BLUETOOTH ISSUE - Problems with speed when connected to BMW bluetooth system - Touch Pro, Fuze ROM Development

Hi All,
I am a complete novice when it comes software / ROM configuration etc, so please bear with me. My issues are as follows :
Got my touch Pro (Vodafone UK version) in September and immediately installed the tlr-manila.CAB version of the HTC black touch flo 3d theme (from this site) to replace the ugly Vodafone theme. Performance was slow but acceptable.
In october, bought a BMW with Idrive and bluetooth phone connection. Speed of my phone when pairing and then operating was painfully slow (up to 2 minutes to pair, then up to 30 seconds for phone to react to car (dialling numbers etc).
Sice then, I have removed the HTC theme by deleting the .CAB theme installation. This improved the situation immensely in terms of bluetooth performance.
Last night, I installed TF3D config v0.6.7 to change the theme back to HTC black. Again, general performance slowed and bluetooth performance was as bad as ever.
So, using TF3D config v0.6.7, I restored the original theme. Phone performance is now fine, but bluetooth is crap.
I have tseted the car bluetooth using Nokia and SonyEricsson phone and performance is great.
Therefore, please help!! Is the bluetooth issue being caused by the theme changes and general speed issues this has created, or is there another possible explanation ? is there a fix ?
Additionally, is there a way to get the HTC theme without invalidating warranty and / or incurring performance issues ? Could I re-flash the ROM ?
Many thanks,


Major Bugs in T-Mobile Rom 1.6

Good morning to all of you from snowy Germany,
I'd like to introduce myself as former user of a MDA I who upgraded to MDA II in November.
Like many of you I lived through all (officially) published ROM upgrades offered by T-Mobile. Now, after having upgraded the MDA II to 1.6, I finally ask myself one question:
Do you think (as a member of XDA developers), that there is one single person on manufacturers side who is actually testing wether these ROM upgrades work and if yes, to which extend?
Here is my experience with 1.6 ROM:
First I changed my today screen to Windows Standard, but decided to like the T-Mobile screen better in the end. After reactivating T-Mobile screen the dropdown menu appears with white letters on white background. Only fix: cold reset :-(
Worst bit: any calendar or tasks notification is displayed with the known blinking red LED, but no matter what you do the LED goes on blinking forever (even if event is confirmed or deleted). No matter wether preset blinking time is unlimited or 15 minutes, the only way to stop it is again a: reset. If you are using your calendar notifications frequently for business, you end up resetting your device up to 10 times or more every day :-(
Again I have noticed that there are too many applications simultaniously launched and some of them are REALLY useless. Top ranking in wasting resources is CALLER ID. This program is causing so many problems that one have to wonder why there is no option to delete it from the operating system.
I'd like to know what your experiences are with MDA II (or similar) and I would higly appreciate any suggestions how to solve the mentioned bugs.
Beside these bugs, the MDA II is a very nice device with high engineering and build quality.
With kind regards
I have also the german t-mobile MDA2, i upgraded to t-mobile NL and 2 days later upgraded back to the new t-moble rom release, so everything is back to german, and I have none of your problems as stated above. I suggest you re-load the rom again, my MDA2 is proving itself a very steady work-made, even battery life is good, get a good days work from it,
However to be sure , i orderd an extra battary (just in case)
IA Caller ID
You can delete IA Caller ID, as well as some other programms you do not need from the Extended ROM and it will never bother you again. You have to know that after deletion you will have to do Hard Reset.
Also you can delete FlashMans from the Start Up folder - you will see how faster it will be (requires Soft Reset).
And go to - this will clean duplicate proccesses on your MDA II.
For sure all of this you have to do on your own risk, but there are a lot of instructions how to do that.
Contact me if you need a help with it.
Flashmans... actually I don't know what they do. Any harm removing them from Startup?
I believe that the flashman processes are related to the 'Permanent Save' feature. If you do not use this, you can remove them from the startup folder.
I have removed (or rather moved) the following entries:
Orange Support
This gives me the ability to have Activesync + 3-4 apps running in parallel.


