DCD 2.2.1 w/Pocket e-Sword? - Mogul, XV6800 ROM Development

I seem to have problems getting Pocket e-Sword up and running with the latest 2.2.1. I suspect it might be the missing SQLCEMobile, but am not sure...could someone post a link/upload a copy of the cab? I've tried a whole bunch of cabs off MS page but none of them seem to be helping.

Maybe this?
verkion said:
I seem to have problems getting Pocket e-Sword up and running with the latest 2.2.1. I suspect it might be the missing SQLCEMobile, but am not sure...could someone post a link/upload a copy of the cab? I've tried a whole bunch of cabs off MS page but none of them seem to be helping.
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I found this, and though it is OEM maybe it will work...hope so because I need SQL as well!

Hrm...e-Sword comes with the MS SQLCE2.0 package (which I have installed). When I forget to install it I get the "cannot find resources" error...but I get the same error even with the package installed. Grrrr....I think I'm going to have to find that cab DCD pulled out of his ROM somewhere :-(


New Voice Dialer++ (MS Voice Command 1.5 Is out)

New Voice Dialer++ (MS Voice Command 1.5 Is out)
1.5 is free to download for users of 1.0 & 1.1
go get it now :twisted:
Here is the link
so that no one will PM me to ask for it
darren_the said:
Here is the link
so that no one will PM me to ask for it
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Weird, just installed the update without having MSVC installed and it works.
iggy said:
darren_the said:
Here is the link
so that no one will PM me to ask for it
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Weird, just installed the update without having MSVC installed and it works.
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I've been trying all day and cant get the darn thing to download I keep getting
Service Unavailable
The server is temporarily unable to service your request. Please try again later.
Any chance of sending me the file ?
Just tried it and it again and it worked. I would be happy to send it if needed, do you have an email that can handle 5.5mb attachments?
Yes please please mail it to [email protected]
Many Many thanks
I tried this on my XDA II with the 2.06 2003SE ROM and found a problem - could someone else let me know if they have the same problem...
After installing I reset my device. After the reset, I found that I couldn't select any of my other input panels other than the default Block/Letter recognisers or the built in keyboard. IntelliPad (Phone Pad) and MessageEase were in the list but when I selected them it just switched to the default keyboard.
Can anyone help?
I've found the same problem with Intellidialler but finally managed to get Calligrapher working and never drew the connection with voice command. On top of that, there was an error the first time I tried the 1.5 upgrade setup and now if I try setting up 1.5 again it states that "No previous version of Microsoft Voice COmmand US PPC 1.50 was not found on this machine. The setup cannot continue" (yes you read the double negative right it's not a typo) I've tried uninstalling 1.0 and 1.5 and reinstalling to no avail. If anyone has an idea about either of these problems please share...
Hey pole_vaulter1,
I had exactly the same problem (No previous version etc).
It can be solved by copying the .cab file in c:\program files\microsoft voice command\ onto your xda\imate\mda and running the cab file from there.
Hope this helps.
Thanks a bunch - worked perfectly. I really should have thought of that myself but I suppose that's what a forum is for. Now if I could only get my Tengo and Intellipad to show up instead of the keyboard it would be perfect (until the next upgrade,tweak, software, etc.)
