active sync problem - P3400 ROM Development

hi friends
whenever i connect my gene using active syn via bt or usb cable, it connects fine but some files auto execute in my gene and it change the time and date in gene
hav also flashed d phone bt still facing d problem
do ne1 hv d right soution for this
thnx in advance

Open activesync on your PC after you have paired it with your device. Right click on "Windows PC" or whateve activesync has given name to your PC. Click on settings and there you will find an option "Synchronize Pocet PC date and time upon connecting", uncheck the box - Thats it! Hope it helped


help with activeSync

here i am for another helping question , eheh sorry about that i'm quite newbie at PDA
i have a problem with activesync , it seems that now connect to the PDA only as GUEST and i can't update any info
how to reset that type of connection ?
If it is connected as guest, just reinsert your device into the cradle. The active sync window will appear and ask you for the type of connection....
unfortunately not , it seems that everytime i connect it to the cradle , activesync connect it only as guest. It's weird because i didn't choose first time the guest account ...
Why do you think, your device ic connected as guest?
Have you checked yiur sync settings of active sync?
thanks for the reply lumpistefan
i found a workaround , with the activesync open , without the XDA insterted in the cradle , i removed every partnership and recreated
Problems deleting partnership name
Think I found the answer at
I did a file search using the device name and deleted all of those and bingo I could use the name again !!

can not synch

I installed 2005, and couldn't sych at all by AS4, everytime it tried to connect, i said looking for changes and then a protection fault, so I downgraded to wm2003se and active sych couldnt connect, I reinstalled AS 3.7 and then 3.8, but it can not run at all it just starts connecting, then stops and I can not show Activesynch window, it can not even explore the device
does anybody have a solution for this, or do I have to format and reinstall windows
yo medman
personally i think it was a bad mistake to upgrade to W2005. cause its still in the development phase and u wont find a lot of help from us users cause most of us are still waiting for a stable version to come out
looking at u'r situation
hard reset u'r PPC, do not connect u'r install 3.8 MSYNC....... restrt u'r computer.....n then once rebooted......connect the USB cradle with u'r comp and put in u'r PPC...
it shld work now..
best of luck
sync problem...solved!
hey medman,
i don't see why every one is dissing wm2005, its a great rom!
but for the people who are having problems with connecting their device with wm2005 to ActiveSync 4.0 i figured out what is wrong:
if you connected your device to your computer before you installed the new
ActiveSync, it set your device with no driver, and even if you have the
ActiveSync driver now you computer allready recognised your device, so:
the solution is to delete the device setting under device manager of your
computer [start->control panel->system->hardware->device manager]
now with device manager open and with you ppc not connected:
go to the view tab and check "show hidden devices"
then look for the driver of the ppc most likely under the "Non-Plug and Play
Drivers" but if it is not there look around for the driver
when you find it, you went to delete it by right-clicking on the driver and
clicking uninstall
after you delete the old driver have ActiveSync running and place your ppc in the cradle, and the new driver should be installed by ActiveSync 4.0
if you need activesync 4.0 just tell me and i can give you my sight that i uploded as4.0 and wm2005 in a rar file, by the way...most answers are being found on this topic
To rooschool: I did what u suggested but same...
To Destroyer7337:
I didn't connect the ppc before the active sych, I raid this topic before I tried wm2005, I took all the precautions u mentioned, but to no avail, any way I downgraded to 2003se bu I cannot synch with all versions of activesynch
What is the name of the driver? I can't find anything in non plug and play and I'm not sure what I'm looking for.

g4 wm6 doesn't connect to activesync.

