HTC don't have Alltel rom anymore!! - Mogul, XV6800 ROM Development

anyone know what happened to the upgrade rom from HTC website?? its not hosted there anymore!

Alltel ROM
Found this link on PPCGeeks and it seems to work.

Alltel ROM
I currently have a ticket in with HTC to find out that exact question will post what they say when I get a response back.

I saw this addressed on HoFo. Rumor has it that another update is coming from HTC for Alltel this month. Not sure why they would pull the current one though.

answerman said:
I saw this addressed on HoFo. Rumor has it that another update is coming from HTC for Alltel this month. Not sure why they would pull the current one though.
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Well, I know that when I upgraded my friends phone with the stock rom from alltel the phone acted worst that with the original rom. It kept going on roming and the roming icon kept flashing. He had a big problem with it because he lives close to the mexican border and so he could not place his phone to home only. Imagine the roming chargers with international connections...

Hypeo said:
Well, I know that when I upgraded my friends phone with the stock rom from alltel the phone acted worst that with the original rom. It kept going on roming and the roming icon kept flashing. He had a big problem with it because he lives close to the mexican border and so he could not place his phone to home only. Imagine the roming chargers with international connections...
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That's actually a problem on alltel's side. That has happened to me alot while flashing my phone around. You would need to call alltel, and they would need to reset their link to the phone and reactivate it. It works for me...

TheMorlince said:
That's actually a problem on alltel's side. That has happened to me alot while flashing my phone around. You would need to call alltel, and they would need to reset their link to the phone and reactivate it. It works for me...
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We did that already and it did not help. They just said that since there is not roaming charges that it was ok for him to be like that, but the problem is that he lives close to the mexican border and he roams internationally..

I talked to alltel support earlier this month and was told in no uncertain terms that a new official ROM is forthcoming. They pulled the old ROM because it had some critical bug that they did not disclose to me while I was on the phone.
I was told it would be a week or two before they had the new ROM tested and deployed.

yeah, that sounds like something I would keep an eye out for!!


Is VZW Ever Going To Release An Update To WM6.1 & Turn On GPS Chip?

