Want all your email/connection settings restored on hardreset? - Advantage X7500, MDA Ameo ROM Development

I know it sounds like im trying to sell you something well fear not this is free ok so i know you can use sprite backup or pimbackup but this can all be done using any uc complient rom and since there are becomeing alot more roms i thought i would share the way i do it so that after a hard reset everything includeing push mail, connections and contacts with assigned ringtones are all there and your ready to go. In the zip files there are several files. the cingular file is for network connections if you already have cingular/att then you don't have to touch this. the next one is for push mail you open it up in word pad and put in the correct settings i use mail2web so if you have this then just put in your user name and password and your good to go. ok the pop mail, which i have gotten from sleuth255 (thanks to sleuth255) is the same as push mail however you must create a new guid and replace it with the one already in the characteristic type go to this link to get the guid http://www.guidgen.com/. ok last is the pim.vol inorder to copy this vol or anyother you need to change this reg HKLM\System\Platform\DataPath the default is "\" you can change it to anything you want but i changed it to "\My Documents" also you might have to restart sometimes i don't have to and other times i do. copy pim.vol to the root dir of the storage card and place vol1 restore.xml and vol2 restore.xml on the storage card and make sure the path in sdconfig.txt is correct as it might differ from mine. well thats it, if you have any questions just post

Best post of the month.


Maybe a UC question, maybe just stupid

I am wondering if it is possible to keep a copy of my contacts on my storage card, and maybe how to use UC to load it should I have to hard reset on the fly I will have a contacts list.
I have beat my head against the wall searching this site, PPCGEEKS and others looking for an answer or a tutorial.
Honestly with all of the reading I have done if I missed it I will slap myself in the face.
Any Ideas? Any comments welcome.
um, i think everything is stored in pim.vol, so if u could copy that to the appropriate folder along with any related files; i don't see why it wouldn't work... it would probably require a reset afterwards though.
Try contact backup
Try ppc contact backup application..
It creats backup of contacts and save all the contacts in a file with .csv extension.
just keep this file and contactbackup exe (does not require installation) on ur storage card
And u can restore ur contacts anytime....
Get it now
U can download from www.freewarepocketpc.net
having hacked many phones prior to my titan, I know how to export the phonebook via activesync, in .csv format. Thanks for the tip, I guess I need to figure how to load that automatically, without any software.
Thanks for the replies.
I copied the pim file over to my storage card and hard reset and was able to move it back over to the phone and it loaded my contacts. I had to rename the new pim file before I transfered the old file over. Then after a soft reset I was able to delete the renamed pim file.

[UC] User Customization Backup for Touch Pro using Sashimi

User Customization Backup for Touch Pro using Sashimi
By: LuckySe7en & Murducky
LuckySe7en uses the Raphael (GSM Touch Pro)
Murducky uses the Herman (CDMA Touch Pro)
We have put together this guide for others who have a hard time locating where items need to be backup (like we did). We both use EngeryROM and for the most part some item locations below may be specific to EngeryROM.
**Download info**
* WinMo 6.5 Stuffs Links [Themes, Skins, Apps, Plugins and more] - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=512121
* WM6.5 Titanium plugins - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=511052
* Sashimi - http://www.winmo-experts.com/
* SDConfig.Builder.v0.7.85.PE - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=390846
**Info Videos**
* We recommend watching both videos before reading below to understand just how great Sashimi is
* Sashimi Basics - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANgzCqrcjHw&feature=PlayList&p=D3FC86B36CB817D8&index=0
* Sashimi Copying - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ht0yxNNsZQQ&feature=PlayList&p=D3FC86B36CB817D8&index=1
**Sashimi Note**
You don't have to re-install Sashimi after a flash, just run SASHIMI.exe from the \bin directory and SASHIMI will detect and perform a clean install and reconfigure itself.
Place all of your Cabs you want to install in Storage Card\SASHIMI\Auto\Cabs\
**Email Accounts & WIFI Settings**
You will create an XML file and save it to Storage Card\SASHIMI\Auto\XML using Sashimi/Makisu Built program. Watch the How To Here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANgzCqrcjHw&feature=PlayList&p=D3FC86B36CB817D8&index=0
**Ring Tone**
Using the Auto\Root folder Sashimi create the same folder structure to copy over your ring tones.
