Flashing from Qwest to Verizon.. - Mogul, XV6800 ROM Development

I have a Qwest Mogul, and from what I can tell, it's the same model as the verizon mogul. My question is, can I flash it with the newest Verizon rom? Do I need to unlock it or do I just flash with the verizon rom and that's it? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

You might want to follow the instructions to go back to the Verizon stock ROM in the WiKi, then get it working on the Verizon network then you can put on Custom ROM/Radio ROMs. But before you do that I would call Verizon and make sure they will take that phone's ESN. Some of the carriers won't take other carrier's phones even though they are the same model.

Just curious to see if there was ever any outcome or more official info lately about whether the Qwest HTC PPC 6800 Mogul can be flashed to Verizon service.
I just picked up one of these for a great deal to replace my current VZW phone as it seems to think it is at the end of it's usable life and I don't want to re-contract for two more years just to get a new phone.
I have been in several forums and googled until the letters wore off my keyboard and I keep running into dead ends on this subject.
Figured I had better resurrect the threads and see if anyone ever got anywhere with this request.

trethacker said:
Just curious to see if there was ever any outcome or more official info lately about whether the Qwest HTC PPC 6800 Mogul can be flashed to Verizon service.
I just picked up one of these for a great deal to replace my current VZW phone as it seems to think it is at the end of it's usable life and I don't want to re-contract for two more years just to get a new phone.
I have been in several forums and googled until the letters wore off my keyboard and I keep running into dead ends on this subject.
Figured I had better resurrect the threads and see if anyone ever got anywhere with this request.
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If your motherboard is still good just put that into the Qwest Mogul, and off ya go. That is what I did when my digitizer cracked. I got one like new for $40 swapped the mobos and got a new phone with all of my original info (rom, esn... ect.) 8 baby screws and 2 beers is all it takes.

psychouni said:
If your motherboard is still good just put that into the Qwest Mogul, and off ya go. That is what I did when my digitizer cracked. I got one like new for $40 swapped the mobos and got a new phone with all of my original info (rom, esn... ect.) 8 baby screws and 2 beers is all it takes.
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But again does anyone know if the aristocracy at Verizon will allow another carriers phone on their network?

Qwest Mogul on VZW
cyberhern said:
But again does anyone know if the aristocracy at Verizon will allow another carriers phone on their network?
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I just spent 2 weeks last month to find out that VZW's new policy is to ban Qwest ESN's even if they were allready active on their nutwork.
I was grandfathered in with one of my Qwest 6800's, then I switched service to my 6900, and when I tried to go back it took 2 weeks and 3 level 3 techs to end up finding out that $55.oo an a new 2yr. renual (15mo. into old),
and I got a BNIB XV6800.
Now the TP in on sale for $99.99 with a 2yr., but a $70.00 mail in rebate, makes it 1/2 the price I just paid.
Oh well I don't think the TP is as solid as the TITAN...


HTC don't have Alltel rom anymore!!

anyone know what happened to the upgrade rom from HTC website?? its not hosted there anymore!
Alltel ROM
Found this link on PPCGeeks and it seems to work.
Alltel ROM
I currently have a ticket in with HTC to find out that exact question will post what they say when I get a response back.
I saw this addressed on HoFo. Rumor has it that another update is coming from HTC for Alltel this month. Not sure why they would pull the current one though.
answerman said:
I saw this addressed on HoFo. Rumor has it that another update is coming from HTC for Alltel this month. Not sure why they would pull the current one though.
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Well, I know that when I upgraded my friends phone with the stock rom from alltel the phone acted worst that with the original rom. It kept going on roming and the roming icon kept flashing. He had a big problem with it because he lives close to the mexican border and so he could not place his phone to home only. Imagine the roming chargers with international connections...
Hypeo said:
Well, I know that when I upgraded my friends phone with the stock rom from alltel the phone acted worst that with the original rom. It kept going on roming and the roming icon kept flashing. He had a big problem with it because he lives close to the mexican border and so he could not place his phone to home only. Imagine the roming chargers with international connections...
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That's actually a problem on alltel's side. That has happened to me alot while flashing my phone around. You would need to call alltel, and they would need to reset their link to the phone and reactivate it. It works for me...
TheMorlince said:
That's actually a problem on alltel's side. That has happened to me alot while flashing my phone around. You would need to call alltel, and they would need to reset their link to the phone and reactivate it. It works for me...
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We did that already and it did not help. They just said that since there is not roaming charges that it was ok for him to be like that, but the problem is that he lives close to the mexican border and he roams internationally..
I talked to alltel support earlier this month and was told in no uncertain terms that a new official ROM is forthcoming. They pulled the old ROM because it had some critical bug that they did not disclose to me while I was on the phone.
I was told it would be a week or two before they had the new ROM tested and deployed.
yeah, that sounds like something I would keep an eye out for!!

