I have a 6800 now using Drellside's rom and am having problems with email. It will not automatically receive mail every 30 min (the time I have set). Sometimes if I manually send/receive then it will work. I tried flashing back to NuRom3, no go. Same thing with oter roms I have tried to go back to (DCD etc.). Is there a way to erase all my settings and restart? I thought flash then hard reset would but it did not work. Would it make sense to relock, reflash to stock then unlock and reflash? Thanks, I appreciate any input, I am out of ideas.
Did you install the Verizon Carrier CAB?
anton_spaz said:
Did you install the Verizon Carrier CAB?
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Yes, no problem with other data
Flashing a rom / hard reset WILL reset everything... If all different roms are doing it, you have a problem somewhere else.
What e-mail provider are you using?
x51 said:
What e-mail provider are you using?
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VZW. thanks.
psternklar said:
VZW. thanks.
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Email provider.. not wireless provider..
gmail, hotmail, your own pop3 server, exchange server... etc?
x51 said:
Email provider.. not wireless provider..
gmail, hotmail, your own pop3 server, exchange server... etc?
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Verizon, not verizon wireless. I did the flash dance as noted in my original post now all is well. Thanks.
I have a Verizon 6800 and being stupid I installed the 3.16.651.0 Sprint Rom on my phone. I reverted back to the original Verizon stock rom with no problem and I'm back on the Verizon network.
But now I have installed DCDs Verizon beta 2.0 rom with the new radio and somehow I am stuck on Sprints towers again. I can tell because it tells me *228 isn't a valid feature code.
My guess is that the "unofficial" Sprint Rom wrote something to the phone that the new radio rom refers to when installed. Is there a way to get it to the Verizon network with the new rom and radio installed?
ryotgz said:
I have a Verizon 6800 and being stupid I installed the 3.16.651.0 Sprint Rom on my phone. I reverted back to the original Verizon stock rom with no problem and I'm back on the Verizon network.
But now I have installed DCDs Verizon beta 2.0 rom with the new radio and somehow I am stuck on Sprints towers again. I can tell because it tells me *228 isn't a valid feature code.
My guess is that the "unofficial" Sprint Rom wrote something to the phone that the new radio rom refers to when installed. Is there a way to get it to the Verizon network with the new rom and radio installed?
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try and load a verizon PRL.
dcd1182 said:
try and load a verizon PRL.
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Thanks for responding. But I am having trouble locating one. Do you have a link to a download?
I found a PRL from 2004, would that be too old?
Try here: http://www.corolada.com/prl/
JimSmith94 said:
Try here: http://www.corolada.com/prl/
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Thank you so much
Fantastic, I am back on the Verizon towers for phone calls.
But now when I try to use the data I get an error:
Error Code: 11
PPP Connection Error
Any clues how to get data back?
ryotgz said:
Fantastic, I am back on the Verizon towers for phone calls.
But now when I try to use the data I get an error:
Error Code: 11
PPP Connection Error
Any clues how to get data back?
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maybe try a hard reset then dial "*228"?
TopGun2000 said:
maybe try a hard reset then dial "*228"?
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I tried that and still the same error. I even put the Stock Verizon Rom on and same thing.
ryotgz said:
I tried that and still the same error. I even put the Stock Verizon Rom on and same thing.
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When I was still w/ vzw, I once logged into my online account and disabled/enabled my data feature to make it work ... give it a shot
Try this to see what your settings are
1. ##778
2. View
3. View Info soft key (bottom left)
4. Modem settings
this is what i have
slot cycle index 2
Preferred serving Auto
Preferred Mode Auto
Hdr Hybrid Enable
Clear mru No
5. View info again
6. Data Parameters
Packet Dial #777
then cancel
if all of that is right then go to settings and set up a new conn. if you need help on that just let me know
if any body else thinks of any thing else please let me know to.
s10onn2o said:
Try this to see what your settings are
1. ##778
2. View
3. View Info soft key (bottom left)
4. Modem settings
this is what i have
slot cycle index 2
Preferred serving Auto
Preferred Mode Auto
Hdr Hybrid Enable
Clear mru No
5. View info again
6. Data Parameters
Packet Dial #777
then cancel
if all of that is right then go to settings and set up a new conn. if you need help on that just let me know
if any body else thinks of any thing else please let me know to.
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All of my settings are setup just like yours. When I was on the phone with Verizon we created two new connections and didn't work either.
To rule out being a tower refresh issue, I am going to put a non-pda phone on my account then put the 6800 back on.
ryotgz said:
All of my settings are setup just like yours. When I was on the phone with Verizon we created two new connections and didn't work either.
To rule out being a tower refresh issue, I am going to put a non-pda phone on my account then put the 6800 back on.
