any solution bluetooth active sync over touch IX - JAMin, XDA Neo, S200 ROM Development

is there any solution bluetooth active sync over touch IX yet "Cannot find an existing bluetooth partnership with a pc that supports" even if you create one it doesn't show incoming connection.

i am having the same issue i have set up activesync to recieve incoming connections on port which i have created in bluetooth settings,and nothing happens.

webcam plus , remote amp , cool camera , R2PC , all need bluetooth active sync . i wonder if there was a registry cab or dll fix

i'm having the same problem too.. went back to vii

I'm using the same base Rom as Touch X for my own personal ROM and I had the same problem
Here is the fix for it.

hma4 said:
I'm using the same base Rom as Touch X for my own personal ROM and I had the same problem
Here is the fix for it.
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thanks a lot!! it really works
ps: reset the ppc after install the fix cab

still shows same message on clicking connect via blutooth in active sync "Cannot find an existing bluetooth partnership with a pc that supports ..." i am using your rom only. com ports don't show new incoming ports which i guess is necessary.
after installing fix cab i reseted then refreshed partnership settings 3rd pic below and "serial port" changed to "active sync" but no use
screen shots below my pc is "JC" here

kamalneet said:
still shows same message on clicking connect via blutooth in active sync "Cannot find an existing bluetooth partnership with a pc that supports ..." i am using your rom only. com ports don't show new incoming ports which i guess is necessary.
after installing fix cab i reseted then refreshed partnership settings 3rd pic below and "serial port" changed to "active sync" but no use
screen shots below my pc is "JC" here
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Worked out i had to hard reset and install this file on X rom ,thanks a million hma4.

kamalneet said:
still shows same message on clicking connect via blutooth in active sync "Cannot find an existing bluetooth partnership with a pc that supports ..." i am using your rom only. com ports don't show new incoming ports which i guess is necessary.
after installing fix cab i reseted then refreshed partnership settings 3rd pic below and "serial port" changed to "active sync" but no use
screen shots below my pc is "JC" here
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did you overwrite your bluetooth stack before?! I AM POSITIVE that this cab will fix your problem !!! POSITIVE MEANS 100% sure.
Hard reset, run the cab, setup the com port in your computer, set the activesync on your PC, then pair your phone, then activesync via bluetooth. if my explanation is vague read the help files.
This cab is all you need to fix the bluetooth problem and will fix your problem.
EDIT :I posted this at the same time with the above post
You don't have to necessarily install this on external_rom to work. If you haven't mess around with your bluetooth stack, you can just run this cab without hard reset.

hma4 said:
I'm using the same base Rom as Touch X for my own personal ROM and I had the same problem
Here is the fix for it.
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thank you hma4,you are my man
p.s. if someone want to call hma4 for further support,call 01111111111111111 no matter of order of 1

hard reset and installing the file you gave does makes active sync via bluetooth possible but new problem encountered is it does not let usb active sync to initiate or work any further even if i use USB switch program and click on serial pc doesnt recoganise it any more ,but when i click on RNDIS which is set by default ,only then it recoganises and active sync animation takes place but it never connects device neither does give any messages ,i think what to do now ,do you have rndis drivers for wm6 winxp both or do i need winxp registry changes. Serial_Class in wm6 reg don't work too. although i changed it in previous time when bluetooth wasn't working .
summary : either bluetooth active sync works or usb active sync works it seems it needs a multiple registry entry to make them work properly .but they are not working together as they should.

hma4 said:
I'm using the same base Rom as Touch X for my own personal ROM and I had the same problem
Here is the fix for it.
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thank you so much! I tried everything this worked instantly.
Finally I can use my phone to its full potential.

hma4 said:
I'm using the same base Rom as Touch X for my own personal ROM and I had the same problem
Here is the fix for it.
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Does this fix also works on Crystal V4 PE ?
BR. Flemming

fschlage said:
Does this fix also works on Crystal V4 PE ?
BR. Flemming
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I should think so.... as HMA4 is the creator of the ROM you mentioned, and he is talking about his PE (personal edition).
But I would assume that it is already build-in....

i've also installed the cab but i don't know what to do now... how can i set the things with the com-port on pc an trinity and what do i have to make in the activesync on the pc?
thanks for you help!