i let my almost-future son-in-law take home and play with my g4 wizard love wm6 cingular branded wizard.
he mailed it back to me and now it won't connect to activesync 4.5.
if i uncheck advanced settings on the usb settings page, the computer gives me the usb balloons that says it is connected to the computer.
activesync doesn't even want to look for the pda.
if i check the box, activesync tries to find the pda but fails.
also, the computer doesn't seem to connect to the computer since there are no usb balloons.
is there anything i can try short of reinstalling wizard love.
Plug it into the usb wire, turn it on and then do a hard reset do not unplug it till active sync pops up on your computer.
irv6744 said:
i let my almost-future son-in-law take home and play with my g4 wizard love wm6 cingular branded wizard.
he mailed it back to me and now it won't connect to activesync 4.5.
if i uncheck advanced settings on the usb settings page, the computer gives me the usb balloons that says it is connected to the computer.
activesync doesn't even want to look for the pda.
if i check the box, activesync tries to find the pda but fails.
also, the computer doesn't seem to connect to the computer since there are no usb balloons.
is there anything i can try short of reinstalling wizard love.
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You havent mentioned what OS you have on your pc. If you have XP SP2 you can sometimes jumpstart activesync 4.5 by restarting the DHCP.
Start -> Control Panel -> Administrative Tools (only visible in classic view of control panel) -> Services -> DHCP client -> Restart
peter petrelli said:
You havent mentioned what OS you have on your pc. If you have XP SP2 you can sometimes jumpstart activesync 4.5 by restarting the DHCP.
Start -> Control Panel -> Administrative Tools (only visible in classic view of control panel) -> Services -> DHCP client -> Restart
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i've got the same problem olso with xp sp2 and i tried it on vista .
after the update to wm6 its ****ty both solution didn't work for me.
I hope some one get a solution
Same problem with me too..
all the sudden the activesync service in WM6 doesnt start at all..
ActiveSync on PC warns me there is a problem with the connection..
Is there anybody out there that knows how to get the ActiveSync service back and running again.? I tried the the taskmanager to look for the service itself. But found out that the activeSync service is nowhere to be found between the other services. 16 other services are found.
I tired it on Vista (Mobile 6.1) and Windows XP SP2 (Activesync 4.5)
It does not help when i start the program ActciveSync (application) in WM6.
dCY said:
Same problem with me too..
all the sudden the activesync service in WM6 doesnt start at all..
ActiveSync on PC warns me there is a problem with the connection..
Is there anybody out there that knows how to get the ActiveSync service back and running again.? I tried the the taskmanager to look for the service itself. But found out that the activeSync service is nowhere to be found between the other services. 16 other services are found.
I tired it on Vista (Mobile 6.1) and Windows XP SP2 (Activesync 4.5)
It does not help when i start the program ActciveSync (application) in WM6.
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I had the same problem one time after flashing to WM6. How I got it to work was to delete the old mobile device from my active sync, then connect the usb cable.
i've tried all the hints here but so far no connectivity to activesync.
did anyone get the pda seen by winxpsp2 any other way that worked.
i can get into boot loader but still no connection ro activesync.
in the begining , sorry for my poor langague
first point u should have active synchronize virgin 4.5 not earlier
second point delete the old connection from the programe.then make a new connection between ur device & pc. it will work properly (in shaa allah)
try it & let me know
i uninstalled activesync and then rebooted, downloaded a new copy and reinstalled it.
the computer sees the pda through the rndis driver and says it's installed.
at the end of the install i got some kind of message about outlook not being the default email reader but i ignored it.
then i ran the basic outlook setup but did not make outlook the default mail client.
but active sync still refuses to connect to the computer to the pda.
any other thoughts.
later tonight or during the week i will try it on another xp computer and then a vista computer to see if one of them works.
Hey lissen folks.... any luck on finding the solution.... were u guys able to run the AS4.5 after removing the device? If yes, how do you remove the devioce?
I know its a problem with PC because i tried it on other PC with Win2000 and it worked fine. ANything to do with firewall perhaps?