Nadavi: many thanks. Downed and Dumped
Will have a look through - and thanks again for the registry.
has anyone tried it yet ? experiences ?
when is O2 officially releasing it ?
it's working great.
has WIreless manager.
better speed.
Here are some screen shots of the new visible features from this leaked ROM.. very nice rom
Camera has definately improved in low light mode the picture still come up very good.. night mode also works very well.. overall nearly as good as nokia phones now
The bluetooth connections seems to be better also
The phone pad now donot delay when you have short tones enabled.
and so far i have not have any problems with this rom except that getting used to the new today page.
Assasins - Do you know how to make the Date item on the today page the same as in the old rom? Do you know any registy keys that customizes this? Thanks for the ROM by the way [/img]
Damn good catch, mate! The camera clicks, and the photo's taken, so I don't have to wait five seconds more! The picture quality is pretty similar, but good enough for me. The unit's faster, and the new functions are great. The best is the BT and WiFi controls on the today page! Finally! (OK, I've only had the thing for a couple of weeks, but I really missed that.) Most of my annoyances are totally gone, except for two: Why is WiFi off after a reset? Every other unit I've had so far, has it turned on by default. And it still turns on when it gets an SMS, if there's not some setting that I haven't yet found that stops it from doing that. Still, this unit is now very close to perfect!
Mastiff said:
Damn good catch, mate! The camera clicks, and the photo's taken, so I don't have to wait five seconds more! The picture quality is pretty similar, but good enough for me. The unit's faster, and the new functions are great. The best is the BT and WiFi controls on the today page! Finally! (OK, I've only had the thing for a couple of weeks, but I really missed that.) Most of my annoyances are totally gone, except for two: Why is WiFi off after a reset? Every other unit I've had so far, has it turned on by default. And it still turns on when it gets an SMS, if there's not some setting that I haven't yet found that stops it from doing that. Still, this unit is now very close to perfect!
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Just downloaded and upgraded mine
Which seetings are you using? Are you saving the photo in device memory?
For me, the 5 seconds lag is still there - taking photos at 1600x1200 and saving them to mini-SD.
Also, did anybody notice the funny "plah plah" sound after turning the volume off?
it took long time for me to save a 2MP JPG to the MINI-SD...
but! if you will format your card, the speed will improve immediatly...
Just tried the installation as well and things are working smoothly Nice one assassins!! 8)
Funny things I noticed:
InstallShield is spelled as InstallSheild
InstallShield wizard said "(test only)"... Woooooh Just hope it won't say "invalid device" next time I upgrade to the official O2 released ROM ... :shock:
should i upgrade
my O2 came with 20060123B1WWE whould I upgrade?
I gotit from an official O2 dealer in Mumbai, India but when I try to register it O2 claims that they do not recognise the IMEI number. Why?
Navin, register via the Australian site at and not the UK site. :lol:
Nutdhanai said:
Here are some screen shots of the new visible features from this leaked ROM.. very nice rom
Camera has definately improved in low light mode the picture still come up very good.. night mode also works very well.. overall nearly as good as nokia phones now
The bluetooth connections seems to be better also
The phone pad now donot delay when you have short tones enabled.
and so far i have not have any problems with this rom except that getting used to the new today page.
Assasins - Do you know how to make the Date item on the today page the same as in the old rom? Do you know any registy keys that customizes this? Thanks for the ROM by the way [/img]
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Sorry to inform u that this version is not compatible with Chinese/ Japanese enabler software (CE-star V2.8r1)!
Is it me or is this version a drain on the battery power?
It's not you, it's the WiFi. If you don't turn it off with the new, shining wireless toggle app, it will stay connected, so the unit doesn't really sleep at all. Try to ping your Atom (if you have a static IP) when it's "suspended", and you'll get answers.
Guys, what's the Storage card called on the atom? "storage card" or something else (in gsfinder etc).
"Memory Card". At least in WM5's File Explorer.
upgrade working fine
Did the new Rom upgrade this morning and everything is working great.
I am using (exchange server) and the push email is now working. That was the main reason for my upgrading.
I highly recomend doing the upgrade.
BT voice dial on Atom
Is it possible to make voicedial function available through bluetooth? When I press a button on my jabra BT800, Atom launches phone module and does nothing else. Could there be a registry tweak to make it launch sddial.exe while opening audio channel to/from bt headset?
Re: upgrade working fine
jkassay said:
Did the new Rom upgrade this morning and everything is working great.
I am using (exchange server) and the push email is now working. That was the main reason for my upgrading.
I highly recomend doing the upgrade.
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How did you activate the push mail option on the atom with the new rom, couldnt seem to find it..?