* Ring tones go in \My Documents\My Ringtones
* Text msg/Notification tones go in \Windows
* Sliding Sounds go in \Windows as .wav
Ex. Storage Card\SASHIMI\Auto\Root\My Documents\My Ringtones
so here is the run down about ringtones...before you back up these registries make sure you set them how you like first.
*Ring Tone*
First set the Ring Tone then back up HKCU\ControlPanel\Sounds\Ringtone0 is where your ringtone registry is, for some reason there is two entries that reference my ringtone file, RingTone0 and RingTone2. I exported both in Storage Card\SASHIMI\Auto\REG
In HKCU\ControlPanel\Notifications\ there are a bunch of registries for all your alerts, they are all labeled in gibberish like this "{0CD9B91C-BEA7-446d-9857-BD2F1E6BFE80}" You have to use regedit and look at the first value, the first value should contain data that tells you what tone that registry entry is for. If the first value is blank don't back it up, there are more entries than there are alerts so you dont need to back up the blank ones. There is exactly 22 entries you need to export and back up to Sashimi. It was a PITA (Pain in the ***) to go through them and export them one by one, but you get done eventually.
All Registry exports should go into Storage Card\SASHIMI\Auto\REG
**Sliding Sound**
First set the Sliding sound you want then back up the reg key \HKLM\Software\HTC\SlidingSound export to Storage Card\SASHIMI\Auto\REG
We both prefer Titanium.
Setup Titanium the way you like it first before backing up the items below.
*Titanium layout*
* First you have to back up HKLM\Software\Microsoft\CHome reg entry so it will keep your titanium layout.
* You also need to back up the two .cpr files located in \Windows: Titanium_480x640.cpr and Titanium_640x480.cpr and copy them to Storage Card\SASHIMI\Auto\Root\Windows
*Set Titanium as Default | Touch Flow as Disabled**
* Back up Reg Key \HKLM\Software\Today\Windows Default export to Storage Card\SASHIMI\Auto\REG
* Back up Reg Key\HKLM\Software\Today\Touch Flo export to Storage Card\SASHIMI\Auto\REG
backup reg key HKLM\Software\Microsoft\CHome\ATFavePeople are all the registry entries that you need to save those settings, I didn't know what to back up so I backed up all of them, they all look important anyways.
Also will want to back up \Application Data\ATContacts and copy to Storage Card\SASHIMI\Auto\Root\Application Data\ATContacts which saves image files.
* Restore your contacts before launch the "fave people".
* ON First Run after restore - you will have an overlay on your first contact on fave people - make sure you have restored your contacts then just go to the favorite person settings and click okay.. it will fix the overlay
**TouchFlo3d Fav Contacts Tab**
If you are using TouchFlo3d and want to save your favorite contacts that information is stored in the pim.vol file located in your root directory, just back that up. pim.vol also contains all of your contacts! No need to use pim backup app unless you want to save all ur txt messages, recent calls list, etc.
**Titanium Weather**
Backup key \HKLM\Software\TitaniumWeather export to Storage Card\SASHIMI\Auto\REG
**Owner Info **
Download SDConfig.Builder.v0.7.85.PE from http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=390846
Run SDConfig Builder.exe, go to the 5 tab (Owner Info), type in your Owner Info. Save to xml file. Then go to 4 tab (Cab & Copy).
Browse for the xml you just made for Source XML, set an output directory. then click make cab. Now you have a owner cab you can push with Sashimi put owner cab in Storage Card\SASHIMI\Auto\Cabs\
**Device Name**
Backup reg key HKLM\Ident export to Storage Card\SASHIMI\Auto\REG
**Alarm Settings**
backup reg key HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Clock export to Storage Card\SASHIMI\Auto\REG (thanks to studentjunk)
**Facebook IM (fim)**
backup reg key HKCU\Software\mosko.mobi\fim export to Storage Card\SASHIMI\Auto\REG
**Twitter (PockeTwit)**
Backup file \Program Files\PockeTwit\app.CONFIG copy to Storage Card\SASHIMI\Auto\Root\Program Files\PockeTwit\
(You will have to create the path in your Auto\Root Folder)
**MMS Settings**
backup reg key \HKLM\Software\Arcsoft\ArcSoft MMS UA\Config\mm1 export to Storage Card\SASHIMI\Auto\REG
**HTC Task Manger**
backup reg key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\HTC\TaskManager export to Storage Card\SASHIMI\Auto\REG
**Splash Screen**
* back up file \Windows\welcomehead.192.png copy to Storage Card\SASHIMI\Auto\Root\Windows
* Open welcomehead.192.png overwrite with your own image save as a png. Now you have a custom Splash screen that will be pushed.