FallinHigh said:
i've also installed the cab but i don't know what to do now... how can i set the things with the com-port on pc an trinity and what do i have to make in the activesync on the pc?
thanks for you help!
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ya...i would like to know that too...and,does it fix the problem which bluetooth can't be enabled after the wm6 upgrade? thanks.

Does it works on wizard wm6?


can not synch

I installed 2005, and couldn't sych at all by AS4, everytime it tried to connect, i said looking for changes and then a protection fault, so I downgraded to wm2003se and active sych couldnt connect, I reinstalled AS 3.7 and then 3.8, but it can not run at all it just starts connecting, then stops and I can not show Activesynch window, it can not even explore the device
does anybody have a solution for this, or do I have to format and reinstall windows
yo medman
personally i think it was a bad mistake to upgrade to W2005. cause its still in the development phase and u wont find a lot of help from us users cause most of us are still waiting for a stable version to come out
looking at u'r situation
hard reset u'r PPC, do not connect u'r install 3.8 MSYNC....... restrt u'r computer.....n then once rebooted......connect the USB cradle with u'r comp and put in u'r PPC...
it shld work now..
best of luck
sync problem...solved!
hey medman,
i don't see why every one is dissing wm2005, its a great rom!
but for the people who are having problems with connecting their device with wm2005 to ActiveSync 4.0 i figured out what is wrong:
if you connected your device to your computer before you installed the new
ActiveSync, it set your device with no driver, and even if you have the
ActiveSync driver now you computer allready recognised your device, so:
the solution is to delete the device setting under device manager of your
computer [start->control panel->system->hardware->device manager]
now with device manager open and with you ppc not connected:
go to the view tab and check "show hidden devices"
then look for the driver of the ppc most likely under the "Non-Plug and Play
Drivers" but if it is not there look around for the driver
when you find it, you went to delete it by right-clicking on the driver and
clicking uninstall
after you delete the old driver have ActiveSync running and place your ppc in the cradle, and the new driver should be installed by ActiveSync 4.0
if you need activesync 4.0 just tell me and i can give you my sight that i uploded as4.0 and wm2005 in a rar file, by the way...most answers are being found on this topic
To rooschool: I did what u suggested but same...
To Destroyer7337:
I didn't connect the ppc before the active sych, I raid this topic before I tried wm2005, I took all the precautions u mentioned, but to no avail, any way I downgraded to 2003se bu I cannot synch with all versions of activesynch
What is the name of the driver? I can't find anything in non plug and play and I'm not sure what I'm looking for.

ActiveSync 4

For all,
I have two computers both with XP Professional with ActiveSync 4 one of them can not connect My XDA II WM 1.50i with the Excheange Server of my work, what could be wrong?
The second PC work 100%
Also the XDA II conection with Excheange Serve through GPRS works 100%
somebody can help.
did you try all the firewal setiting and the like?
the exchange i think must be the last one or 2003 but i not certain about that
you can try first the firewall settings of that xp and what error do you have
its the last version of activesync 4?
hope thats helpfull
Re: did you try all the firewal setiting and the like?
rictec said:
the exchange i think must be the last one or 2003 but i not certain about that
you can try first the firewall settings of that xp and what error do you have
its the last version of activesync 4?
hope thats helpfull
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The ActiveSync is show this erro: Support Code:85020010
The ActiveSync Also asks to verify the connection, however as the xda works ok with another PC XP and with GPRS I do not know what to do.
try the fireall setting
try to see if in that pc the firewall settings are permisive
that problably a firewall prob but....
do you have outlook 2003 instaled in that machine also try to connect with it already open that solved my problem once and i have to open it first since
as a last resort do a new partnership
do like this on that machine thats not working
disable firewall
remove all mobile devices in file->delete mobile devices
open task manager and end process wcescomm.exe and wcesmgr.exe
them open device manager
look in usb ports
connect your device and when a usb device appears remove it (problably windows mobile device but you will see it )
remove the device and restart the pc
when restarted open outlook just in case
activesync will autostart
put you device in and create a patnership
this was what i had to do whem first instaled buzzmobile2005
hope this help you too if it doesnt
Re: try the fireall setting
rictec said:
try to see if in that pc the firewall settings are permisive
that problably a firewall prob but....
do you have outlook 2003 instaled in that machine also try to connect with it already open that solved my problem once and i have to open it first since
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Again I revised the connection of the firewall PC1 x PC 2 the look identical.
Same version of Outlook no diference if Outlook is open
This is drive'me crazy
Re: as a last resort do a new partnership
rictec said:
do like this on that machine thats not working
disable firewall
remove all mobile devices in file->delete mobile devices
open task manager and end process wcescomm.exe and wcesmgr.exe
them open device manager
look in usb ports
connect your device and when a usb device appears remove it (problably windows mobile device but you will see it )
remove the device and restart the pc
when restarted open outlook just in case
activesync will autostart
put you device in and create a patnership
this was what i had to do whem first instaled buzzmobile2005
hope this help you too if it doesnt
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Thank for trying to help I already had looked at the notations on the ActiveSinc I have the impression that the problem is a DLL in the XP the solution perhaps is to reinstall everything again.
Curiosity: What it means NSPS in your ExtRom topic
reinstall everything?
seach in the forum if none o what i sad worked there is some dlls i see somewhere you can remove and reinstall.
well if it didnt work and reinstall is a possibility do it
remember service packs
my ntsp in extended rom is :never twice the same
good luck

