Scrosler or Anyone: Still Trying To Make An OEM - Mogul, XV6800 ROM Development

Still can't seem to make this work. Any Chance you could look at this again? I would gladly make a contribution to you, or anyone that can help me with this. Here is the original cab file for Pocket Bible 2, and the OEM that you created. I have a newer version of this program that I have made an OEM from a cab file, but I do not like the newer version. Here is the Pocket Bible 4 cab file that I was able to make the OEM from. Maybe you could see from the one that worked (PB4), that is missing or preventing (PB2) from working. TIA!
I can read, and follow instructions, but when something does not work as it should I am pretty lost. I am just not smart enough to solve the issues.

sricke said:
Still can't seem to make this work. Any Chance you could look at this again? I would gladly make a contribution to you, or anyone that can help me with this. Here is the original cab file for Pocket Bible 2, and the OEM that you created. I have a newer version of this program that I have made an OEM from a cab file, but I do not like the newer version. Here is the Pocket Bible 4 cab file that I was able to make the OEM from. Maybe you could see from the one that worked (PB4), that is missing or preventing (PB2) from working. TIA!
I can read, and follow instructions, but when something does not work as it should I am pretty lost. I am just not smart enough to solve the issues.
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So the pocket bible 2 OEM I tried for you didint work?

No. After flashing I went to programs, and all that was there for pocket bible was an internet explorer icon, that did nothing. It was wierd. I tried flashing a couple of times.


Cooking an ExtROM

Since getting my XDAII a few days ago, I've been impressed with the number of customisations possible, and have managed to acheive a number of different tasks, however, I have as yet to cook my own ExtROM for it.
This is something I would very much like to do, and I have acquired an ms_.nbf from the end of the line update that O2 provides from their website.
I have all the necessary tools to do it, and I know exactly how to, but I do not know which packages I need to keep in order to have a PDA with fully functioning bluetooth, blackberry and ad nauseum. alternately, as I'm sure that there is probably an ExtROM with all the bare essentials in it (and probably newer version essentials too) so if someone could point me to one, or the other I'd be very grateful, and whatever it is, I am definitely interested in dumping O2Active.
you dont need to mess with nbf files to cook an extented rom
you can just use the tool to unhide and unlock the extented rom from the xda and remove the cab files you dont want and
add the ones you want and change the config.txt file to include the new stuff and exclude the stuff you removed
then you just lock and hide the rom and hardreset
and the rest if history
I know, but someone else wants a custom ROM, and they're too far away for me to get hold of their PDA to do it that way.
all I need to know now is what .CAB files I need to include to have everything functioning, then I'll bung on extras
I guess this is a trial and error jobby then.
now something I've wondered that should be simple to answer;
when flashing on an ExtROM, is it possible to flash ONLY the ExtROM, or is it mandatory to flash the OS and radio as well, on pain of trashing the PDA and reducing it to only the bootloader.
well, through trial and error I've got it all sorted, thanks to everyone for their help... oh, wait, I didn't get any help, but many thanks to Rudegar.
Sure, you don't owe me anything, but if a forum's been setup for the purpose of giving help, it sure would have been nice to have received some rather than just getting ignored because I haven't made enough posts yet to join whatever religious PDA sect you happen to run exclusively to help eachother.
rant over, I've made my point, perhaps something positive can come of it?
Just yesterday I created my first "EXTENDED ROM" and installed it by myself for my friends XDA II, all you need is EDIT2003 program thats on the wiki somewhere. Then you can open the ms_.nbf, and edit the splash images and the files it will install on the hard reset, then just install it to the phone using the rom upgrade procedure but put the extended rom in and delete the nk.nbf and the radio_.nbf tah dah!

DCD 2.2.1 w/Pocket e-Sword?