**Startup Sound**
* back up file \Windows\PowerOn.wav copy to Storage Card\SASHIMI\Auto\Root\Windows
* Overwrite PowerOn.wav with your custom Sound save back to Storage Card\SASHIMI\Auto\Root\Windows
* back up file\Windoes\PowerOff.wav copy to Storage Card\SASHIMI\Auto\Root\Windows
* Overwrite PowerOff.wav with your custom Sound save back to Storage Card\SASHIMI\Auto\Root\Windows
* Now you have a custom Startup Sound that will be pushed.
**Work in Progress**
(if you know how to backup the below please let us know)
* HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Today\Wall is the key you want to back up for wallpaper and theme
* This is the reg location but on restore it has it set in the today screen but does not actually change the wallpaper till you go to Today and click okay.
* Facebook registration is at "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Facebook
* But on restore does not have your login info saved.
* Reg Key HKC\Software\Trinket\PowerSMS
* But still can not find the registration key location
TBF (To Be Found)
**Voicemail Number (when you added your password to it**
TBF (To Be Found)
**Contact Ring Tones**
TBF (To Be Found)
Hey this is LuckySe7en, mods can we get this sticky'd?
i have a question: i want to backup my favourite people, but in my registry there isn't a entry "ATFavePeople"!!
What can i do?
Nice work! I am just looking for a complete list that need to re-configure after a flash or hard-reset.
Catch up, thanks.
murducky said:
User Customization Backup for Touch Pro using Sashimi
**Owner Info **
Download SDConfig.Builder.v0.7.85.PE from http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=390846
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I believe Sashimi backs up owner info already. Open Sashimi and go to tools\additional tools\backup PIM. Although, I have to admit that I back it up by just putting the registry key in the regexport file: HKCU\ControlPanel\Owner. I am not sure if it works for everyone, but it works for me.
murducky said:
**Alarm Settings**
TBF (To Be Found)
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Alarm settings are just in registry: HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Clock
An easy way to find registry settings demonstrated here at the sashimi website (I believe, I didn't look at it myself)
murducky said:
**Contact Ring Tones**
TBF (To Be Found)
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Download VipPimRingTone and backup ring tones before flashing. If you use total commander, then you can use my script (VGA only) for the restore. The script has to be used AFTER the contacts have been restored.
Run ("\Program Files\VipRingTone\VipPimRingTone.exe")
SleepMessage(50, "Restoring calltones.^NL^Click Ok When Completed.^NL^Click Ok now to Cancel", ThisScriptName, 1)
If you use PPCPIMbackup, you can also automatically restore your contacts & data:
Run( "\Program Files\Total Commander\cecmd.exe")
sendkeys("\Storage Card\My Documents\BACKUPS\")
SleepMessage(420, "Running PPCPIMbackup.^NL^Click Ok When Completed.^NL^Click Ok now to Cancle", ThisScriptName, 1)
And you can automatically start your backup schedule. Puth the PIM registry in the regexport file: HKCU\Software\FdcSoft\PPCPimBackup
#rerun to set it to run at 2am tomrrow
Rerun = Timestamp()/86400*86400+86400+10800
runat(rerun, "\Storage Card\SASHIMI\Auto\Root\Windows\PPCPimBackup.exe","/SchedBackup")
SleepMessage(3, "script completed.^NL^Click Ok^NL^Your backups should start tomorrow", ThisScriptName, 1)
mare123 said:
i have a question: i want to backup my favourite people, but in my registry there isn't a entry "ATFavePeople"!!
What can i do?
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**push**, because i don't know where this entry is.
does anyone know how to backup microsoft myphone login settings or resco file explorer key with sashimi? i did compared the regitrys before they were in and than after but it doesnt work..it looks like a binary code in a certificate and not a reg that it stores it in..please help!
mare123 said:
i have a question: i want to backup my favourite people, but in my registry there isn't a entry "ATFavePeople"!!
What can i do?
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What are you using for your "favorite People"
I use Favorite People Plugin by AppStar [All Resolutions]
studentjunk said:
I believe Sashimi backs up owner info already. Open Sashimi and go to tools\additional tools\backup PIM. Although, I have to admit that I back it up by just putting the registry key in the regexport file: HKCU\ControlPanel\Owner. I am not sure if it works for everyone, but it works for me......