err little help - xdaII 2003-2003se upgrade gone a bit wrong

Hi all,
I just upgraded my xdaII from WM2003 to WM2003SE which seemed to work ok.
I then got the issue where the screen stops responding and worked out how to edit the config.txt file, ok I thought I'll just re-install SE.
So I dock my XDA into the cradle but it wont connect with active sync 4 anymore, which means I cant install the OS again.
Can anyone help me??
nevermind, did a hard reset and the pda is working ok now, still doesnt want to connect to Activesync tho
when flashing you dont want it to connect to activesync anyway
best thing is to set activesync to not sync on usb devices let windows find the pda as a non as device and then flash
also if you change the extented rom as in config.txt and reflash you are likely to get a new extented rom and a new config.txt overwriting yours anyway
most of the time when you change extented rom a hardreset is what you want
Hi rudegar
I didnt get as far as reinstalling the OS with the modded config.txt, once I hard reset the pda after installing it the first time it worked ok, it installed the O2 extensions and worked fine, except MSN messenger wont work, where before it would.
i tried disabling what you said and windows wouldnt detect it at all.
With it enabled I could see it as a mobile device in my computer, but not access it.
Also the active sync window would not load, the taskbar icon is there, but when you click on it the window does not pop up, but you can get to the options
its annoying as I now cant install any programs onto the pda, I dont have a USB reader for the SD card at the moment.
not sure whats going on
Rudegar said:
when flashing you dont want it to connect to activesync anyway
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really? cos the program I ran to upgrade the OS, himaupgradeUt says the pda should be docked and synced??
just installed activesync on my other pc and the pda syncs ok with it.

