DCD ROM and Activesync - Mogul, XV6800 ROM Development

Hi All,
I hope someone can help
I have run DCD 3.1.6 3.2.3 and 3.2.5 in the last week and on each one via USB and Direct push when synchronizing my folders it seems to hang on email saying
Synchonization Failed. There is not enough free memory on your device to synchronize information. Delete unused files from your device or close programs that are running to free up memory.
I notice in task manager that memory usage for activesync is aout 100%
I have other phones that work well with my Exchange Server so dont believe that is the problem and I rebooted the server.
If someone can help or needs more information about the problem, please let me know but I NEED to resolve this.
Thanks again in advance.
Just an FYI, I do IT network administration for a living and haven't seen this one before. I have done plenty of research before coming here.

Just an FYI but I limited this problem down to one folder that I am synchronizing. I have like 40 folders all synchonized by selecting them in manage folders in tools menu but when I select this one folder direct push hangs retrieving email.
Any thoughts?


SMS backup-getting SMS Export tool (yorch.net) working?

HI together, :?
I`m new in this forum and found it because I have a issue I don`t get rid of. I have 2500 sms messages on my xda and want to sell it to get a new one. My problem is I don`t want to delete my whole sms messages as there are so many important one I can`t delete as I need them documented.
I installed now the SMS Export tool from yorch.net as I red in this forum here that I should be able to get this done with this tool.
Problem is that I´m not able to get it done successfully.
1. I downloaded the tool and installed it from my PC over Active Sync on my xda.
2. I can see the SMSExport.vce file in my root folder on my xda
3. I can see the VICERT.vce and Visual CE.unload file under /windows
Problem is now that I need asistance how I can use the tool now ?
1. If I start the VICERT.vce file I get the msg "Run VisualCE.exe to create a form"
2. If I run Visual CE.unload file as I don`t see a exe I get the msg that there is no application assigned to the file?
3. If I riun the SMSExport.vce file I get a programm called SMS Export Utility in front of me where I don`t know how to handle to get the sms messages on my local PC.
My aim is to read the sms messages on my local pc (word or txt file) and burn it as backup on a cd.
I would really appreciate any help as I spent hours already on this topic and I`m not smart enough to get it done.
Thanks in advance...
I faced the same problem, I've searched all over this forum, but until late, I used this software : Smart Phone Studio (http://smartdev.51.net/)
It lets you save all your SMS from phone to PC, and you can also save them on text files with nice formatting :wink:
You can also backup SMS from your device, and restore them from the PC at anytime you want!!! :lol:
ah I forgot to tell that it also works for XDAs, regardless of its name
ezzkht said:
I faced the same problem, I've searched all over this forum, but until late, I used this software : Smart Phone Studio (http://smartdev.51.net/)
It lets you save all your SMS from phone to PC, and you can also save them on text files with nice formatting :wink:
You can also backup SMS from your device, and restore them from the PC at anytime you want!!! :lol:
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Thanks for fast response ...
Do you have the program on your local machine to send it to me via email ? I`m not able to download the program as there is no version available at the moment ...
I'd appreciate a copy as well if possible.
Oops! its not available on the site & its not free anymore!!!!!
But don't worry, I will send u a copy of it when I come back home..
Ok, here is the file..
Simple steps to run it:
1. Change your PC date to March 2004.
2. Copy SPStudio.exe to your PC & run it.
3. Copy CommMan.exe to your pocket PC & run it.
4. Just click on the buttons at the left panel to access your SMS messages & use FILE menu to export/import messages.
Cheers :lol:
Thanks. I appreciate it. :lol:
Thhhhhhhhhhhhhhanks ... it is working. I really appreciate your time to help me. Just saved thousands of sms .... really cool. Have a great time.
Cu Mic :lol:
You are most welcome guys
I've recently found a software which synchronizes you SMS with MS Outlook! SMS Sync for Outlook:
I wonder why Microsoft does not support synchronize SMS with ActiveSync, much like emails :?
I've found a new software which transforms your SMS messages into emails, which then can be easily synchronized with the PC
anyone tested it ????
download source for spstudio (expiring by april 2004)
after some browsing the web i have found an alternative download source for the famous spstudio:
you probably have to register at coolsmartphone.com (its for free) before you are allowed to download files.
also consider the hints given above (setting back the date of your pc to march 2004 etc.) for getting the tool working.
i am also desperately trying to backup valuable sms. unfortunately i need to back them up since i need to reset my device cause active sync is no longer working ..BIG PROBLEM...i cannot use any of the above tools without active sync.
any ideas how i can get the sms off my MDA without active sync???
Since your active sync is not working, you can try to backup your files to SD card (use Sprite Backup or anything else to do so) and then you can hard reset your device safely..
Make sure it is the latest version of sprite backup, that software caused nightmares for me, after restoring I could not recieve or send sms so please be sure you get the latest fixed version.
Since your active sync is not working, you can try to backup your files to SD card (use Sprite Backup or anything else to do so) and then you can hard reset your device safely..
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but how can i use sprite backup if i cannot install the software ? no acitve sync, no new installations...
if you can find it as a cab file you can copy it to your sdcard and run it from your xda
SMS Sync Outlook
Hello, Regarding the SMS Sync Outlook...one of the requirements was having Outlook 2003. I still use Outlook 2002, does it matter? Don't really want to upgrade to 2003 yet as there might still be some bugs. Any thoughts anyone?
Bree :?:
Hi Bree (Kabayan?)
I am using Outlook 2003 for several months and as of this moment no problems or bugs yet.
Export your SMS to Storage
Try this program and export all your SMS to your Storage: xpocketpc.fw.hu

