Hello everyone, first post. been reading a bit and I am gathering up the knowledge and courage to Unlock and flash my Alltel touch pro.
Was reading on PPCGEEKS thread on unlocking the phone and the version that I understand that I would want to use is 0.37 but it mentions no MFG commands, what are they? I did a search within the "Raphael CDMA" on MFG commands and the results really didn't answer my question.
Also what are the advantages to flashing my touch pro.
Thanks for any help,
MFG Commands are those that are ran at the boot loader. These commands are VERY DANGERUS!!! one is set 16 0 which boots your device from the bootloader, others are rtask a which i think activates the phone and rtask c which i think activates usb communications. When you flash your phone it really executes commands like these in the flashing app. if you dont know what they are dont even think about playing with them. if your doing something for the experts they'll tell you exactly what commands to run. it IS possible to erase EVERYTHING on your phone with these commands. Hope this helps
the set 16 0 is not a MFG command btw it is a standard spl command. The biggest addon MFG adds is access to mess around with radio data
Please report your observations. I'm thinking about doing the same, but avoiding any mistakes or issues you may have run into may help!
How did it go?
How did your phone perform?
What did you get?
What did you lose?
Give up the dirt!
-Much Mahalo to you and yours,
Hello all,
I got a friend of mine who came to me with a device-password locked Hermes, which password he cannot recall (actually his girlfriend...). I said I would be willing to give him a hand to unbrick the device. The problem is that I cannot install any ROM on the device, coz I got an error connection right after the screen goes white and the percentage count should normally start.
So I put the Herm in Bootloader (spl-1.06) and try to flash the OliPro Bootloader. The procedure goes correctly until the step where the upgrade itself should begin, counting from 0%... here, I got:
ERROR [262]: Update error: communication error.
I also tried to flash a ROM directly, but since my Bootloader is 1.06, I didn't find a CID match ROM, so it also failed. The Herm is now not bricked, but it stays at the password input screen, so cannot enter windows properly.
Any help on this?
Interesting since you are trying to go around something HTC probably did not want for people to go around due to security....
agovinoveritas said:
Interesting since you are trying to go around something HTC probably did not want for people to go around due to security....
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yes, i grih you,and normally i wouldnt even try to do such thing, if it hadnt been for a friend of mine which i know.
besides i would like to learn more stuff about my Herm and this is one thing I havent seen discussed here, although i keep reading xda forums for such info.
just found the solution: i flashed another ROM with same CID since my BL was 1.06, but with BL 1.04. After that, I managed to flash any other ROM and automatically upgrade the SPL to 1.10 or 2.10 Oli accordingly.
If any of you interested and dont get the short explanation, PM me.
Io, owner of 2 kicking TyTn's
BL 1.06 didnt allow devices with a different CID to be flashed,
eg: my TyTN had the CID: QTEK001 so i couldnt flash a ROM destined for a device with CID: VODAP001
But BL 1.04 had a bug where you COULD flash any ROM to the device regardless of the CID, the first attempt shows a vendor ID error, then try again and it will flash no problem.
The simplest way I would have got past the device security problem would have been a hard reset.
mrvanx said:
BL 1.06 didnt allow devices with a different CID to be flashed,
eg: my TyTN had the CID: QTEK001 so i couldnt flash a ROM destined for a device with CID: VODAP001
But BL 1.04 had a bug where you COULD flash any ROM to the device regardless of the CID, the first attempt shows a vendor ID error, then try again and it will flash no problem.
The simplest way I would have got past the device security problem would have been a hard reset.
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I know the details about BL 1.04 vs 1.06, thats why I flashed a BL 1.04 ROM, but with the same CID QTEK_001, or smth.
I have to admit though that I never ever thought about doing a simple hard-reset. I guess it would have been to easy, I jumped to more complicate scenarios. Thanks for the help anyway, i gotta learn that.
Thanks mrvanx, glad I read down the whole thread to the part about a simple hard reset working. I lent my 8525 to a friend, thinking he might be interested in buying it, then he didn't have the money, and after I listed it on ebay today, I charged it up to flash to ATT stock, found it password locked, called my friend a few times just getting his voicemail, so tried flashing, and it said the Hermes wasn't connected to the PC...
I figured there would be a solution here at XDA..and POOF, like magic here it is!
So yes, all I had to do was a hard reset, tested and it works, and it was simple, so thanks again mrvanx, although this thread is very old, glad I found it LOL!
