New phone - what do i do? (update 2) - Mogul, XV6800 ROM Development

Hi guys, I am not really all that new to the forums, lurking alot. and doing research contemplating whether or not i should do this upgrade which all of you seem to have absolutely no problem doing.
I am a Verizon customer with a 6800 that i use for mainly business purposes and entertainment purposes. I have been using stock since the day i got and only used cosmetic shells for it (SPB) Recently my phone has been forced into retirement (lost) which almost seemed like a godsend to me as insurance is sending me a new 6800. Given the timing and the circumstance, i am going to be doing one of these upgrades to my phone. However i am completely lost as to what happens after and which choice would be best.
I decided to use either Nexvision's upgrade or DCD's upgrade. i dont know which, as far as i understand dcd's is closer to stock; am i correct in thinking this? while dcd's is more fully featured entertainment package with loads of software?
I would also love to add functionality to this phone if possible, am I correct in thinking that i am able to enable gps on the phone by updating the radio? if so, wouldn't the radio cuase signal issues? long connect times and such?
Also, since I am verizon customer, i would need to call verizon's tech support for some information to activate my phone?
I want to thank you for all your support in advance, and i will be posting back here updating on my experience.
did all the work, flash went just fine without a hitch, however i cant send or recieve sms. only app added to dcd kitchen is arcosft mms 4 found on this forum.

First off DCD's are what we call Clean ROM's. He pretty much strips all the bs out of them and lets you decide what you want to add via the Kitchen. What you really need to do is figure out exactly what programs you want included. Then search around for the OEM files for those programs. Once you get all the OEMs you want you will stuff them in DCD's Kitchen OEM folder and then follow his directions. Now beware PAY CLOSE ATTENTION TO THE DETAILS IN THE INSTRUCTION. If you don't, you'll end up with a headache. It won't kill your phone but you will have to keep flashing the thing until you follow the directions exactly how they are set. I will tell you right now, if you are a Verizon customer have your stylus out when your phone boots and hit the reset button when the Customization screen pops up. If you don't, you're gonna end up flashing it again.

I really like DCD's rom...clean, stable and everything works. I looked at VetVito's black rom and its very nice looking but I have mine set up just fine. Thats the nice thing about DCD's rom you can add anything you want later. If you flash a custom rom with lots of apps you may find there are some conflicts with software that you choose to install for your specific needs. You will need to update the radio on your verizon phone to enable the GPS. There are several tutorials on how to do it but basically you're gonna flash the stock Sprint rom (to get the updated radio only) and then stop at the customizations screen (the screen says 'tap' to begin customizing)....don't tap that screen or you're gonna have headaches like lllboredlll said. I'm on Alltel so I can't speak to some of the issues that Verizon users have but there are also some excellent tutorials on flashing the Sprint rom specifically to Verizon phones and how to get up and running without problems. My connections (phone, data, bluetooth, wi-fi, and GPS) have been flawless. After you're done flashing you can install SPB Mobile Shell or some other GUI and have fun!

Hey guys, Just reporting back on progress
I have successfully completely patching DCD rom onto my 6800. verizon has authenticated it and everything is working just fine.
I want to thank you again for your support and your help with choices and advice as well as explaining the differences between the choices.
However i did notice one thing. When using google maps option to track my location i found that it is horribly inacurrate, showing my location some 100 miles or so from my actual position. is this a common problem or just a fluke.
Update: Seems the gps is all wonkey, oh well.
after some more use, seems that text messaging isnt working. I cant recieve messagings and when sending i get error message NoAck. i can make calls no problems, didnt try the MMS.
I used DCD kitchens and added the arcosft mms 4 to it, edited the rgu like it said. I ddnt try sending mms messages yet, but I cant send or recieve sms messages,
a *228 option 1 didnt work. It seems to have killed my phone and i unable to recieve or make calls now.