Use Athena as Usb mass storage

usbsettings is a software that enables you to connect your Athena mobile 5 or 6 and use Athena as usb mass storage! just copy it to your device and run ....
lolik12345 said:
usbsettings is a software that enables you to connect your Athena mobile 5 or 6 and use Athena as usb mass storage! just copy it to your device and run ....
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What's the difference between this and WM5Storage?
Good.. Work well..
700MB -> About 5~6Min..
Program is too small, so I like it..
Thanks! It works great!!! There is even no need to reconnect the cable. Simple and fast. Do you know who is the developer?
Thanks. Works very well.
There are three options in the setting. Turbo ActiveSync, Normal ActiveSync, and Mass USB disk.
I set it to Turbo and thought that transferring files is a lot quicker than before now.
WIth Mass USB, I could only see the device but not the storage card or microdrive. Is this normal? Is there a way to see all three?
Thanks man ) Write speed is 3,3 mb\s, read is 3,5
Nice program, I find it works a bit better than WM5torage.
Do not connect as a USB mass storage device when using Audio Manager for it will (and does, I tested) f*ck Audio Manager up (logical, since Audio Manager will detect that the microdrive's been used by another application and try to refresh its library, endlessly since the lock isn't removed until the device is disconnected).
Finally something that works better than WMStorage... but can't switch to storage card only the microdrice... even without this option i finally can replace my usb stick with a usb cable...
Yes! Hurrah!
Unlike WM5torage, in ANY of its versions, this works!
Even got Turbo Activesync working using the instructions on the last post on that thread linked above: when Generic RNDIS is detected and Windows asks for a driver, tell it to search in c:\program files\microsoft activesync\drivers and that did the job for me. Don't know if it's actually any faster than standard Activesync, but it couldn't be slower.
Thanks very much!
Thank you veru match
1G In 9m >>>>>
JonSlater said:
Even got Turbo Activesync working using the instructions on the last post on that thread linked above: when Generic RNDIS is detected and Windows asks for a driver, tell it to search in c:\program files\microsoft activesync\drivers and that did the job for me. Don't know if it's actually any faster than standard Activesync, but it couldn't be slower.
Okay, a follow up to that. The Turbo mode works by activating the network-via-USB. It works very well indeed here on my work PC, but doesn't on my home PC. It connects, but doesn't start the synch and just sticks on Looking for Changes.
I don't suppose anyone has a fix for that? Normal practice seems to be to untick the "Enable advanced network functionality" box, which is what this mode uses.
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USB Storage
I have two issues: When I activate the attached USB file it disables Active Sync and secondly My computer doesn't seem to recognize it as a storage drive (I must be missing some type of PC USB file). Any suggested solutions would be greatful.
there will be a new utility in 4.0 of my roms. it is directly from htc.
It is possible to connect a flash disc to my athena?because i need space and the flash drives are bigger then the memory card.thx
Yes . You can - Athena has USB Host funcionality - You've to use 4in1 cable .
Pawel062 said:
there will be a new utility in 4.0 of my roms. it is directly from htc.
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Can we find the utility from HTC without the ROM? I appreciate your work but I'm not a fan on changing my baby's ROM.
I trying to find references on Google for such tool without success.
Thank yopu in advance,
Please everyone excuse me for my ignorance....but what does this software/utility do?
I get the picture that it download directly to the Microdrive via active that right?
Kenjari said:
Please everyone excuse me for my ignorance....but what does this software/utility do?
I get the picture that it download directly to the Microdrive via active that right?
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No NOT via active sync and that is the beauty ! you can go to any modern computer and *without* installing active sync get the microdrive to show up as a USB memory stick and transfer data.
JonSlater said:
Okay, a follow up to that. The Turbo mode works by activating the network-via-USB. It works very well indeed here on my work PC, but doesn't on my home PC. It connects, but doesn't start the synch and just sticks on Looking for Changes.
I don't suppose anyone has a fix for that? Normal practice seems to be to untick the "Enable advanced network functionality" box, which is what this mode uses.
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Sounds like a firewall issue. Try without firewall.

T-Mobile HTC HD2v Bluetooth Stereo Audio Issue via PC - Help - Help!