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Thanks for the great info. I use outlook to store all my contacts & appointments and just sync after a flash. so i was looking for a reg key or something that saves the ringtone assignment of contacts.
murducky said:
Thanks for the great info. I use outlook to store all my contacts & appointments and just sync after a flash. so i was looking for a reg key or something that saves the ringtone assignment of contacts.
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Looking for that too, and also for a reg or file to backup my favorite people tab contacts.
Troc said:
Looking for that too, and also for a reg or file to backup my favorite people tab contacts.
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backup reg key HKLM\Software\Microsoft\CHome\ATFavePeople are all the registry entries that you need to save those settings, I didn't know what to back up so I backed up all of them, they all look important anyways.
Also will want to back up \Application Data\ATContacts and copy to Storage Card\SASHIMI\Auto\Root\Application Data\ATContacts which saves image files.
* Restore your contacts before launch the "fave people".
* ON First Run after restore - you will have an overlay on your first contact on fave people - make sure you have restored your contacts then just go to the favorite person settings and click okay.. it will fix the overlay
mare123 said:
i have a question: i want to backup my favourite people, but in my registry there isn't a entry "ATFavePeople"!!
What can i do?
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Troc said:
Looking for that too, and also for a reg or file to backup my favorite people tab contacts.
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As mentioned before use the registry entries listed in OP to back up ATcontacts, if you do not use ATcontacts plugin for Titanium those entries won't be there.
If you are using TouchFlo3d and want to save your favorite contacts that information is stored in the pim.vol file located in your root directory, just back that up. pim.vol also contains all of your contacts! No need to use pim backup app unless you want to save all ur txt messages, recent calls list, etc.
sstrunks said:
As mentioned before use the registry entries listed in OP to back up ATcontacts, if you do not use ATcontacts plugin for Titanium those entries won't be there.
If you are using TouchFlo3d and want to save your favorite contacts that information is stored in the pim.vol file located in your root directory, just back that up. pim.vol also contains all of your contacts! No need to use pim backup app unless you want to save all ur txt messages, recent calls list, etc.
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okey thank you very much i will try this, because i use touchflo3d
sstrunks said:
As mentioned before use the registry entries listed in OP to back up ATcontacts, if you do not use ATcontacts plugin for Titanium those entries won't be there.
If you are using TouchFlo3d and want to save your favorite contacts that information is stored in the pim.vol file located in your root directory, just back that up. pim.vol also contains all of your contacts! No need to use pim backup app unless you want to save all ur txt messages, recent calls list, etc.
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added to list. thanks se7en
murducky said:
backup reg key HKLM\Software\Microsoft\CHome\ATFavePeople are all the registry entries that you need to save those settings, I didn't know what to back up so I backed up all of them, they all look important anyways.
Also will want to back up \Application Data\ATContacts and copy to Storage Card\SASHIMI\Auto\Root\Application Data\ATContacts which saves image files.
* Restore your contacts before launch the "fave people".
* ON First Run after restore - you will have an overlay on your first contact on fave people - make sure you have restored your contacts then just go to the favorite person settings and click okay.. it will fix the overlay
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Up to now i always had problems to restore ATfave people. If i do it the way you indicate, the overlay in the first contact gets fixed, and also the contact opens right, but the rest of the contacts if wrong, i think they shift one contact up in my icontact list. I always have to set them new again
claus1953 said:
Up to now i always had problems to restore ATfave people. If i do it the way you indicate, the overlay in the first contact gets fixed, and also the contact opens right, but the rest of the contacts if wrong, i think they shift one contact up in my icontact list. I always have to set them new again
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Heres how I do it and it always works for me, since murducky uses outlook to backup his contacts it might be different than how he explained it.
Obviously first you set all your ATcontacts first. Then back up all the registry entries mentioned in the first post.
After you back up all your registry keys for ATcontacts you will want to back up your contacts. You can do this by using pim backup app or you can just copy the pim.vol file from your root directory.
After you flash your rom and run through sashimi it should reinstall ATcontacts as well as restore those registry entries. Before you do ANYTHING with ATcontacts, that includes going to the tab and even going into the ATcontact settings you must restore your contacts. So run pim restore in pim backup or copy your pim.vol file back to your root directory and overwrite the one that is there.
Once you have restored your contacts, now go to your fave people tab on titanium and then scroll left to go to the settings, once you are in the settings you should see your list of contacts in correct order, just hit ok and close the window at that point and it should be restored with no overlay.