Call verizon and make sure they didn't put a block on text messaging. If calls work fine, then sms should as well as they both transmit using 1xRTT.
Also, do a *228 option 1 and see if that helps.

got everything working, took me 2 phone calls to verizon to get everything back up and running. they asked for a few numbers from my phone, and a few resets later, everything was good. Thank you guys for all your supports. I am now the proud owner of a DCd 3.0.1 xv 6800


Rom 3.16 Post Installation Issues, Icons, etc

I have seen many, many threads about POST installation issues regarding the new 3.16 rom. I would like to attempt a problem/resolution thread that hopefully everyone will participate in order to create a "one-stop-shopping" thread regarding these issues.
I figure the mods will later either delete dormant threads or compile related threads into one. Hopefully we can get most if not all issues related to post installation here and properly labeled...
Please post problem(s) and if applicable, the resolution(s) to the problem regarding the 3.16 rom w/ Rev. A & GPS compatibility, including custom & stock rom. Please keep the thread limited to calls, data ( Rev. A & 0 plus Ev & 1X), task bar icons, prl's, etc and refer GPS questions/issues to threads like TalynOne's The Titan Internal GPS FAQ (01/30/2008) located here...
I have included below some links to start off the thread which includes a link to the definition of what the PRL is and what it does and below that is a site with former & current PRL's for numerous carriers.
PRL Listing -
xweaponx said:
I have seen many, many threads about POST installation issues regarding the new 3.16 rom. I would like to attempt a problem/resolution thread that hopefully everyone will participate in order to create a "one-stop-shopping" thread regarding these issues.
I figure the mods will later either delete dormant threads or compile related threads into one. Hopefully we can get most if not all issues related to post installation here and properly labeled...
Please post problem(s) and if applicable, the resolution(s) to the problem regarding the 3.16 rom w/ Rev. A & GPS compatibility, including custom & stock rom. Please keep the thread limited to calls, data ( Rev. A & 0 plus Ev & 1X), task bar icons, prl's, etc and refer GPS questions/issues to other GPS threads...
I have included below some links to start off the thread which includes a link to the definition of what the PRL is and what it does and below that is a site with former & current PRL's for numerous carriers.
PRL Listing -
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I flashed this ROM and I have since, jumped to DCDs version of it, and then back to 2.17.
I have, and apparently, a lot of folks have had inconsistent EVDO connection problems. Some times it freezes on "Loading"...other times, I can begin to pull up a web page and it times out. Speeds were good when it rarely did work properly.
The odd thing is that I have loaded new ROMS (including the current Sprint OEM ROM) and I'm still having that problem. (I'm taking suggestions to resolve this)
Also, like others, voice signal displayed fewer bars than usual. More "Signal Faded, Call lost than I have ever seen with this device.
On a kinda more positive note...
GPS worked well (when the EVDO connection did)
New Apps sucked up more of our previous RAM, but I didn't have any
latency or freeze ups.
I myself am experiencing a number of problems with the new ROM version, and will be downgrading to 2.17 soon. It took 3 installations of the new ROM to get the GPS to work. Since then, I've experienced several performance issues, including multiple times where the phone will freeze during web browsing in Opera Mobile. Sometimes, the phone won't even freeze, but will come up with a screen saying that the system memory is low, even when I'm only running Opera Mobile, it'll ask me to close either "Opera Mobile" "Phone" "Phone" or "Phone". Weird? I think so...
Also, there are times where I won't even get the internet to work. I'll have to either go in to the connections menu and disable the data connection, or do a soft reset of the phone completely.
In my opinion, it's probably more trouble than I really need to go through. I will be downgrading to 2.17 until the official release comes out.
Same issues for me:
inconsistent EVDO connection problems. Some times it freezes on "Loading"...other times, I can begin to pull up a web page and it times out. Speeds were good when it rarely did work properly.
Also, like others, voice signal displayed fewer bars than usual. More "Signal Faded, Call lost than I have ever seen with this device.
Spent 30 min with VZW level 2 support today. I called due to ##debug HDR an/aaa was = 0.. I was under the impression was supposed to be set to 1. They did look at my SSDR (I think he said that) and found it had a small issue with the authentication (still reads =0), but after he fixed that I still have issues. My HDR RDX power goes from -71db to -96db.
I also noticed every time I call the phone changes from EV to 1x. I know you don't use EV to make voice calls, but I did not remember (key word) seeing it switch like that before. Maybe someone with 2.17 1.40 radio can confirm.
I have thought about moving back too, but my call ticket history is getting pretty long with VZW and if I needed another A-key (yes I have one written down) it may start to look strange.