I seem to have problems getting Pocket e-Sword up and running with the latest 2.2.1. I suspect it might be the missing SQLCEMobile, but am not sure...could someone post a link/upload a copy of the cab? I've tried a whole bunch of cabs off MS page but none of them seem to be helping.
Maybe this?
verkion said:
I seem to have problems getting Pocket e-Sword up and running with the latest 2.2.1. I suspect it might be the missing SQLCEMobile, but am not sure...could someone post a link/upload a copy of the cab? I've tried a whole bunch of cabs off MS page but none of them seem to be helping.
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I found this, and though it is OEM maybe it will work...hope so because I need SQL as well!
Hrm...e-Sword comes with the MS SQLCE2.0 package (which I have installed). When I forget to install it I get the "cannot find resources" error...but I get the same error even with the package installed. Grrrr....I think I'm going to have to find that cab DCD pulled out of his ROM somewhere :-(
verkion's alternative solution for restoring VZW PRI 1.35_002

Just install the Radio it should be left in your extended rom from the old vzw rom..
look here.. posted by NexVision..
thats why i figured to do before doing all this reflash old roms, etc.. thanx
anyone tried this?
Has anyone here tested this?
madsuse said:
Has anyone here tested this?
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its not new. its been done in the past to fix VZ users who let Sprint customizations run. I think the trick is properly sending the /Refurbish parameter. I once made a cab with a shortcut to launch the .exe with that parameter, but it seemed to only work for about 50% of people who tested it.
still have cab?
dcd1182 said:
its not new. its been done in the past to fix VZ users who let Sprint customizations run. I think the trick is properly sending the /Refurbish parameter. I once made a cab with a shortcut to launch the .exe with that parameter, but it seemed to only work for about 50% of people who tested it.
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Is it possible you still have the cab, I loaded Vista and haven't gotten all of my tools working yet.
madsuse said:
Is it possible you still have the cab, I loaded Vista and haven't gotten all of my tools working yet.
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This is the verizon one.
I am a little rusty with cabarc.
Guys, if you read the thread on ppcgeeks, you'll see I've already posted there that I've TRIED radiorefurbish WITH the proper /Refurbish parameter and it does not work.
gc14 said:
Guys, if you read the thread on ppcgeeks, you'll see I've already posted there that I've TRIED radiorefurbish WITH the proper /Refurbish parameter and it does not work.
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Are you 200% sure that whatever you are using to execute the command is correctly sending the parameter? this is all the verizon customizations do. config.txt should say "EXEC: /Windows/RadioRefurbish.exe /Refurbish"
I know I spoke with NexxVision in the past and he had no problems using it outside of verizon customize. I think I also remember reading that /Refurbish is case sensitive.
I got nowhere with /Refurbish... but when I did /refurbish... that worked.
Are you 200% sure that whatever you are using to execute the command is correctly sending the parameter? this is all the verizon customizations do. config.txt should say "EXEC: /Windows/RadioRefurbish.exe /Refurbish"
I know I spoke with NexxVision in the past and he had no problems using it outside of verizon customize. I think I also remember reading that /Refurbish is case sensitive.
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Yes I'm 200% sure. I've made my own shortcut link with the parameter included as well as tried with Resco Explorer 2008. Both /Refurbish and /refurbish did not work. Nitro, it must have been a fluke, I don't know what to tell you.
gc14 said:
Yes I'm 200% sure. I've made my own shortcut link with the parameter included as well as tried with Resco Explorer 2008. Both /Refurbish and /refurbish did not work. Nitro, it must have been a fluke, I don't know what to tell you.
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it works on the Stock original verizon rom. I couldn't get it to work on the latest and greatest. I believe it's WM6 specific. Not 6.1
it works on the Stock original verizon rom. I couldn't get it to work on the latest and greatest. I believe it's WM6 specific. Not 6.1
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Click to collapse really doesn't matter if it works on the stock rom. If you have the stock rom flashed, it already ran as part of customizations. The entire point behind the thread on ppcgeeks was rolling back the PRI without having to flash back to stock, which as I've stated, is not possible.
gc14 said: really doesn't matter if it works on the stock rom. If you have the stock rom flashed, it already ran as part of customizations. The entire point behind the thread on ppcgeeks was rolling back the PRI without having to flash back to stock, which as I've stated, is not possible.
