[APP] KshrTips - a tip calculator (version 0.3a 6.04.2008) - Windows Mobile Apps and Games

This simple tip calculator was made after reading this thread about a similar iphone application. Since it was not complicated I decided to make a Windows Mobile program with same functions.
Use the CAB to install it wherever you want.
Initial release.
- Fixed a bug: when splitting, for example 100 to 3 people, it says each pays 33.33. So, after summing up 0.01 is missing (3x33.33 is 99.99). Now it will give 33.34. An extra tip for the waiter, but better to pay more than less -- after all, you may ask for change.
- Seems that both dot and comma work as a decimal separator now.
- Support for landsape mode and rotating.
- Storing values in registry.
The icon was designed and provided by Sir.B. Thanks!
Thanks in advance for feedback, and I hope you enjoy using this.

great job on this app, was looking for something like it
one question: was this written in C++ or .net?
EDIT: removed cab, new version posted above

It is written in C++, so it doesn't need .net to run. Moreover, since I wrote it in eVC4 and PPC 2003 SDK it should run on older pocket PCs.
Thanks for interest and the cab!
p.s. when entering bill amount, don't forget about "," and "." !
It makes a difference. I think using the comma will never work.

Like this a lot - would love to see a skin a la Tipulator

Great App.
Will look forward for future releases.

Fixed some bugs and created my own CAB, as promised.
Get v0.2 from the first post.

This is cool. Thanks. Tippy hasn't been updated in a while so I will see how far you get with this. Great job man.

Released 0.3 today, featuring landscape and rotation support. Try it out with screen rotation!

great little app
thank you very much
i have two small requests for some future version
show the actual calculated tip amount
set the default tip % so it's remembered for next time
i also wanted to offer you an icon to use, only if you like it of course

A small update to 0.3, the 0.3a is done and ready to download.

Is it possible to have a finger friendly number keypad pop up when you tap on the bill field? I t would help faciltate entering the bill total.
Thanks in advance.

nice great work just the job

This is a great app - a million thanks for creating!
Two suggestions:
Would like to see one more line to show cash value amount of the tip. Most restaurant bills require you to fill in this detail.
A round up button - would round tip to nearest whole number. This would then reflect cash value of tip.

MikeNash said:
This is a great app - a million thanks for creating!
Two suggestions:
Would like to see one more line to show cash value amount of the tip. Most restaurant bills require you to fill in this detail.
A round up button - would round tip to nearest whole number. This would then reflect cash value of tip.
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tip value field would be great, because i'm lazy and dumb, i can't do the math
also perhaps; when the bill field is selected it can automatically "select all", to make it easier to erase/reset that field
thank you for your time