I'm on sprint and when I tried to update I was stuck on boot loader so I went online and switched esn over to my Treo for the time being as I worked on my Mogul. Eventually I got to load the rom fully and switched esn back. I noticed afterwards that my internet was only locking at 1x. Upon restart it would say EV but anytime it is connected to the net it is 1x. DSLreports clocked it at 50-90kbps so I know as definitely getting 1x speed. Reloaded the rom several times and still the same. This went on for 2 days. Eventually called Sprint and told them of my problem. They noticed that I was still on the regular Vision plan but I have always been able to connect to EVDO speeds so I never thought that was an issue. They updated me to Power Vision and right after I started getting EVDO speeds. I'm not sure if it was because of the change or maybe a restart of my data service that did the trick.
2 other issues I'm having is I noticed my phone is a little slow with this ROM. Opening programs etc. Sometimes the program using GPS like Live Search or GPS Viewer will lock up temporarily. The 2nd issue is what some are also reporting regarding signal. I noticed I get 1 to 2 less signal bars.
Overall 3.16 has been "ok". No problems with flashing really, and memory usage is "ok", I'm averaging around 17-18mb free with no apps running. It's not exactly the 20-22mb I had free with my prior custom rom, but enough to get by.
I'm not having problems with phone freezes or out of memory errors. I am, however, having some problems with BT and with net connectivity.
Data: I'm using Schap's Advanced config tool, version 1.1, and I've selected the option to keep my 'net connection live all the time. Unfortunately, this is not working, and I'm finding that throughout the day my connection goes down. With my prior custom rom, if I was streaming audio content over evdo or 1x, the connection would stay alive as long as the audio program was running, barring a loss of cell signal. Now I'm finding that about once an hour my data connection goes down and interrupts my audio stream.
BT: I have a Plantronics 320 headset, which worked flawlessly (albeit with less than stellar audio quality) with my prior rom. With 3.16, the volume and sound quality are much improved, BUT I am not able to answer calls on my headset. If I initiate a call with BT on, no problems, I can talk till the call is over, then press the headset hard button to hang up. If I *receive* a call, however, when I press the headset hard button to answer, the call is answered, but the audio is not directed to the headset. Instead, it routes to the handset.
GPS works well with TeleNav, GoogleMaps, Live, and generally locks onto 5-7 satellites within about 60 seconds if I'm somewhere with a clear view of the sky.
I tried using GPS2Blue to redirect the GPS data to a BT comm port. When I have BT enabled and attempt to redirect, GPS2Blue says BT port not open, waiting for BT port to open. If I go into comm manager and turn BT off, then GPS2Blue says BT port is open, and begins to wait for a BT connection to my laptop. If I go back into comm manager, the BT icon has been grayed out as if BT is off, but the little circled "X" icon is not superimposed over the BT icon as it would be when BT is off. If I click the icon again, it acts as if BT is being enabled, but the icon doesn't change, and the BT LED does not begin to blink. Don't know if it's a problem with GPS2Blue software or something else. Wish it would work cleanly, I'd love to use my 6800 as a BT GPS receiver for my laptop.
ETA: I've seen a few folks mention that when they answer a voice call their 6800 switches from Evdo to 1X. I'm wondering if this might be a way of implementing simultaneous voice & data. Has anyone tried taking a call and browsing the web simultaneously? I think this may be dependant upon network services in your area, so this may only work for folks in big cities with the most advanced network features, if it works at all...
ETA2: Just tried the above, and I'm getting the usual message that data connections cannot be initiated while on a voice call. I'm in a large city that *should* have all the latest network features, so if it dual voice/data was possible with this radio then it should work here. I'm assuming it's not presently possible, based on my experiment, but I'd be happy to be proven wrong.
with the sprint rom a ton of us have no audio out using an adaptor to listen through headphones
is a big thread about this going on the main board.
Took the plunge and installed the "stock" 3.16 on both my phone and a friend's last night. The first thing I want to note is that it went extremely smooth. No issues to note. It took a bit too long for my liking but it was fine. I didn't have to modify any MSID or MSN data - my phone worked fine right off the bat. Data was hosed, but a quick client-initiated IOTA Programming fixed that. (Settings, Personal, Phone, Services, Internet, Get Settings)
I have two constantly pinging(one 15 mins, one 30) e-mail accounts(one imap, one Exchange) that must keep my data connection alive. I haven't noticed a single decline in my data rate, nor a problem with disconnections. Then again, I live in NYC, which may make a difference.
GPS sucked last night - I couldn't get a satellite to save my life. On the way to work today, though, it was perfect. 4 satellites found in GMaps and tracking worked great.
I'm pretty happy w/the new additions to PocketOutlook too. Has anyone noticed that Gmail's IMAP works perfectly now, and that when you have multiple accounts - hitting messaging (when it's previously closed) brings up a choice of which account to go to? SWEET!