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I agree... But i've screwed up the phone so many times... I ran it anyway. lol
gc14 said: really doesn't matter if it works on the stock rom. If you have the stock rom flashed, it already ran as part of customizations. The entire point behind the thread on ppcgeeks was rolling back the PRI without having to flash back to stock, which as I've stated, is not possible.
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its absolutely not impossible. there is no ability that the stock rom gives you that any other rom doesnt. it is simply executed by autorun. other people have been able to run radiorefurbish.exe within custom roms. talk to nexxvision. its an issue of correctly passing the parameter, the exe seems to be touchy.
i've personally rolled my PRI back using radiorefurbish in the past when i was messing with it before. i've never had the verizon stock ROM on my device.
i am sure that if the exe is run with the parameter by autorun (config.txt has to be modified) then it will have the same effect in any rom. if anyone wants to test, it would be a quick change to the UC package.
dcd1182 said:
its absolutely not impossible. there is no ability that the stock rom gives you that any other rom doesnt. it is simply executed by autorun. other people have been able to run radiorefurbish.exe within custom roms. talk to nexxvision. its an issue of correctly passing the parameter, the exe seems to be touchy.
i've personally rolled my PRI back using radiorefurbish in the past when i was messing with it before. i've never had the verizon stock ROM on my device.
i am sure that if the exe is run with the parameter by autorun (config.txt has to be modified) then it will have the same effect in any rom. if anyone wants to test, it would be a quick change to the UC package.
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Only if I actually felt like pulling my XV6800 out. I really want to wipe the PRI off this Sprint Mogal and get it to the Verizon one. This roaming is annoying. LOL
its absolutely not impossible. there is no ability that the stock rom gives you that any other rom doesnt. it is simply executed by autorun. other people have been able to run radiorefurbish.exe within custom roms. talk to nexxvision. its an issue of correctly passing the parameter, the exe seems to be touchy.
i've personally rolled my PRI back using radiorefurbish in the past when i was messing with it before. i've never had the verizon stock ROM on my device.
i am sure that if the exe is run with the parameter by autorun (config.txt has to be modified) then it will have the same effect in any rom. if anyone wants to test, it would be a quick change to the UC package.
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I'm not doubting that it's never worked before...because I too have had it work a while ago when I had to roll back from the Sprint PRI. Since then, I've tried to use it on several different occasions on several different roms not changing my method that worked the first time whatsoever, and it does nothing. That's all I'm saying. If you can somehow get it to work, more power to you.
i'll give it a try
dcd1182 said:
its absolutely not impossible. there is no ability that the stock rom gives you that any other rom doesnt. it is simply executed by autorun. other people have been able to run radiorefurbish.exe within custom roms. talk to nexxvision. its an issue of correctly passing the parameter, the exe seems to be touchy.
i've personally rolled my PRI back using radiorefurbish in the past when i was messing with it before. i've never had the verizon stock ROM on my device.
i am sure that if the exe is run with the parameter by autorun (config.txt has to be modified) then it will have the same effect in any rom. if anyone wants to test, it would be a quick change to the UC package.
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I flashed the new verizon rom and had the customizations run before I knew it was a bad thing. I am on the new verizon radio and dcd 3.2.6.
Just need some prompting on how to run it. I usually flash via sd with uc via sdconfig.
madsuse said:
I flashed the new verizon rom and had the customizations run before I knew it was a bad thing. I am on the new verizon radio and dcd 3.2.6.
Just need some prompting on how to run it. I usually flash via sd with uc via sdconfig.
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if you just want to try... copy the radiorefurbish.exe to the /Windows directory. Then in Resco explorer... highlight the file... then go to Run... type /refurbish in the paramaters part. If that does nothing... try /Refurbish
Resco Explorer
nitro66215 said:
if you just want to try... copy the radiorefurbish.exe to the /Windows directory. Then in Resco explorer... highlight the file... then go to Run... type /refurbish in the paramaters part. If that does nothing... try /Refurbish
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Guess I need to fine cab for Resco Explorer.
Found it.
Installing now.