Hello all - this is a great resource for new PPC phone users like me and thanks in advance for all that I have been able to learn here in the past few days. I do have a question for those "in the know" though. I have heard rumors, seen the VZW powerpoint presentation on Engadget, etc. concerning the update to WM6.1, Rev A, and activating the GPS chip on the VX6800. Seems though it's overdue given the late May 08 date indicated on Engadget. I want to start customizing the interface on my phone but don't want to have to find that what I do now is not compatible with 6.1. Also, I know that I could update now using a custom rom but if an official one is coming out, I would rather wait.
So, the question is if VZW is ever going to update the VX6800 and if so, will it be within the next month or so? I know this question probably is not answerable with an certainity but I will be happy for those that have been on the "scene" longer than I have to speculate. If it appears that an update is not immenient or coming at all, I will just go the custom rom route.
VX6800 On Verizon
Stock (for the time being)
Just take the plunge.... Verizon is always very late to market with updates to their phones..... If they even update it at all.... Your phone can be updated to the official ROM if it ever does come out....
Hello all - this is a great resource for new PPC phone users like me and thanks in advance for all that I have been able to learn here in the past few days. I do have a question for those "in the know" though. I have heard rumors, seen the VZW powerpoint presentation on Engadget, etc. concerning the update to WM6.1, Rev A, and activating the GPS chip on the VX6800. Seems though it's overdue given the late May 08 date indicated on Engadget. I want to start customizing the interface on my phone but don't want to have to find that what I do now is not compatible with 6.1. Also, I know that I could update now using a custom rom but if an official one is coming out, I would rather wait.
So, the question is if VZW is ever going to update the VX6800 and if so, will it be within the next month or so? I know this question probably is not answerable with an certainity but I will be happy for those that have been on the "scene" longer than I have to speculate. If it appears that an update is not immenient or coming at all, I will just go the custom rom route.
VX6800 On Verizon
Stock (for the time being)
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I have been on and off the phone with HTC, UTStarcom, and Verizon for the past 3 months regarding this issue. At first, Verizon kept saying they knew nothing about an update or if there was going to be an update. Both HTC and UTStarcom informed me there was an update coming and it should be here by end of Q2. Finally, 2 weeks ago, I spoke with a WDTS tech from Verizon, who confirmed that there was indeed an update and it would be out by the end of Q2. He said it was going to update to RevA and VZNavigator (GPS). He said nothing about 6.1. This was the first time someone from Verizon knew anything about an update, nevermind when it was going to be released. It is the end of Q2, and still nothing. So I don't know what to tell you.
I strongly recommend using a custom rom regardless whether an update is released or not. I am hoping they release an update merely for the fact that with an update brings new drivers, new OEM packages, new radio etc. that can be taken and applied to a custom rom. Custom roms are 99% of the time better than stock roms. My advice to you would be to update now to the latest rom/radio. If a VZW update comes out, you know we'll be on it like flies on **** and ready to apply all the goodies from it to a new custom rom.
New ROM will be nice to potentially get Verizon aGPS settings as well.. vznavigator gets locks INSTANTLY so it will be interesting to see how they implement this on the wm devices... I know they already have it released for the palm so it's possible this may be causing the delay...
The short answer is... NO.
Verizon is very unlikely to ever release a ROM update for the XV6800.
The stores are already pushing the XV6900 over the Titan, and with the upcoming release of the Samsung i770, and Treo 800, it's entirely possible this phone wont be available much longer. In fact, my local store in Santa Monica, CA does not even have the XV6800 on display anymore.
The short answer is... NO.
Verizon is very unlikely to ever release a ROM update for the XV6800.
The stores are already pushing the XV6900 over the Titan, and with the upcoming release of the Samsung i770, and Treo 800, it's entirely possible this phone wont be available much longer. In fact, my local store in Santa Monica, CA does not even have the XV6800 on display anymore.
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This is not accurate information. Just because another phone model comes out does not necessarily mean all support is stopped for a previous one. The Apache was finally issued an update even though it was "outdated" as you're referring to. Like I said, I've spoken with several people in high positions from all 3 companies...not just dumbass customer service reps. The Vogue is a completely different phone than the Titan and just because it's been released after, and salespeople are trying to "push" it does not mean the Titan is obsolete. The Titan will be "outdated" when the Herman is released.
If you're going to post, provide solid factual proof and not just stipulation.
GC... you're right, I should have made it more clear thats my opinion, not a fact.
But your point about the update for the XV6700 is also important, because it took them SO long to release that update, it was pretty irrelevant to a lot of people by the time it came out. Granted, its better than nothing, but I was more generalizing about the fact that Verizon has historically had pretty crappy support for their phones after release. Whereas other carriers continue to update their existing product line with new firmware, software and other updates, Verizon tries to push a brand new phone on their customers instead.
And of course, I 100% agree with going the custom ROM route. Even if Verizon did issue a brand new ROM today, I would probably wait a few days, let DCD / no2chem, etc.. work their magic and make tons of improvements, and go with their product over whatever Verizon does.