OK, Here is the deal.
I have created a working XdaLive Screen Lock for the XdaLive Live Wm6.
This is similar to the iphone with a working Sliding Unlocker. Only I put the sliding unlocker on the top and used XdaLive image as the Background & put the Digital Clock and Date at the Bottom as you can see in the Image I attached.
1. Battery Life
2. NEW SMS Counter
3. Active Tasks
4. New Emails
Another thing:
Does anyone know how to replace the default Lock with this one? I tried replacing the DeviceLock.exe with this one and it does not work. BSDeviceLock.exe does not exist in WM6 either.
1. xdaLiveScreenLock.zip (XDA LIVE UNLOCKER)
not responsible for anything that might happen by using this little useless application. There are a lot of small glitches usability wise, else works good. preference was given to aesthetics more than anything else. The size is big due to the sliding component being created in flash.
this looks excellent, good job! I have been wondering about that also, devicelock is signed is it not?
Anyone know of a generic wrapper with basic API calls that I can call from within this Flash Application?
edit: compiled own from source code found, change adopted and compiled.
i don't really use the device lock... because when turning the phone in standby all key's are locked and i don't want that the screen is always on...
or is there any other significance about using the device lock??
cyberdrakula said:
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don't really know it helps... but just test too but the string in " " like in commandline when using spaces... maybe you can just try to use double bslashes \\windows\\system32\\
this looks awesome. the people on this forum never cease to amaze me. Pure Genius
WOW the progress of this is really good sir, youve managed to implement a few more features since i last looked. This will definatly be in the Extras wiki page once it is fully working
I thought about what you could do in respect to replacing the standard lock, disable the lock in the today settings and map this program to a hardware button (5??) How does it fair after a power off (just standby not fully off) as it would be a good way to check the time etc... in the night?
keep up the good work CD, quite a few people are waiting for something like this.
Heya all gurus, give tha man a little help with issues maybe?
Thanks Ppl.
This is something I have been wanting to do for a while now but just got around to doing it. Hopefully in a couple days I will have everything squared out.
I am wondering if I should let ppl test this out. I will also have changeable backgrounds for this.
futureshock said:
i don't really use the device lock... because when turning the phone in standby all key's are locked and i don't want that the screen is always on...
or is there any other significance about using the device lock??
don't really know it helps... but just test too but the string in " " like in commandline when using spaces... maybe you can just try to use double bslashes \\windows\\system32\\
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To read the registry I had to actually use \\\\ to get to different levels. But I am NOT able to read the Value Names with spaces.
CCRDude said:
Since not even Sbp Mobile Shell was able to replace the lock screen (and that while they basically have something to show then ready with their new Intro screen), I guess it could get quite complicated to replace it...
Does anyone know if the fake iPhone things that were or were not around are able to replace the lock screen? I especially remember that last one were only videos existed, it had a real good fake, but I'm not sure if the video showed it really in action as a lock screen?
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I am able to Execute it on "Device Wake" via notifications (thanks KYPHUR for the suggestion.) I also actually was able to replace keylock @ Install time and an installation induced reset. The icon also shows up in the Setting folder.
I am also thinking about doing a Today Plugin. Let's see how that goes.
Looks nice..cant wait till its released..
open Pre-pre Beta Test Release On The First Post.
Where to download?
Would love a slider unlocker as a today plugin. I use the WMP plugin since I use my phone as an mp3 player a lot so the device lock function on the today screen is a must for me.
Great work and look forward (hopefully) to a today plugin.
cyberdrakula said:
To read the registry I had to actually use \\\\ to get to different levels. But I am NOT able to read the Value Names with spaces.
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Could you use %20% AND %40% to represent the space and other special characters as they do on other windows products? MS has a list on its knowledge base for these...I think %20% is the space, but not sure
eagle 1 said:
Could you use %20% AND %40% to represent the space and other special characters as they do on other windows products? MS has a list on its knowledge base for these...I think %20% is the space, but not sure
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yes, in html and such it is, maybe you could use \%20%\ as space , but I am just a webprogrammer, and not a very good one
Looks fantastic, can't wait to see this released, should be a good little utility!
Could you make the slide on the bottom because I have short thumb
cybertron said:
yes, in html and such it is, maybe you could use \%20%\ as space , but I am just a webprogrammer, and not a very good one
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Actually, in HTTP requests it's %20 w/o the percent sign at the end, and it simply means 0x20, which is hexadecimal 20 or decimal 32, which indeed is a space. I highly doubt that it would be useful in accessing the registry, though.
I don't see why a space doesn't work as just a space when accessing the registry. Perhaps escape it with a backslash (or two)?
Where to download?
Where to download?