Hi, there! I found that a lot of us who have bricked our Hermes, don't have a responsive radio bootloader, so when they try to flash a full rom, the progress bar hangs to 13%, or 81%. This is because at that time the flasher is trying to enter the radio bootloader, but because it's corrupted, it hangs. Till today there is no known solution to this one. I'm far away from England where I bought my Hermes, so I'm not thinking to send it back for repair. I'm a programmer, so my knowledge may be usefull here. The first thing I must know is i can use the "lnb" command without being SuperCID. I mean if there is something like a Hard-SPL with an "lnb" command - (or renamed for security reasons). Maybe there is hope!
actually there's a very simple solution to it;
dump the NBH and then rebuild it without the radio.
I recently upgraded my 3125 to WM6.1 and it has bootloader SPL 2.04. I've been reading about using MTTY to communicate with the bootloader and have been playing with that a bit. I get the Cmd> prompt and can verify that it is communicating. For example, entering "set" returns various flag settings.
How can I find out what commands this bootloader supports? I've tried several commands shown in threads for other phones and some seem to work and others simply display "Invalid command". Also, I'm leery to enter any code I don't know since I don't want to brick the phone.
I've looked at the bootloader with a hex editor and it looks like I see some commands others have mentioned, but have no way of know what the exact syntax is.
Is there anywhere I can find a list of supported commands?
Hi, does anyone know how to enter the radio bootloader with mtty? I found some instructions on the net but they dont work, is there any special issue on the nike?
My nike has HardSPL 1.22, radio 1.65.xx and super cid unloked.
You need a MFG SPL which includes the command "rtask"
Do a "rtask a" and you can talk to radio (no echo), to return to SPL type "retuoR".
You can also security unlock your device and enter bootloader directly by pressing send and power on at the same time, or do "rtask a" followed by "setboot 1". Next time device boots up in radio bootloader.
You can then use my FrankenKaiser SPL bootloader for fast loading and booting a ram image. In my opinion a nice way to test Android
jockyw2001 said:
You need a MFG SPL which includes the command "rtask"
Do a "rtask a" and you can talk to radio (no echo), to return to SPL type "retuoR".
You can also security unlock your device and enter bootloader directly by pressing send and power on at the same time, or do "rtask a" followed by "setboot 1". Next time device boots up in radio bootloader.
You can then use my FrankenKaiser SPL bootloader for fast loading and booting a ram image. In my opinion a nice way to test Android
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Thanks, now i have installed Hard-SPL1.15 MFG, the rtask a is now accepted, and like you said i have no echo... setboot works, but when i type in other commands like help, h, ?, gpio, version i get no outputs... What am i doing wrong? is it still the wrong SPL???
m0rph3us said:
Thanks, now i have installed Hard-SPL1.15 MFG, the rtask a is now accepted, and like you said i have no echo... setboot works, but when i type in other commands like help, h, ?, gpio, version i get no outputs... What am i doing wrong? is it still the wrong SPL???
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You have a very limted command set if your device is not security unlocked. You find my security unlocker in one of the stickies ..
(then you have echo_on etc, enter a ? for more cmds)
Thank you, finally i get it to work... I have one last question, is there any command to get debugging log or something like that, to see whats going on when wm boots, just like the commands for the diamond?i tried set 1a 0, but it does not work, on the diamond it enables debugging information
Hola guys,
I've messed up with MTTY and I think I've totally fried my old NIKI 20Keys.
I don't remember what kind of commands I've issued (it passed a long time since) but I can tell you that once upon a time the device was cid unlocked (I think so by the way I was able to install every kinda rom).
Now even if i press PWR+CAMERA+RESET the device doesn't go on bootloader mode: it stays black without any hope.
On WinXP it's not recognised as a USB device; only as a Qualcomm device for which I've downloaded the drivers (Diag Device + NMEA) on COM4 and COM5.
I think I've formatted the bootloader and I'm not able to restore it.
Commands like "cego", "task" and whatsoever are not recognised, but, e.g. "setboot" works. I don't know why.
I've tried with Frankenkaiser but with no luck.
Any man of good will able to help me out? I can even consider to send the phone to some forum members for repair if anyone wants, but I'll prefer to do it on my own.
Thanks to all of you for your kindness.
No one able to lend me a kind hand?
I add a little thing: there are no great commands that work with PTTY or mtty.
I see that setboot and radata work.
Is there a way to have a list?
Is there a way to have a list?
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Thanks a lot but how can I load a bootloader using radata or something similar?
Not all the commands in the page you linked now work with my phone...
sanric said:
Thanks a lot but how can I load a bootloader using radata or something similar?
Not all the commands in the page you linked now work with my phone...
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To get an honest answer, I do not know, I've fortunately never need to use it.
The only thing I can do is help you search.
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