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Ok that didn't work either. So it is something definitely on the phone itself. Any ideas anyone?
are you getting an authentication error when dialing *228 or *86? If so, then your AKEY is probably blank. You'll need to contact VZW for it. I might have to call them again cause me being an idiot didn't write it down when I called them for it the 1st time.
I'm getting authentication errors again and lo and behold, my AKEY is missing. I didn't even do a hard reset or flash another rom/radio. Weird.
I'm getting the same error now. I just got my A-Key refreshed from VZW tech support, but now I can't connect to the data network.
Same error here. I updated to new Sprint rom and DCD 3.0.1..
I think i messed up the first time and let Sprint customizations run. I have tried to flash back to original vzw rom, but still can't connect to data network. I have had vzw gen new A key and refresh my data package.
Anyone have a solution for this?
Vancelot said:
Same error here. I updated to new Sprint rom and DCD 3.0.1..
I think i messed up the first time and let Sprint customizations run. I have tried to flash back to original vzw rom, but still can't connect to data network. I have had vzw gen new A key and refresh my data package.
Anyone have a solution for this?
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Search my posts from 3/11. I posted a solution.
Geckotek said:
Search my posts from 3/11. I posted a solution.
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I can't find a solution for re-flashing the radio - what did you do there?
I think you did flash the Sprint rom - and let the customs run - are you fully resolved there (*226, epst @ 000000 etc...)?
josh77b said:
are you getting an authentication error when dialing *228 or *86? If so, then your AKEY is probably blank. You'll need to contact VZW for it. I might have to call them again cause me being an idiot didn't write it down when I called them for it the 1st time.
I'm getting authentication errors again and lo and behold, my AKEY is missing. I didn't even do a hard reset or flash another rom/radio. Weird.
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Just for sanity, the AKEY is always blank. You can't see it after you enter it on Verizon. You also can't re-use it. It's a one shot deal.
I have had this error regardless of any rom (DCD or NexVision). The issue is not being able to connect the vzw network. I don't receive it when I am on wifi but I do if there is a wifi I cannot connect to due to a security key. BTW I have a data block. I phoned support once on the issue and that is the best they could do. Sorry if this isn't helpful.
Hi i just unlocked my titan, I am a sprint carrier and i flashed 2.40 on my cell. I before had windows 6.1. I just put the titan reloaded 1.3.4 rom on and now i dont have data services and nor can i get the gps to work can some one help me please
seanpage624 said:
Hi i just unlocked my titan, I am a sprint carrier and i flashed 2.40 on my cell. I before had windows 6.1. I just put the titan reloaded 1.3.4 rom on and now i dont have data services and nor can i get the gps to work can some one help me please
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Search for DCD's carrier specific Data.cab . Load that and you should be in business.
I installed that on my phone and is there something else im suppose to do because the internet is still not working
seanpage624 said:
I installed that on my phone and is there something else im suppose to do because the internet is still not working
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Go into your connections folder. Settings-Connections-Connections.
Click Manage Existing Connections.
Then if you have Data Network there, click edit.
Name doesn't matter. Number should be #777. Username should be [email protected]. Pass should be vzw.
Click finish. Hold over the connection and hit connect. See what happens. If it says you have the wrong password try programming your phone via *228. Try option 1 or 2.
Tell me what happens.
Verizon or sprint
Is this settings for verizon or sprint?
Haha. Good catch. I forgot you were on Sprint. Sorry, I don't know the correct settings for sprint. But you could still look in the connections section and see if everything that should be filled in, is.
i got this screen iota and gave me a 1012 error code and then a screen poped up about puttin a user name password and domain
seanpage624 said:
i got this screen iota and gave me a 1012 error code and then a screen poped up about puttin a user name password and domain
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Yeah, like I said, I don't know sprints settings. Hopefully someone on sprint will chime in for you.
Ya i hope someone does Help anyone who can solve this problem
On the reload 1.3.4 under documents is scott rom pack and after installing it . You can install carrier under documents\scott rom pack\carriers.
All I have ever had to do is install carrier cab and open url. Running iota under phone services after install of carrier cab works also.
Maybe a bad flash?? Have you tried hard reset and reinstall carrier cab?
If you know your [email protected] then you don't have to install carrier cab. You can add connection #777 with user name and password that was set up on your original contract with sprint. Maybe you can call sprint for that, I don't know I never have had to.
Did you change anything under ##778# ?
Thanks alot matt
Also i noticed you had a different radio rom then me and i was wondering if thats better then 3.42.02 and also why is it that you have two roms one that
that reloaded beta and the 1.3.4 one
seanpage624 said:
Also i noticed you had a different radio rom then me and i was wondering if thats better then 3.42.02 and also why is it that you have two roms one that
that reloaded beta and the 1.3.4 one
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I have the newest radio version available. Really have not noticed too much difference. I would upgrade though.