Trion keeps Crashing/Freezing = Missing Calls & Overslee

I'm hoping someone out there will be able to help me solve this problem or I may be saying goodbye to my Trion sooner than I would like.
So here's the problem:
While I am sleeping my trion keeps LockingUp!
This has happened a few times and each has been quite costly, either I oversleep and am late for important appoitments or I miss a number of very important phone calls.
I have tried using differnt ROMS but the problem persists. It happened to me a couple times while using the new I-mate rom so I switched to the new Dopod ROM and it happened again! I'm going to try the TYTN rom now... ugh!
Info Regarding my current setup:
Dopod ROM: 1.23.707.4
MSN Messenger
MSN PPC 2003
Aidem MP3
Fit4cat Hermes v1.0
Fit4cat Settings changed from default:
Enable wireless plugin + show pluggin = ON
Remove Wireless Manager Icon = ON
Mount Ext. ROM = ON
Improve A2DP "High" = ON
- and that's all I've enabled. A weird thing I notice with the wireless pluggin is that at times on the Today screen it will just show my bluetooth status and neglect to show the WIFI status; at times the BT icon is right aligned as if the WIFI was still there but invisible and at other times the BT icon is left aligned indicating the WIFI icon is not even there.
That's about it for now. Any help resolving the main FREEZING/CRASHING issue would be GREATLY appreciated.
Thank You!
I have had the same problem. Hard reset and ran software freefor a few days, and same problem. Flashed to imate, and same problem. Flashed back to original HTC, and problem gone. I don't know what it was/is, but I feel your pain. We have almost no software in common, so whatever it is I think the problem is within the ROM itself or common Ext_Rom files. I never ran without Ext_ROM may start there.
this problem I had for about 3 weeks, I am currently using the new dopod rom and I have had no problems at all. It is a software problem issue and as roms develop issues will go I would flash either the new HTC rom or dopod rom as I had no problem with either of them I installed the dopod as it is quicker for me.
the same to me with imate rom, and some time when i press the center/enter button it show the sound volume panel
must go to Tytn rom tonight

