What is D: 3.59 dcd ? - Mogul, XV6800 ROM Development

So I'm running DCDs 4.1.2 ROM, but my splashscreen says "D: 3.59 dcd", anyone know what that means?

Nothing, it is a beta rom and he just forgot to change the number.


Downgrade from last Molski to 2.26 3rd edition

I recently updated my cingular 8125 to the latest molski Aku 3.2 rom, but has a lot of issues, and i want to downgrade it, to the 3rd version of molski 2.26...
How i can do that? any help?
If you got a G4. Download the G4 rom you want and just downgrade.
I've got the same problem. I downloaded the ROM, but the installer's in Italian, even though the filename has a WWE.
IS that normal? Go ahead and flash anyway?
The G4 installer is in Italian.... Avanti is next!
i was able to do it, apparently was a problem on that rom, i installed the 2nd edition and works pefectly, however i still dont have a connection with wifi on dhcp.
after reading a lot, i find out that downgrading to a previous than 2.x version fix this, but i`m not sure if i can do this, since the device is a G4...
Anyone knows if i can downgrade to a cingular 1.x version rom, with a G4 device?
if so, if someone could provide me the a tip for the best 1.x available it will be great.
Don't downgrade a G4 to a 1.x ROM. You will brick you're device.
i kind of did it, i read a thread with a tutorial, who teachs you how you can make a rom without the IPL/SPL, i cooked a 1.81 cingular rom, it was flashed ok in my device, but then get stucked on the splash page...
i`ve had to restore it to molskis 2.26 but there is no solution to the DHCP...
Do you have the same problem with DHCP? or know an alternate solution?

need some quick simple help

i am pretty good at this flashing stuff but i have absolutly no idea how to flash to dcd 3.0.1 im running nexvisions 2.3.2 and want the new rom i downloaded dcd verizon 3.0.1 and the sprint rom how do i go about setting this up
I just flashed to sprint first...STOP WHEN YOU GET TO SCREEN CONFIG(tap screen)...They flash to dcd rom....You should read the first page on the dcd rom and it explains all of this.
wow i didnt even see that quick ? tho is it compatible with olipro 2.4 or only 1.2 ?
I believe you must have 2.4.... from what I READ in his post

Confused, Please Advise

I would like to first explain that I have tried to search the forums but was unable to find anyone that has had my problem. I have a friend that was successfully able to flash his phone with an alltel stock rom (3.35.671.9). I tried the same procedure and it stuck at 12% for more than an hour. The only thing he did was run the exe file downloaded from the HTC site and made sure there was an activesync connection. My friend bought his phone through alltel and I bought my phone off of ebay and activated to work with alltel. When I turn my phone on it shows the alltel logo.
My Phone
gray case
no logo on phone
rom: 2.14.671.3
radio: 1.40.00
carrier: alltel
Friends Phone (before new rom)
black case
alltel logo on phone
rom: 2.14.671.3
radio: 1.40.00
carrier: alltel
Please advise on what I can do to upgrade to this newer version. At this time I'm not interested in a custom rom. I appreciate any feedback. Thank you.
SilverHawke said:
At this time I'm not interested in a custom rom. I appreciate any feedback. Thank you.
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even though you're not interested in a custom rom at the moment, it may be helpful to flash to a custom rom 1st, and then see if you are able to flash to the stock rom you want to use. the relaxed security on the custom rom may be what your phone needs to get past the 12% mark. just an idea.
Go with DCD 3.0.1 with wm6.1 Better than any stock crapROM. While your at it Donate to DCD
dcd 3.0.1? go with dcd 3.0.4...
gcincotta said:
dcd 3.0.1? go with dcd 3.0.4...
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I just suggested 3.0.1 because he sounds new to flashing and 3.0.1 has an alltel build aready out....The kitchen can be a little confusing first time around. Other than that 3.0.4 is the way to go...Either way he probly will have to using lennys cab to get mms working again

O2 XDA Star Original ROM?

Hi, i have to send my device to o2 Germany Service. Can please somebody tell me what Radio, Protocol and ROM Versions are shown on the startscreen by the original device?
p.s. tried to use search, but found nothing...
p.p.s. really need help...
On mine it used to be this radio:
I am not sure about the system, but there is a thread for original Roms around here with a german o2 dump ( http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=368284 ). That should be fine. Don't forget to get rid of the SPL too...
sure, i've flashed original ROM and SPL, but this is what i've got on a bootscreen.
I dont think, it's ok...
You still seem to have radio version Your phone should not work properly with that one (ok, obviously it doesn't anyway, but the service could notice that). This stock rom needs radio version < 1.65.x.y. So you need to do SPL again to flash the older radio.
Unfortunately I dont know the exact output on the bootscreen for a xda star that has never been flashed, but there may be variations in any case. I dont think the service will notice something if you have the right radio version, a stock rom and no "security unlocked" message in the bootscreen, perhaps someone can confirm this?
mblaster said:
You still seem to have radio version Your phone should not work properly with that one (ok, obviously it doesn't anyway, but the service could notice that). This stock rom needs radio version < 1.65.x.y. So you need to do SPL again to flash the older radio.
Unfortunately I dont know the exact output on the bootscreen for a xda star that has never been flashed, but there may be variations in any case. I dont think the service will notice something if you have the right radio version, a stock rom and no "security unlocked" message in the bootscreen, perhaps someone can confirm this?
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Thx, i'll try to flash older radio today, but what about "1iki"? Should it be there?
Ok, now i flashed it again. This is what i've got
P.S. Spl is 1.16.0000
Is it ok now? )
Hey guys,
thank you very much for the hint about the original German Windows Mobile 6.0 HTC Nike ROM.
I checked that one and it's working fine with HardSPL.
Nevertheless I wasn't satisfied yet so I was looking for an updated ROM and I was successful.
I found an original Windows Mobile 6.1 German ROM and that one is working fine as well.
Due to the fact I hate Rapidshare I have also uploaded the ROM to MegaUpload.
Here they are:

