athena power on at all...when try to flash - Advantage X7500, MDA Ameo Upgrading

I try to put AP DUAL 3.0 ROM on my AMEO with sim unlock.
Probably was CID locked, and so it was impossible to install this ROM, but here what happened....
When The Firmware Flasher rebooted the device at the first step when i pressed UPGRADE BUTTON my ATHENA died... no power at all..
I think at this passage the flashing process was not started at all, infact i did not see the tre coloured bar of the bootloader... IT DIED !!
It is impossible to power on, i try to plug the AC and no orange light...i i pull of the battery and insert the AC plug the red light is OK.....
What happens ?
Is there a way to recover my NEW DEVICE ?
Thanks to all the team !!!

gab74 said:
I try to put AP DUAL 3.0 ROM on my AMEO with sim unlock.
Probably was CID locked, and so it was impossible to install this ROM, but here what happened....
When The Firmware Flasher rebooted the device at the first step when i pressed UPGRADE BUTTON my ATHENA died... no power at all..
I think at this passage the flashing process was not started at all, infact i did not see the tre coloured bar of the bootloader... IT DIED !!
It is impossible to power on, i try to plug the AC and no orange light...i i pull of the battery and insert the AC plug the red light is OK.....
What happens ?
Is there a way to recover my NEW DEVICE ?
Thanks to all the team !!!
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So did it start step 1 at all? Did u try a soft reset on the device to see if that would boot it back up?

Try running the unlocker anyway. You might be surprised

Olipro does excellent work. [tease]Or at least he didn't disappoint in the past![/tease]

See also

See if you can get to the bootloader, what happened was that you used an older version and I'm assuming you got the x7501 which almost always is bricked when used with the older version of oli unlocker. I don't understand why they can't remove or re-label that old package, what's wrong with doing it???? Maybe less people would brick their device.

i've AMEO T-MOBILE X7500
The operating system was WINDOWS MOBILE 6
I did not use oil unlocker... i only try to flash with the ROM i say before, and my AMEO stops working before starting the flashing process.
Now my athena is died: without the battery i try to connect to ac cable and the red led lights up....when i insert the battery the red led lights off, i cannot enter into the bootloader because the ameo doesnt power on at all...
Please is there any solutions to this problem ??? It is very strange that the AMEO stop working ....before starting the flash process... infact when i push the UPGRADE button of the ROM flashing program, the ameo rebooted and died before starting the flashing process > i.e before the three coloured bars of the bootloader starts...
Any help : sorry for my bad english, i'm italian......
is there a way to power on ameo without battery ???

Just try oli's unlocker!

Sorry, but do i use the unlocker even if the PDA is died ? If i plug into the PC USB no hardware is found ? Does the unlocker work ? And please : Where can i download the last version of the unlocker ( probably a stupid question...)

yes, try the unlocker anyways. Download it from the

Ok but the unlocker told me : Athena must be connceted with activesync...mine is died..only red led without battery or no led with battery i do not understand how the unlocker could work..... What unlocker do i download ???

In fact.. i try a nothing... the unlocker works only if the athena is only if it is power up....but mine is dead only red led without led with battery instead...
It seems impossible that a simple flashing destroy the unit !!!!

Can you enter bootloader? Hold camera button while resetting
Or hard reset? Volume down wile poking the reset hole.

no, no bootloader, no hard reset...

OK I contact HTC the told me to send the PDA to T-MOBILE CENTER to be repaired in warranty....but i leave in italy so i cannot send the pda in england...
i sell it on ebay is someone is interested...serach HTC ATHENA XT7500 AMEO T-MOBILE on

OK - I just had the same problem. No life whatsoever.
Simple solution:
Remove battery.
Wait one hour.
Replace battery.
All is fine
No need to send back to HTC

hello i´m from spain and I am new to the forum and I need help urgente.creo which is the best forum in which there pdas.the same that gab74.the pda is death or die.I do not know how I can rekindle my pda.Does nothing and htc have told me the same thing, besides not covered by the warranty.Help the PDA is new.

oscmae said:
hello i´m from spain and I am new to the forum and I need help urgente.creo which is the best forum in which there pdas.the same that gab74.the pda is death or die.I do not know how I can rekindle my pda.Does nothing and htc have told me the same thing, besides not covered by the warranty.Help the PDA is new.
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I just told you the answer in my last post! Why do you have to ask again?