any solution bluetooth active sync over touch IX

is there any solution bluetooth active sync over touch IX yet "Cannot find an existing bluetooth partnership with a pc that supports" even if you create one it doesn't show incoming connection.
i am having the same issue i have set up activesync to recieve incoming connections on port which i have created in bluetooth settings,and nothing happens.
webcam plus , remote amp , cool camera , R2PC , all need bluetooth active sync . i wonder if there was a registry cab or dll fix
i'm having the same problem too.. went back to vii
I'm using the same base Rom as Touch X for my own personal ROM and I had the same problem
Here is the fix for it.
hma4 said:
I'm using the same base Rom as Touch X for my own personal ROM and I had the same problem
Here is the fix for it.
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thanks a lot!! it really works
ps: reset the ppc after install the fix cab
still shows same message on clicking connect via blutooth in active sync "Cannot find an existing bluetooth partnership with a pc that supports ..." i am using your rom only. com ports don't show new incoming ports which i guess is necessary.
after installing fix cab i reseted then refreshed partnership settings 3rd pic below and "serial port" changed to "active sync" but no use
screen shots below my pc is "JC" here
kamalneet said:
still shows same message on clicking connect via blutooth in active sync "Cannot find an existing bluetooth partnership with a pc that supports ..." i am using your rom only. com ports don't show new incoming ports which i guess is necessary.
after installing fix cab i reseted then refreshed partnership settings 3rd pic below and "serial port" changed to "active sync" but no use
screen shots below my pc is "JC" here
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Worked out i had to hard reset and install this file on X rom ,thanks a million hma4.
kamalneet said:
still shows same message on clicking connect via blutooth in active sync "Cannot find an existing bluetooth partnership with a pc that supports ..." i am using your rom only. com ports don't show new incoming ports which i guess is necessary.
after installing fix cab i reseted then refreshed partnership settings 3rd pic below and "serial port" changed to "active sync" but no use
screen shots below my pc is "JC" here
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did you overwrite your bluetooth stack before?! I AM POSITIVE that this cab will fix your problem !!! POSITIVE MEANS 100% sure.
Hard reset, run the cab, setup the com port in your computer, set the activesync on your PC, then pair your phone, then activesync via bluetooth. if my explanation is vague read the help files.
This cab is all you need to fix the bluetooth problem and will fix your problem.
EDIT :I posted this at the same time with the above post
You don't have to necessarily install this on external_rom to work. If you haven't mess around with your bluetooth stack, you can just run this cab without hard reset.
hma4 said:
I'm using the same base Rom as Touch X for my own personal ROM and I had the same problem
Here is the fix for it.
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thank you hma4,you are my man
p.s. if someone want to call hma4 for further support,call 01111111111111111 no matter of order of 1
hard reset and installing the file you gave does makes active sync via bluetooth possible but new problem encountered is it does not let usb active sync to initiate or work any further even if i use USB switch program and click on serial pc doesnt recoganise it any more ,but when i click on RNDIS which is set by default ,only then it recoganises and active sync animation takes place but it never connects device neither does give any messages ,i think what to do now ,do you have rndis drivers for wm6 winxp both or do i need winxp registry changes. Serial_Class in wm6 reg don't work too. although i changed it in previous time when bluetooth wasn't working .
summary : either bluetooth active sync works or usb active sync works it seems it needs a multiple registry entry to make them work properly .but they are not working together as they should.
hma4 said:
I'm using the same base Rom as Touch X for my own personal ROM and I had the same problem
Here is the fix for it.
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thank you so much! I tried everything this worked instantly.
Finally I can use my phone to its full potential.
hma4 said:
I'm using the same base Rom as Touch X for my own personal ROM and I had the same problem
Here is the fix for it.
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Does this fix also works on Crystal V4 PE ?
BR. Flemming
fschlage said:
Does this fix also works on Crystal V4 PE ?
BR. Flemming
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I should think so.... as HMA4 is the creator of the ROM you mentioned, and he is talking about his PE (personal edition).
But I would assume that it is already build-in....
i've also installed the cab but i don't know what to do now... how can i set the things with the com-port on pc an trinity and what do i have to make in the activesync on the pc?
thanks for you help!
FallinHigh said:
i've also installed the cab but i don't know what to do now... how can i set the things with the com-port on pc an trinity and what do i have to make in the activesync on the pc?
thanks for you help!
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ya...i would like to know that too...and,does it fix the problem which bluetooth can't be enabled after the wm6 upgrade? thanks.
Does it works on wizard wm6?