Many users have asked me for some of the Rilphone.dll's of different radios. What I am attempting to do is to make one central location for all of the rilphone.dll's to be posted. Here is a couple that I already have on my machine. I will work at getting some others later on this evening.
If you are posting a rilphone.dll, please include the name of the device it comes from and the radio number it pertains to. Also, it would be really nice if users posting rilphone.dll's if they would just attach the zip file rather than linking to rapidshare, megaupload, 4shared or whatever. The files are small enough to just attach to your actual post.
If I have missed one that you require and you can't find it, please PM me and I will see what I can do.
Thanks for helping out in advance.
More Raph Rilphone.dll zip files
Thanks to Chainfire (Author of DriverWiz see post #15) I have created cabs of the different dll's I already have posted. These should work even if the nk.exe is not patched. Understand, that if it doesn't work, a HR might be in your future. Please test at your own risk.
Blackstone & Quartz Rilphone.dll Cabs
Thanks to Chainfire (Author of DriverWiz see post #15) I have created cabs of the different dll's I already have posted. These should work even if the nk.exe is not patched. Understand, that if it doesn't work, a HR might be in your future. Please test at your own risk.
Please be warned that the will freeze your device at the first boot screen. I am leaving it attached for others to play with and see if they can get it to work, but for now, it does not work with our devices.
Raphael Rilphone.dll Cabs
Thanks to Chainfire (Author of DriverWiz see post #15) I have created cabs of the different dll's I already have posted. These should work even if the nk.exe is not patched. Understand, that if it doesn't work, a HR might be in your future. Please test at your own risk.
- Requested Rilphone.dll's -​
This will be for misc. requests. Just PM me and I will post the requested files. Thanks to everyone for the great responses. This forum just blows me away continuously with the great people we have here.
The attachments are just the dll's in zip format. The cab's will be with the other cab posts.
One more for the Blackstone
ok so i am not very familiar with this kind of file. when i unzip the folders you provide it shows the new folder as being empty taking up quite a bit of size.
how do i handle this file?
FatalCharade said:
ok so i am not very familiar with this kind of file. when i unzip the folders you provide it shows the new folder as being empty taking up quite a bit of size.
how do i handle this file?
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The DLLs in the ZIP have hidden and system attributes, make windows explorer is set to show both.
Before the standard questions get asked here's links that explain :
Rilphone.dll ?
How to Install ?
k got it thanks.
Hey these were posted around the forum and in the radio thread. Credit goes to the persons who made them...sorry dont know who..actually.
About installing, stuff like this should always be installed with a signed CAB and DLL that injects its (your) own certificate into the privileged execution store. You don't need a patched nk.exe for that, and it works like a charm. I use this trick for all my 'system hacking' needs, and I know many other do too. I would advise against copying the file and renaming the registry as installation method - it's not proper. I'd be very surprised if this doesn't work for rilphone like Da_G said - I've never had this not work and I've replaced quite a few important system files on running systems.
Perhaps I should write a guide on this, as I see a whole lot of people fail at replacing system DLL's in various topics just because they don't do it right.
Chainfire said:
About installing, stuff like this should always be installed with a signed CAB and DLL that injects its (your) own certificate into the privileged execution store. You don't need a patched nk.exe for that, and it works like a charm. I use this trick for all my 'system hacking' needs, and I know many other do too. I would advise against copying the file and renaming the registry as installation method - it's not proper. I'd be very surprised if this doesn't work for rilphone like Da_G said - I've never had this not work and I've replaced quite a few important system files on running systems.
Perhaps I should write a guide on this, as I see a whole lot of people fail at replacing system DLL's in various topics just because they don't do it right.
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Would you be so kind as to check my work? I have it signed and certificate stored in priveledged execution. I just want to make sure I've done it correctly. If it's wrong, then I've been doing it wrong for quite a while now.
The cabs were not the correct way of doing things so I removed them.
Yeah you come ask me in chat and ignore me when I answer
Chainfire said:
Yeah you come ask me in chat and ignore me when I answer
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I'm sorry. I never saw you reply. I just figured you were busy.
Right, here's how to do it properly:
Not sure if it will work for rilphone, but it's pretty likely
Chainfire said:
Right, here's how to do it properly:
Not sure if it will work for rilphone, but it's pretty likely
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Worked perfect. Nicely done. And I rated it 5 stars.
P1Tater said:
Worked perfect. Nicely done. And I rated it 5 stars.
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Your cab works perfect to.
I wanted to be sure so i also commited the trick of monx.
Afterwards i have implemented your cab and the rilphone is fully working.
In the beginning i was not able to fix this before i had the trick of monx. I was trying and trying. But now this combination wheter it was your cab or monx his certificate trick. I did it, so i'm happy now
hivesnl said:
Your cab works perfect to.
I wanted to be sure so i also commited the trick of monx.
Afterwards i have implemented your cab and the rilphone is fully working.
In the beginning i was not able to fix this before i had the trick of monx. I was trying and trying. But now this combination wheter it was your cab or monx his certificate trick. I did it, so i'm happy now
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These cab's should work without the hex edit of the nbh. They should also work with a rom that does not have the nk.exe patched. Either way, I'm glad it worked for you.
thanks P1tater! cabs worked perfect my friend