in my case the installer does not create the \program files\microsoft voice command\ directory. Can I extract the cab file from the msi?
G'day Eddy,
I'm assuming you have 1.0 or 1.1 installed on your ppc.
Do you install files to another location? The file that went into the directory I mentioned is ... "Microsoft Voice Command.PPC420_StrongARM.CAB". You might be able to search your pc for that file?
As for extracting the cab from the msi - no idea sorry
Hope you find it.
no, I did not have version 1.0 nor 1.1. I got the impression that you installed without a previous version.
G'day Eddy,
No, I had the exact same problem as Travis a couple of posts up where I installed the upgrade, it gave me an error at the end of the setup on my ppc saying I already had voice command already installed (even though you had to have it installed for the upgrade to work) so I uninstalled it on my ppc - soft booted it to make sure it wasn't still resident, tried to re-install it and it gave another error saying that I didn't have the necessary software installed (version 1).
I'm not sure if you can buy version 1 of the software anywhere anymore but from other posts, apparantly handango will only let you buy it if you are a US or Canada resident.
Sorry for the bad news for you.
Cab file MSVC 1.50
I found the cab file. Just copy it to you're device. :lol:
could you mail this cab file to me or did you extract from the msi file?
@Dutchie - do you have any problems with any of your SIP's?
The second I install it from the CAB file I'm unable to select either IntelliPad or MessageEase for my input methods.
If yours is working then I'm wondering what I've done wrong!
No Wifi or Wordlogic after MSVC :-(
SH..... no WIFI or Wordlogic after I installed 1.5. I uninstalled it, and they work again. Anyone having the same problem with Voice command??? :?:
Does 1.0 the same??
I had quite a few problems after installing Voice Command 1.5. MS Reader would not run (out of memory error) and Calligrapher would not work either (still apeared in the bottom right) but only keyboard would load when Calligrapher chosen.
If I disabled Voice Command 1.5 (as opposed to removing it) everything was fin again.
From another forum I found that the problems I was experienceing was related to plugins in the Today screen (I had the Sprite monitor programming running). When this was removed, Calligrapher kicked back into life and Voice Command 1.5 worked fine.
MS Reader still gave the same out of memory error, but I found that if I added a shortcut in the Startup directory for MS Reader and made sure it loaded first then it would work fine after that.
Hope this helps
NinjaDonkey said:
@Dutchie - do you have any problems with any of your SIP's?
The second I install it from the CAB file I'm unable to select either IntelliPad or MessageEase for my input methods.
If yours is working then I'm wondering what I've done wrong!
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NinjaDonkey said:
...do you have any problems with any of your SIP's?
The second I install it from the CAB file I'm unable to select either IntelliPad or MessageEase for my input methods.
If yours is working then I'm wondering what I've done wrong!
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Interestingly, I have a similar problem, but I haven't touched MS Voice Command. I've had to make Intellipad my default input method, even though I use Fitaly more often. Once I change from Intellipad to anything else, I can't go back to Intellipad, or anything else, for that matter...

