QNC on titan? - Mogul, XV6800 ROM Development

Im on a prepay service with no data plan and qnc comes in handy at times....
I had it working on my xv6700 but can seem to get to working on the xv6800....
used these instructions on the xv6700
System: change preferred mode to CDMA only
M.IP, simple ip only
Data, MDR mode - no mdr, service opt - pre 707, data QNC - checked
anyone have qnc working or the know how on getting it working????


Data Problem post 3.5 upgrade Verizon XV6800

Please forgive me if I am posting this in the incorrect location, I am new to this. I have searched threads and google for an answer, I have not been able to find one.
I used the 2.40 unlocker
I flashed my xv6800 with Radio 3.35.04 and ROM 3.35.651.2
I preformed a soft reset prior to Sprint Customizations
Phone booted no problem
Dialed *228 Option 1 - Worked Phone incoming/Outgoing Works Fine
Dialed *228 Option 2 - Worked Phone Reports PRL Version 51056
Phone shows a Sprint PCS Connection, tried to delete, wont delete, don't think this is a problem
Added a Verizon Connection and chose it as default
Verizon Connection -
Modem - Cellular Line
Dial - #777
User Name - (Phone Number)@vzw3g.com
Password - vzw
Domain - Empty
Use Server Assigned IP
Use Slip - Unchecked
Use Software Compression - Checked
Use IP Header Compression - Unchecked
Use Server Assigned Addresses
Proxy - This Network Connects to the Internet
Error Report - Cannot connect for an unknown reason
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance
I'm having a similar issue but with dcd 3.2.0 and radio 3.42. I've made my own connection with the correct info and I get the same error... I'll be interested to hear any solutions/suggestions.
try ##778 then send or # depending upon the rom.
go to view , security. in there check your usernameand password. normally password is dec esn of your phone.
Did you run the Verizon Carrier cab? I bet you didn't. If not, then the phone doesn't have the encrypted handshake code or whatever it uses to access the data network. Run the Verizon carrier cab and reboot the phone and see if it works then.
Got rid of the Sprint connection, all setting appear correct, same error though
mikenra said:
Got rid of the Sprint connection, all setting appear correct, same error though
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even if you ran the carrier cab once, you are supposed to run it again after activation someone said if you were having data issues.
if that still doesn't help, you may need to manually add/edit your shared secret keys for the data.
Please read this thread and see if it helps:
Im sorry, I mean I tried it after you suggested it, after activation (*228 is activation, correct?) Im going to check out the link, thank you
to get data on verizon
I might be wrong, but instead of
Dial - #777
User Name - (Phone Number)@vzw3g.com
Password - vzw
Domain - Empty
what works for me is
username - phone#
password = vzw3g

[SOLVED] Mobile connection and SMS stopped working after messing with ROMS

Hi guys,
few days ago I've decided to move forward with Fusion Update 7 ROM to Fusion Update 8. Procedure was about normal beside the fact I had also purged SD card. Upgrade went well, but:
I cannot get mobile connection
No SMS can be sent
No matter which ROM/RADIO I had flashed after my previous move everything beside those two is working. So I can get WIFI connection or receive SMS, I can also call and receive calls.
My configuration:
- Hardware: HTC HERO GSM (white)
- Recovery: AmonRa 1.7
- ROM: FROYO_2.2_elelinux_v2.2 (at the moment)
- RADIO: (at the moment)
Additional info:
- SMSC is set correctly (checked using *#*#4636#*#*)
- APN list is correct
- rollback to vanilla 1.5 ROM from RUU not helped
- other SIM cards from other carriers work the same way
I trying to get some debug information using adb, but only thing I can find is that ppp connection is missing in netcfg.
Do anyone know how to initiate Mobile Connection through adb shell ? or anyone get similar problem before?
Thank in advance,
Problem solved. During messing with ROMS my SIM card must been somehow damaged.
After more tries with other SIM cards my phone started to work finally.
You are missing the correct apn settings for your mobile data and also missing or have the wrong SMS service number, have a search on the forums here, or Google and you should find them. Always worth backing these up or writing them down, as not all rom's have necessarily got all providers son's included.
Sent from my HTC Hero using XDA App
Thank you for fast reply.
I checked those before:
- refreshed with *#*#4636#*#* and those looks correctly for my carrier
- there where missing fields in APN config which I've updated according to carrier configuration
Still nothing had changed.
I assume that it must be some kind of config that do not change between ROMS.
(I will update first message with those info.)
Did you checked with an other SIM/carrier?
Yes I did.
Effects where the same.
I've also rolled back to vanilla 1.5 ROM from RUU. Nothing changed.
It must be some kind of external configuration that is not changed via ROM replacement. Can this be true?
Thread moved to Q&A.