Can i updat HD2 T-mobile?

my phone HD2 T-mobile
OS version: 5.2.21889(21889.5.0.87)
Manila version: 2.5.20113626.0
Rom version: 2.07.531.6(79662)WWE
Radio version:
Protocol version:
SPL : 2.07.0000 8G XE
I want to updat to
OS version: 5.2.28242(28242.53.10 PV)
Manila version: 2.5.20181527.0
Rom version: 3.14.CO8.V66 WWE
Radio version:
Protocol version:
Or updat to
can i updat or not?
when i updat my phone dead or not?
pls tel me.
thanks all user.
12793080 said:
my phone HD2 T-mobile
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Just so you know, that is NOT a 'tmous', you have a normal, regular HD2. Just because it is from t mobile does not make it different.
The t mobile usa ones are different, your is not.
can i updat or not?
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Yes, install hspl and flash any rom and radio you like except 3.x roms.
You cannot upgrade to 3.14 because there is no 3.14 rom for any normal hd2 that are provider branded.
samsamuel said:
Just so you know, that is NOT a 'tmous', you have a normal, regular HD2. Just because it is from t mobile does not make it different.
The t mobile usa ones are different, your is not.
Yes, install hspl and flash any rom and radio you like except 3.x roms.
You cannot upgrade to 3.14 because there is no 3.14 rom for any normal hd2 that are provider branded.
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would u pls tel me wich rom and radio can i updat?
would u pls detail about rom and radio can i updat.
my phone RUU_Leo_1_5_TMOUS_2.07.531.6_Radio_Signed_15.33.50.07U_2.07.50.27_2_Test
so i 1 to upgrade.
pls help me.
Can I upgrad with Rom
Pls help me all user.
yes you can, but you need hspl first. run hspl2, choose 2.08.hspl, then flash over usb.
samsamuel said:
yes you can, but you need hspl first. run hspl2, choose 2.08.hspl, then flash over usb.
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Thank u so much.
pls good luck 4 u all the time.
no problem.
EDIT - oh wait, i have just re read your first post, maybe you do have a tmous, so maybe you dont need hspl.
samsamuel said:
no problem.
EDIT - oh wait, i have just re read your first post, maybe you do have a tmous, so maybe you dont need hspl.
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Thanks again.
Now my phone is ok no dead but flash light still problem.
Forgive my ignorance, but how could you tell from the info given by the OP that it was NOT a Tmous? I am a new user on info overload and if I am trying to digest more than I need, I would love to know
tuch screen HD2 slow than before
now i updat with this rom
RUU_Leo_1_5_TMOUS_2.13.531.1_Radio_15.39.50.07U_2. 10.50.26_Signed_LEO_Ship.exe
is ok but tuch screen slow than before.
pls help me again sir.
biburwell said:
Forgive my ignorance, but how could you tell from the info given by the OP that it was NOT a Tmous? I am a new user on info overload and if I am trying to digest more than I need, I would love to know
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I made a mistake, I looked at the spl and because it DIDNT say 2.08.0000 or 2.10.0000 I assumed it wasn't a tmous, however I later remembered that the third or fourth tmous test rom was 2.07 and came with spl 2.07.0000, so either it is a tmous, or it is a regular hd2 that has had a tmous test rom forced onto it.
(My mistake for just glancing through the first post and not double reading it.)
12793080 said:
now i updat with this rom
RUU_Leo_1_5_TMOUS_2.13.531.1_Radio_15.39.50.07U_2. 10.50.26_Signed_LEO_Ship.exe
is ok but tuch screen slow than before.
pls help me again sir.
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That, i believe, is an issue with the first tmous 2.13 rom, and since I haven't experienced the slow touch problem, i dont know anything about it, sorry.
Also, just so we know exactly what phone we are dealing with, is it a tmous? does it say T Mobile on the case, just below the earpiece? is the send key green or white?
T Mobile just below the earpieceis.
the send key is green.
thanks sir.
can i flash it with This
but now my phone is
RUU_Leo_1_5_TMOUS_2.13.531.1_Radio_15.39.50.07U_2.10.50.26_Signed_LEO_Ship.exe(u knoe already)
pls tel me i'll test again.
and this i check on T-mobile webside
Download: T-Mobile HD2 MR Software (Version 3.14.531.1 )
Date Updated: 9/23/10
Size: 209 MB
To find the Handheld Software version:
1. From the Home Screen, press "Start".
2. Select "Settings".
3. Select "About phone".
4. Select "Software Information".
5. Check the ROM version. If your device software version is 2.10.531.1 or 2.13.531.1, then please download the most recent software version and upgrade instructions.
1. Installing this update will erase all data stored on the device, restoring your T-Mobile HD2 MR to the factory default settings. Please be sure to back up any important files to preserve your data.
You must remove your storage card prior to running the upgrade. Do not put it back into your phone until after the upgrade process is complete.
can i updat to Version 3.14.531.1 ?
Pls tel me.
yes, all three of those are fine.
whenever you hear talk about "your stock rom", well for you, all three of those count as your stock rom.
for those three, you don't need hspl, just flash as normal over usb.
samsamuel said:
yes, all three of those are fine.
whenever you hear talk about "your stock rom", well for you, all three of those count as your stock rom.
for those three, you don't need hspl, just flash as normal over usb.
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Now Tuch screen is ok 100%.
with this rom
Thanks sir.

