I cannot fix this problem, I cannot load jpg's without using the photo and video.
I also cannot view a jpeg from my site in IE.
Any way to get these files restored to activate the right program when I select them?
never used it. google search does wonders
Tried it before I posted, did not work
hello my atrix's entertainment center gets stuck upon selecting to browse each media category. Once I select videos or music I just get that "orange waiting box" for like eternity. I am using this rom http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1169409&highlight=keyboard+language which is the standard international rom for atrix. Any ideas? I have some videos I want to play from internal storage
Freezing on Motorola Entertainment Center Splash Screen
Similar issues on a Bell Atrix 2.3.6.
Mine used to hang when going through the pictures or videos menu..
Now it hangs on the splash screen and doesn't even load. Sometimes the glimmering bit shows and freezes, sometimes it just says "Motorola Entertainment Center." After 30s or less it asks to Force Close or just closes on its own.
System 45.21.78.MB860.BellMobility.en.CA
Android 2.3.6
Webtop WT-1.2.0-167_BELL
Build 4.5.2A-51_OLL-17.8
Any help's appreciated!
Thermanshs said:
hello my atrix's entertainment center gets stuck upon selecting to browse each media category. Once I select videos or music I just get that "orange waiting box" for like eternity. I am using this rom http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1169409&highlight=keyboard+language which is the standard international rom for atrix. Any ideas? I have some videos I want to play from internal storage
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have you tried reducing the number of media files on your device?
I'm still trying to get mine to work too, but trimming the files got me past the splash screen at least. now i'm just stuck with the "Loading" circle and "waiting" inside each category - same as you i guess.
I would say my dcim/thumbnails definitely has an influence on the entertainment center. so maybe the gallery also plays a part. still messing around with deleting the thumbnails folder, refreshing it, etc.
problem solved!
i found the place where the thumbnail data is stored, which was making the huge thumbnail file and crashing Entertainment Center.
it isn't storing the entire ".thumbdata3--1967290299" file (which can be hundreds of mb for some people), rather a large (tens of mb) .db database file that is being used to recreate it on demand.
with Root Explorer i could view the file, and Speed Software also sells an sql editor which you can use to trim the thumbnails table.
*be careful: deleting entries from this file also seems to delete it from the device! i deleted all records from the thumbnails and images tables..
learn from my mistake. i thought it would regenerate, but it deleted all images from /sd card. good thing i backed up all my photos first, but better to use the filter option and trim out only the records for files that are no longer on the device.
".thumbdata3--1967290299" now reappears, but a whole lot smaller.
Gallery opens so much faster now, and Entertainment Center works again!
hope it helps!
whitebreadstyle said:
i found the place where the thumbnail data is stored, which was making the huge thumbnail file and crashing Entertainment Center.
it isn't storing the entire ".thumbdata3--1967290299" file (which can be hundreds of mb for some people), rather a large (tens of mb) .db database file that is being used to recreate it on demand.
with Root Explorer i could view the file, and Speed Software also sells an sql editor which you can use to trim the thumbnails table.
*be careful: deleting entries from this file also seems to delete it from the device! i deleted all records from the thumbnails and images tables..
learn from my mistake. i thought it would regenerate, but it deleted all images from /sd card. good thing i backed up all my photos first, but better to use the filter option and trim out only the records for files that are no longer on the device.
".thumbdata3--1967290299" now reappears, but a whole lot smaller.
Gallery opens so much faster now, and Entertainment Center works again!
hope it helps!
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Thanks for that, but what if the images are not the problem, but music or videos? I have tons of music on my SDCard and I don't know exactly what to delete in that database.
I tried using SDRescan as proposed here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=28516079&postcount=6, but that didn't help.
I've done some more research and found a solution here: http://www.mobilephonetalk.com/show...in-memory-card&p=311954&viewfull=1#post311954. After I deleted the .thumbdata3 file, created a blank one with Root Explorer and removed write permission to it, the file stays at 0 bytes and Camera and Gallery apps still work fine.
strom87 said:
Thanks for that, but what if the images are not the problem, but music or videos? I have tons of music on my SDCard and I don't know exactly what to delete in that database.
I tried using SDRescan as proposed here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=28516079&postcount=6, but that didn't help.
I've done some more research and found a solution here: http://www.mobilephonetalk.com/show...in-memory-card&p=311954&viewfull=1#post311954. After I deleted the .thumbdata3 file, created a blank one with Root Explorer and removed write permission to it, the file stays at 0 bytes and Camera and Gallery apps still work fine.
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if you still have all the music, deleting entries from the database won't solve anything because they will just be recreated the next time you open gallery.
your fix is probably the best for your situation.
solution... maybe...
Maybe you will find solution here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=35259164&postcount=7
Kyonex said:
Maybe you will find solution here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=35259164&postcount=7
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I just want to add, that it's the camera app causing the thumbdata3 to grow, each picture you take. (I verified file size change after taking pictures.) I'm trying the solution by creating the dummy file and making it read only now.
