I am so bummed.
A while back I played around with some freebie turn your phone into a hotspot software and it cooked my internet connection sharing... and now I need it back real badly.
Any hope that someone might know of? Is there a way to just reinstall dcd's ICS?
Thank you in advance... I am desperate to get my connection back for tomorrow since I have to show a client around.
Happy new year
Happy ending
Weird... I ended up putzing around with it for a while and ended up finding that when turned on from the wireless manager it works fine and that the programs shortcut is jacked
Happy happy
Thanks for nothing
so i love internet connection sharing, but i was wondering if theres a way for me to share my connection with other computers.
basically, i have my phone sharing internet via bluetooth to my laptop, and want to share the internet, preferably over wifi to someone else with a laptop.
how would i do this?
lol wmwifirouter...
gc14 said:
lol wmwifirouter...
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Any way to encrypt signal (even really simply)?
I know when I go to this convention next week all the bored people are going to steal my bandwidth (VZW dialup is not fast enough for anyone but me).
I am pretty sure there was a way to configure WEP, tho I have only gotten WMWifiRouter to work one time. And it was because there were no other AP's in the area. For some reason if I am in an area where there is an AP but it's secured, my phone keeps prompting me to connect to it, and if I dismiss the message, it never properly initializes where any other device can connect to it.
No errors show up on the screen, it just doesn't show up as an available wireless AdHoc network. I've tried running the latest trial version, and the version that is in DCD's kitchen, same problem on both.
Maybe I'm just not smart enough to figure it out, or maybe my brother's PDA and my Ipod just aren't compatible with it. I got it to work 1 time, and it was with my laptop.
serfboreds said:
Any way to encrypt signal (even really simply)?
I know when I go to this convention next week all the bored people are going to steal my bandwidth (VZW dialup is not fast enough for anyone but me).
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gc14 said:
lol wmwifirouter...
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i thought of that too, but will it let me connect more than one computer to it at a time?
plus ive heard issues about overheating when used for a while.
I've been using USB Modem with my Sprint Touch Pro for the last week and I'm having a major problem with it.
When uploading images via FTP, after one or two jpg files are uploaded, the upstream speed diminishes to almost nothing. It does this every time without fail.
The workaround is just disconnecting and reconnecting, but that's a pain.
Anyone else having this problem? It seems like it's some sort of switch being tripped in the phone or by Sprint when it sees that a large amount of data is being uploaded...just a guess though.
steiny said:
I've been using USB Modem with my Sprint Touch Pro for the last week and I'm having a major problem with it.
When uploading images via FTP, after one or two jpg files are uploaded, the upstream speed diminishes to almost nothing. It does this every time without fail.
The workaround is just disconnecting and reconnecting, but that's a pain.
Anyone else having this problem? It seems like it's some sort of switch being tripped in the phone or by Sprint when it sees that a large amount of data is being uploaded...just a guess though.
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Strange problem, I don't know if this will solve your problem.
But you should definately try a programm called "wmrouter" (google...)
This will turn your TP in a wireless router, which is really easy to use.
have you tried the registry hacks for tethering? there's a cab if you don't want to do it yourself, but perhaps it'll fix your problem. You can do a search on here or go here for other touch pro essentials as well: http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=42730
The edits are under "internet" on there. goodluck.
wout said:
Strange problem, I don't know if this will solve your problem.
But you should definately try a programm called "wmrouter" (google...)
This will turn your TP in a wireless router, which is really easy to use.
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he's right. that app is great and also lets you connect your cpu wirelessly. only problem is that it drains your phone faster cause it uses wifi. but you won't have disconnections... you could try the registry hacks thread on that link i gave you first and if that doesn't work you should pay for wifi router or pdanet.
hey if you resolve this issue please update us on how u did it.. thanks
Wow, thanks for the help guys. Problem solved.
First off, USB Modem simply doesn't work right on the Touch Pro, so I'm uninstalling it. With the pre-installed Internet Sharing software, there's no need for USB Modem anyway and it cuts out the old step of having to dial #777 to connect.
Thanks for the suggestion Unflushablelog. I downloaded and installed the Internet Sharing tethering hack cab file, fired up Internet sharing and blam, full Rev A speed and no diminished upload speed and best of all, no #777 dial up. Awesome. Better solution than I could have hoped for.
As for WMWifiRouter, I'm sure that would work too but I prefer the USB tether.
Unflushablelog said:
he's right. that app is great and also lets you connect your cpu wirelessly. only problem is that it drains your phone faster cause it uses wifi. but you won't have disconnections... you could try the registry hacks thread on that link i gave you first and if that doesn't work you should pay for wifi router or pdanet.