Hi all,
I got the same problem & I already did as Confucious's guide but it doesn't work. Any help?
Best regard,

Try my thread, I am having similar difficulties, though I know some solutions, so maybe some of your questions will be answered..
And in summary.. try jump-starting the battery, I'm almost sure it will help


Vario II crashed

I did the popular mistake, tried to unlock with Universal Unlocker , thinking that this is the staff to unlock all the HTC phones.
Ok. What I have now:
NO GSM - we know that
Tried to install radio roms from here, nothing. I got the information about "Checking the information...." and it is hanging like this.
I made reser and HARD RESET aswell.
I tried to install a lot. Nothing helped.
I had radio ver. 1.05.... I remember that. I have my phone from T-Mobile from UK. I had everything nice, now I have four stripes - RED GREEN BLUE and WHITE and ther is written:
Can anybody help me ? I tried to download mtty.exe and put all the commands (not PASTE and it still not working.
Now is 6am in Lisbon. I was sitting all that night and I am finishing writting this post.
Help if you can, regards.
Have a look on this topic
It did not help. Where I can get this Qtek rom ? Is that OK for my device ? I have VARIO II from T-Mobile.
I woul like to try instal this - DUMPED English ROM from TMobile Vario II from here:
but i dont now how. There are 3 .raw files, how to put them to my phone ?
That solution didnt help:
What else I can do ? I was trying with QTEK rom and a got white screen on the phone and 0% on the computer. It was hanging. I tried 5 times. Then I tried to install the Radio Rom from here:
I choosed all of them. Nothing. All of them are hanging on:
Chencking the information on your device... Please wait..
Then there is a screen to update. After long time. So when I press the button is still the same info. Checking the information on your device... Please wait..
And its hanging. When I reset to bootloader again the soft telling me:
This ROM Upgrade Utility does not design for your device.
Please get probper ROM Upgrade Utility and try again!
Where can I get the radio version 1.05 for T-Mobile Vario II ???????????
Is there possibility to download from somewhere ?
Or maybe I should try other solution ?
Read "problem 5" here:
Yes, I was tying point 5 few times. The problem is, I can connect through mtty.exe without any problems, but after soft reset, I am pressing POWER and OK button and going to bootloader mode again, and when I am trying to flash the extracted radio ROM (i tried all of them = 4) and there is a problem. nothing is working. I am waiting and waiting, and there is only info: Checking your device information or something like that. What can I do ? Sorry for my English guys.
Instead of flashing an extracted radio image try to flash a normal shipped rom (if possible matching your cid). Capture the process using usb monitor to see where exactly it fails and which error you get.
Where can I download
pof said:
normal shipped rom (if possible matching my cid).
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I had RADIO 1.05 , that I remember, and have a phone from T-Mobile - MDA Vario II.
Benone said:
Where can I download ?
I had RADIO 1.05 , that I remember, and have a phone from T-Mobile - MDA Vario II.
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No rom matching your cid is available then, use the TyTN 1.18 rom.
pof said:
No rom matching your cid is available then, use the TyTN 1.18 rom.
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I tried that ROM 2 times, once I plugged with holding camera button and second time without. I made monitor of QTEK rom aswell, because its the one which is changing phone screen from red green blue stripes to completly white. But nothing else is doin...
A attaching logs in zip file below. I have 3 files from each session, I dont know which are correct, 2 of them i saved and 1 is exported.
What do you think ?
I used USB-monitor from
very weird... usb seems not working but for what you say bootloader seems to be ok. Are you sure this was after patching the radio with universal unlocker? it seems totally a different problem :-$
I guess you'll have to wait until t-mob releases a ROM matching your CID and then flash it using the hermimg.nbh sd-card flashing method.
You can also try to connect to it via serial, I have no experience on that, but a search on these forums might tell you how...
keep us updated
How long I have to wait ?
Should I go to T-Mobile when I will be back to Scotland and tell them what I did or what ? Did I lose my warranty ? Do you know approximately how much they will charge me for flashing my phone ?
Do I really have no chances to repair it by myself ?
Benone said:
How long I have to wait ?
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Until t-mobile releases a rom with your cid... it can be today or next year, I don't know.
Benone said:
Should I go to T-Mobile when I will be back to Scotland and tell them what I did or what ? Did I lose my warranty ? Do you know approximately how much they will charge me for flashing my phone ?
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I don't think you lost the warranty. They usually charge about 100 eur for flashing it back in the service centre. They do it by inserting a diagnostics sd card, but we don't have it for the Hermes
Benone said:
Do I really have no chances to repair it by myself ?
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You can try flashing over serial port, and you can try sd-card flashing, but for sd-card flashing you need a rom matching your CID first.
Finally I made my device working again!
And I dont have simlock !
After trying everything.... ufffff.
THX !!!!!!
1) I downloaded ftp://xda:[email protected]/Hermes/Tools_and_Programs/
2) Reset my phone in bootloader mode.
3) Plug USB cable.
4) Run HTC_Hermes_SIM_Unlock_v1.
5) After 20 min. my phone said ELO to meeeee He did not have simlock when was saying that.
That was simple. If you have any Hermes radio problem, try that first - HTC_Hermes_SIM_Unlock_v1.
Will be more often here, forum seems to be really interesting.
Glad it worked