I have two roms listed because I can hit the camera button and switch between roms. LOL not really I have two phones.
Oh haha but i just ran into a problem iota works and allows me to use data services, but then if i just leave my phone alone for awhile my data services wont work and i have to run iota again
Have a HTC Mozart on the Telstra network. If someone sends me a photo through mms from an iPhone it fails when trying to open it. Any ideas?
kn0de said:
Have a HTC Mozart on the Telstra network. If someone sends me a photo through mms from an iPhone it fails when trying to open it. Any ideas?
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Have you flashed any custom ROM's on your phone ? Cuz some ROM's can actually have that problem.
kn0de said:
Have a HTC Mozart on the Telstra network. If someone sends me a photo through mms from an iPhone it fails when trying to open it. Any ideas?
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did you try the HTC connection setup app?
run it and let it autodetect your operator and connection settings. once done, save the settings, reboot your phone and you're golden.
try sending yourself the MMS first on test basis.
also make sure your data connection is on (just in case)
I have a G900T on AT&T that can not send or receive pictures by Message Application. Everything else is working. I understand thatvit should be an APN setting problem but I understand that I have the correct settings. Can someone help me?
Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk
chiquito3 said:
I have a G900T on AT&T that can not send or receive pictures by Message Application. Everything else is working. I understand thatvit should be an APN setting problem but I understand that I have the correct settings. Can someone help me?
Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk
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I have the G900T on AT&T and can send pictures without problem either through email or MMS. I would google the APN settings and make sure they are exactly correct, ie. no periods and commas switched or forward slashes for back slashes, etc.
gspears said:
I have the G900T on AT&T and can send pictures without problem either through email or MMS. I would google the APN settings and make sure they are exactly correct, ie. no periods and commas switched or forward slashes for back slashes, etc.
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You were completely right! There was a typo in the APN settings.:laugh:
chiquito3 said:
You were completely right! There was a typo in the APN settings.:laugh:
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I'm glad you got it working. I assure you I was not speaking from experience. I would NEVER do anything like that. Not more than 3 or 4 times anyway.
gspears said:
I'm glad you got it working. I assure you I was not speaking from experience. I would NEVER do anything like that. Not more than 3 or 4 times anyway.
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No of course not! I wouldn't even dare to think that!!!!
chiquito3 said:
You were completely right! There was a typo in the APN settings.:laugh:
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This is what i would do if you plan on flashing roms that require you add or change your apn. Once you get it set up correctly, take screen shots of the correct apn and save them to you computer and or phone ext sd card. This way you always have your settings right there. No more need to search the forums for the correct settings. This is what i do and it has saved me several times in the past.
galaxyuser88 said:
This is what i would do if you plan on flashing roms that require you add or change your apn. Once you get it set up correctly, take screen shots of the correct apn and save them to you computer and or phone ext sd card. This way you always have your settings right there. No more need to search the forums for the correct settings. This is what i do and it has saved me several times in the past.
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Great advice! Thanks.
Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk
I have HAM2 and the process of obtaining root, now I get an error that i'm roaming. Now I lost data capabilities. I have WiFi, talk, and text but no data. Roaming is turned off.
Any ideas?
sakui23 said:
I have HAM2 and the process of obtaining root, now I get an error that i'm roaming. Now I lost data capabilities. I have WiFi, talk, and text but no data. Roaming is turned off.
Any ideas?
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Is "data" enabled?
In order to "root" you must unlock the boot loader which resets the phone to factory default. Every time I have reset my HAM2 I have had to call the carrier to resend APN information to the phone.
bhcv said:
Is "data" enabled?
In order to "root" you must unlock the boot loader which resets the phone to factory default. Every time I have reset my HAM2 I have had to call the carrier to resend APN information to the phone.
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Yes, it's enabled and the bootloader is unlocked. I will give them a call. I hope it works.
Thanks for everything...
sakui23 said:
Yes, it's enabled and the bootloader is unlocked. I will give them a call. I hope it works.
Thanks for everything...
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Good luck!
bhcv said:
Good luck!
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Well I called customer service and they told me that "roaming" needed to be enabled. I thought at first, I didn't want roaming charges but it needed to be enabled i guess. I didn't have to mess with APN. So everything is all good.
sakui23 said:
Well I called customer service and they told me that "roaming" needed to be enabled. I thought at first, I didn't want roaming charges but it needed to be enabled i guess. I didn't have to mess with APN. So everything is all good.
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Good to hear. Thanks for sharing.