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I just bought a touch pro and im waiting for sprint to ship it, i got the everything plus plan will sprint slap me with a huge bill for tethering?
benitojuarez said:
I just bought a touch pro and im waiting for sprint to ship it, i got the everything plus plan will sprint slap me with a huge bill for tethering?
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i think only the phone as a modem add on to the plan covers tethering... but that's why people use that registry fix... to make sure it uses the sprint line (which is what simply everything uses - regular unlimited data). we should be getting billed for it, but we don't. just try not to spend a lot of time tethering and you'll be fine (basically you don't want to raise any flags by having abnormal data charges on your account cause then sprint might look into it)... people have been doing this for years and that's always their recommendation.. i've never heard anyone say don't do it. it's something that sprint tries to capitalize on by selling an unnecessary extra when it should be free, whether you have the simply everything plan or just the regular power vision with internet
Unflushable could you provide some more info about this reg fix please?
The registry fix is here: http://pocketpc-live.com/top-stories/the-remote-party-has-ended-this-connection.html
Carty said:
The registry fix is here: http://pocketpc-live.com/top-stories/the-remote-party-has-ended-this-connection.html
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Thank you!
Hello all, I just bought on ebay a replacement for my Sprint Mogul 6800 which went through the wash by mistake. The gentleman who I purchased this new 6800 is a member of your forum and sent me a link for help and information. The phone has win mobile 6.5 and is a version by Ryan Mogul. So far I am enjoying messing around with 6.5 but need to be able to tether it to my laptop as I did in 6.1. Any tips for a noob?
Hey, welcome to XDA they are an amazing and bright bunch of people here. I haven't posted much in the past but I've been reading and reading and between other peoples problems and fixes and all the great stickies I learned all I needed to know to flash my Mogul with all the updated ROMs that keep coming out. So thank you XDA and all the great people here for your hard work.
As far as your question, "Internet Sharing" for me sometimes worked and sometimes it didn't (it gave me error 67 or something upon connecting to Sprints Vision Network), it all depended on what ROM I was running. A while ago I called Sprint about it, and they told me I had to pay an xtra $15/month to have the ability to use my phone as a modem. I wuz like F**K that.
Since then I've been using WMWifiRouter to tether. You have the ability to connect via USB, wifi, or my fav Bluetooth. Wifi is great to share your internet with multiple laptops and its the only time i use that because I've found it drains the batt too quick and it overheats my phone.
But if you still prefer the USB through "Internet Sharing" and if Ryan's works (which I haven't tried yet) you can access it through the comm manager
Pretty much what the title says....details:
I ditched my horrible AT&Trash dsl to tether via my TB (faster speeds and saving $20/mo). Problem is, I recently moved and I have to have my phone right next to the window to get solid and consistent LTE signal, so every time I get a text or something I have to get up to go look at it, cause if I move my phone it'll drop to 3G (that's another issue....whenever it hands off from 4G to 3G I almost ALWAYS have to go into Airplane mode then back out or reboot for my TB to acquire 4G signal again...anyone know a quicker way? I have latest radios....) then my tethering all my but dies and I have to start the whole process over.
I am wondering if there is a way or maybe an app I can get where I can control my phone via my PC wirelessly while tethering.......from what I've read you either have to be connected via usb (window is too far away for that) and/or your pc and phone have to be connected to the same wifi network (which, if I'm tethering and my pc is connected to the internet via tethering to my phone, that isn't really true...is it?)
So.....any ideas?
Thanks much!
This may be of some help for texting. I use bluetooth for calls. I almost have the same situation.
Check out this Android Application I'm using "DesktopSMS" on my Thunderbolt. Check it out here: http://bit.ly/qApcgj
I had the same issue, my solution was rather eloquent I bought a tablet so that, while my phone is in my window, I can get my texts on my new happy Motorola Xoom. Not sure if its possible for ya BUT it is well worth the investment. Also, are you PAYING for your tethering?
Cmon lol, no random quips? I actually DO have a solution but SOMEONE has to say SOMETHING lol!
htcdesirezgeorge said:
Cmon lol, no random quips? I actually DO have a solution but SOMEONE has to say SOMETHING lol!
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What is it??
htcdesirezgeorge said:
I had the same issue, my solution was rather eloquent I bought a tablet so that, while my phone is in my window, I can get my texts on my new happy Motorola Xoom. Not sure if its possible for ya BUT it is well worth the investment. Also, are you PAYING for your tethering?
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"paying".....is a foreign word to me
I am looking for a way to get my android phone to open its Wi-Fi hotspot daily for 5 min. around midnight.
Has someone got.a clue if that is doable and how it could be done?
thank you very much for your advice.
P.S. if that could only be done on a routed Android phone, could you recommend an old device, that can be bought for cheap and which is absolutely easy to root?