Need help switching phones

Hi, i had unlocked and flashed dcd roms on my bell 6800, xept my phone got dropped in water and now the screen works but the touch feature doesnt, and neither does my camera. Bell is basically making me pay 120$ plus a whole month waiting time to get it fixed. I took it apart myself and was thinking i could replace parts that werent working since i could get a hold of a used sprint version (mogul or titan i guess) so i was wondering what steps i would have to take to make the sprint phone work on the bell network with my number and the bell network info if i chose to scrap the bell phone and use the used one?
Like i said if done the rom flashing before so i guess first step would be unlocking the used phone, then flashing it with the stock bell rom i guess?
I believe this can be done by cloning the ESN but I think that *might* be illegal and not an allowed topic on these boards but I could be wrong since I've never looked into it but have seen a couple threads kicking around on here about cloning ESN's.
wow well if its illegal i didnt expect it since all im doing is getting my phone to work again..its essentially the same phone xept different look :S...considering the 6800 is discontinued they wont even give me one of equal pricing, i was hoping on the touch pro but thats another 500$, i figure the 115 they want me to pay to fix wouldnt be worth it if i can get another one for the same price, it just happends to be from a different carrier
at most i can always replace the camera bit inside, camera says unable to initialize, as well as the touch screen...screen works but its not touch anymore

Trying to go from sprint to telus

I just bought a sprint mogal to replace my burnt out p4000. I tried installing the telus cab, nut couldn't get it to connetect to telus (and I did change my settings in the ESPT using the new ESN numbers etc with my old telus defult settings that i wrote down... all of them) I was still getting the roaming probs. I tried *22803 as well as ##MSL# to no avail. So I figured maybe it would be best to down flash to stock telus Rom and radio and go from there. So I used titan relocker (to replace my nue SPL 2.47) and tried to flash the stock rom. Now I am getting a ERROR 294 invalid vender id.
Does this mean that I can't use this phone on telus? I just shelled out dollars thinking it would be no biggie to switch it over. Am I missing something?
Thanks for any help....
Surprisingly I am not freaking out yet, just enjoy another programing puzzle lol
You need a telus prl. Also you can't relock a sprint phone and install a Telus rom. The phone has to be unlocked to install the telus rom.
i have had a situation that does not shine much hope on your situation. i used to work for telus and was provided a diamond for testing purposes when they came out. it had a problem and our htc rep sent me a new one straight from taiwan. now heres the kicker -----it could not be activated untill the esn was entered into the system on the back end by telus, this took well over a week. this is far from a standard esn exchange. never in two years of working with telus have i been able to get the data network assistance guys to enter a non telus branded phone. the super tight back end activation will not allow it.
i really hope im wrong, and i hope someone will respond to this and make me look foolish, but they would not even accept ne bell pda's which r essentially the same phone minus the existence in the telus master database.
oh man i cannot wait till the tech switch next year so this will no longer be a problem.
as a last resort, i do have a p4000 i nolonger use as the call and end buttons no longer work, but all the touchscreen options make it still quite usable. if u would consider some sort of swap, i do not intend to exchange any $$$ of ne kind, i am open for suggestions. i just see no point of my old p4000 sitting around when it could be used
Alas krazycanuck82 you are correct. The kicker is that next year they told it this would no longer be a problem. I am waiting to receive an email from Telus tonight about what options they can give me on a new phone based on a sorta promise from me that if they can't give me a deal I will just buy out the last year of my contract and shop around. So we shall see. As for the Sprint phone. I will still be using it for other apps for the time being so am not to concerned on that front. Just a lesson learned to never assume LOL.

Alltel Touch Pro Replacement by Verizon

My Alltel branded Touch Pro keyboard went out this week, one week after the merger with Verizon was completed. Phone is under warranty. Yesterday I went in and Veizon said, "OK, no problem. We'll ship you a phone out second day air."
Now I read that the Verizon TP is WAY less capable (RAM-wise) than the Alltel model. Which one do you think I will get back? What rights, if any, do I have in this regard?
yeah you DONT want the verizon touch pro. Other than having much less ram and being painfully slow and buggy on any rom, the M key is placed in a weird position on the keyboard (look up the keyboard on google) and the frame is made complately of plastic. I had a friend who messed up his alltel touch pro and went into verizon and told them that he didnt want a much less capable phone and they let him trade it for a phone of equal value (he got the blackberry storm)
hope to GOD that you get the Alltel TP.
Copp said:
Which one do you think I will get back?
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Whichever they want to send you.
Copp said:
What rights, if any, do I have in this regard?
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Sorry, but that is the way of the business world...
This is one of those cases where it would have behooved you to send the phone direct to HTC for warranty repair. You would have gotten the exact same phone back.

Who has activated a Sprint Touch Pro on Verizon lately?

There seems to be a lot of confusion on various threads regarding the activation of a Sprint Touch Pro on Verizon lately. Has anyone done this in 2010 successfully? I would like to get a TP to use on Verizon, but I know the Sprint version is better. Thanks in advance!
They Don't Want To
If your a current customer you may be able to get them to agree to let you use a Alltel Touch Pro, which can be bought used or Brand New from sellers on ebay.
The Alltel unit is identical to the Sprint Touch Pro, except for the Rom and the ESN series.
Good Luck.
There are already enough threads dealing with this topic. Please use them rather than opening new ones. Thanks.
rodwerx said:
If your a current customer you may be able to get them to agree to let you use a Alltel Touch Pro, which can be bought used or Brand New from sellers on ebay.
The Alltel unit is identical to the Sprint Touch Pro, except for the Rom and the ESN series.
Good Luck.
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Nice! I never heard that Alltel TP was the same as Sprint. That might be easier to activate since Verizon now owns Alltel! Now I just need to try to work it without a data plan! And using an Alltel phone on Verizon right now would use all of Verizon's towers, and Alltels combined, wouldn't it?
egzthunder1 said:
There are already enough threads dealing with this topic. Please use them rather than opening new ones. Thanks.
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I've searched quite a bit, and can't seem to find any recent ones, so maybe this is no longer possible.
martyxng said:
I've searched quite a bit, and can't seem to find any recent ones, so maybe this is no longer possible.
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They may not have exactly your question, but the issue is the same "can I use a TP from x with y?"