ROM upgrade success after a big issue ...

Hi folks,
Although I am generally not timid about modding certain products (such as my computers and TiVo), I do like to first take my time before diving in until I'm sure I've read most of the relevant threads and have gathered up the complete suite of software tools in one place. The resources on this site and the work of folks such as DCD and nueChem are amazing and outstanding and I want to say thanks for that.
As of yesterday, I felt read to take the plunge installing the bootloader, 3.27 radio ROM and DCD 2.3.2 kitchen build on my XV6800. However, I didn't just go with the stock kitchen. I added a couple of additional OEM packages from Alex.Kaiser.v4.OEM.Packages (the nue LED and audioparam packages and Resco File Explorer 2007 in particular).
The updating went great and I was able to OTA reprogram my phone without needing to call Verizon. However, I noticed that something wasn't right.
First, my phone had no connection data onboard so the phone didn't know to dial #777 for a data link and my attempts to enter this manually didn't give me any success.
Second, my PC wouldn't see the device unless I deselected the "advanced network features" (or similar, I forget the exact wording) checkbox.
Third, I couldn't install CAB files. They'd terminate immediately with an "installation was unsuccessful" message.
Finally, once I was able to establish a connection to the PC, I could add and remove files from the device *only* from the PC. Attempts to delete files from the device itself were met with a file permissions error.
After playing around for a while trying every tweak I could think of, I tried using Resco Explorer and, after a few minutes, got a registration code error/warning message. This made me wonder if this package was the problem: preventing certain types of file access due to it being in a limited-functionality mode from lack of a proper reg code.
So, I rebuilt the ROM without it and now all is well! I'm loving the new dialer and comm manager as well as the active GPS (I've tested it only with Google Maps and GPSToday so far and it gets to within half a block). Not sure how well EV-DO Rev A is working yet. I tethered the phone and ran an online speed check, obtaining 1.2Mbps download but only 60kbps upload. It's possible this is related to my local coverage (Nyack, NY), so I'll try this again from a known-good Rev A area.
Anyway, just wanted to relay my experience in case it proved useful to anyone.
One other thing: I used PIM Backup to backup my data beforehand since my sycing is generally done on my work machine and I was doing the ROM updating from home. Upon restore, it wouldn't restore my email messages because it didn't find the corresponding account. So, it's important to note that this account info isn't backup up and that you first need to create the account before doing the restore step (making sure to name the account the same as before so that it matches up).

