jasjam radio....??? - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam Software Upgradin

Can I put the radio ..in HERMES... to strengthen the level of transmission network ...
Thank 4 All

yes, check the wiki for radio roms. make sure phone has hard hard spl installed & PLEASE for the love of your hermes

But,I want to stronger than the network level .. What is the solution???

Depending where you are in the world depends what radio rom will work best for you. You CANT get better than what the network puts out as this is the maximum level. You need to tell us WHERE you are and see what anyone else from that region finds is the best radio. Each radio rom has pros and cons depending on where you are at and how your network interacts with your rom. Do some reading on the wiki to find out about issues people are having with some radios as people are losing their phone functionality and the radio roms are suspected. Happy hunting.......


Reception improves with SER 1.2 ROM over WM2003?? HOW?

Hello XDA forumers,
This is my first post, so be gentle
I was sick and tired of poor signal and performance of my sx56 phone for about 2 years. I ran into this forum over past weekend, was amazed and started to fiddle around with various ROM images.
I tried several but beleive it or not, Special Edition ROM put together by these people was the best. Right now my device has a RSU from ATT upgrade of WM2003. I didn't touch it. And with the SER i get an awsome performance and signal strength. So first of all, great job guys.
I would just live with this ROM forever, but curosity has gotten the best of me.
So the question for the fathers of SER is: how did you do it? Did you simply take O2 ROM and cooked it with some other applications. Did you make any coding changes to the RIL? I cooked several versions of PPC 2003 ROM from stefan's kitchen, but couldn't get my phone perf to get quiet there. Was that, that 2002 was just a better OS? Microsoft screwed something up in 2003?
I have got quiet a few questions on my mind!! as you can tell!!
I would like to develop a similar special room that is based on 2003 system. my reasons for insisting on 2003 is that .net applications work with it (e.g. voice command).
Thanks for all your work. love you guys!!
err, damn newbies.. I thought the information about my phone would populate from my profile: Here is what i got now on my phone:
SX56, ATT, ROM 3.17.03 (Special Edition ROM 1.2) RSU A.33.03
I hate WM2003, too! The SER by XDA-developers was a marvellous thing! But there are a few reasons to give 2002 up:
- it is VERY slow with application handling comparing to WM2003 :!:
- as you mentioned, no .NET there...
- IE supports older versions of JS
- worse Phone, SMS interfaces. No new "connecrion/phone status" bubble, that allows to connect to GPRS, for example.
- in general, most programmers today aim the WM2003 (even though some of their apps work with PPC2002PE, too)
On the other side:
- it takes less space (both RAM and ROM) :!:
- some people (like me) like older interfaces (especially "connections" tab in settings!)
- it was not this buggy (multiple windows in IE didn't close itself without my permission, could turn off LCD to play music with less battery consumption)...
- I expected few more things to be supported in WM2003...
bob, thanks for your reply and insightful thoughts.
My question still remains, why do i see better signal strength with Special Edition Rom 1.2 compared to WM2003. It is puzzling me. This is a questions directly for SER developers? What did you do to get a better signal reception? or WM2002 was a better os for radio reception?? Is the antena graphic signal is bit magnified than what it is?
I mean you guys wont beleive, i actually have my phone back after 2 years of mucking around with it. I can actually make calls and recieve calls in the area that i live. Now it still roams over to cingular, but even get a full bar signal with cingular. I was ready to drop the whoe pocket pc phone thing and now .. well.
I request and hope attention from the SER guys. I would like to make or participate in making Special Edition for WM2003. I love the OS; hate the signal that i get with it.
I don't think they changed anything in OS code, possibly tweakers, included in SER did. There was GPRSconnection thing, that allowed not to disconnect from GPRS on power off...
Concerning signal strength, do you feel you loose signal more often or it is all about how many lines it shows on taskbar? In addition, did you change PDA's ROM only or GSM ROM, too? (in these machines there are three ROMs: PDA, GSM/GPRS and bootloader)
SER2003: I think there will be no SER2003 - noone needs it. You can get whatever you personally need in ROM kitchens. If you want to help, you can suggest something LumpiStefan should add.
I have only been playing with the OS part. Didn't touch bootloader or RSU.
that is somewhat correct that i have been measuring the signal strength by the number of bars shown. It is now confirmed that the delta of bars between Special Editition ROM and WM2003 is at-least 2 bars, with device sitting at exact same spot.
BUT I put SER on and used the phone for 1 whole day. It had a great performance. As I said, i was able to make calls from ares where i have never been able to before. I am today trying a phone with a well cooked version of wm2003 from stephan's kitchen, and i am have issues so far!!
question remains: What is it in SER that improved signal so greatly. :?
I'm from Toronto Canada and use my SX56 on the Fido network here. I'm also receiving very poor signal strength, even in downtown Toronto. Should I drive outside the city, forget it. I still carry around my Nokia 3390 just in case I need to make a call while driving home.
I'm using the A.30.09 ENG rom, along with A.33.03 radio version. I'm wondering if anyone has knowledge of a better radio version than this. I've gotten quite good at bootloading my new roms into place, but I'm wondering if there's an easy way of just doing the radio version?
Lastly, and I have to ask this question because of my lack of knowledge, but in respect to the bands (800/900 - 1800/1900), is there a way to force the phone to use any certain band for it's connectivity to the network? Which one is generally stronger? Does the phone automatically seek out the strongest signal from any of the bands and then use that?
I just wanna push my phone to the limit and get the best reception possible.
Thanks for any and all replies!
I had A.30.09 from ATT RS 3.25 (i had 4.21 before but i've changed it to improve radio performance. Unfortunatelly reception remained the same) and i had no reason to comply. All indicators shows poor reception but i had no problems with using my MDA (good voice quality and no dropped calls).
using this software http://www.pocketgear.com/software_detail.asp?id=14491
i checked reception and I had about 95 dBm indoor and 80 dBm outdoor (for MDA minimum strength is 113 and max is 51).
After month or 2 i have changed ROM into 4.1.16 from T-mobile and all seems to works much better!
No i have 80 dBm indoor and 70 outdoor!!! That's what I call great improvement. Unfortunatelly I faced another problem now - today my MDA 2 times (one during measurements ) lost reception at all and I had to restart radio modul to get signal again. I have totaly no idea why this had happend but I'm affraid i cant use this rom anymore Offcourse this new problem may be caused by something diffrent (like strange software form lumpistefan kitchen ) so I'll try to deactivate as much software as possible and use my unit for several days from now on.
If U can try software mensioned above and share with me some conclusions I'll be greatfull. Thx in advance.