Hi xda,
I am glad to be here and to know this site, almost for masters! (which I am not)
Guys, I just want to know if anyone have or had my same issue with the bluetooth when I connect my HTC HD2 to my PC for listening the music, same like in the car.
No matter which ROM I installed, T-Mobile 3.14, Custom or any stock I can't connect via Stereo Audio to my pc.
I can transfer files, I can navigate into my HD2 via bluetooth BUT when I try to connect via Stereo Audio it fail, please see the attachment.
I also can't use audio via Hands-free, practically I do everything but without Stereo Audio.
I already installed update for my bluetooth on my PC.
I try to fix this problem all month and I realized the problem are the drivers on my phone (or ViceVersa ), because if I use Android with my HTC HD2 it works.
I use most of the time WM 6.5 and I want to connect to my car stereo or PC via bluetooth to listening the music but I have this problem.
Nothing helped me jet and I do not find any fix of any kind so my question is if there is any fix for this problem?
Please help, I appriciate if some one can help me.
Thankx. solution? :crying:
No fix at all? Why?
Uhaaa, Uhaaa, uhaaaaaa :crying:
Will look at this when I got a free moment as I use to connect my HD2 via BT to a USB BT dongle on work notebook which worked via a headset profile ... Will test when I got time & report findings if seems relevant to your stereo audio issue ...
Mister B said:
Will look at this when I got a free moment as I use to connect my HD2 via BT to a USB BT dongle on work notebook which worked via a headset profile ... Will test when I got time & report findings if seems relevant to your stereo audio issue ...
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oh, Mister B, I start to like you!
This issue was wrote some where and few people know about it but nobody said how to fix this.
I used my old HTC Diamond 2 via bluetooth to listening music on my laptop with speakers but somehow with HD2 it is impossible, and supposed to be "newer" than diamond.
I can connect stereo audio with my HD2 after run Android, so basicly this issue is some driver or something like that in my ROM.
To be sure I also tried Stock ROM and 3 different ROM and All of them have this issue. I just don't know where to look.
I can live with this but I can't believe there is no fix for this, that's why I can't slipping in the night!
Let me know.
I just want to say this, I use all the time Windows Mobile 6.5 and sometime Android, so I will be glad if this issue will be solved on my WM6.5......
Problem with HD2 BT was mainly due to change of BT stack manufacturer thus a few new driver issues that never really got worked out fully.
Once I got some time free & am at my work PC I will run through it & see what results I get.
I'm on WM6.5.3 as in signature ...
Well I put work on hold & had a play, works fine for me on 6.5.3 & windows 7 Notebook with built in BT module.
I got same initial issue as you with 1 driver error, I tried correcting from device manger by checking windows update with no result & then manually searched whole of C:\ drive for driver with no result.
I then looked in folder with our HD2 files (company using over 20 HD2s at present) & found Bluetooth driver zip file.
unzipped them to desktop & went back into device manager & manually searched driver, got disc option & choose inf file on desktop & it installed fine.
reconnected bluetooth between HD2 & Notebook via bluetooth options on HD2 & selected stereo audio & then tested by selecting some music to play on my HD2 ...
Result was some rather loud music blasting out of the notebooks rather good Altec Lansing speakers & my Boss fully aware of my poor work ethics :-S
Couple of screen shots below & the bluetooth driver files in a zip archive.
May take a bit of messing around to get driver installed or perhaps deleting any current Bluetooth partnership & starting new but result should be worth it
Picture shows ActiveSync connected which it was via WMDC at time, I also tested again just via BT Stereo Audio & no activesync & all working as should so far :-S
Mister B said:
Well I put work on hold & had a play, works f...........
........................................ tested again just via BT Stereo Audio & no activesync & all working as should so far :-S
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Sorry but this time I am unlacky.
I did like you said. First of all I uninstalled all bluetooth drivers and devices from my lap. I rebooted and the pc compleated the reinstall of basic bluetooth option with no error. So I put on desktop the zip file which you give me and I extract the driver to a folder. I connected the phone via bluetooth and like all the time I got the error of the peripherial drive missing. So via Device Manager I finded the Bluetooth Peripherial Device and I manually selected to Update the driver, Browse my computer, Let me pick up...., Have a disk, Install from disk, and I browse to the folder where I extract the driver from your zip and I can't install it. See the attachment.
I got Windows 7 with WMDC, my bluetooth hardware on laptop is Broadcom, my HD2 rum WM 6.5.
I don't know what is going on with this stuff.....
PS: I hope you do not risk your position at work to have fun with this stuff....
Windows 7 32 bit or 64 ?
I would perhaps update your WMDC if not the last build ...
Maybe check for specific drivers for your broadcomm BT from manufacturer website ...
Also checking way you try installing driver as error looks like it unable to find the .cat file rather than a compatibility issue ...
It does work so you can have some hope but perhaps some BT stacks have more issues !
Works on 3 Notebooks I tested so far: HPdv2535, Lenovo thinkpad & ideapad s205 ...
* Still have a job so no worries
Mister B said:
Windows 7 32 bit or 64 ?
I would perhaps update your WMDC if not the last build ...
Maybe check for specific drivers for your broadcomm BT from manufacturer website ...