Call out for help to chefs

So I am trying to get Album 3 to work with my ROM. I have tried many different packages with the same results. The menu text is way too small and now the screen just turns red. I have checked everything I could think of, was actually working on it for a good part of the day and I am so stuck. If I install it via cab it works fine.
Any ideas...anyone?
Can catch me on AIM, Yahoo or MSN. Use the same screen name as here and/or add or
At0mAng, been a while since I made Legacypackages, but can you give this one a try? If you are having problems you may need the Album package to be introduced to the ROM at the end of the process. I forget with Legacy, but does OEM run last? might need to make it an OEM instead of Package with option(which I am attatching). Good luck
jmckeejr said:
At0mAng, been a while since I made Legacypackages, but can you give this one a try? If you are having problems you may need the Album package to be introduced to the ROM at the end of the process. I forget with Legacy, but does OEM run last? might need to make it an OEM instead of Package with option(which I am attatching). Good luck
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Thanks I will try. I am thinking it might be one of the OEM packages in my OEM folder causing a problem somewhere. Since I have been not cooking for awhile I am not sure what packages I can safely remove from OEM folder since TF3D2 and some other stuff have different dependecies. Tried a few things but nothing works. Does Album 3.X work on 6.1? I am running 21051.
At0mAng said:
Thanks I will try. I am thinking it might be one of the OEM packages in my OEM folder causing a problem somewhere. Since I have been not cooking for awhile I am not sure what packages I can safely remove from OEM folder since TF3D2 and some other stuff have different dependecies. Tried a few things but nothing works. Does Album 3.X work on 6.1? I am running 21051.
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I believe it does. I seem to recall having it working on a 6.1 ROM. But I think I had that font issue when I didn't have Media Toolkit (photopicker) included. Or maybe you just have an incompatible version? (or maybe I don't know what I'm talking about)
Captain_Throwback said:
I believe it does. I seem to recall having it working on a 6.1 ROM. But I think I had that font issue when I didn't have Media Toolkit (photopicker) included. Or maybe you just have an incompatible version? (or maybe I don't know what I'm talking about)
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I gave up on Album 3. I thought photopicker had to be included. I tried many versions...
If it installs from CAB, it works well so everything that it needs is in ROM. The packages I tried must be missing a file. I thought it was the mui file, tried a few but with no luck. If you are anyone has the mui that works properly with it please post it
The only file that was missing was the mui so I am guessing it is that or a combo of things...
Try mine my friend, i found these ones with 0409 mui files, these ones always worked fine on my kitchens.
ark666 said:
Try mine my friend, i found these ones with 0409 mui files, these ones always worked fine on my kitchens.
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Thank you very much! Will give them a shot and see what happens.
I am rebuilding my kitchen from scratch to try to find what the issue is
I believe that the issue is to do with an xml file in the album package, ha_skin_*.xml these need replacing or deleting. I cant remember which now. Do a search and this should bring this answer up