can anyone please post radio rom 1.08

can anyone please post radio rom 1.08 please... thanks alot
Here ya go. 1.08..
thanks dude!.... i downgraded my radio to 1.08, ROM is 2.02 and EXT ROm was 1.66+remix.... worked like a charm....
it was an experiment to see if my hunches are correct..... im now off to test it ... to see if id get better signals... ( because I was sure I did get better signals as compared to the new radio roms.)
waiting for your feedback i have 1.18 & want to see if this one is better or not
greetings Rabia!..... in my opinion, 1.08 is better than the others i have used.... my device usually looses signal level whenever I'm at home.... (1.14,1.17) but not with 1.08. wherein i managed to get 1 bar, (my house is so far flung that signal level is low.
Z-man said:
greetings Rabia!..... in my opinion, 1.08 is better than the others i have used.... my device usually looses signal level whenever I'm at home.... (1.14,1.17) but not with 1.08. wherein i managed to get 1 bar, (my house is so far flung that signal level is low.
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Zman is CORRECT!
Radio signal strength is stable and i also manage to gain one additional bar on my phone.
Thanks pare..
no prob dude!... enjoy the additional signal bar
thanks for the advice, any advice on how to upgrade my radio alone?
you cant upgrade the radio only.... you have to include the whole package.... just use the same o/s rom and extd rom that you are using now. goodluck!
What's the reason why the 1.08 performs better than the 1.18? Isn't the 1.18 a much newer build than the 1.08?
Thanks for the feedback Pare!
that I cannot answer dude, the only reason i wanted to have 1.08 again on my device is that, from my observations, it performs better that the others that i had used.... i still havent tried 1.18.
also, i read in one of the posts, "newer doesnt mean better" as the guy posted... sorry forgot the name of the poster.
maybe doing revisions in some parts, produces bugs in other parts of the radio rom....just maybe.
I leave it to you if you wanna downgrade radio rom..... do check your device and from your experiences with other radio roms which one would be best for you...
I was luck to be in a far flung area, that I was able to observe the behavior of other radio roms, in terms of signal level and performace.
gud luck dude!
would i need the password to make it work for my operator, if any please post the password for this radio version
that would be 0x20040306 or 0x20040305
thanks for the password, this is the best radio i tried so far, even better than 1.18, i live in a place with a bad signal coverage (home) its only the toilt now where i completly disconnect :shock: well toilt is not where i live :lol: i care less at least the rest of the house covered now :twisted:
good for you dude!... enjoy the signal

Post your Radio Experience Here!

There are many Radio versions out there and many opinions. The best aproach seems to test wich one is the best for you. This post does not is not intended to explain how to upgrade your radio, for that, i think you should start readin Mr.Vanx guide . For the Radios, find them here: here
In order to share your experience with each Radio, please post your information in this standardized way, so that other users with similar models on a similar country with same operator can benefit from the information:
-Phone Model:
-OS in use:
-Phone Operator/company in use and actual location in the world:
-Radio Rom's used and the opinion on each of them:
-Any other experience with problems (describe them) that were solved with a radio upgrade.
Thanks, and sorry for any english mistake...
Ok, example:
-Phone Model:Softbank X01HT
-OS in use: WM6 BlackMajik, with Olipro2.1, sim free and Supercid
-Phone Operator/company in use and actual location in the world:I'm in Brazil, using VIVO phone company.
-Radio Rom's used and the opinion on each of them: Seems to be a USA cingular radio. My phone drops some calls, have some noise during speak and when exposed for some time in a place whithout signal, will loose the antena connection and place an "!" exclamation point at the side of the antena icon. He won't find the signal again if i don't soft reset, or sometimes even hard reset!!!
-Any other experience with problems (describe them) that were solved with a radio upgrade: Still studing what upgrade i'll make. Read good about 1.41, 1.43, 1.47 and 1.48

