Wallaby RSU - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

Hi All I'm a Newbie today. I hope this is the correct place to ask this question, if not I'm sorry.
I have recently un-locked my XDA I from O2 and now able to use it on Orange. I upgraded the OS to XDA-Developers Special Edition 1.2.
What are the benefits of upgrading the RS from 4.08 to say 4.16 or 4.21.
Model PW10A1
Bootloader 5.15
Radio Ver. 4.08
Original Rom 3.14.13 Eng

Some people report a better receipient with a newer radio stack.
If you do not have any trouble leave it as it is. There have been a few reports that their wallaby ended as brick after trying to upgrade the radio stack.

thank u very mutch !!!!!!


New Eddition will be Avilable Soon for from I-mate v.1.66

I am already reg. with I-mate as owner of one of it products, I got informations from them say that new room will be avilable soon it is ver. 1.66 for XDA II maybe next few days, and the windows Ver. is Windows 2003 SE
at all when I got the link to download it I will publish the link for everyone, Thank you for everyone published that great support using XDA II and XDA. it was great help to me to came very expert in solving problems to my XDA and XDAII
as my profile say then
i have
RUU 1.66.00WWE
RSU 1.10
on my qtek2020 it came with that
as far as i can tell it's not 2003 SE
ROM version: 1.66.00WWE
ROM date> 02/20/04
Radio version 1.10.00
protocol version 1337.18
extOM version 1.66.140
I published what I already read in I-mate forum, I didn't have it yet ...... by the way all new edditions of XDAII coming with v. 1.66
so Rudegar
as it is getting really stressy to have the latest release... ;-)
do you have any ideas about the improvements with your
1.66.00 ROM over the 1.60.00
hmm, can you post a copy of your rom?
you can copy the rom with pmemdump from itsutils.
well it had that rom when i got it so i cant really compare it with 1.60 since i went from a xda1
i'll look into drumping the rom
but it does seem to have some auto settings and such for
some phone company
usually the phone company specific stuff is in the extended rom.
usually the build number is just the ExtROM right? example, the latest tmobile rom i saw in the other thread had 1.60.36, but the os was simply 1.60.00, and the radio was 1.10.00, and the extrom was 1.60.36
does that mean that IF we extract whatever newest rom that comes out in the future and see that it has the same osrom ver and radio stack, merely upgrading the ExtROM is the best way to go?
I mean i know people prefer to only flash the ExtROM, but that's because they want to cook something up. But what if you just want to upgrade and not waste time with the OS if you see they still have the same number, does it HAVE to come hand in hand to upgrade? Or could you just bypass the others and upgrade the ExtROM and expect it to perform like a real update?
yes, that is what I usually do.

Upgrade radio 1.17 to 1.18

I have win mobile 2003 rom version 1.72.00wwe with radio version 1.17.00 and i want to upgrade it to radio 1.18.00.
How can i do that?
There's no radio with that version
You probable messed up the version number.
Current newest radio rom for BA is 1.13.00.
Read the wiki, to get it and how ti install it.
this post should be moved to Himalaya forum
Moved from BA section
wakko said:
I have win mobile 2003 rom version 1.72.00wwe with radio version 1.17.00 and i want to upgrade it to radio 1.18.00.
How can i do that?
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Good question, I tried doing this on my MDA II but for some reason I seem to be missing a piece of the puzzle. I read the Himalaya pages in the Wiki on this and have transferred the Radio 1.18 file to my MDA II. Now I can't seem to remember how the heck to complete the radio upgrade.
Anyone knows how to upgrade the radio from 1.17 to 1.18 without installing win in an T-Mobile mda 2?

Upgrade Radio ROM to

I am currently running WM5 (for details and radio - see signature) on my Tmobile Vario II and have HardSPL'd it. After reading a lot of posts wiki and reference forums (mentioned below) on power tests, suggesting this radio to be fairing the best, i have closed on to upgrade this version.
However, i could see that all the people upgrading did have WM6. The question is that is it OK to do a radio only upgrade to with WM5 running.
Has any one had issues with on WM5?
Already referred:
1. http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?pagename=Hermes_ExtractedRadioRoms
2. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=326995
sahuja said:
.....is it OK to do a radio only upgrade to with WM5 running....
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Yes its fine, flash away.....be carefull though remember the radio flash is the most risky. Make sure your not using a USB hub or have ANY chance of interrupting th process.
Thanks mrvanx.
If i flash Schaps WM6Pro Hermes 4.31 WWE Full, will it do/ask for the radio upgrade also? If yes to which version? If no then how stable is my current Radio i.e.
Radio Version:
Protocol Version: 32.53.7018.01H
with respect to Is it worth upgrading considering the risk you have mentioned?

Upgrade radio rom

Hi guys , i'm a newbie . My radio version is : , i want upgrade but don't know which rom is good for me . My bootloader is :
HERM200 IPL-1.01
Which radio roms i should choose ?
Upgrade to Hard SPL V7 first..... What you have is an older, unsafe version. Before flashing a radio rom you HAVE to upgrade so your SPL is 2.10 oli...
Also, the info you have given is useless... Radio roms are area and carrier specific.
Where are you and who's your carrier? You might receive an answer then....
Hello, picking up on an already open radio thread, does anybody know which is a good radio for Argentina (South America), carrier Personal?

IPL/SPL and Radio rom Upgrade.

Hey guys, i have just got for a few days an O2 XDA Mini S and its great i have put a wm 6.5 rom on it everything perfect but my ipl and spl are 2.21.0001 and i want to know if it is an upgrade for them and where do i find i have search the entire forum for those and i heard thing like the latest is 3.2 or 3.8 and even if my ipl and spl are 2.21 i found a radio upgrade for g4 to 3.2 and my radio now is 3.2 and works great... and i want to ask help of you all to help me and all users of g4 for them to find fast a list of ipl/spl upgrades and radio upgrades. Thank you.