But your point about the update for the XV6700 is also important, because it took them SO long to release that update, it was pretty irrelevant to a lot of people by the time it came out. Granted, its better than nothing, but I was more generalizing about the fact that Verizon has historically had pretty crappy support for their phones after release. Whereas other carriers continue to update their existing product line with new firmware, software and other updates, Verizon tries to push a brand new phone on their customers instead.
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Oh, I completely agree with you that Verizon is at the bottom of the list when it comes to supporting their products. There's no excuse for it. Sprint is coming up on two substantial rom updates, and Verizon hasn't provided its customers with anything. You can all be assured though that as long as I'm still breathing, I am not going to stop bugging them about it. Even if it does nothing, their people will have to put up with me annoying them about it every week until the Herman is released.
I spoke with a Verizon Wireless Rep out in Boston, MA who said that in September an upgrade for the XV6800 would come out with VZNavigator in it. Everyone knows how this speculation works though....we can only hope.
I spoke with a Verizon Wireless Rep out in Boston, MA who said that in September an upgrade for the XV6800 would come out with VZNavigator in it. Everyone knows how this speculation works though....we can only hope.
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Hehe..must have been the same guy I talk to
I posted in the wrong thread, so since I'm already here I'll comment.
Even though Verizon is always way late to the party on devices, its not unusual for them to release one update during the life of the device. Even the samsung i730, which was an orphan from almost day one, received an official update from WM2003se to WM5, about a year after release. So that's my guess, the end of the year for a software/os update, unless the geniuses decide that pocket pc users will, for some reason, pay for navigation. Then you might see it earlier.
IMO, despite the criticism of Verizon, its not fair to compare to Sprint, since they rushed out the Mogul, and took a ton of complaints on how poorly it functioned. They were forced to put out the first update. So as far as I'm concerned, its only one real update that's come out. The xv6800 worked much better out of the box.
gc14 said:
Oh, I completely agree with you that Verizon is at the bottom of the list when it comes to supporting their products. There's no excuse for it. Sprint is coming up on two substantial rom updates, and Verizon hasn't provided its customers with anything. You can all be assured though that as long as I'm still breathing, I am not going to stop bugging them about it. Even if it does nothing, their people will have to put up with me annoying them about it every week until the Herman is released.
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HTC Herman is the TMobile Wing right?
IMO, despite the criticism of Verizon, its not fair to compare to Sprint, since they rushed out the Mogul, and took a ton of complaints on how poorly it functioned. They were forced to put out the first update. So as far as I'm concerned, its only one real update that's come out. The xv6800 worked much better out of the box.
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I'm not talking about the crappy update to the stock rom.
I count two major updates.
HTC Herman is the TMobile Wing right?
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Haha no no. HTC Herman is your beloved Touch Pro.
gc14 said:
I'm not talking about the crappy update to the stock rom.
I count two major updates.
Haha no no. HTC Herman is your beloved Touch Pro.
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Couldn't find that anywhere; googling HTC Herman brings up an expired craigslist listing for a Wing he erroneously calls the HTC Herman.
I am disappointed by a few things on the Touch Pro (biggest is the roller, battery, processor, there was something else I've forgotten), but the RAM and sleek look (VGA), are really tempting.
Couldn't find that anywhere; googling HTC Herman brings up an expired craigslist listing for a Wing he erroneously calls the HTC Herman.
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Yeah you probably won't see it for a while. It's the CDMA Touch Pro, as the HTC Victor is the CDMA Diamond.
gc14 said:
Yeah you probably won't see it for a while. It's the CDMA Touch Pro, as the HTC Victor is the CDMA Diamond.
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The Victor will probably be my next phone. 4GB internal, 196MB RAM, 3D graphics processor, HSDPA broadband internet collection, 3.2 mp auto-focus camera. Still will miss the roller on the side, but it doesn't seem any of the new models will have that anymore. Oh well.
The Victor will probably be my next phone. 4GB internal, 196MB RAM, 3D graphics processor, HSDPA broadband internet collection, 3.2 mp auto-focus camera. Still will miss the roller on the side, but it doesn't seem any of the new models will have that anymore. Oh well.
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HSDPA broadband internet connection on Verizon huh? Let me know when that happens
gc14 said:
HSDPA broadband internet connection on Verizon huh? Let me know when that happens
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True... may never happen, but would be nice to have if they start taking care of their business customers.
Do you guys ever think about changing to Sprint or other company? For my area, coverage sux bad for other providers. If they paid for your changeover charge would you switch?
serfboreds said:
True... may never happen, but would be nice to have if they start taking care of their business customers.
Do you guys ever think about changing to Sprint or other company? For my area, coverage sux bad for other providers. If they paid for your changeover charge would you switch?
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Sprint has horrible service in central ohio or I would definately consider it... esp for SERO.
True... may never happen, but would be nice to have if they start taking care of their business customers.
Do you guys ever think about changing to Sprint or other company? For my area, coverage sux bad for other providers. If they paid for your changeover charge would you switch?
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HSDPA is GSM 3.5G data. Verizon is CDMA. You will never see HSDPA with Verizon. In the future, they're going LTE like AT&T, but you will never see HSDPA.