Basically you must restore contacts first and then go to settings to correct the overlay issue. Also worth mentioning is that if you choose to back up the pim.vol file instead of running pim backup, you should probably copy pim.vol over to the root directory before running sashimi after a fresh rom flash. I've had problems running sashimi first and then copying the pim.vol file over after. I causes the roms to become really unstable and laggy for some reason.
2nd NOTE: if you try to copy your pim.vol file into the SASHIMI/Auto/Root folder so that sashimi can restore it when it runs it won't work, I've tried that many times and it seems sashimi wont copy anything that isn't in one level deep file structure. So pim.vol must be copied over manually if you choose to back up your contacts that with that method.
sstrunks said:
Heres how I do it and it always works for me, since murducky uses outlook to backup his contacts it might be different than how he explained it.
Obviously first you set all your ATcontacts first. Then back up all the registry entries mentioned in the first post.
After you back up all your registry keys for ATcontacts you will want to back up your contacts. You can do this by using pim backup app or you can just copy the pim.vol file from your root directory.
After you flash your rom and run through sashimi it should reinstall ATcontacts as well as restore those registry entries. Before you do ANYTHING with ATcontacts, that includes going to the tab and even going into the ATcontact settings you must restore your contacts. So run pim restore in pim backup or copy your pim.vol file back to your root directory and overwrite the one that is there.
Once you have restored your contacts, now go to your fave people tab on titanium and then scroll left to go to the settings, once you are in the settings you should see your list of contacts in correct order, just hit ok and close the window at that point and it should be restored with no overlay.
Basically you must restore contacts first and then go to settings to correct the overlay issue. Also worth mentioning is that if you choose to back up the pim.vol file instead of running pim backup, you should probably copy pim.vol over to the root directory before running sashimi after a fresh rom flash. I've had problems running sashimi first and then copying the pim.vol file over after. I causes the roms to become really unstable and laggy for some reason.
2nd NOTE: if you try to copy your pim.vol file into the SASHIMI/Auto/Root folder so that sashimi can restore it when it runs it won't work, I've tried that many times and it seems sashimi wont copy anything that isn't in one level deep file structure. So pim.vol must be copied over manually if you choose to back up your contacts that with that method.
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That is the way i do it when flashing a new rom:
Backing up files and registries with sashimi
Backing up contacts with pimbackup
Flashing rom
Running sashimi to restore everything and setting up my email account
Restoring with PIMbackup
Setting up what is still missing like BT, WiFi, Internet connection etc
Then trying out the plugins in Titanium to see that everything works
That should be the procedure like mentioned above, or do i miss something? Still the AT fave people gets mixed up. The same happens when i install a new theme that overwrites the AT fave people plugin and its registry. Then i restore the registry backup i have and again the contacts gets mixed up.
claus1953 said:
That is the way i do it when flashing a new rom:
Backing up files and registries with sashimi
Backing up contacts with pimbackup
Flashing rom
Running sashimi to restore everything and setting up my email account
Restoring with PIMbackup
Setting up what is still missing like BT, WiFi, Internet connection etc
Then trying out the plugins in Titanium to see that everything works
That should be the procedure like mentioned above, or do i miss something? Still the AT fave people gets mixed up. The same happens when i install a new theme that overwrites the AT fave people plugin and its registry. Then i restore the registry backup i have and again the contacts gets mixed up.
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Hmm I'm stumped then, I tried doing it both methods and it has worked for me. But now I just backup pim.vol and then use pim backup to back up everything else but contacts. How bout giving that a try?
If your themes are writing over your registry why not try installing the theme first in Sashimi manual mode, and then run auto mode so that your registry settings write over the new theme registry?
sstrunks said:
Hmm I'm stumped then, I tried doing it both methods and it has worked for me. But now I just backup pim.vol and then use pim backup to back up everything else but contacts. How bout giving that a try?
If your themes are writing over your registry why not try installing the theme first in Sashimi manual mode, and then run auto mode so that your registry settings write over the new theme registry?
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Ok, will give both option a try. Had also contacted AppStar to ask for help on that but looks he is unavailable.
claus1953 said:
Ok, will give both option a try. Had also contacted AppStar to ask for help on that but looks he is unavailable.
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You may already know this but I just want to reiterate that all ATFavePeople registries must be backed up. So that means the main ATFavePeople registry, CondensedPage, Page1, Page 2, Page3, etc. Obviously there is a page for every fave contact you have.
You probably already got that convered but just an FYI for anyone else troubleshooting the same issue.