Just a quick "me too" regarding both disconnects and getting hung up during certain downloads. I've noticed that both "Live Search" from Microsoft's site and the latest (2.17) OEM ROM from HTC's site both hang up soon after they start downloading. This occurs both on the phone itself and while tethering to my laptop.
Foetus said:
Just a quick "me too" regarding both disconnects and getting hung up during certain downloads. I've noticed that both "Live Search" from Microsoft's site and the latest (2.17) OEM ROM from HTC's site both hang up soon after they start downloading. This occurs both on the phone itself and while tethering to my laptop.
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So the phone made me out to be a liar. The LiveSearch download from failed now. It definitely worked last night on my roommate's phone however. Hrm. I downloaded it from my pc and emailed it to myself and it actually downloaded. That's odd.
Foetus said:
Just a quick "me too" regarding both disconnects and getting hung up during certain downloads. I've noticed that both "Live Search" from Microsoft's site and the latest (2.17) OEM ROM from HTC's site both hang up soon after they start downloading. This occurs both on the phone itself and while tethering to my laptop.
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I didn't try with the ROM update, but I did experience this with Live Search.
New Rom
Vinny75 said:
I didn't try with the ROM update, but I did experience this with Live Search.
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Had trouble getting my phone to flash, because I flashed the radio before the rom. Once I got phone going is working perfect. Hooked up to pda net on laptop downloading at 1.7 uploading at 500K. Use Holux to get gps started all programs work, Tom Tom is more accurate with my mogul compared to the external gps. Have not tried my s9 headphones yet. Running the DCD beta and I have no complaints except for the memory. Phone quality is the same.
v3.16+ ROM puts a voicemail icon on the 1 key which screws up the keypad if you are using the BlueFrog Big Button Dialer. To fix this, change the registry DWORD value at
from 1 to 0, and soft reset.
I was running Custels V1.1 2.14 and radio 1.47.00. I had my data set to connect all the time (which never idled btw...)and had Ev service everywhere. After installing Dcd's 3.16 & radio 3.27 I first recieved the "twin towers"... One had data connection and the other looked like the searching-for-signal tower. Plus my roam indicator was constanlty blinking.
After searching the forums, a helpful soul recommended *228 then press 3 which programs your phone. Remember that you are not upgrading to a new phone.
I then *228 and pressed 2 this time to program the latest PRL (which was 30029 before and still then). After searching some more, I saw that there was indeed a newer PRL which is 40029 (link in the first thread). I downloaded the PRL to my Sd card, dialed **775, entered my Alltel Unlock Code of 000000 and and the first screen I saw was update prl. Click on "Menu" in bottom right and hit the "Edit" button. Now you should see a empty value with "Browse" below it. Browse to the location where you placed your prl, upload and if you exit out correctly, you should be soft resetting your device.
After completeing the steps above, my roaming triangle was gone as well as the extra tower. I still have my data constantly on with Ev coverage all the time but my data actually idles now. Call quality has been noticed by myself and others as clearer and louder than before.
That Reg Entry doesnt exist on mine.
TalynOne said:
v3.16+ ROM puts a voicemail icon on the 1 key which screws up the keypad if you are using the BlueFrog Big Button Dialer. To fix this, change the registry DWORD value at
from 1 to 0, and soft reset.
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Mine has the following instead:
Value name:BtnDN_LAND Value data:Windows\_VoicemailBtn1_Land.bmp" and three other similars.
Should that entry be added in it's entirety or should I remove my current entries? Any body else find they have entries like mine?
I thought I had that problem at first, but when I looked more closely, the reg entry is *in* the CDMA folder, not in a sub-folder below CDMA.
!!Major Bluetooth Issue!!
recently installed DCD's new GPS enabled ROM for Verizon. Everything has been working well even the GPS !!EXCEPT!! Bluetooth OBEX. When I try to send / beam any type of file my XV6800 stops responding and I am forced to soft reset.
I don't know if this only affects the Verizon ROM or all carriers for that matter. Is there any one here that has a fix or know's of a fix to resolve this issue? Has DCD released any news on this? I would Gladly appreciate it, as all the people with this issue.
Searching For Service
I loaded the Sprint Test Rom. No when ever I boot my phone it takes ~4 minutes for the phone to lock onto the network.
You are may differ with this situation....
PRL's didn't change. Even reloaded 60610. EVDO roaming is gone. Guess they didn't like people forcing their phone to roaming in areas where Alltel has EVDO and Sprint doesn't. 60611 also removed EVDO roaming in my area. 60610 and 2.17 work fine with EVDO roaming.
CardExport & the My Documents-redirect-to-SD-card reg tweak:
change the value of the string "Folder" to "My documents"
no longer work.