Even if you never make ROM upgrades, you need radio 1.58

See my post in the 1.58 radio thread for some interesting findings after I ran some tests on the new 1.58 radio. Even if you've decided to leave your Athena stock, you need to make this upgrade.
as usuall I using
I have as 3G and H (HSDPA) where my provider have a cover in this area.
wiki your help!
You prove your ignorance.
Sure the other versions support 3G/H. Ive used 1.47, 1.50, 1.57 and now 1.58 and yes they support high-speed protocols.
If you actually read my post in the other thread you would see I said that 1.58 does high-speed much faster than the other radio versions and has much higher sensitivity thresholds.
But you were too busy being self-important... and wrong ... to do that. Enjoy your far-slower radio version.
I am using 1.58 and for the first time in my athena owner life I an having really fast UPLOAD. PLUS I have 3G coverage in the same places where I had 2G before (inside my home, inside my office and it is hard to believe they changed the cell in both places at the same time).
In some other places I have HSUPA coverage too http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High-Speed_Uplink_Packet_Access
The overall feeling is also a fast download. I think download does not start until it receives the request of the upload. That's why I noticed it right away for surfing and mail reading. I normally download only a small portion of the mail, and if I want it I click to download the rest. With previous radio, the waiting time to get the rest was noticeably longer.
It's good having someone actually measure the improvement. Thanks techntrek.
Glad to post the numbers. I would be interested in seeing numbers from others (before and after).
New all-time best speed, yesterday. Previously my best was 983 kbps. Now it is 1169 kbps.
I get a message that the file is corrupted (#270) I came to 7%, then the device resets.
Any suggestions
Try to re-download the installer.
Did that twice. Are going to try again tomorrow
Are you fully unlocked?
Hi, Still no luck. Maybe a stupied question but what do you meen about unlocked? I can use my x7500 with any "phonecompany" that I want. I donĀ“t have to use someone special.
Unless you have specifically run olipro's unlocking software you are only sim unlocked. His software takes away the remaining locks, such as the one that allows you to install non-factory roms (such as the radio rom). Look in the "hard-spl..." thread in this sub-forum.
I will do that, thanks for your help
Recently I flashed my radio from 1.50 to 1.58 and I must say it is a lot better! I get HSDPA at all times now where before it would occasionally swap between Edge, 3G and H now it stays solid H all the time and goes to Edge only where there is really no 3G available.
I also noticed that at home for example. I always got a very weak H signal, but after the upgrade I get two bars at all times, also tested with Skype, seems to run smoother and I don't get as many disconnected calls as before.
I suggest everybody should upgrade the radio, it is well worth it!
michyprima r4 radio 1.58
x7501 running michy's r4 with radio 1.58, can rec calls or mms, infact the speed is great when it works, but stability has gone way down, i've seen a lot of people using connex to go back to 1.2spl and then using 2.04d with r1.58. i was wondering if people could post what roms they are using that they see good stability with.
My SPL is 1.2 and the stock rom WM6. I see a huge performance differance with this radio over 1.50, no stability issuses at all.
acids7n said:
i was wondering if people could post what roms they are using that they see good stability with.
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AP4, no difference with older radios or this one - all stable.
Michi's V4 SPL 1.2 and 1.58. Coming from stock and stock WM6 there is a good performance increase in radio, typically at least 1 more bar wherever I am and no stability issues.

HD2 Radio's?

I remember from when i had my Touch Diamond that different radios changed the signal strength and increased battery life and some other stuff, is this the case for the HD2 as well?
Also there's a lot a radios floating about, which one is the best?
ok before you get flamed, there is no better Radio, yes you can change them but there all different for everybody, look in the Radio thread may of helped
Let the flaming begin
Demon_man said:
ok before you get flamed, there is no better Radio, yes you can change them but there all different for everybody, look in the Radio thread may of helped
Let the flaming begin
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TBF i have a touch diamond in my desk that has been heavily modified and with the diamond it is very much the case of there are 2 really good radios and the rest suck.
With the Leo on the other hand, it is very area and provider specific although most people tend use or There are some people using I have tried that one and had some major issues with it so i'm sticking with for now.
That should give you a starting block though. There is a radio thread somewhere so i would go check that out.
As has been said...it depends. Figure out where you spend the most time using the phone, and try different radios to see how they perform at that location or locations. A radio that works well at one location could be horrible in another. A different radio may work well in both locations.
HD2 Radio
The best Radio out there for the HD2 is Leo_RADIO_2.12.50.02_2
fabiane79 said:
The best Radio out there for the HD2 is Leo_RADIO_2.12.50.02_2
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just to prove the point, i find the 2.12.50 radio unusable, dropped calls, calls going straight to voicemail.... terrible.
@op,, as said above, you just gotta try them, see what works for you.