WM6 Essentials ROM Free discussion

Hi, this thread is here for posts that has no room in technical discussion related to this rom. From tech discussion, irrelevent posts will be deleted without excuse, without reason. So here's the correct place for them...
Well done
I just wanted to say well done for the new fast clean rom. I'm finally over 2.5!
Everything I need to work works and well and fast. Thankyou !
Now how do we get the touch interface on the Charmer as they seem to be getting working on the Prophet??? Maybe wrong place to ask, will wait. In the meantime, thankyou again.
the bt works fine with car set
"Now how do we get the touch interface on the Charmer as they seem to be getting working on the Prophet??? Maybe wrong place to ask, will wait. In the meantime, thankyou again."
it's available for wizards - search their forums:
"the bt works fine with car set "
nice to hear...go on with testing
WIFI confirmed
WIFI SDIO function has been confirmed by beta tester, loskarlitos - with some limitations like control panel not working , WIFI connection has been confirmed as stable and able to survive standby mode
Thanks Loskarlitos!
Excellent, a new rom to try!!
I can't believe I have only just found this. I could have been playing with it this evening. Its a little late to start messing now!!!
Thanks for all the hard work Nocturne.
nocturne.op.15 said:
WIFI SDIO function has been confirmed by beta tester, loskarlitos - with some limitations like control panel not working , WIFI connection has been confirmed as stable and able to survive standby mode
Thanks Loskarlitos!
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i think the wifi control panel only works with built in hardware. thats why its removed from the official charmer roms.
hope you are right. i wil think about removal of it for the next ver.
nocturne.op.15 said:
hope you are right. i wil think about removal of it for the next ver.
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I dont know if that's such a good idea. Some people use SDIO wifi cards and find those wifi settings useful.
as reported from my beta man, loskarlitos, and as reported above, this wifi settings applet seems to be working only with built-in wifi modules, settings are inactive for sdio cards.
Wifi SDIO owners, please share your experineces - than i can build fully functional rom stripped down from useless parts
first of all amazing rom. Really really fast. It syncs great under Vista. To flash from Vista you have to use the "Another Flash Method". I encountered no problems with the 12 apps running, alarm or landscape problem.
Only the Calender and Contact buttons are still hardcoded to Start and Back.
problem with alarm was solved - it was really caused by underclocking charmer down to 95mhz (I'm using BatteryStatus for dynamic overclocking. 95MHz is simply not enough power to bring alarm window up and system behaves strange)
problem with changing landscape/portrait disappeared and never came back - but will keep it in buglist until this is really confirmed
lagge number of running apps stil remains - if lot of apps running, softkeys are not working as they should...hope somebody could try this on another wm6 device?
Calendar and Contacts issue
Been testing this rom for a day or two - I get the problem where Calendar and contacts won't start (whether from soft keys or the Start menu) and I have to soft-reset to egt it working. I admit I have been using iContact as well so I will uninstall that for a few days and see if the problem goes away.
closing some apps does not help? it helps for me...
Hi, when i flash yours new rom and make HR system was start and customization from old wm5 was started. In rom 4.4 customization was not started after HR, is this was changed in this release?
sorry for my english....
This was reported and will be modyfied in next ver. Till then, just skip the customization after HR
Ring tone changes....
Hi, next thing is that my ring tone changes to default without my command. I've seen this before in previous roms but in 4.4 it was ok.
I installed this last night. Seems nice and fast.
I noticed that the phone pad SIP and MMS are missing. (Installed these manually)
Also, i'm afraid the Bluetooth A2DP appears to still be the older, poorer quality version.
phonepad sip is missing because i don't like it - it is not necessary. everybody can install it easily manually. but it will not eat precious memmory for us who does not use it ,-)
MMS support is there - no problem with it, thing you report is a bit strange...
it's hard with A2DP. Some testers were reporting it's the best A2dp they have seen - you tell the opposite. The worst thing is that i cannot test it - i do not have a2dp device :-( is possible that transfer quality is also dependent on used HW?
regarding those ringtone changes - i was testing this today (about 10 calls, some restarts etc - no problem. aren't you using any 3rd party software for phone profiles or things like that? I saw this with pocket zen phone..if not, try please to search for some dependency of this behavior so i can repair it
Thanks Nocturne.
I'm really starting to think I've flashed the wrong ROM. I've got so many on my PC now.
Can you confirm what I should be seeing under Device Information?

Problems w/ WM6 and/or Prophet Touch VIII

Hi All,
I've been using Gullum's Prophet Touch VIII ROM for a couple of weeks now, and for the most part, it's performed very well. However, I do have a few problems (sorry about cross-posting this, but I thought that some of these issues may be related to WM6 and/or the touch interface in general, rather than Gullum's ROM):
1) The screen seems to become misaligned very easily, and I have to regularly align it again.
2) Screen taps/drags are very unresponsive. I usually have to click firmly (with the stylus), and pause briefly before I can then drag. Otherwise, the UI doesn't register the drag.
Could this issue (and no. 1) be related to the "flow" or "touch" interface? If so, I'd rather have responsive click/drag, so is there any way to disable the touch interface?
3) The speaker often goes into mute/vibrate mode. I've noticed that this seems to happen more often when I'm connected to ActiveSync, but that could just be a coincidence.
I wonder if this is related to the HTC "auto" profile? I'm not using auto, but just "normal". As a related issue, is there any way to edit the settings for these profiles?
4) Battery life. The batter life seems to be very poor. I see that other people have had this problem with the Touch VIII ROM as well, so at least it's a known issue. Some people say to remove HTC camera 4.11, but I don't think that software is part of the VIII ROM. Also, for the record, I don't use or have enabled wifi, bluetooth, or gprs.
Thanks for any help that can be offered on any of these issues.
Try Korand 2.6 WWE , it is the most stable dan fast ROM

