I have had my phone over this. could not figure it out, only solution was to delete the account and re-add
I will follow and try this
Hi - I have a similar issue with gmail. Incoming works perfectly via imap, however outgoing emails do not work at all. I tried the smtp fix patch from MS, changing outgoing to or 587 and it still doesn't work. Also tried to create the account again to no avail.
I used the standard settings on gmail site - dunno what I am missing here!! Any help would be nice
I am trying this on a brand new htc diamond.
I am using FlexMail 4 and have never had a problem sending or receiving with gMail IMAP. I can not, either, send emails using ms pocket outlook. I can receive emails just fine. This is a bug in MS Pocket Outlook as described by earlier post.
I "guess" that fix made the problem a little better for me, but it didn't stop the error. The good news is MS has released a fix for the problem.
We'll see...
I'm going the reverse the instructions from the preceeding "fix" (registry edit), delete my current gmail account, soft reset, apply the MS patch, then recreate my account.
I don't know if you guys are using 6.1 or not, I just found this thread while googling the error message and found a solution that worked for me.
Here is the official Microsoft patch for this problem and it seems to have worked (at least so far) for me. I just downloaded the cab, my phone restarted, and sending emails works again.
Hope that helps.
I was and still am running 6.1 (dcd 3.2.6). After applying that patch I don't get the error as often, but I still get it with gmail and my work IMAP. I haven't had to recreate any accounts since the patch, only a soft reset's required to start sending again. So, for me the patch has been an improvement but not a fix.
To me, a fix here will be the best part about 6.5, assuming they fixed it (I have no idea)...
Thanks all.
Just to say the MS patch seems to have fixed things - this evening at least.
Interestingly, I've got three different gmail-based accounts on my phone. Two of them stopped sending, but the third remained unaffected.
Thanks again!

HTML email in Exchange push mail

Since upgrading my phone more than a month ago, since then (and I believe before that as well). When I go into my Outlook configuration screen my only choice for email type is Text, and it's grayed out, and won't let me change it. Yesterday (after I had first flashed 3.2.6) I saw that I could change it. I was in the process of playing with Sashimi trying to get it to work the way I wanted, and after getting all that setup, I noticed that I am locked back in to TEXT only again.
Is there a registry change or am I installing something that would be preventing me from choosing HTML.
BillThyCat said:
Since upgrading my phone more than a month ago, since then (and I believe before that as well). When I go into my Outlook configuration screen my only choice for email type is Text, and it's grayed out, and won't let me change it. Yesterday (after I had first flashed 3.2.6) I saw that I could change it. I was in the process of playing with Sashimi trying to get it to work the way I wanted, and after getting all that setup, I noticed that I am locked back in to TEXT only again.
Is there a registry change or am I installing something that would be preventing me from choosing HTML.
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HTML push e-mail is only available when connecting with an Exchange 2007 server. If you are connecting to an Exchange 2003 or later version of the server software, you can only send and receive text e-mails. This is a limitation on the server software and nothing to do with the mobile device.
Ah, wonder if it showed me the drop down because it hadn't synced yet.
Thanks for the info.
BillThyCat said:
Ah, wonder if it showed me the drop down because it hadn't synced yet.
Thanks for the info.
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Yes. Once you sync for the first time it figures out what the capabilities are of the server and then will only offer you those options. I was pretty confused the first time around also.

[Q] Facebook Mobile Text Question

I'm unable to comment on a Facebook Mobile Texts or reply "like" to a status via my facebook text. Example if I get a text from 358336 and it reads Pat is feeling good. If I text "like" to like that status it will not send it to 358336 it will send it to 358337 private message to the user inbox. Now I have tried everything to fix this even resetting my phone, flashing different roms and resetting my accounts setting on facebook still I cant reply to any texts from facebook.
Has anyone one else had this happen to them and if so, How did you fix it.
Happens to me too. That's an issue with Facebooks text service, not android or Eris so I don't think there's a way to fix it.
Sent from my Eris Lightning 3.02
settlethestorm said:
Happens to me too. That's an issue with Facebooks text service, not android or Eris so I don't think there's a way to fix it.
Sent from my Eris Lightning 3.02
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So is it still happening to you or did it just stop
Last I checked it was still doing that, after a few ppl on fbook told me I sent status comments to their inbox, so I got pissed and turned of texts alerts lol. Their text service has NEVER worked well for me, even on my old prepaid Samsung u350 (or whatever its called lol). I would set times I wanted texts, and would still get em all hours, I would sign up for friends, and only get a few, and worst of all when I had it set to NOT send me texts when I was online... I'd get em. So yea, their fault, their problem, and haven't seen any improvment in two years. I just stopped using it.
Sent from my Eris Lightning 3.02

Text messaging many do you keep ?

Im about to wipe all and start over with a new ROM.
Currently on Quick sense 1.5.1
Since day One this phone has had a weird habit of stalling on SMS.
If Im typing out a message the KB will lag as the incoming message comes in.
This has gotten worse with new ROM and accumulation of texts.
My outgoing message seems to just sit there for several seconds before it sends , and at least 4-5 times a day ((out of 100-150 texts a day)) Ill get a "message cant be delivered" and I have to resend.
At this point I have about 6000 text messages in my inbox. Coming from N1 I never had this issue at all. Does Sense perhaps have some weird messaging cache ? Are Handcent/GoSMS not optimized for sense ?
Im hesitant to wipe as its really the only issue with this ROM and hate to risk instability.
Suggestions..thoughts ?
I never worry about it..just back them all up (SMS Backup) to my Gmail and forgot about them. If I ever need to reference them I just do a quick search on my email. Any reason you aren't doing that?
I back them up via Mybackup Pro.
But theres no quick way to search them If I need to look something up.(zip files)
I would do the Gmail thing but feel its a privacy issue as I try to keep my gmail away from more personal info. ((I havent seen anywhere that Android logs my sms and phones home so still clinging to that hope))

Gmail Question

On a previous ROM when i open the Gmail app and read an email then delete it the email just deleted, im now using stock LF8 and it's superb for battery life, anyway ive noticed when i delete an email but then i check my Gmail on my laptop it looks as if it has been read but it's not deleted, id be very surprised if this was ROM related but i just thought id ask anyway as i said when i had a custom ROM on my phone i deleted the emails and they deleted as normal on the app, i haven't changed any settings in Gmail,it's a bit annoying having to delete the emails again after i thought they had already been deleted, there's bound to be an explanation to this, anyone know about this?
112 views and no one has any clue?
On the lower right side of your keyboard is a key with the "." Symbol on it. Please use it sometimes.
And while you're at it, also use use the Enter-Key sometimes. That will make reading a lot easier.
Furthermore your sentence construction of saying everything redundantly in one huge sentence reminds me of my mother
Is the email actually deleted on the phone and is sync enabled? (It may take some time for changes to propagate)
Yes sync is enabled and................
(ill just skip down here to appease you)
when i delete the email on my phone and i then check Gmail on my laptop it shows as read but is not deleted,im wondering how this is possible?
still ****ing happening.....anyone else????
i'm having this problem too. anyone know the answer