TyTn update serious problem

Hi guys, I have some experience with rom flashing, and I did it today as usual - flashed HTC 1.35 ... Update stopped at 1%. I tried everything I could to finish the update (It wasn't my first time ). Now, after restart TyTn is flashing with LCD (black & white) & camera led. I can't do anything, even turn it off. Seems like a problem with bootloader. What should I try before i send it for repairing? Do you have any experience with T-Mobile UK? I'm the legal owner of PDA, but I don't have any receipt. Should I contact seller (ebayer) or post it to T-Mob straight away?
Thanks in advance, Jack.
Anyone please?
Check out the wiki for Tytn upgrade problems
I also had this problem, upgrade stopped at 1%....Left it for an hour and no progress. Had to stop update, which then left me at the boot loader screen (tri-color) screen. Tried Hard reset as mentioned above, no luck, still stuck in boot loader, tried to reload error 262 upgrade error
I had just run the unlocker and set device to super CID, and thought maybe that was my problem, but it wasn't
Luckily the wiki had the answer
Problem 4: Device is stuck in bootloader mode (tri-color screen)
>Disable ActiveSync: connections -- settings -- uncheck "Allow USB Connections"
Remove the battery, put it back in, connect the USB cable, power on the unit (this should allow the USB port to be opened again)
Wait a minute or two, if you get a message that device cannot be recognized just close and ignore it
mtty.exe and select "USB" from the dialog box, then hit Ok.
You should see a white screen, hit enter and you should see a prompt like this: "USB>"
Type set 14 0 (do not copy and paste!!!) and hit enter
Soft reset with stylus
OS ROM and radio version should be back and OS functional, the unit isn't a BRICK anymore!
I had to reload the rom. step 8 did nothing, but return me to bootloader. This time the rom upgrade took about 45 minutes to complete. Weird, but it worked...This is first time in at least 4 rom upgrades with this device and at least 50 other rom upgrades that I ever encountered any issues.
POF...Thanks for the great wiki
Unfortunately, when it hanged on 1% connection was totally lost. Everytime I tried to run rom upgrade/unlocker/spl downgrader is said no connection. Now I don't have bootloader screen, only flashing LCD & camera diode. Any suggestions?
If you can't get the bootloader running then a service center will be the only solution I think.
Has anybody found the solution to this problem, my phone is doing the same thing. Can't get it into bootloader and screen & camera flash just blinks? I tried everything but to no avail.
Hi mate, have you done anything special or it goes bricked "without help"? I I still haven't put it to RMA because there's no T-Mobile in Republic of Ireland and I'm 2 lazy to go to Belfast
jackass_ass said:
Hi mate, have you done anything special or it goes bricked "without help"? I I still haven't put it to RMA because there's no T-Mobile in Republic of Ireland and I'm 2 lazy to go to Belfast
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It's bricked trying to update it!!! If i could just get it to the bootloader, i can probably revive it but can't do anything. Can't access USB or nothing, I'll guess I'll send it off to a repair center.
Are there any good repair centers in the US???

Have I bricked my device? Help!!!!