Flashing from Qwest to Verizon..

I have a Qwest Mogul, and from what I can tell, it's the same model as the verizon mogul. My question is, can I flash it with the newest Verizon rom? Do I need to unlock it or do I just flash with the verizon rom and that's it? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You might want to follow the instructions to go back to the Verizon stock ROM in the WiKi, then get it working on the Verizon network then you can put on Custom ROM/Radio ROMs. But before you do that I would call Verizon and make sure they will take that phone's ESN. Some of the carriers won't take other carrier's phones even though they are the same model.
Just curious to see if there was ever any outcome or more official info lately about whether the Qwest HTC PPC 6800 Mogul can be flashed to Verizon service.
I just picked up one of these for a great deal to replace my current VZW phone as it seems to think it is at the end of it's usable life and I don't want to re-contract for two more years just to get a new phone.
I have been in several forums and googled until the letters wore off my keyboard and I keep running into dead ends on this subject.
Figured I had better resurrect the threads and see if anyone ever got anywhere with this request.
trethacker said:
Just curious to see if there was ever any outcome or more official info lately about whether the Qwest HTC PPC 6800 Mogul can be flashed to Verizon service.
I just picked up one of these for a great deal to replace my current VZW phone as it seems to think it is at the end of it's usable life and I don't want to re-contract for two more years just to get a new phone.
I have been in several forums and googled until the letters wore off my keyboard and I keep running into dead ends on this subject.
Figured I had better resurrect the threads and see if anyone ever got anywhere with this request.
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If your motherboard is still good just put that into the Qwest Mogul, and off ya go. That is what I did when my digitizer cracked. I got one like new for $40 swapped the mobos and got a new phone with all of my original info (rom, esn... ect.) 8 baby screws and 2 beers is all it takes.
psychouni said:
If your motherboard is still good just put that into the Qwest Mogul, and off ya go. That is what I did when my digitizer cracked. I got one like new for $40 swapped the mobos and got a new phone with all of my original info (rom, esn... ect.) 8 baby screws and 2 beers is all it takes.
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But again does anyone know if the aristocracy at Verizon will allow another carriers phone on their network?
Qwest Mogul on VZW
cyberhern said:
But again does anyone know if the aristocracy at Verizon will allow another carriers phone on their network?
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I just spent 2 weeks last month to find out that VZW's new policy is to ban Qwest ESN's even if they were allready active on their nutwork.
I was grandfathered in with one of my Qwest 6800's, then I switched service to my 6900, and when I tried to go back it took 2 weeks and 3 level 3 techs to end up finding out that $55.oo an a new 2yr. renual (15mo. into old),
and I got a BNIB XV6800.
Now the TP in on sale for $99.99 with a 2yr., but a $70.00 mail in rebate, makes it 1/2 the price I just paid.
Oh well I don't think the TP is as solid as the TITAN...