[Q] MMS problem

I got a big problem that i can't resolve alone. I configure a new APN on my tab and i can access 3G+ but it seems my MMS profile doesn't work. I can't send or receive any MMS....
I join 2 different configurations for Android , one for HTC and the second for Samsung galaxy tab. Anyone can give me any solution to sent an MMS with that?
Thanks a lot!
Pleaaaaassssse help!
I don't know about samsung tab but if it happen to me I will flash a new rom.
Sent from my ViewPad7 using xda premium
It would be helpful to post a little more details on your Vpad7 basics so that maybe, one of us can help figure it out or test our ROM:
Let's take a simplistic step-by-step approach first -
a. are you using stock/factory ROM or rooted, custom ROM including verison #
b. your mobile carrier for the SIM card, both SMS and MMS enabled & working on another quad-band GSM phone
c. SMS working on the Vpad7 as is - both incoming & outgoing
d. using the default Messaging feature/module installed or using something else,
and if you haven't try it already, download & use Handcent for SMS/MMS
f. if you have already done all or some of the above, do a Master Reset on the Vpad7 first to clear all the existing settings, boot into RECOVERY to wipe dalvik/cache/system, and then flash, as suggested, a different custom ROM.
g. any technical support or help from your mobile phone carrier
Cheers - mastering everything on the V is a challenge !
First , i've tried with standard rom. No succes. Then i flashed my vpad7 , installed TJ's rom and... same problem.
BTW you're true , i'll try my sim on another phone , try MMS. And i'll try to put another sim in my vpad7 too.
But , i just think one little thing is missing , because when i look at the other froyo's config , some little thing are changing between diferent phone model.
So , i think viewpad need a personnal configuration.
I got Gosms and tried to configure MMS on the program settings , but same problem.
I've called the technical support but can't help me and told me : "we have some configuration on website , try these , if it don't work , not our fault"
Thanks for your help
Does anyone can send me any working config for MMS on viewpad 7? Just want to see what's different.
These are mine under Settings > Wireless & networks > Mobile Network > APNs, they're OTA/downloaded automatically & self-configured
AT&T MMS (wap.cingular)
Proxy (Not Set)
Port (Not Set)
Username & Password (Not Set)
Server (Not Set)
MMSC (http://mmsc.cingular.com)
MMS proxy (
MMS port (80)
MCC (310)
MNC (410)
Authentication (Not Set)
APN type (mms)
Note - these are nearly identical to AT&T WAP, which is usually configured for web browsing with data enabled.
Ok , i tried all solutions and then:
My sim works on other phone , i can send MMS .
Another Sim on my viewpad ( different operator) , once configured , worked. So it's not a viewpad or sim problem , just a Digicel configuration problem.
Any solution?
MMS Working Alternative
I have a Htc Evo 4G synergy rom,I tried all fixes to no avail...I did happen to get internet working..so 1 day while texting my daughter ,we both use Go sms pro ,i went into the setting where you can doodle,well theres an attachment feature to insert images and add a picture...well it works!! And now my solution is here...works for me.

[Q] National data roaming in CyanogenMod 11 doesn't work.

Hi. Yesterday I installed latest nightly version of CyanogenMod 11. Before this, I was using [LINARO/SABERMOD] unofficial CyanogenMod 11 but I had problem with data roaming. I thought that in official build this isue had been solved. Unfortunetely, my data transfer still doesn't work. In the place where I live, there is very weak signal and I have to change my operator to another one manually. The problem is, data transfer works only with my parent network. I enabled data roaming in options menu and I edited build.prop file, where I set dataroaming=true; (although data roaming was enabled, in this file value was set as false). Tell me please, what to do. I don't want to restore stock rom.
Bump! I'm having same problem using CM11 4.4.4 (nightlies) for my S3-i9305. My carrier uses its own network but also uses another one as MVNO. Well, I connect HSDPA 3G on its own network but don't when using the MVNO, only Edge/GPRS (2G). Same happens using a SIM from another country, data works but only on Edge/GPRS (2G).
Yes, data roaming is enabled (the proof is that data works, but only 2G not 3G).
Any ideas? Thanks.
Ooops, it results it is a question of bands: the phone does not have all the bands we use here, that's it.
dzeju555 said:
Hi. Yesterday I installed latest nightly version of CyanogenMod 11. Before this, I was using [LINARO/SABERMOD] unofficial CyanogenMod 11 but I had problem with data roaming. I thought that in official build this isue had been solved. Unfortunetely, my data transfer still doesn't work. In the place where I live, there is very weak signal and I have to change my operator to another one manually. The problem is, data transfer works only with my parent network. I enabled data roaming in options menu and I edited build.prop file, where I set dataroaming=true; (although data roaming was enabled, in this file value was set as false). Tell me please, what to do. I don't want to restore stock rom.
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Are u sure that phone is using correct apns ?
Mebay after going to roaming mode phone doent swith to this operator's apn and result is no internet connection.
Wysłane z w pełni zomptymalizowanego Cyano-fonika 11 powered by Gustavo kernel...

Resurrection/LineageOS| IMEI needing restore?

I'm hoping someone might point me in the right direction for restoring cellular functionality on a recently flashed GT-I9300 ?
Essentially what I've attempted to so is up-cycle an old Samsung Galaxy so that my son can communicate with myself and his grandparents on Signal.
System: RR-N-v5.8.5-20180914-i9300-Unofficial
Recovery: TWRP 3.02.1
RR is up and running (and quite slick!!) and generally there appear to be no issues apart from:
- SIM being undetected
- Baseband version: "unknown"
- Settings --> Wireless & networks --> Cellular Networks: APN / Network operators / Preferred network type; these are all greyed out
There's a brand new sim card in it (two others have been tried); I just need a way of helping RR discover the correct settings needed for cellular functionality? I wondered if there might be a modem config file somewhere I could edit - but I've not got that far yet, and I'm not even sure if this would be the right approach. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated
I presume you have no backup of your /efs partition ?
Have you tried another ROM ?