I managed to upgrade my phone to aku 3.3 using pof's method(bootloader 1.01 MFG) . Then, out of no where, I tried to use MTTY to upgrade my radio rom
It started as usual with the status bar moving. Suddenly some error messages came up.
Now, the phone is dead completely. I can''t even enter bootloader mode.
Is there a possible way that I can still save it??
Have I bricked my device? Help plz
I managed to upgrade my phone to aku 3.3 using pof's method(bootloader 1.01 MFG) . Then, out of no where, I tried to use MTTY to upgrade my radio rom
It started as usual with the status bar moving. Suddenly some error messages came up. Can't remember exactly, but like some address can't find error.
Now, the phone is dead completely. I can''t even enter bootloader mode. Only when I take out the battery and plug in the charger cable the red light comes on. I looked the upgrade problem page, my symptom doesn't match any.
Is there a possible way that I can still save it??
I had something similiar happen a little while back. What I did was pull the battery out and leave it out for a while, maybe a few minutes. I then put the battery back in and held the two side buttons and hit the reset button to put me into bootloader mode. I then cabled it to my computer and flashed a new OS via mutty. That got my phone back and operational.
@float. Nuh, it didn't work on my brick. Prob i will have to take it back to Tmobile if they kind enough to repair the no warranty phone i bought on ebay.
Sorry to have opened a new thread, I was so desperate.
Plz delelte it.
how exactly did you try to update the radio using mtty?
I download the 1.27 shipped radio rom. P.S. It seemed to be a german version, not sure whether that caused the disaster.
Using NBHextract to get the single GSM.NB file, then in MTTY, typed
USB> task 32
Before flashing, just had it upgraded to the HTC AKU3.3 OS rom only. The old version radio rom version before flashing was 1.18.
Maybe the order i flash is wrong. I flashed OS first then the radio rom.
just guessing
ok, you loaded the radio rom code where os.nb should go. That may have caused mega bad blocks in flash. Can you even get bootloader mode if you reset using Wiki directions to obtain Tri-color bootloader?
Yes. I have tried many ways wiki suggests. Such as removing the battery leaving it more than half an hour and plugging it to the usb cable without battery. still can't get to the tri-color bootloader mode. Basically, I just can't turn on the phone.
If you connect it to the computer, can it communicate w/the PC? If you hear the windows tones try opening up mtty and see if you can communicate.
i'm stuck in the same place
for me it happened during extrom flash
Try removing the battery for a bit (a few minutes, maybe half an hour). Then, put the battery back in but don't plug the usb cable in. After that, hold the two side buttons as if you're trying to get it to go into the bootloader. Hit the reset button a few times with your stylus and see if that gets you to the bootloader. That's what worked for me.
tried that
tried removing battery and connecting usb
nothing helps
is there a place that fixes tytn in belgium ?
is there a way to flash a new rom via mutty ?
cause i still have the boot loader, but the phone still in the splash screen
when i type info 2 in the mutty command prompt i get this answer
Cmd>info 2
i think it's not realy normal
diffda said:
is there a way to flash a new rom via mutty ?
cause i still have the boot loader, but the phone still in the splash screen
when i type info 2 in the mutty command prompt i get this answer
Cmd>info 2
i think it's not realy normal
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well your not supercid... your still locked to qtek
Look here and unlock your phone before doing any flashing!
to late i ve done that tow day's ago , now the only way to make my phone back to life, PB + KITL method i think
god bless KITL

Help brick my ameo

If anyone can help me I just brick my ameo. I download olipro unlocker followed steps had everything done but after i finished the 1step it wont boot up again its just dead. tried hard reset alot of times wont even go pass it . it just light green.Pls help
Can you enter the Bootloader mode?
Press Camera Button (completely) and hit the reset button at the same time.
i know yor problem press cambutton and powerbutton for at same time so you will come to the bootloader modus now plug in your usb cabel to your device and your computer now open the image of wm6 that you want to install the setup will find your ameo now
hope you will get it
good luck from germany and sorry my bad englisch
Thank you that Fixed it. I just panic but now the whole process was finished. from 1-3 now. thank you for the reply
please help.
I have the same probleme and i can´t enter the Bootloader mode.
remove sim and storage card then do as mosho said
ie press camera, comms button and reset button then restore original rom , then olipros program
as per the wiki
cant get into bootloader
i cant get into bootloader at all.
i removed the sim and the memory card, al i get is a short flash of red light t the joystick, and only if the device is connected to the power cable.
it doesnt charge, it does nothing. i tried really everything.
does anybody have an idea?
try a service exchange at t-mobile. there seems to be something wrong with your device.
my ameo had no probs running olipros unlocker.
regards dieter
i used the unlocker with another ameo i bought, and it worked fine.
so i tried the same with the 2nd, and it crashed.
will they find out that i tried to unlock the device?
ameo dead
Hi mikekarl
we have the same problem that happened to me today.
i have done it before with another ameo worked fine.
Now i cant get into bootloader or Hardreset.
and i cant try a service exchange because iam not t-mobile customer.
Pls help

