After installing WMWiFiRouter, my 6800 now shows up in device manager as an internet sharing device, and no longer is seen by active sync. I removed WMWiFiRouter, but still the network interface is locked? in sharing mode?
Any quick fixes?
UPDATE: Fixed via Restore
I update my cingular / att 8525 with the new rom that replace the wireless modem with the internet sharing. The internet sharing worked fine.
Some time when my home high speed internet goes slowly, I use my 8525 as a wireless modem to connect to my work computer via Cisco VPN version 3.66.
After upgrade to the new rom that uses internet sharing, I cannot connect to my work computer as before the upgrade. As soon I run the VPN Client, and the VPN do all registration, I not longer have internet access. When I run Remote Desktop to connect to my work computer, I got an error that I can't find the computer. If I open the internet explorer (IE) to go any site, the IE can not find any size. If I disconnect the VPN connection and repair the internet sharing I can browse the internet.
I contact the HTC support with not result. I want to know if someone that has not upgrade the rom yet, can send me the wmodem files from the windoew directory to see if I can get the wireless modem working or if some one has any correction options.
Gilberto Fres
The latest Cisco VPN client (v5.0) fixes this.
I installed the Cisco VPN version 5 in work computer to test. I disconnect from the network and create a bluetooth connection between my 8525 and the PC. I got internet access thru the phone. I launch the VPN and the VPN connect to the network. I check for internet access and was still there. The only problem is that when I ping any computer in my work network, I dont get any reply. I still can't connect to any computer in my work network, but this time with this new version of VPN, I'm not losing the internet.
If posible to get the WModem software that is the wireless modem instead of internet sharing?
Gilberto Fres
Sounds like a bug that was in the Beta v5.0 client. Are you connecting to a Cisco VPN concentrator? I'm using a 3020 w/o issues on the production client (has official Vista support).
My laptop runs Windows XP however..
gilfres said:
I installed the Cisco VPN version 5 in work computer to test. I disconnect from the network and create a bluetooth connection between my 8525 and the PC. I got internet access thru the phone. I launch the VPN and the VPN connect to the network. I check for internet access and was still there. The only problem is that when I ping any computer in my work network, I dont get any reply. I still can't connect to any computer in my work network, but this time with this new version of VPN, I'm not losing the internet.
If posible to get the WModem software that is the wireless modem instead of internet sharing?
Gilberto Fres
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Possibly because DNS isn't working thru the VPN client? Can you ping or RDP by IP address?
Or, do the hard coded proxy settings affect VPN? Have you tried disabling the proxy?
The version of the Cisco VPN is I'm connecting to cisco 3000 server. If I trying to ping any computer on my work network after the VPN connect, gave me time out all the time, but I could connect to the internet using the Internet Explorer.
Playing with this yerterday, in the control > network connection, I pick the property of the connection made by the 8525. I went to the properties. In the Advanced tab I click the option "Internet Connection Sharing" to see if the VPN work and I received a message that the connection to the internet can be lost. I lost the connection and went back to the property dialog box. When I click the Advanced tab, the all "Internet Connection Sharing" section not longer showing up in the "Advanced" tab.
Right now the phone connect to the PC, but I don't have any internet in the PC. How I can disabled this "Intenet Connection Sharing" when this doesn't show up in the Advanced tab of the network connection properties?
Gilberto Fres
I've got the AKU3.5 ROM loaded on my 8525 but I've not tested the Cisco VPN client with it. My responses have been based on my TyTN which runs my WM6 ROM. I'll pair up my laptop with the 8525 later today and test.
Did you test your 8525 with the Cisco VPN Client?
Forgot about it.... I'll be home in 2hrs & will test then.
also: are you tethering via USB or Bluetooth?
Testing complete. Tethered my laptop to my 8525 using USB. Connected to my 3020 concentrator with Cisco VPN client v5.0.00.340, logged in and successfully browsed to our internal-only (RFC1918 CIDR block) intranet portal site.
I am using IPSec over UDP (NAT/PAT).
Looks like the 8525 Internet Sharing/v5.0.00.340 client combination works for me.
Our company concentrator is the 3000 not the 3020 that you use for the test.
Look like I have to wait to HTC release the update to WM6 and lockely if the will include the DUN package in the update.
I got the VPN connect but can't sent and received any package thru the VPN. I still have internet browsing capability, but I can't ping any computer in my work network.
Thank Sleuth255 for your information.
are you also IPSec over UDP?
hey all, does anyone know if there are any free/opensource vpn client WM5/WM6 software? I've tried Antha and Bluefire VPN. I had great success with Bluefire VPN but a license costs $79. Antha was just a bit too unstable.
Any recommendations?
I'm not aware of any that can do 3DES other than the two you mentioned. Let me know if you find one!
Yes is IPSec over UDP.
can your shar VPN software?
Sleuth255 said:
The latest Cisco VPN client (v5.0) fixes this.
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Can you post a link to vpn software? and more information that you have.
i have a question regarding the modem functionality of the StrTrk under WM 6.1 Pro V2.
How can I share the Internet Connection of the phone to a Notebook?