How do I find the cached images for recieved pics in yahoo messenger?
I checked everything on my SD card, but when I use root explorer to pull for .jpg on the phone, i get hundreds if not thousands of hits with no way to preview other than one at a time. I hope there is an easier way.
I downloaded several pics, but didnt think to change the names...they each came through at different times and were all called "image" so i guess they were over written, but isnt there a cached image of every picture viewed whether I saved them or not?
Thanks for your help.
No suggestions?
So i have been using the auto upload of images since the start of the year. I decided i would just double check that all my images got uploaded just in case..
I take a look at my drop box and at my phone and all the images are named differently
For example
Dropbox:2012-02-07 21.48.20.jpg
That is the same picture but named way differently.....
Not sure how to clean this mess or get rid of dupes without deleting some singles etc.....
All 2,000 pictures and videos are named differently like that.
after some better google searches i see others having an issue with this...
I have about 2000 photos and videos Im trying to get sorted in the order I took them. Problem is Ive used different phones or camera apps to take them. So I have files named IMG2013, 2013_, VID2013, etc. I have tried QuickPic and their sorting options with no luck. I also tried the Fix Date feature and that didnt do it either.
Is there an app or a way to use the EXIF date taken and rename them according to that? I dont have the patience to go file by file. I have the pics on the SD card and on my Computer so I would think there are options to batch rename them.
Use NameExif: http://download.cnet.com/Namexif/3000-12511_4-10793969.html
Very peculiar issue occurring: there are a fair amount of photos and videos that show up under google photos under library -> photos on device -> camera with SDCard Icon.
But the location for these files is "/external/video/media" or "/external/image/media" under ""On Device (size)." The other files taken in a similar way are correctly on "/storage/9C32-13OC/DCIM/Camera"
When clicking these files, they play normally, clicking share and More or Create Link says "Error, could not download media" and using Google Photos to Move / Copy says "Trouble Moving 1 item"
When ejecting the SDCard and physically removing it while keeping Google Photos open, all the files actually on /storage/<ID> disappear, and all these weird files remain and can be played. This is how I discovered it wasn't just today's videos, which were mysteriously not being uploaded to my nextcloud. No other app can see these videos/images, including the system's gallery app, and they are not in the internal emulated "SDcard"
These are on my SO's phone and I use the exact same model phone. I did discover that I do have some files like these but hey are all older than the oldest file on my SDCard, e.g. Google Photos has somehow decided to cache them. But on my SO's phone, these files are intermingled with the ones she's actually taken
Interestingly when I switch the google photos account to another google user logged on the phone, those files disappear. I did try moving files to the locked folder but it says "Trouble moving to Locked Folder. Try again later"— I did verify I could move files actually on the SDCard there, and they are then removed from all views except Locked Folder.
In this folder, on the top right when clicking the SDCard Icon, it does show the "SD Card folder" as "file:///storage/9C32-13OC/DCIM/Camera" as expected.
I searched for the filename in a file browser as well as in adb shell (using find / -name "filename" 2> /dev/null) and nothing comes up. As there are some lengthy videos in here, I used DiskUsage to see what might be using a lot of space, and the Google Photos app is using 7.55 GB of data, so it seems like they are being stored there. And it makes sense why they can't be found, as /data/data/com.google.android.apps.photos is only accessible by that app or the system, and I'm unrooted.
My SO said she took them the same way she normally takes photos and video, and of course when I take some they show up on the actual SDCard. I suppose in theory I could use adb backup and follow instructions on how to decrypt the data files, but really what the heck is going on?
We aren't on the latest phone or even the latest Google Photos app (could be a bug with this specific version, but then again google photos isn't taking the photos/videos, the system Camera app is). I could try upgrading her google photos but I also don't want to lose these videos of our kid. It does seem like it would back them up, but we don't have enough Google Storage to back them up online (hence why we use nextcloud), and they don't even show up under different google accounts as mentioned.
Phone: LG G7
Android 10
Google Photos:
robobub said:
EDIT: whoops, can this be moved to https://forum.xda-developers.com/f/android-q-a-help-troubleshooting.1236/ ?
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Oswald Boelcke
robobub said:
I suppose in theory I could use adb backup and follow instructions on how to decrypt the data files, but really what the heck is going on?
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Well this didn't work, as google photos does not back up with adb, as some apps can specify this.
Some of these videos did get uploaded to google photos, but they are (now) compressed to under 1/8th their size (the original size is noted correctly in google photos), and from 4k to HD.
From what I had recalled, when they are first uploaded, they are available at their original size to be downloaded. So I tried deleting one to get it to re-upload, and now that video no longer shows up on my SDCard under "/external/video/media" so I basically lost the original HQ video of my kid, great.
Any ideas?