Cannot use any of DCD's Kitchen's

Well, up until now, I have just used DCD's ROM's without customizing then, but I thought I would give the kitchen a shot. So, I downloaded DCD's latest and greatest kitchen of v3.2.2, also downloaded the .Net 2.0 link EXE fil from his page and tried to install it (cause you need it to run the kitchen) but I get an error, says that it is "incompatible with the previously installed version of .net"
so, i tried uninstalling all my .net stuff in add/remove, rebooting, and installing this, and still wont let me. i tried windows update and updated to 3.5, had 1.1 and 2.0 downloads as well, and nothing will work.....net will not install at all, no matter what version.
so i cannot get the kitchen to run...help....?
:: Connor
did you restart the computer? after, did you delete the entire extracted folder of the kitchen and re-extract it? that always works for me.
Using DCD's (BuildOS) Kitchen with Vista
If you have UAC active on Vista here is what I suggest. If you are seeing issues with default.hv, user.hv, boot.hv most likely you have a permissions issue. Delete your extracted directories - Create a Root folder, such as Kitchen - Select Properties of that folder in Explorer - Go to the Security Tab and choose Edit - highlight your Users group and choose full control and then OK. Extract your kitchen files into this location. Logic would tell you that you should be able to just change the permissions on your folder once you extract it - UAC and logic don't necessarilly run together.... So once you've created a Root directory, set the security, extracted the kitchen into this location - run buildNB.bat as you would anything else - good luck.
The same issue applies to Vista and .Net errors (.Net 2.0 is default in Vista)
lol @ Vista...who uses Vista? hehe.
crobs808 said:
lol @ Vista...who uses Vista? hehe.
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Was that really necessary? You are asking for help, and decide to bash controversial/fairly useful software in the same thread. Use your brain, kiddo!
I use Vista. Works great. I also have an XP desktop.
Heck I still have a notebook running windows 95 on it.
Whats it to you?
Was that really necessary? You are asking for help, and decide to bash controversial/fairly useful software in the same thread. Use your brain, kiddo!
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Yeah this is the same kid who claims he is the only one that has nevo remote working, even though it doesn't work on EVERY other Titan. He's also the one that says he can magically send MMS messages without any software to do so. I'm starting to smell the bs from all the way here in Boston.
crobs808 said:
Well, up until now, I have just used DCD's ROM's without customizing then, but I thought I would give the kitchen a shot. So, I downloaded DCD's latest and greatest kitchen of v3.2.2, also downloaded the .Net 2.0 link EXE fil from his page and tried to install it (cause you need it to run the kitchen) but I get an error, says that it is "incompatible with the previously installed version of .net"
so, i tried uninstalling all my .net stuff in add/remove, rebooting, and installing this, and still wont let me. i tried windows update and updated to 3.5, had 1.1 and 2.0 downloads as well, and nothing will work.....net will not install at all, no matter what version.
so i cannot get the kitchen to run...help....?
:: Connor
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tried getting a new computer?
coffey_joshua said:
tried getting a new computer?
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If you read his blog, he actually sells (overpriced) computers. Once again, I think gc has properly diagnosed what's going on.
I have a similar problem with 3.2.0 but my screen is stuck on the vzw screen stuck ...is there anything I can do to fix this ?
gc14 said:
I'm starting to smell the bs from all the way here in Boston.
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Whoa and that's saying a lot, given the way that bean town must smell; I mean they call it bean town for a reason, right ?!
Yeah...though I think they should rename it Sports-town for the way that our sports teams beat everyone else's asses all the time....
gc14 said:
Yeah...though I think they should rename it Sports-town for the way that our sports teams beat everyone else's asses all the time....
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... and he knocked that one right over the center-field wall
gc14 said:
Yeah...though I think they should rename it Sports-town for the way that our sports teams beat everyone else's asses all the time....
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Now who's shoveling the bs.....
OH - wait, they kinda did spank my Lakers..... guess I'll go back to the corner now.....
No it is ok as Bean-town, only used as a verb. Still has the sports connotation, and can be used both offensively and defensively, and in all the sports Boston offers (Hockey, BB, Baseball, Football, etc).
To bean.
1. To hit with a projectile, accurately.
The pitcher beaned the batter, rather than letting him hit another home run.

Scrosler or Anyone: Still Trying To Make An OEM

Still can't seem to make this work. Any Chance you could look at this again? I would gladly make a contribution to you, or anyone that can help me with this. Here is the original cab file for Pocket Bible 2, and the OEM that you created. I have a newer version of this program that I have made an OEM from a cab file, but I do not like the newer version. Here is the Pocket Bible 4 cab file that I was able to make the OEM from. Maybe you could see from the one that worked (PB4), that is missing or preventing (PB2) from working. TIA!
I can read, and follow instructions, but when something does not work as it should I am pretty lost. I am just not smart enough to solve the issues.
sricke said:
Still can't seem to make this work. Any Chance you could look at this again? I would gladly make a contribution to you, or anyone that can help me with this. Here is the original cab file for Pocket Bible 2, and the OEM that you created. I have a newer version of this program that I have made an OEM from a cab file, but I do not like the newer version. Here is the Pocket Bible 4 cab file that I was able to make the OEM from. Maybe you could see from the one that worked (PB4), that is missing or preventing (PB2) from working. TIA!
I can read, and follow instructions, but when something does not work as it should I am pretty lost. I am just not smart enough to solve the issues.
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So the pocket bible 2 OEM I tried for you didint work?
No. After flashing I went to programs, and all that was there for pocket bible was an internet explorer icon, that did nothing. It was wierd. I tried flashing a couple of times.