Backup contacts onto SD

I was wondering if it is possible to save my contact onto my SD card.
I want to save them, before I wipe the Hero to install Modaco's new ROM.
Non of my contacts are google-contacts, so that is not an option.
My Hero is rooted, and I have been playing around in the filesystem, using "File Explorer".. I have come across a file called: "htccontacts.odex"
It is a file in system/app.
It uses 1MB.
I haven't been able to open the file in notepad or wordpad, with readable result.
My question to you, my dear android-lovers, simply is:
Does "htccontacts.odex" contain my contacts, their picture aswell as their facebook-link?
Because that could be an easy way to dbackup contacts..
Maybe to easy??
i dont know, but what you could do to test it is:
boot in cyanogen mod, and rename the file (with adb shell), then boot and look if your contacts have been gone (afterwards name it back to original name)..
or check whether the size of the file increases when you add some contacts.
Yeah... that could be a way to to it.. and maybe it will.. but I am holding my breath to see, if anyone in this forum knows exactly what the file contains..
Thank you for the idea..

Deleting/Editing Nandroid Backups

Is there a way to edit the name of the backup files in amons recovery. and is there a way to delete the backups. any help appreciated thanks
The backups are all located in the nandroid folder on your sdcard. the first folder inside nandroid is your device's serial number or something, the ones inside that are the backups, named by date and time. im pretty sure you can renaame these folders with no harm done to nandroids restore abilities and deleting them does absolutely no harm
if you want to edit the internals, you need to unyaffs it
When i rename the back up it will never let me back up so i wouldnt do that.... i lost my backup because of this :/
that sucks
He is right.. i went into the sd card went to nandroid and tried changing the names of the backups to keep them organized and it wouldnt restore.. then i renamed them to what they were before i changed them and they restored succesfully.. so can anyone shed some light if it is even possible to rename these nandroid backups?
Im sure it is an issue with Amon-ra's program.
Go find the guy and ask him.
There is a way to edit the name and still have the backups work.
The original name is BSD-20100330-0745. You apparently need the last part for the date and such. I changed the name to EvilEris1.1 and it failed, but if it is changed to EvilEris1.1-20100330-0745 it works. You just need the "-20100330-0745". So "(name)-20100330-0745" will work.
Amon_RA said:
Renaming works fine, just don't use spaces or special characters.
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i didnt link the thread he posted that in because i told him about this thread and dont want posts in two places. though you could find it easily im sure....
Excellent, that is better than what I had to do.
Problem solved!!!!!!!
I was just messing around with it for an hour or so and I resolved my own question.... You can name the backups what ever you want.. you dont have to have the dates or anything just no spaces in the name... so if you wanted to name it "Evil Eris 1.1" it would have to be something like this... "Evil-Eris-1.1" No Spaces...
You could also (from a computer with your phone in recovery) do:
adb shell
nandroid-mobile.sh -b
It will ask you what to name it, and then it will automatically add the suffix.
you get the "run mobile.sh" error if you rename the folder directly under the "nandroid" folder on your sd card directory. you will also get this error if your battery is low or you have no storage left. the folder directly under the "nandroid" folder it is your serial number. if you're having issues, just go to the "other" menu and select "send recovery.log to SD card." then go in and search the recovery.log file on your sdcard for "serialno=" right after that there will be a 12 character string of capital letters and numbers directly followed by lower case letters that are useless for this purpose. Create a folder with the same name as that string (capital letters and numbers only, no lower case) and place your previously renamed backups into that folder and voila! you'll be able to restore them.
burdenedreflect said:
The backups are all located in the nandroid folder on your sdcard. the first folder inside nandroid is your device's serial number or something, the ones inside that are the backups, named by date and time. im pretty sure you can renaame these folders with no harm done to nandroids restore abilities and deleting them does absolutely no harm
if you want to edit the internals, you need to unyaffs it
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thank you, it worked for me
I'm not sure this is the correct place to post this info or my question, but I believe it is at least relevant to the topic at hand. If not, I apologize profusely.
I have numerous backups created with CWM (v6.0.1.0) that are eating up an enormous amount of space on my Galaxy Nexus SD card. I've been flashing numerous ROMs and Kernels and I want to get rid of most, if not all of those backups and then create a fresh one from my current working/bootable ROM (JB 4.1.1), just so I have a good backup to roll back to if/when I hose up my phone.