Bricked phone

I was instaling NBD_v8.3_8MB trough shelltool on my MDA Vario then something happened and my PC restarted I whink it is because of the electicity .... so now when I restardet my phone it is stuck on the T-mobile screen Where it is writen.....
IPL 2.21.001
SPL 2.21.Olip
GSM 02.19.11
Thanks in advance
First of all, its not bricked. Bricked = doesn't turn on, nothing, blank screen.
I've looked to your info, you already have HardSPL, so you can flash directly using any RUU, don't use shelltools!
Enter bootloader (hold camera+reset), open up the RUU of the ROM you want (make sure it doesn't have any IPL/SPL) and flash away
well I looked all day what to do and I can not find solution
I just can not understand how to flash the phone
I found one solution via some kind of Wizard_love, but again I do not know what to do
Please help i am haveing the same thing just did it today i have the Cingular 8125....i have held camera+reset and got into these Red,Green,Blue,white screen and it says IPL 2.25 and SPL 2.25 now when i run the ROMUpdateUtility_Wizard_NoID it does not work i have my usb pluged in and my phone says USB please help
Thank you
I am running Vista
IPL 2.25
SPL 2.25
GSM 02.25.11
Ok i have try everything. I have tried the RUU from the HTC site and even everything else when it is searching for the PDA and crashes idk why. I turn on my phone holding the camera and i get to the Red,Green,Blue,White...Plug the USB in and the phone says USB but not my computer??? so i don't know what i need to do please HELP i just got the phone and read you can do all this stuff
1. Please use a PC with Windows XP
2. Download your original carrier ROM (i.e. Cinglular stock ROM) and flash back to original WM5
3. Install HardSPL or use SSPL
4. Flash to WM6
starkwong said:
1. Please use a PC with Windows XP
2. Download your original carrier ROM (i.e. Cinglular stock ROM) and flash back to original WM5
3. Install HardSPL or use SSPL
4. Flash to WM6
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Were can i get HardSPL,SSPLand the flash back up?
all i have is the original rom
You guys wanna see bricked? I have a BRICKED! phone... My MDA was the unfortunate victim of a car accident. When my car went carreening off the road, my MDA went flying through the air and ended up on the floor of the car but not before hitting virtually every surface on the inside of the car.
Now my charge port is completely snapped off and my battery shorted out when I was trying to hold the charge port in place to charge it and fried the main board. DEAD. NO MORE.
No worries though, I already ordered a TyTN II
Cool can you help?
Oh and i had the same problem with my mda and i got it replaced from tmobile. - the easiest way to reapair an MDA is getting it replaced ^^
Why didn't you buckle up your phone?
Well i got mine up and running agian just used XP and install the RUU from HTC YES.......Now when i go to install WM6 when i press update were it should show me the Ver. of the one i am installing on my phone it does not say why please help and what do i need to install WM6 on my phone?
Just a quick question did you read the other threads there are already. They basicly explain everything clear and good
i have just still stuck on some stuff
dferreira said:
First of all, its not bricked. Bricked = doesn't turn on, nothing, blank screen.
I've looked to your info, you already have HardSPL, so you can flash directly using any RUU, don't use shelltools!
Enter bootloader (hold camera+reset), open up the RUU of the ROM you want (make sure it doesn't have any IPL/SPL) and flash away
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first of all,as dferreira has assured u that ur device is not bricked,secondly ,you already have HardSPL,that means your device is unlocked,just follow his instructions,download any wm6 Rom and flash,it'll good to go,but if u still want to be sure,download WST Tool from the below given thread read carefully and apply the tool to verify the status of ur device,
u can flash NBD rom which u have or any other wm6 rom,goodluck
NVM i am on the Other Page! Thanks
Ok, i have read everywhere and can't help myself, so if someone would be kind enough to help it would be much appreciated
Ok, Used SoftSPL and tried flashing the ROM. It manages to get to 99% and then just goes RED. I have tried 3 different ROMS and same story it goes RED at 99%.
When i remove the battery, it goes to the RUU Red, Green and Blue screen. SPL version is 2.16.0001. Not Oli's new one.
What do i do from now?
kastro said:
Ok, i have read everywhere and can't help myself, so if someone would be kind enough to help it would be much appreciated
Ok, Used SoftSPL and tried flashing the ROM. It manages to get to 99% and then just goes RED. I have tried 3 different ROMS and same story it goes RED at 99%.
When i remove the battery, it goes to the RUU Red, Green and Blue screen. SPL version is 2.16.0001. Not Oli's new one.
What do i do from now?
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Soft SPL only allows you ONE update, so phone is CID unlocked only when Soft SPL is loaded.
It's normal for the RUU to stick on 99 % for a couple of minutes, The whole update will take aprox 10 minutes.
You can try the hard SPL from there you are semi-permanently CID unlocked.
Good luck,