Internet Via Bluetooth

Hi Guys, I just took my old XDA2 out of retirement (it died as I broke the sim card reader) And decided I want to use it as an about the house Internet Browser and possibly media player.
I know what software to put on it to make it do what I want but I'm stuck with getting it to to connect to the net
I have tried several ROM's (I hate the official o2 rom just because of all the crap) I like the WM6 ROM as it is the latest software But when I put it back into my cradle it comes up unrecognised and wont sync with active sync.
I cant get it to sync over bluetooth either? I can pair it with my PC via bluetooth but cant synch it. As I have windows Vista I am trying to sync with windows mobile device centre and still no joy. personally i dont care f it does sync but I'm sure I need it to so that i can browse the internet on my xda????
Now I'm stuck... do I flash it with an older ROM in the hope it will start to sync with one of my 2 PC's (It really needs to work with the vista PC)
Or is there another way I can set this up regardless of the rom so I can have some kind of local bluetooth network where I can access the net and my PC via the XDA2?
I would prefer the latter as I can Use the newer WM6 ROM.
my xda2 sync just fine over bluetooth
i set the xda2 in descoverymode and add it from vista bluetooth setup
and the xda2 see the vista pc and let me add it and then
in activesync on the xda2 i pick sync over bluetooth
otherwise you can take a look at this
I have a lot of problems with sync over bluetooth, but my reason is really simple, I turn off microsoft firewall on my PC with WinXP and It is work fine..I can be on net and icq...
Internet over activesync???
Hi, is there a way to connect my xda to internet over activesync?
unless you have disabled it on the pc or on the pocketpc
your pda is always connected to the same network internet and otherwise when
connected to activesync
can u teach me how? after disabling connection from the pc, wat will i do nxt?
"can u teach me how? after disabling connection from the pc, wat will i do nxt?"
hhmmm at no point did i tell you to disable connection from the pc.....
settings->connections->connections->advanced->select networks
there are some texts showing "programs that automatically connect to the internet should connect using"
and a dropdownbox
select the dropdownbox item which is not called something like "my isp"
but pick the one thats called something like "my network"
then all programs trying to access the internet will be forced to use activesync as internet connection and if activesync is not connected they will fail!
Ei man, kinda misunderstood it. sorry. I'll try it later. BTW, u know how to upgrade wm2003se to wm5 or wm6? can u teach me step by step how to's? or possibly know a clear steps by steps procedure threads?
this is a copyPaste directly from the file in all the roms called READMEFIRST.txt
"Start your device in bootloader mode by pressing and holding down:
DPad + PowerButton + ResetButton
After a second release ResetButton, then release the rest of them.
Your screen will show word "Serial" at the top.
You are in bootloader mode now.
. Place your device in the cradle, ensuring that the cradle
is plugged directly into a USB port on your PC and not to a hub
and that the power supply is connected to the cradle.
It is also a good idea to disable any screensavers on your desktop PC.
Once your device is cradled, the text on the screen will change to "USB".
Run HimaUpgradeUt.exe (or HimaUpgradeUt_NoID.exe if flashing on any Himalaya other which is from than O2)
Sit back and wait for the Congratulations screen to be displayed
on your PC. Your device will still be displaying 'Upgrading radio stack, please wait',
but as long as the PC says it is done, then its all OK.
Detach your device from the cradle.
Now you have to hardreset your device.
Press ResetButton and hold down CameraButton + RecordButton.
Hold them pressed until the "Boot Options" menu appears on the screen.
Select the options as follows:
(for selecting use RecordButton, change values with CameraButton)
Enable KITL -> NO
Clean Registry Hive -> YES
Format Storage -> YES"
Ei man, thnx, ur advice work with activesync.
Now having prob. with upgrading stuff. cant find any ROM, can u suggest one? is wm2005 1.50 ok??? bTW, i have 02 xda II with wm2003se.
Ei myt, got a question.. u know where can i find the .exe file for on/off button???