iContact Burt Edition 6.4.5: stable, fast, improved, bugfixed

October, 31: iContact Burt Edition 6.4.5 (home page)
iContact Burt Edition (iContact BE) is a separate branch of iContact application, finger-friendly contact manager, which was originally started by Larna and expanded by supbro. iContact BE came apart of supbro's iContact since version 0.73, and is not related to any supbro's versions later than 0.73.
Thanks to larna and supbro for creating and developing such a great application!
Please refer to open-source project at http://icontactae.codeplex.com/ for latest sources of iContact BE and AE.
Latest Beta: iContact BE 7.0 beta 2.zip
The latest stable release is 6.4.5, attached to this post and available on my home page
iContact Burt Edition 6.3 at Touch-Innovations.com
Application Files and Skins can also be found at my SkyDrive workspace: iContact Burt Edition at SkyDrive
QVGA Skins for iContact Burt Edition 6.x
VGA Skins for iContact Burt Edition 6.x
Skinning tutorial, including the .skn file options and .png file layout, is available at my home page.
Windows Mobile 5.0 or higher
Phone device
Thanks everyone who helped with beta-testing, I couldn't get so far with iContact without you!
Since I've been asked for a donation link, you can do a donation here (WebMoney only, since PayPal donations do not work for Russia).
Main features:
It's totally free
Finger-friendly contact management
Contact pictures support
Integrated Call History
Favorite Contacts list
Quick jump to contacts by alphabet letters
Filter contacts by categories
Fast and comfortable work even on slow devices, loading time is less than 1.5 seconds for 100 contacts on 200MHz devices
Optional SIM contacts support
Full-scale T9 search
Ability to Call, SMS or E-Mail to a contact
Handy contact details screen
Quick access to standard Outlook's contact viewing or editing dialog
VGA support
Fully skinnable interface. Two QVGA skins included, more skins can be found in my Skin Downloads area or at forum.xda-developers.com
Changes since 6.4:
- Fixed drawing of default number in Contact Details (indicator icon placement fixed, DetailsDefaultNumber color used)
- Fixed bug with going to Contact Details from Call Details when call history pictures are disabled (also fixes bug where button 'create contact' was still accessible after creating contact from call details)
- Fixed bug with call not shown in Call History if Get Call History From Database is off and only one call exists in the log
- Fixed list update on adding/removing categories through Outlook Edit Contact window
- Fixed Exit On Action option
Main changes since 6.3.1:
- Huge memory leak bug fixed
- iDialer support, added command-line parameters for iDialer (-favorites, -recents, -contacts, -dialer, -search)
- T9 keyboard polished
- Now it is possible to search by beginnings of words ('T9 Search By Words' option), e.g. 'smi' will find both 'Smith John' and 'John Smith', but not 'Dart Cosmic'
- Other Address and Anniversary added to contact details
- Long tap on Dialer button calls default dialer, short tap calls dialer from settings, if given
- Phone Prefix option now available, allowing to add a prefix to all dialed numbers
- If an external SMS/Mail/Dialer application can not be run, then default app will be called
- Repeats in Call History are now handled properly
- Smart Dialing Number is now OFF by default to avoid ActiveSync synchronization issues
- Smartphone users can now access bottom menu in Details by pressing corresponding numeric key (1 for Back, 2 for View Contact, etc)
- Back key now erases last char in search string on Smartphones
- Background in Details is now drawn gradient for long details too
- Configurator updated to 1.15, now can restart iContact on settings change
- AppToDate support
- No skin changes, you can use the skins from previous release
See full change list in attached Changelog.txt file.
oh wow. a configuration tool to go long with it? icontact is just getting better and better.
A bunch of questions for me from supbro's thread:
zoro007 said:
Herewith the screenshot.
I've changed in icontact.h the font size to 40.
I also changed the item height and some other items.(don't remember)
Hope you can help me make a VGA version .
Thanks anyway !
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Item Details are drawn in DrawItemDetailsOn function inside iContact.cpp file. Action name (Mobile, Email, etc) has a fixed width of 39 pixels, text is right-aligned within this width, so its left side goes off the screen. So huge rework is required to properly support VGA mode. Maybe one day I will put my hands on it...
kwickone said:
When I hit the keyboard icon (far right) to bring up the alphabet, if I hit a letter, the scroll list of names jumps to that letter....great...however, now if I use the D-pad up/down buttons to move down in that letter, it jumps back to the previous location. Hopefully that makes sense. Before I could use the D-Pad buttons and it would stay in the letter that I just jumped to.
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Yep, thanks for report! The fix will be included in the next release.
also this icontact is much slower that supbros.
but i gues its because it can do more. kind of like pocketcm.
oh well i like it so im keeping it.
Well this is what happens when you open source an app..it just keeps getting better and better..too bad its not for WM 2003 users ( currently one of them )
kidnamedAlbert said:
also this icontact is much slower that supbros.
but i gues its because it can do more. kind of like pocketcm.
oh well i like it so im keeping it.
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Could you please tell if it is so even with ShowDialingNumber=0?
Could you please also describe what actions are slower exactly?
I'll try to improve the performance.
burt. your version is AMAZING.. i don't think i could've asked for anything more.
thanks dude.
if i were you.. (or supbro), i'd gather up and go commercial once you finish correcting whatever you have left. (if you have anything to correct).
nir36 said:
burt. your version is AMAZING.. i don't think i could've asked for anything more.
thanks dude.
if i were you.. (or supbro), i'd gather up and go commercial once you finish correcting whatever you have left. (if you have anything to correct).
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Going commercial with an open source app? You don't think someone will come up with a free version that can do the same?
Thanks nice release
Trekvogel said:
Going commercial with an open source app? You don't think someone will come up with a free version that can do the same?
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that is obviously true for every other app in the market.
that's the challenge. you have to keep it so good so that people will want to buy it.
.. just my opinion on the subject.
I seem to have a little buggette -
If I minimize the app in Favourites view, when I restore it, switch to main view and try to use the grid, it freezes. I can only unfreeze it by closing it.
slarti_bartfast said:
I seem to have a little buggette -
If I minimize the app in Favourites view, when I restore it, switch to main view and try to use the grid, it freezes. I can only unfreeze it by closing it.
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Yep, that's a known bug, unfortunatelly I still didn't found the root cause.
Plz make this compatible with WM 2003SE.plzz..no one is supporting us..plzzz
Truly an amazing addition to an already fantastic app. Nice job!
Hmm gonna try this one out! tnx!
Two bugs I've found so far and it seems to affect both your version and supware.net's version too.
When clicking on Favourite it hangs the phone for about 8 seconds. When clicking on Recent calls it hangs the phone for 5 seconds and the icon for the A-Z disappears (reappears again if you click the middle icon).
Feature request. There is no separation of call types (incoming, outgoing and missed). You have to go into each entry to find out what type it is.
Is there any way of having a colored icon on the entry so we can tell quickly what type it is?
Bug in contact details?
Switched to contact details on this version will produce contact info plus many blank lines where there is not supposed to have any lines. Previous be4.0 does not have this problem.
Feature Request
Option to bring up keyboard automatically when started if on the opening screen (I always use that to get to the letter of the person I want to call or lookup).
Great work!
Question \ Feature Request
Is there a way to make iContacts start in Favorites? I call my favorites more than anyone else. I currently have to take an extra step to get to them now, as the application starts in the general contacts list....
If it can't be done currently, could you please add that feature?
HaiLe512 said:
Switched to contact details on this version will produce contact info plus many blank lines where there is not supposed to have any lines. Previous be4.0 does not have this problem.
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Same problem here... will use 4.0 for now.
Feature request: could you change the time displayed at the title bar in 12 hr format as well?
Thanks for the great work!