Also checking way you try installing driver as error looks like it unable to find the .cat file rather than a compatibility issue ...
It does work so you can have some hope but perhaps some BT stacks have more issues !
Works on 3 Notebooks I tested so far: HPdv2535, Lenovo thinkpad & ideapad s205 ...
* Still have a job so no worries
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Windows 7 32bit,
the WMDC is update already and work fine,
the manufacturer Broadcom webside do not update or fix the driver for my hardware Broadcom, I allredy did and I downloaded the app to update the Broadcom hardware and the app saing "We can't update your hardware" I said WHAT? F..k you! I read about this somewhere and the responsibility is the manufacturer of my laptop, SONY, so for all of them there is not any issue with this hardware bluetooth, and I think they are right.
.cat file is not on the list because when I serching for the driver, the only one which the hardware need is .inf, .inf is linked to .cat, if this link in your driver, which you give me, is broken or lost, I can't do anything about it. I got only this two files, .inf & .cat.
What I think, like I said few post before, is not the problem of my laptop (Sony Vaio FW21M) but is with the drivers into the HD2, because when I use Android no problem at all. If my laptop was the problem I will never connect anything via stereo audio via bluetooth.
Also you do not mentioned which ROM you using on you HD2, is not the same as mine so there will be the difference. The difference is into the ROMs.
Probably this issue have to be forced via registry or via .cab with some fix or driver but no luck at all at the moment and I can't believe is just ME.
PS: Thanks for help me anyway! I allredy clicked on thanks for you!
..and please, if you find something for my case, please, let me know ASAP!
My ROM is as in signature & is quite an old one.
Only 2 files should be in that driver update so that fine but fact you got error message that not found during install attempt could indicate an error on manual install technique perhaps.
Your HD2 ROM could have some influence on it but your initial one missing driver durring initial BT pairing is same as I seen on all HD2 WM6.5 I used & once driver install on PC/Notebook you good to go ... If I find anything new I will post it ASAP
If you find the fix post it as will be interested ...
Mister B said:
My ROM is as in signature & is quite an old one.
Only 2 files should be in that driver update so that fine but fact you got error message that not found during install attempt could indicate an error on manual install technique perhaps.
Your HD2 ROM could have some influence on it but your initial one missing driver durring initial BT pairing is same as I seen on all HD2 WM6.5 I used & once driver install on PC/Notebook you good to go ... If I find anything new I will post it ASAP
If you find the fix post it as will be interested ...
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Well, my is much older, CRACING WM 6.5 OS 21889,
Ok, so this error during the installation is weird? or is a manual installation techniques isssue :angel:, so it's me.
Can you, pleasee, explain to me step by step how to do the update of the driver from your zip, pleasee...
I want try again, I can't give up! Perhaps I did something wrong.
I unzipped the 2 files direct to desktop but you may want to try putting them directly in root of C:\
Then in Device Manager selected the BT missiing driver item with error icon then: Update driver > browse my computer for driver software > let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer > Have Disk (button) > Browse (button) & search & select the inf file & proceed through prompts as needed to install.
The cat file must be in same directory as inf.
May be worth pausing any Anti-Virus software to eliminate it from possible cause of issue, Norton being one that causes huge amount of issues .
If still have issues consider downloading latest W7 bluetooth driver package from your laptop manufacturer & reinstall & do same for WMDC.
You could also look at this thread perhaps as may help :-S
Mister B said:
I unzipped the 2 files direct to desktop but you may want to try putting them directly in root of C:\
Then in Device Manager selected the BT missiing driver item with error icon then: Update driver > browse my computer for driver software > let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer > Have Disk (button) > Browse (button) & search & select the inf file & proceed through prompts as needed to install.
The cat file must be in same directory as inf.
May be worth pausing any Anti-Virus software to eliminate it from possible cause of issue, Norton being one that causes huge amount of issues .
If still have issues consider downloading latest W7 bluetooth driver package from your laptop manufacturer & reinstall & do same for WMDC.
You could also look at this thread perhaps as may help :-S
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I did all what you said and all the same, my anti-virus is fine and the file still in the folder and also I put them in C:\,
Always the same error.
Few weeks ago I also saw the forum about this issue and I try to follow the instruction from the webside, same which you give me, but like many I do not have "Microsoft Corporation" on the list of drivers with "Windows Mobile-Based Device Support". (and I do not have AMD, but Intel)
And there is no highest update of WMDC 6.1, still all the same last version.
My drivers of my laptop much udated than now can't be.
Ok, I give up, this stupid Scientists and Engineers made Hi-End stuff whit issues and no solution for it.
We can't do nothing about it.
Problem solved!
If any one had and have right now this problem and need a solution this is the right place!!
I find the solution, was the Mobile Radio 2.15.xx.xx_x.
Yes, I solved the problem after months of pain and tests.
I downgrade the radio to and all working now, from first play, even Android, amazing.
Thanks for all the support.