Trying to go from sprint to telus

I just bought a sprint mogal to replace my burnt out p4000. I tried installing the telus cab, nut couldn't get it to connetect to telus (and I did change my settings in the ESPT using the new ESN numbers etc with my old telus defult settings that i wrote down... all of them) I was still getting the roaming probs. I tried *22803 as well as ##MSL# to no avail. So I figured maybe it would be best to down flash to stock telus Rom and radio and go from there. So I used titan relocker (to replace my nue SPL 2.47) and tried to flash the stock rom. Now I am getting a ERROR 294 invalid vender id.
Does this mean that I can't use this phone on telus? I just shelled out dollars thinking it would be no biggie to switch it over. Am I missing something?
Thanks for any help....
Surprisingly I am not freaking out yet, just enjoy another programing puzzle lol
You need a telus prl. Also you can't relock a sprint phone and install a Telus rom. The phone has to be unlocked to install the telus rom.
i have had a situation that does not shine much hope on your situation. i used to work for telus and was provided a diamond for testing purposes when they came out. it had a problem and our htc rep sent me a new one straight from taiwan. now heres the kicker -----it could not be activated untill the esn was entered into the system on the back end by telus, this took well over a week. this is far from a standard esn exchange. never in two years of working with telus have i been able to get the data network assistance guys to enter a non telus branded phone. the super tight back end activation will not allow it.
i really hope im wrong, and i hope someone will respond to this and make me look foolish, but they would not even accept ne bell pda's which r essentially the same phone minus the existence in the telus master database.
oh man i cannot wait till the tech switch next year so this will no longer be a problem.
as a last resort, i do have a p4000 i nolonger use as the call and end buttons no longer work, but all the touchscreen options make it still quite usable. if u would consider some sort of swap, i do not intend to exchange any $$$ of ne kind, i am open for suggestions. i just see no point of my old p4000 sitting around when it could be used
Alas krazycanuck82 you are correct. The kicker is that next year they told it this would no longer be a problem. I am waiting to receive an email from Telus tonight about what options they can give me on a new phone based on a sorta promise from me that if they can't give me a deal I will just buy out the last year of my contract and shop around. So we shall see. As for the Sprint phone. I will still be using it for other apps for the time being so am not to concerned on that front. Just a lesson learned to never assume LOL.

Alltel Touch Pro Replacement by Verizon

My Alltel branded Touch Pro keyboard went out this week, one week after the merger with Verizon was completed. Phone is under warranty. Yesterday I went in and Veizon said, "OK, no problem. We'll ship you a phone out second day air."
Now I read that the Verizon TP is WAY less capable (RAM-wise) than the Alltel model. Which one do you think I will get back? What rights, if any, do I have in this regard?
yeah you DONT want the verizon touch pro. Other than having much less ram and being painfully slow and buggy on any rom, the M key is placed in a weird position on the keyboard (look up the keyboard on google) and the frame is made complately of plastic. I had a friend who messed up his alltel touch pro and went into verizon and told them that he didnt want a much less capable phone and they let him trade it for a phone of equal value (he got the blackberry storm)
hope to GOD that you get the Alltel TP.
Copp said:
Which one do you think I will get back?
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Whichever they want to send you.
Copp said:
What rights, if any, do I have in this regard?
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Sorry, but that is the way of the business world...
This is one of those cases where it would have behooved you to send the phone direct to HTC for warranty repair. You would have gotten the exact same phone back.