verizon 6800 gps woes

copied and pasted from the gps faq:
hey guys,
im a long time reader and this is me first post here on the forums.
im having an issue with the gps for the xv6800 on verizon. ive read through lots and lots of posts regarding verizon and their gps service, agps and the like. my problem is that i dont ever get a lock, and never see any satalites in the htc gps tool. it just sits there.
ive got
VZW XV6800
Rom: DCD 3.2.0
Radio: 3.42.30
i installed the radio using the sprint official rom, and then put dcd's over that. im using olipro 2.40 and after i put in dcd's rom, i ran the verizon carrier cab. also the arc mms thing but im sure that has nothing to do with anything other than mms.
my gps settings are
4800 baud
and manage automatically.
location mode is set to on.
i dont have tomtom or another commercial program to test, so ive been trying google maps and windows live. google maps tells me my handset doesnt seem to be compatible with my location, and windows live just tells me gps signal lost.
ive let it sit for roughly an hour and some change, trying for a lock, although that is unpractical for everyday use, i just wanted it to lock.
i read on here that other verizon customers gets theirs to lock in minutes, and that would be great for me if i could get that. so im asking, is it just my handset? or have i not done a crucial step in the flashing, programming?
didnt call verizon when i switched phones to reactivate data or whatever, i didnt know what i was supposed to ask them to do, so i just switched phones thru and it makes calls and uses the ## codes perfectly. ive dont the *228 ect .
am i just sol? i really would love to have gps back, my previous phone broke, and i used vznav and that was great.
thanks in advance.
try this, and see if it makes a difference:
thank you for the reply but i forgot to mention that i have already applied the gps fix fromt the tutorial. i read somwhere that is persists through flashes, so i have not tried to reapply it after upgrading to the latest dcd.
if it truly does not then i will try to reapply that again when i get off of work
gmaps always says not compatible with my location (it is a feature some phones support that doesn't use gps) - don't use my location, check 'use gps'.... once the gps has a lock my location will send you to that location though....

which rom to use

Ok so now since I no longer have my ipaq 4700.... im loving my mogul.
I do however have the latest srpint rom and dont mind it....
the only question I have is this...
I do not have a dataplan and when I use the internal gps and or messenger....the unit constantly dials out to #777. I called sprint and they disabled HAI or HIA or something like that so they said my internet is disabled...
I just get tired of the constand dial out, failed to connect messages..
which rom would be the best for just getting this to go a tweak somewhere I read that there was a reg key to set to not dial out and I did that... also it said go into manage connections and add a user name. However everytime I do that the name gets removed.
any suggestions?
I don't think any rom would fix that problem, cause the vast majority of users use data plans.
I believe the gps dialout is a reslt of the assisted gps capabilities. I recently disabled this in my wife's sprint touch by altering this key:
I changed both the 'enableAGPS' and 'enableGPSSmartMode' from 1 to 0. I remember which of the two fixed the problem. Probably just the first is necessary. You'll probably need a soft reset.
To get rid of the dialing out completely, you can go to settings\connections\connections\manage existing connections and then delete the sprint. Of course sprint makes it come back, so you'll need to delete the htc_cm_guardian.exe file from your startup items. I am pretty sure that will work. What ends up happening is you get an error when you try and connect to the internet. I'm not sure that's any better than trying to dial out, but at least you know sprint won't screw up your bill (they do a pretty good job of reimbursing for these when they screw up).
guess im batting a 1000....
I already had both keys set to 0
also I do not have that exe in my startup so cant removeit...
oh well...
Try going into your Connections setting and deleting the #777 profile - it shouldnt dial out after that.