(I already found the "Internet Sharing" shortcut but the question is what to do after...)
In order to find it out, i activated the Sharing through Bluetooth PAN. (On the telephone).
Now ist the the question what I have to do on my Notebook.
My Notebook displays me a Dial Up Connection and a Network Access Point Connection.
What I have to chose and what I have to enter on the Notebook then?
Is there anything to do with the telephone (except the sharing shortcut)?
Many Thanks for helpful answers!
No one for answer?
First off you will need to install active sync onto your laptop, then you will need a sync cable that will attach your phone to the USB port on your laptop. (bluetooth would be very hard to get working for this)
On your phone, start Internet sharing, and then select connect, after it says "Check USB cable connection", plug your phone into the sync cable that is plugged into your laptop.
The active sync will not try to sync but a new internet connection will be found by Windows XP.
Hope this helps
I have the same problem after I upgraded the ROM from HTC website. The upgraded ROM was still wm5. Now I upgrade the ROM from wm5 to wm6. The problem is still there. I checked the modem configuration in XP from control panel, but I can't find the modem device.
I also followed the advice here, but the screen of my phone just indicated "Check USB cable connection". I didn't get the instruction to connect the USB cable.
The upgrading was really nice for my phone except I can't use my phone as a modem. I do want to repair this problem.
Any idea?
do you already installed active sync?
Another Problem:
I cant connect the phone through usb cable because the laptop is from the company where I work for. Iam not allowed to install any driver (On my own PC the Generic RNDIS is need to be installed). Is ist possible to have the modem functionality through Bluetooth without using Active Sync?
You don't need ActiveSync / Windows Mobile Device Center to use the Internet Sharing on WM6.
For connecting via USB, make sure you ActiveSync is disconnected and the USB cable is unplugged before you click Connect in Internet Sharing. When you receive the prompt for 'Check USB Cable Connection' plug the USB lead in again. Windows should now detect new hardware in form of a 'Remote NDIS based Internet Sharing Device' instead of the usual 'Smartphone USB Sync' and a new Local Area Connection should appear in Network Connections.
The Bluetooth PAN option depends on the Bluetooth Stack installed on Windows. If you have the default Microsoft Bluetooth Stack installed (Windows XP SP2 or Windows Vista) you can go to Network Connections (on Vista open Network and Sharing Center and click Manage Network Connections below Tasks) and double click on the Bluetooth Network Connection icon. In the dialog that opens the phone's Bluetooth PAN Connection should be listed for you to Connect to.
That's it. You should be browsing the Internet via GPRS / EDGE.
I did install Activesync. Even I can see the remote rndis Internet device after I plug the usb cord to my laptop, the modem doesn't work. I also can't find the modem in the control panel for it.
Thanks, I connected my Cingular 3125 to my computer. The connection is a local connection as a Ethernet card instead of a dial connection. So I don't have to set up a modem driver for it.
Just in case I wasn't clear, you don't need ActiveSync for this to work, the functionality is done entirely separately.
There is no modem device any more, it's all done using a "Virtual" Local Area Network which you'll find listed in Network Connections.
You shouldn't need to configure anything, just plug in the USB cable and wait a few seconds. The phone should initiate a GPRS / EDGE connection automatically and you should then have access to The Internet.
If it doesn't, you may need to temporarily disable any other Local Area Connections (especially any that are used for Internet access) so that your PC is forced to use the one provided by the phone's virtual network connection.
Thanks, your explanation is very clear. The process is exactly like what you said.
StarTrek can be connected with Ubuntu as a Ethernet card now.
Please check "How To: Internet sharing on USB with Linux and Windows Mobile."
Hello guys
The WM Internet connection is provided at a very reasonable price w.r.t. the standard PC one.
I wonder if there is any possibility to share this connection with a PC.
Is there any SW that makes the bridge ?
Thanks in advance
If you are using any of the custom rom's, you should have the Internet sharing option while Active sync connection gets initiated. Having selected that option and data connection active on the mobile, your laptop or pc active-synched with the phone, can use the phone's internet.
In case, you do not see that option during active sync connection, look at the below thread.
Hello, can you help me with following issue ? I have some kind of internet connection issue. Im still connect to 3G network. Internet is working great in Opera, IE, weather update.
But I cannot connect via my programs in start menu, for example Omarket, Marketplace, resco contact manager, even My Phone. I still get the message check your internet connection. Any idea ? Thank you very much.
Connection cannot be establish with 3G nor WIFI.
Hi all!
My Titan cannot connect to SkyDrive from the Office hub, unless connected via USB to a PC, with Zune running on it.
I have tried resetting the phone, using different combinations of wired and wireless interfaces, settings, etc. I have even created a brand new Live ID and set my phone up with that. Nothing works. My device keeps telling me that it cannot connect, and that I need to check my Wi-Fi or cellular data connection. As for these, both Wi-Fi and cellular data are otherwise working fine, just as the other online services.
Notably, I am also unable use the "open in browser" option when trying to refresh the SkyDrive location in the office hub. The address keeps returning a connection error. This is ridiculous, as I can log into Hotmal and access my SkyDrive folders from there.
Any ideas will be greatly appreciated.