XIP/SYS 21018 & tomtom 7.915 ERROR

here's the deal:
I've been using an OEM-package in mylast roms for tomtom version 7.915.
This has been working without troubles.
Now I cooked a new ROM based on new 21018 XIP/SYS
The device really flies and everything seems to working flawless....EXCEPT tomtom.
When I start Tomtom, in a flash I see the gray bootscreen but then immediately I get the error: 'Unable to start. Not enough memory is available.'
But I have more then 130mb program memory available so that can not be the issue....
I did not change anything to the OEM-package. So I guess it has something to do with the new SYS.
Do more people have this problem and/or does somebody now the fix....
Thnx all in advance for your help!!
Greetz Merten
p.s. I used the search function of course and saw a lot of similar errors but no sollutions.....
I am running TomTom 7.915.9196 (OK via a cab) on 21028.1.6.0 (just installed yesterday)
This is Da_G's simple kitchen plus the updated pack posted in that thread this morning.
Don't know if that helps, but I would be very interested in an OEM for TOMTOM if you can get it working?
crazyC said:
I am running TomTom 7.915.9196 (OK via a cab) on 21028.1.6.0 (just installed yesterday)
This is Da_G's simple kitchen plus the updated pack posted in that thread this morning.
Don't know if that helps, but I would be very interested in an OEM for TOMTOM if you can get it working?
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I got the exact same oem-package working in M-rom v1.71!
So it really beats me why I get the error.
I tried cooking the rom again but still the error....
I am still cooking up my rom and so will reflash tonight - if you can post up your tomtom OEM I will take a look and try and flash it and see if I can get it to work? Maybe a conflict somewhere that might not be on mine as I do chaneg a number of the packages.
crazyC said:
I am still cooking up my rom and so will reflash tonight - if you can post up your tomtom OEM I will take a look and try and flash it and see if I can get it to work? Maybe a conflict somewhere that might not be on mine as I do chaneg a number of the packages.
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Ok OEM can be found here in the map: packages
Package looks OK at first glance - hope to be able to try it tonight and will post back tomorrow with results.
If this doesn't work - you could try simply using the cab via UC etc as I do - I have checked and the cab of the same version in your OEM DOES work for me.
In fact, I think I might leave it in my UC, (but will flash tonight anyway with it just to see)
merten3000 said:
When I start Tomtom, in a flash I see the gray bootscreen but then immediately I get the error: 'Unable to start. Not enough memory is available.'
But I have more then 130mb program memory available so that can not be the issue....
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I had the same problem some time ago, and it turned out to be SKtools automated Free-Ram shadow service that was causing this.
You dont happen to have similar software running (something that clears your RAM on the fly)?
GenghisZ said:
I had the same problem some time ago, and it turned out to be SKtools automated Free-Ram shadow service that was causing this.
You dont happen to have similar software running (something that clears your RAM on the fly)?
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I tried new ervius packagetool: 5.3 and saw something about shadow service... will roll back to 4.3b1 and see if tool is the problem...
Thnx for the tip!
merten3000 said:
I tried new ervius packagetool: 5.3 and saw something about shadow service... will roll back to 4.3b1 and see if tool is the problem...
Thnx for the tip!
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Nope, did not help...
OK - apart from the shortcut not being copied to programs - I didn't check the initflashfiles first - d'oh - it works.
I went to windows with file explorer and ran it from there - no problems.
Have flashed twice - it must be something else in your rom.
Does the page pool make any difference? or the filecache sizes?
crazyC said:
OK - apart from the shortcut not being copied to programs - I didn't check the initflashfiles first - d'oh - it works.
I went to windows with file explorer and ran it from there - no problems.
Have flashed twice - it must be something else in your rom.
Does the page pool make any difference? or the filecache sizes?
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I always change my roms pp to 32mb...can that make a difference? I did it in v1.71 and tomtom worked fine...
I don't know - I have been around here long enough to know that your skills far outweigh mine. If it used to work then I see no reason for the change.
All I know is that my rom is based on Da_Gs really clean latest (ie 5.08) from his simple kitchen thread (from his post near the end not the first post) plus Eras2rs package updates.
The only other packages I add are a few utilities and personal tweaks. I import an advanced config xml as part of the UC process but that just ensures the various settings in Advanced Config are set to advised etc.
I don't know if this can help but I got this same error message when the map isn't correctly activated.
TP - RomeOS 1.70
Harikoss said:
I don't know if this can help but I got this same error message when the map isn't correctly activated.
TP - RomeOS 1.70
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Maps work(ed) fine..
btw I bypassed the error by removing the OEM-package and made it a cab which is installed during system configuration. It takes more system space but this way it is uninstallable....but it remains a mistery to me why the OEM does not work in this SYS and does in 21014 SYS...