Alltel GPS Help Thread

I think I am having the same problem as everyone else with the Alltel TP GPS. I have absolutely no luck finding satellites in my hometown, yet if I travel out of my hometown I can get signal 99% of the time. I tried locking in while I was driving back from work (Ocala, FL) to my hometown (Sarasota, FL) and it worked all the way to my house. As soon as I turned I turned Google Maps off it couldn't find me anymore.
I have tried all the tricks to make it work including the obvious "turn on my location".
If anyone have a solution that works please let me know. I have heard that if you use the Alltel Nav program then the GPS picks up very well, so there must be something there.
can anyone help?
if you are running stock rom its a little finniky at GPS but if your running a custom rom then its a lot better... also the stock radio seems to be little strange...
if your not running stock what are you running?
do you have quick gps installed?
I am using the stock rom. I am not familiar with other ROMs, I haven't looked into that aspect of it yet. What is the best ROM for an Alltel phone (IYO)? Do the other roms still use TouchFLO? Am a very graphic person, so I like the prettyness of TF3D.
i had problems getting a satellite lock in my home town when i had my 6800 with my tp its much better i am running energy rom found here over at ppcgeeks i really think it just has to do with the area/amount of towers. there has been some discussion about needing gps services turned on on alltels side. Saying that if you sign up for there navigation service they will open up gps and then cancel service(i have never used their service and get gps). It sometimes would take awhile for me to get a lock and then only pick up one or two satelites then out of area i would pick up a bunch. have u tried htc gps tool? also check out visual gpsce. try all different radios too. im curently running the vzw rapael radio found here once you flash over your alltel radio u will not be able to flash it back stock since the alltel radio has not been dumped yet (something i was not aware of when i flashed). im going to bet though if you unlock your phone and flash a custom rom your gps lock will be better. good luck!
I installed ConFlippers Rom for the Alltel TPs and I like it a lot, but it didn't do anything to help my GPS lock.
Changing doesn't always helps. Conflippers is a great rom because its exclusive for alltel and is very easy to flash because everything works. With conflippers you need to install "htc gps tool". Then once you have it do the following: select "clear memory" ->open for 15 sec.->close->select "cold or warm start" ->open 10 sec.->check nav init.->check your satellites. If you got green then go to google maps or whatever program you are trying to use gps for.
If you would like to try a different rom then sometimes simply cycling the location setting from on to off then back on again or soft reset is in order. Keep your quick gps up to date.
There is not one fix for all gps problems for the t-Pro. You will find a routine that works and it will no longer be a problem. One thing that works 100 percent of the time is with the stock rom, paying for alltel nav will give you locks instantly in any program at anytime.
I'm using Nfsfan's CDMA Touch Pro Rom
I install the Alltel Carrier Cab and MMS cab in my faq
when I flash it to make it work 100% with Alltel.
(mms=Picture/vid messaging)
The link to my faq is in my signature.
Also, in post one of my signature there is a link to a post I've made
describing what's vga compatible and what's not
till I finish getting everything for my TouchPro Faq.
Sweeny Russ said:
Changing doesn't always helps. Conflippers is a great rom because its exclusive for alltel and is very easy to flash because everything works. With conflippers you need to install "htc gps tool". Then once you have it do the following: select "clear memory" ->open for 15 sec.->close->select "cold or warm start" ->open 10 sec.->check nav init.->check your satellites. If you got green then go to google maps or whatever program you are trying to use gps for.
If you would like to try a different rom then sometimes simply cycling the location setting from on to off then back on again or soft reset is in order. Keep your quick gps up to date.
There is not one fix for all gps problems for the t-Pro. You will find a routine that works and it will no longer be a problem. One thing that works 100 percent of the time is with the stock rom, paying for alltel nav will give you locks instantly in any program at anytime.
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Thanks for the help, I am still lost tho. I tried to do what you said but when I clicked on "nav. init." it said "please open com port first.."
Could you please walk me thru a little further I'm kinda slow
crashelite said:
if you are running stock rom its a little finniky at GPS but if your running a custom rom then its a lot better... also the stock radio seems to be little strange...
if your not running stock what are you running?
do you have quick gps installed?
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Well, I've had my Alltel Touch Pro for about 6 hours now, so I'm hardly an expert (coming from my eternally flashed and reflashed PPC-6800) but, here's my experience with GPS:
Bought the Touch Pro from the Alltel corporate owned store. Walked outside to my car and got in. Went into the phone settings and turned Location On. Popped my Garmin Mobile XT (bought retail, not cracked) card out of my 6800 and into my Touch Pro. Let it install. Started up Garmin Mobile XT, got on the highway, and within a minute had a nice GPS lock.
Obviously, all on the stock Alltel ROM (no time to look into custom ROMs yet, I've only had it for a few hours!) So I can state that at least in my case the GPS worked fine out of the box without any sort of priming or tweaking. YMMV.
Yea, like I said mine works great everywhere I have been except for my hometown. I can even hook up to my bluetooth GPS receiver and it works great everywhere. Just can't seem to get a connection in (Sarasota, FL).