For poking around on the the SD card, I'm using a Windows-based program called 'Android Commander' (Google it), which I find to be exceptionally handy. It is very much like Total Commander, which I've been using for MANY years (since version 1.0 of the original Windows Commander) on Windows boxes, as well as a variant under numerous Linux distros.
At any rate, what I've discovered is as follows;
1. the contents of the /clockworkmod/ directory on the SD card contains three directories and a couple of files (in its root). The directories are;
2. the /clockworkmod/backup/ folder contains folders that are dated and time stamped (date and time the backups were created).
3. within each of the /clockworkmod/backup/date-time folders, there are six (6) files, the largest being the 'recovery.img' file. There is also a 'boot.img' file and four (4) other files that are quite small. Each 'recovery.img' file sizes are in gigabytes (yeah, I have a lot of crap on my phone), so it's pretty obvious that deleting these directories will give me a great deal more storage space, which is my main goal in life right now (recoup all that space).
4. my main point here, however, revolves around the /clockworkmod/blobs/ director. There are over 3000 sub directories within that directory, and I have no idea how many files are within those sub directories or how much space on the SD card they occupy, although my guess is around 8-10 gigabytes. Being an astute user of Google, here's what I found out about all this;
"Starting with version 6, duplication support has been built into clockworkmod recovery. The blobs directory folder contains a hashed directory structure that holds the duplicated files across all backups."
// This info was derived from a post on Android Enthusiasts (author unknown).
"Don't delete anything in your blobs folder. Those are your nandroid backups. Starting with CWM6, it makes incremental backups and your backup files point to the files in the blobs folder. To free up space, delete unwanted backups and the next time you run nandroid, it will delete the unneeded files in the blobs folder."
// This info was derived from a post by 'NotJustAPhone', a very senior member of the Android Central forum.
And for my next trick ... what I'm wondering is if it REALLY matters whether or not I blow away the contents of the 'blobs' directory, and I guess that's my question. What if I do delete everything in 'blobs'? Since I'm going to flash another ROM and Kernel anyway, does it matter? That directory obviously started out life as being empty, right? What will CWM do, or more importantly, NOT do, should I blow away the contents of the 'blobs' directory (assuming the file system will let me)? Won't CWM just create a new/fresh/relevant set of directories/files within 'blobs' the next time I do a backup? Has anyone actually tried doing that?
And just in case anyone is wondering, the only thing in the /clockworkmod/download/ directory is the clockwordmod img file.
Thanks in advance for any response this might elicit.
Old Fart
ImaOldFart said:
I'm not sure this is the correct place to post this info or my question, but I believe it is at least relevant to the topic at hand. If not, I apologize profusely.
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Hi! You're in the HTC Droid Eris section of the forum, and the latest version of CWM for the Eris is much older (v2.x).
Without direct experience with the newer versions, all I can wonder is that doesn't CWM have any way built-in to delete old backups?
On the Eris, the easiest and most reliable way of using CWM is through installing the "ROM Manager" app, in which you can then manage your backups from the Android interface. In the future, you might want to consider trying that for your device as well as it may make it easier for you to manage your own backups.
I have no idea if under your configuration if installing ROM Manager now would help you delete your old backups, and I realize that even then you would probably only be able to delete them one by one, which is how it works for me in ROM Manager, and that being able to delete them en mass via Windows might be tempting. I keep four backups of my currently running ROM, and number them. I keep the very first one which is usually after I configure the ROM to my liking without really installing or restoring any apps.
Maybe you should ask wherever CWM-specific support is, but definitely at least in the section for your phone might attract better answers.
Good luck.

[Q] Accidentally renamed the 'Microsoft' registry folder

I accidentally renamed the 'Microsoft' registry folder to 'zz'. A new 'Microsoft' folder was generated by the device, but I cannot make calls anymore. I tried renaming the old folder, but it wouldn't work.
When soft-resetting, I get a message that MSPOutlook cannot be found; pressing on TaskManager brings up a message that MSTASKMGR cannot be found; I also got the message that MSCProg cannot be found (all this while being on mission for work )
Now HKLM/Software contains the following folders (see below). Any suggestions, hopefully apart from hard-resetting the phone?!?
-Daniel Herrero
-IA Style
-Microsoft (new folder3 generated by device)
-Microsoft2 (new folder2 generated by device and renamed by me in an attempt to see what would happen)
-MIDI Engine
-MSCProg1 (old Microsoft folder, but first renamed zz by me, then renamed to what it is now)
-Spb Software House
Sorry but I think you know what you are going to have to do, a HR. You might as well go ahead and bite the bullet, sorry I know it sucks. But be more carful while browsing through your files especially system crucial files.