[Q] Running un-released radio and your warranty

I'm definitely excited that this new radio firmware has been leaked, but my dilemma is thus:
My wife and I both have Thunderbolts. I've rooted mine, thrown on custom ROMs, kernels, etc, but hers is stock. Her battery life is MUCH worse on stock than mine, even with the brightness, sync, etc turned down, so she's about to the point of wanting me to root/flash hers too.
Unfortunately, we may have to return her phone as the speakerphone is all but unusable due to feedback/noise issues while in a call. I know it's fairly simple to return a phone to stock, and Verizon can't tell over the air what ROM or kernel you're using, but from what I can gather, they CAN tell what radio version you're using. If I have to return her phone for warranty issues, will they see that she's had the leaked radio firmware and thus deny the claim?
if you are going to return it why go through the hassle of rooting and what not just return it then root the new one and install the new radio version.
ckochinsky125 said:
if you are going to return it why go through the hassle of rooting and what not just return it then root the new one and install the new radio version.
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I agree. Just return the phone now if you are having problems.
I concur, but Verizon is giving me the runaround as I have yet to be able to reproduce the issue for them over the phone or in store. My main concern wasn't so much with rooting and flashing, but more of whether to use the "unauthorized" radio firmware update.
Sent from my HTC Thunderbolt using Perfect Storm themed XDA App
Veridor said:
I concur, but Verizon is giving me the runaround as I have yet to be able to reproduce the issue for them over the phone or in store. My main concern wasn't so much with rooting and flashing, but more of whether to use the "unauthorized" radio firmware update.
Sent from my HTC Thunderbolt using Perfect Storm themed XDA App
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In my experience, the employees at the Verizon stores know less about the Thunderbolt than I do. I had to get my SD card replaced (twice), and though my phone wasn't rooted I doubt they would have noticed, and I would bet that they wouldn't notice a different radio on your wife's device.
Also, didn't Jcase release an unmodified/signed RUU of the new radio? Sounds to me like that would be indistinguishable from an "authorized" radio update. (Disclaimer: I am not an expert and this is pure speculation which would very well be 100% false.)
Bibble13 said:
In my experience, the employees at the Verizon stores know less about the Thunderbolt than I do. I had to get my SD card replaced (twice), and though my phone wasn't rooted I doubt they would have noticed, and I would bet that they wouldn't notice a different radio on your wife's device.
Also, didn't Jcase release an unmodified/signed RUU of the new radio? Sounds to me like that would be indistinguishable from an "authorized" radio update. (Disclaimer: I am not an expert and this is pure speculation which would very well be 100% false.)
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Will have to look in to that. Guess I'm paranoid about them flagging my account as "teh haxx!" from using an unreleased radio.
If you plan to do a lot of tethering, wired or wireless, I don't suggest you flash it. Other than that you really have nothing to worry about.
Just call tech and tell them the phone wont boot, they cant get you to trouble shoot a phone that wont boot up. They never check the phones you warranty out. I've warrantied out phones with cracked screens, water damage, you name it.
g00s3y said:
If you plan to do a lot of tethering, wired or wireless, I don't suggest you flash it. Other than that you really have nothing to worry about.
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Why do you recommend not flashing the new radio if you are tethering?
Because, it isn't released yet. There have been reports (i.e. claims) of VZW cracking down on people who tether a lot and are running the unreleased radio. True or not, it's your decision.
When the ThunderBolt came out I had the iPhone 4. I had just gotten it from my sister's line 14 days before. I was going to upgrade from the 16gb to the 32gb but then I saw the ThunderBolt and changed my mind. Since I've had the BlackBerry Storm (CrackBerry was my favorite site), the iPhone 3GS (Jailbroken) Moto Droid OG (Rooted), Incredible (Rooted), I have had a long line of never leaving my phone stock. My iPhone 4 was no different. I was at work and didn't have time to un-Jailbreak it so I left it that way and brought it to the store. The reps took back the phone and I got the ThunderBolt. Needless to say, the reps are all about making money and trying to up sell you on accessories. They barely ever check the software of the phone.
related but a bit off topic
Dumb question.. This is related but, a bit off topic, since I'm gonna wait and root once gingerbread arrives (yeah yeah, i know), if I install the new UNROOTED Ruu will I still be able to receive the OTA version incase anything is different or changed in it? Also, will it affect getting OTA gingerbread??? Thanks to all!
When I got my Thunderbolt the rep told me about this site and we had a discussion about rooting. He had an iPhone4 which was jailbroken. He was going to get a Thunderbolt and he was looking forward to rooting it and trying some ROM's.
Another rep came over and joined the discussion. They obviously are 'unofficially' fine with it.
Your mileage may vary with reps. They aren't supposed to activate or look at any phone with third party software. But after activating my t-bolt and talking to a rep about rooting it he mentioned he turned away a kid with a X with liberty1.5. Just don't come in like and asshole. Think of your job, you're more than willing to go above and beyond for someone thats 'cool' and not looking for something for nothing.
Worse comes to worse, if you purchased the monthly warranty for your phone just tell them you lost it and pay the fee to get another one. That way they have no clue about anything.
Just pull the battery incase you have the find my android activated with them
Unless I'm mistaken, you can head over to this XDA thread and download the stock radio (1.12.605.6 = stock CDMA radio & = stock LTE radio)
(The following text is re-posted from the above URL) :
Lastly (for now), we have the 1.12.605.6 CDMA/LTE radio combo.
CDMA Radio version:
LTE radio version that came with 1.12.605.6
(rename to
MD5 - A740031D09FC97D1B48FBEDFE73FDD24
I hope that helps you with your decision regarding your wife's phone.