Call out for help to chefs

So I am trying to get Album 3 to work with my ROM. I have tried many different packages with the same results. The menu text is way too small and now the screen just turns red. I have checked everything I could think of, was actually working on it for a good part of the day and I am so stuck. If I install it via cab it works fine.
Any ideas...anyone?
Can catch me on AIM, Yahoo or MSN. Use the same screen name as here and/or add live.com or yahoo.com
At0mAng, been a while since I made Legacypackages, but can you give this one a try? If you are having problems you may need the Album package to be introduced to the ROM at the end of the process. I forget with Legacy, but does OEM run last? might need to make it an OEM instead of Package with option(which I am attatching). Good luck
jmckeejr said:
At0mAng, been a while since I made Legacypackages, but can you give this one a try? If you are having problems you may need the Album package to be introduced to the ROM at the end of the process. I forget with Legacy, but does OEM run last? might need to make it an OEM instead of Package with option(which I am attatching). Good luck
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Thanks I will try. I am thinking it might be one of the OEM packages in my OEM folder causing a problem somewhere. Since I have been not cooking for awhile I am not sure what packages I can safely remove from OEM folder since TF3D2 and some other stuff have different dependecies. Tried a few things but nothing works. Does Album 3.X work on 6.1? I am running 21051.
At0mAng said:
Thanks I will try. I am thinking it might be one of the OEM packages in my OEM folder causing a problem somewhere. Since I have been not cooking for awhile I am not sure what packages I can safely remove from OEM folder since TF3D2 and some other stuff have different dependecies. Tried a few things but nothing works. Does Album 3.X work on 6.1? I am running 21051.
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I believe it does. I seem to recall having it working on a 6.1 ROM. But I think I had that font issue when I didn't have Media Toolkit (photopicker) included. Or maybe you just have an incompatible version? (or maybe I don't know what I'm talking about)
Captain_Throwback said:
I believe it does. I seem to recall having it working on a 6.1 ROM. But I think I had that font issue when I didn't have Media Toolkit (photopicker) included. Or maybe you just have an incompatible version? (or maybe I don't know what I'm talking about)
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I gave up on Album 3. I thought photopicker had to be included. I tried many versions...
If it installs from CAB, it works well so everything that it needs is in ROM. The packages I tried must be missing a file. I thought it was the mui file, tried a few but with no luck. If you are anyone has the mui that works properly with it please post it
The only file that was missing was the mui so I am guessing it is that or a combo of things...
Try mine my friend, i found these ones with 0409 mui files, these ones always worked fine on my kitchens.
ark666 said:
Try mine my friend, i found these ones with 0409 mui files, these ones always worked fine on my kitchens.
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Thank you very much! Will give them a shot and see what happens.
I am rebuilding my kitchen from scratch to try to find what the issue is
I believe that the issue is to do with an xml file in the album package, ha_skin_*.xml these need replacing or deleting. I cant remember which now. Do a search and this should bring this answer up