The file "xx" cannot be opened. Either it is not signed with a trusted certificate...

The file "xx" cannot be opened. Either it is not signed with a trusted certificate...
I keep getting this error whenever I try to open a couple applications, like Navizon, HTC Home Customizer, MS Live Search, and a lot more (but googlemaps and a few work just fine). Anyways I flashed to a DCD 3.0.1 rom I cooked... I added a few apps from the titan kitchen by copying the OEM folders into the DCD OEM folder and it all went pretty fine....
has anyone ever encountered these errors? I think I'm gonna have to cook a clean rom with just the basics and have to install everything one by one again unless someone knows what to do..
I had the exact same problem.
you didn't include the .NET framework in your build.
re-cook with that option selected, and those apps will work.
nickles96 said:
I had the exact same problem.
you didn't include the .NET framework in your build.
re-cook with that option selected, and those apps will work.
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im using dcd 3.0.1 kitchen, i dont even see it listed as an option and i thought it was already built in anyway
Did this ever get resolved? I am having the same issue with Garmin and I know I have .net installed
if you are installing to a memory card, try installing to main memory... that worked for me with MusicID
Bump having this issue helpplease
trying to install or try some different Radio cabs I keep getting this error few other programs as well fairly new so I am pretty confused. oh this is is on My Kaiser Tilt though was hoping not to have to start a whole new thread.
getting the same error message
i keep getting the following error message
"The file 'xx' cannot be opened. Either it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or one of its components cannot be found. If the problem persists, try reinstalling or restoring this file."
every time i do a soft reset all my installed programs get like this, and i have to reinstall them for them to work. This only happens to the applications i've installed on my own, not the ones that come with the phone.
if there is anyone out there who has a solution, please let me know.
File Explorer error on MDA Vario 2
Hello ppl
i uninstalled a game & a worldmate live program from my windows mobile in the morning.. from the very next moment i'm unable to browse through my file explorer
i click
start>file explorer
i get the following error
"The file 'Start' cannot be opened. Either it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or one of its components cannot be found. If the problem persists, try reinstalling or restoring this file"
help pls..... on this issue..
Most of the cases this is not a CERTIFICATE problem-
if you go to your file explorer and look for the PROGRAM FILES directory you will be surprise -
actually this happens when you install cabs on the storage card - those apps write temp files all the time - so when you take out your SD card - those apps continue writing this temp files -
in the bottom line = go to your device and rename the FOLDER storage card to storage old -
now you will see the icon for your SD CARD next to the name STORAGE CARD 2-
the last thing is to remove the SD CARD an re insert it again - now you will see that it return to its original name (STORAGE CARD) .
Thank you mate, same problem here solved with your help
I m not able to rename the storage card to storage old pls help and i m getting the same error message with uzard web browser.
I got the solution here, check out yourself