I don't see spb backup in your list. Too bad, that would rescue you. HR is your only option.
Sent from my Dell Streak 7 using XDA Premium App
Many thanks for the replies, although it hurts to hear that there is no other option but HR. (By the way - would you know any thread on data back-up before performing HR?)
tomesmi said:
Many thanks for the replies, although it hurts to hear that there is no other option but HR. (By the way - would you know any thread on data back-up before performing HR?)
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Personally I always just used Microsoft My Phone and made sure to move all pertinent personal info to my SD card that could be moved.
tomesmi said:
By the way - would you know any thread on data back-up before performing HR?
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lots of those here, but I'd suggest commercial SPB Backup - you can select what to backup - apps, folders, databases, registry etc.
additionally you could use your registry editor to export HKCU/Software and HKLM/Software - so to preserve app settings
p107r0 said:
lots of those here, but I'd suggest commercial SPB Backup - you can select what to backup - apps, folders, databases, registry etc.
additionally you could use your registry editor to export HKCU/Software and HKLM/Software - so to preserve app settings
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Of course, spb backup save the registry as well. However it is not useable when upgrading ROMs.
Sent from my Dell Streak 7 using XDA Premium App
Interface issues
Backup is advisable but I've always felt that the key problem here is the interface, which makes it oh-so easy for such things to happen.
That slow-click rename feature of desktop Explorer is probably the thing I curse most often about Windows.
stevedebi said:
Of course, spb backup save the registry as well. However it is not useable when upgrading ROMs.
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one of the reasons I prefer SPB Backup over other solutions is its unpacking app for desktop PC, which unpacks directory structure as well as registry hives,
this way when upgrading ROM, I'm able to recover settings for some of the applications, so on my side operations is quite simple, if time-consumig - for most app I just copy the folders back to Program Files + import heavily edited reg files for HKLM/Software and HKCU/Software
p107r0 said:
one of the reasons I prefer SPB Backup over other solutions is its unpacking app for desktop PC, which unpacks directory structure as well as registry hives,
this way when upgrading ROM, I'm able to recover settings for some of the applications, so on my side operations is quite simple, if time-consumig - for most app I just copy the folders back to Program Files + import heavily edited reg files for HKLM/Software and HKCU/Software
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NRG includes xda_uc, which automatically installs files. By configuring it correctly I can be complete back up and running in about 20 minutes after a new ROM burn. I sync with my PC via activesync and also use the MS MyPhone to keep everything in sync.
SPB Backup is NOT reliable when switching ROM versions; those registry settings are probably different between version, and it is almost guaranteed to mess up you system in strange ways. I strictly use it for restoring to the same ROM version used for backup.
It's bizarre that you're allowed to rename the registry in the first place. It's terminal as you now know. I'd have tried renaming your original 'zz' folder and exporting its contents using something like Resco Explorer, and used the same program to restore the folder after a reboot. I have no idea if it would work but I'd be desperate.
I use Sprite Backup. It does much the same as the SPB program. have used it since I bought my hx4700. SKTools has a backup feature too.
As already mentioned, be careful when changing ROMs. Backup programs that restore everything can cause trouble. I would avoid restoring software and settings. I haven't tried a custom ROM but I'd use Outlook or myPhone to backup my PIM data and save any files to my PC. I'd reinstall my applications. I do this when updating ny stock ROM.
DrATty said:
It's bizarre that you're allowed to rename the registry in the first place. It's terminal as you now know. I'd have tried renaming your original 'zz' folder and exporting its contents using something like Resco Explorer, and used the same program to restore the folder after a reboot. I have no idea if it would work but I'd be desperate.
I use Sprite Backup. It does much the same as the SPB program. have used it since I bought my hx4700. SKTools has a backup feature too.
As already mentioned, be careful when changing ROMs. Backup programs that restore everything can cause trouble. I would avoid restoring software and settings. I haven't tried a custom ROM but I'd use Outlook or myPhone to backup my PIM data and save any files to my PC. I'd reinstall my applications. I do this when updating ny stock ROM.
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The worst I've done is rename the "Storage Card", that took a while to recover from.
stevedebi said:
The worst I've done is rename the "Storage Card", that took a while to recover from.
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My iPAQs are able to do that on their own. Quite an interesting feature.