No Cellular Service on Custom Roms

Hey folks. So I finally took the leap to root and flash a custom rom (Lineage 16.0). I started on VS996 and had to cross-flash to US998 with the Frankenstein method. From there, I installed TWRP and rooted. Upgraded to US99820h before jumping to Lineage and even ran with it for a bit. Everything was going very well. I got through the set up, logged in to Google and started getting things synced, but soon discovered that my cellular abilities are dead. I have no ability to send or receive calls or texts from within the rom, but have a signal and curiously even internet over mobile data. The real problem is that it's not just limited to Lineage.
I reflashed the stock image and tried a new version of Lineage first. Same issue. Then I tried AOSiP. No luck. Here, the research I was doing was getting me worried that maybe my SIM died somewhere in this process. I tried out an old AT&T prepaid one, but it gave me no service whatsoever, not even the normal bars I had with the other SIM. I decided to go back to US99820h to see if I could still get texts on stock firmware. I could! It was good to feel connected and catch up on my texts from the past day. But this is far from over.
I did more research online, looking into ways to check on my APN settings. Compared to various sources online, they all seem good. I tried to add another APN, but have had no luck with that. I tried Havok out too. I really don't know what else I can do. Am I just doomed to live in the stone ages of Android 8? I can't really afford to give up telephony. I know there are other people here that came from VS996 too and seem to be running well. Or at least I think so. Is there something else that I can try? Any fixes or convoluted steps that I can take to get past this?
Any help, ideas, support, encouragement, or points in a good direction would be deeply appreciated.
This is a common issue. There is currently a small group trying to figure out how to get Sprint/Verizon services to work without any issue on AOSP/custom ROMs. I'm anticipating a release sometime as well, but it's been quite a while.
Until then, if you have a copy of Tasker installed, you can run a custom script to make a phone call to voicemail upon boot to "activate" service, then end the task 7-8 seconds in. However if your phone dozes then you may lose push notifications until you open your phone or messaging apps again.
TheCoryGuy said:
This is a common issue. There is currently a small group trying to figure out how to get Sprint/Verizon services to work without any issue on AOSP/custom ROMs. I'm anticipating a release sometime as well, but it's been quite a while.
Until then, if you have a copy of Tasker installed, you can run a custom script to make a phone call to voicemail upon boot to "activate" service, then end the task 7-8 seconds in. However if your phone dozes then you may lose push notifications until you open your phone or messaging apps again.
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Hey, thanks for the idea! I've not had time to try that until this weekend, but it seems that it's not going to be an option. Unfortunately every time I try to make a call, my phone freezes and I have to reboot. I don't know what to do from here.
UPDATE: Flashed the newest version of Lineage (the 06/10 build) and the voicemail thing works! We're up and running for now.