New to Windows Mobile

Let's pretend I'm new to windows mobile. (I am). Can anyone tell me HOW I get to these HKEY directories that everything is edited in. If anyone could give me a step-by-step instruction on how to install or modify anything at all in the phone, I would greatly appreciate it.
Please start the steps right after the 'Turn on phone' step, as I am fairly confident I have that under control. Every time I've asked this question on other forums I just get links to different forums with no helpful information below a certain level of expertise. I have never coded or done anything other than drag and drop folders, etc so a dumbed down version of how to start and I can learn from there. Anything! PLEASE!!! I hate having this amazing machine and not being able to utilize it.
oh, Touch Pro, sprint
First you need to install a registry editor. The two most used are PHM (free http://www.phm.lu/Products/PocketPC/RegEdit/) or Resco Explorer (paid http://www.resco.net/pocketpc/explorer/). I prefer Resco, but everyone has their own pref.
And installation, you fire it up and simply navigate it to your registry. Pretty straightforward.
I downloaded the free one but it isn't showing up in my phone. I navigated to its folder on my pc and everything seems to be zipped. when I unzip the file extensions are *.001 and I can't open or access them. am I doing something wrong ?
also, if anyone can explain to me how to install .net framework ?
warrenmrogers said:
also, if anyone can explain to me how to install .net framework ?
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i assume you need the new 3.5 .net compact framework.
You simply download and install the file on your computer (not your mobile device). This file will install the framework on your computer and will activate the add/remove programs on the sync center, so the next time you connect your touch pro it will ask to install the program. Then you just follow any instructions displayed on your touch pro for final installation and you're set to go!
here's on .Net http://www.fuzemobility.com/?p=470
It has an extra app to choose a default .Net.
There's also a Tips and Tricks section and a walk through for TouchFlo3D at fuzemobility.com that you may want to try.
I can relate to this problem.
warrenmrogers said:
Let's pretend I'm new to windows mobile. (I am). Can anyone tell me HOW I get to these HKEY directories that everything is edited in. If anyone could give me a step-by-step instruction on how to install or modify anything at all in the phone, I would greatly appreciate it.
Please start the steps right after the 'Turn on phone' step, as I am fairly confident I have that under control. Every time I've asked this question on other forums I just get links to different forums with no helpful information below a certain level of expertise. I have never coded or done anything other than drag and drop folders, etc so a dumbed down version of how to start and I can learn from there. Anything! PLEASE!!! I hate having this amazing machine and not being able to utilize it.
oh, Touch Pro, sprint
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I have a Alltel HTC Touch Pro. The software that came with it does not work with Vista. I googled active sync for Vista, I got links to Windows Mobile Device Center. I installed that onto my desktop. It syncs my phone to my desktop, but only shows my device memory and the storage card. I have installed downloaded and installed net.frame. When I downloaded Advanced Config Tool and draged and drop (also copied & pasted) into the device memory and tried to click the cab. file it only shows that it will go to the c: drive on my desktop. I do not see anything showing for the windows on my device. Hopefully someone can post some useful infomation about this. Yes I did use search, that lead me here. There are lots of complete noobs. Before we can add useful information for others. ( like showing off the really cool function of these new phones we have to be able to use them ourselves. Thanks for any help.
Here's some tips that might help you:
When plugging your Touch Pro into your PC via USB, you should be prompted on the Touch Pro whether you want to connect as "ActiveSync" or "Disk Drive". You should click "ActiveSync" for installing applications.
If you are using your desktop PC and download an application for your Touch Pro, it will typically be .exe or .cab. The .exe files are intended to run on your desktop PC first, and will then trigger an installation to your Touch Pro through ActiveSync (Windows XP) or Windows Mobile Device Center (Windows Vista).
If the file is a .cab, it is intended to run on your Touch Pro directly and will install the program. To move a .cab to your Touch Pro, you use the explore feature in ActiveSync (or similar feature in Mobile Device Center), and drag and drop. (Alternatively, you can download .cab files directly onto your phone from the source website using the Opera web browser). Once the .cab is on your Touch Pro, you use the file explorer program on your phone to naviagte to the file and then execute it.
When you install programs onto your TouchPro, a dialogue appears on the phone to walk you through the installation. To save your phone's shared memory, you can install programs to your memory card. Unfortunately, some applications work best when installed onto the phone versus installing them onto the memory card.
Hope that helps
Thank you very much for your reply. I'll give this another try. I had the Alltel HTV Touch Flo awhile back and was running XP on the desktop. If I remember correctly, I saw my device in the tree layout with the software running XP. I gave the Touch Flo to a family member and got a BlackBerry Curve. Wanted to go back to a windows platform for the versitilty of programs. I know everything has a learning curve to it. With lots of reading and study, trial and error, and help from generous people here. Noobs like myself can get a lot more use and enjoyment from their devices. Each new version that comes out is getting faster, more powerful, and has more features. Others see these things that we have and want one. It would be helpful if we could help them to see all the possibilities that are there. The I Phone gets a lot of attention with commercials and has opened up for new apps being developed. There are as many, if not more apps for widows. We just have to learn to implement them with our device. I know I did not start this thread, but others can see the original posters title and understand their, and my question. Thanks again to the reply, and to anyone else who comes up with more help for the noobs.

[Q] Applications not working - Not signed with trusted certificate

This is my first post, so apologies if this is in the wrong place or has been asked before (I have searched and found some answers, but none of these worked)
Basically, last night whenever I tried to use an application on my HTC HD2 I was getting the following error message:
"The file xxx cannot be opened. Either it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or one if its components cannot be found. If the problem persists, try reinstalling or restoring this file."
In searching for the solution, a lot of people are saying that I need to edit the reistry. (Specifiaclly HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Policies\Policies DWord = 0000101a - Change value from 0 to 1)
I have tried downloading the recommended registry editors on the forums (Resco Explorer etc.) but am unable to install because the "program is from an unknown publisher." I click yes to get pass this initial message, like I always have done in the past, and the following is displayed:
Installation was unseccessful. The program or setting cannot be installed beacause it is not digitally signed with a trusted certificate."
I have also tried using a program recommended called CeRegistryEditor and using my PC via ActiveSync to edit the registry, but am getting an error message "Access Denied!".
Does anybody know any other way of editing the registry? Am I actually doing the right thing? Are there any security settings that I need to disable to allow CeReistryEditor to edit the registry?
This is really bugging me, I have only been without my apps for about 12 hours throughout the night but it is hard to live without them!! I REALLY don't want to perform a hard reset and will do anything to avoid this!
When I get this I just remove evertyhing to do with it on the phone and re download it (the cab file usually) and it seems to work.
thanks for your reply. I have tried this but when I try and reinstall I am getting the message: Installation was unseccessful. The program or setting cannot be installed beacause it is not digitally signed with a trusted certificate.
I think that the security settings have been changed, but I cant see how to change them with editing the registry which I am struggling to do
Can I ask what app you are trying to install? Or is it any app?
Multiple Apps that were running OK yesterday, but not today. I think it is all the apps that I have downloaded from Omarket.... Omarket isnt working either!
Any luck on this. I m also facing similar issue after installing Android on my HD2.
I have the exact same issue after running Android from SD card. No application (non-stock ones) are working anymore. Like 3rd party certificates are being blocked or something...
For everyone with this problem, download Mobile Registry Editor and connect your phone to your PC via USB, then start the Editor and go to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Policies\Policies" and search for the DWord "0000101a" and change the decimal to "1", that will fix your problem. This problem happens to me if I "reboot" while in Android instead of turning the phone completely off and then back on.
Edit: Added link to download.
As a side note, I always did this to mine while running Windows Mobile, then booted Android after fixing the registry.
and when this is not possible
i have the same issue after loading android from the sd-card.
But, i am not able to change the reg, access denied, also with ceregistry unlock tool.
So, what can i do?
Niine said:
i have the same issue after loading android from the sd-card.
But, i am not able to change the reg, access denied, also with ceregistry unlock tool.
So, what can i do?
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I also have the same issue after loading android from the sd-card. I have also re-installed the stock rom and the problem still persists. Im also unable to install any reg editors as keep getting the "not signed with a trusted certificate".
I read that a cooked rom may be a solution around this but I liked the set up I had and wanted to keep my original rom so any other suggestions would be appreciated.
Exactly the same problem.
Non-stock programs not working after failed boot of android from SD card, and I'm unable to change any registry entries either. Practically I'm locked out of my phone, just the basic functions working. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
if forget where I originally found this link (its on xda some place)
but run this first and you no longer get the access denied when using the mobile registry editor , hope it helps.
I have the same problem, just remove the program that was not working, pull out your memory card , then delete the files in the sd card except the application installer, hard reset your phone, and remember to go to SETTINGS-UPDATES&FEEDBACK-ERROR REPORTING-DISABLE ERROR REPORTING, and turn off your phone, put in the memory card and turn your phone on and install the application one by one, the application installed will work as normal, Good Luck, remember to back up your data before hard reset
larrytango said:
if forget where I originally found this link (its on xda some place)
but run this first and you no longer get the access denied when using the mobile registry editor , hope it helps.
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i tried this methode but unfortunately this message pops up all time:
"phone is not unlockable"