mConvert - WVGA (V.2) - Attractive Mobile Unit Converter

The result of a bored uni student on holidays, mConvert is a Windows Mobile unit converter.
And now, Version 2 of that slick, finger friendly converter is out. After much feedback suggesting more categories would be good, I have added 10 categories, meaning you can now convert in the following categories:
This is now a powerful converter app, able to rival many of the other converters on the market. And best of all? It's still FREE!! But as before, donations are kindly accepted (on FreewarePocketPC site).
I have tried to make the UI as attractive as possible, as this makes or breaks an app in my opinion. Hope you like it.
I decided to make the app free as nobody likes paying for this stuff, including myself. The aim of mConvert was not only to make an effective converter for mobiles, but to also showcase the potential Windows Mobile has.
For the VGA version, visit:
For the FreewarePocketPC site (location to donate) visit:
05/07/2010 (Version - Added various conversions
21/05/2010 (Version - Added ability to use a "Result" value as an "Input Value" by hold-clicking the result and selecting "Use as Input Value", bug fix (bug#2)
20/05/2010 (Version - Added splash screen, bug fix (bug#1)
15/05/2010 (Version - Added 10 extra categories with a large amount of new unit conversions, minor UI change
06/05/2010 (Version 1) - Added ability to convert between Sq/Ft > Acres and Acres > Sq/Ft
Bug#2 (Version - Error in "Mph/s > Kph/s" conversion formula Status: Fixed
Bug#1 (Version - Using hardware back button would permanently close a screen, not allowing user to re-open. Status: Fixed
[System Requirements]
Windows Mobile (Tested on 6.5)
Windows .NET Framework 3.5
WVGA Resolution Screen
Touch Screen
Check out the pics below and download.
Hi, thanks for sharing this app....and welcome to the forums..
I have just downloaded and tried it out and I must say its the best looking converter I've seen and really easy to use too, works great on my HD2
Thanks again!
No worries mate, thanks for the great feedback!
Hope you enjoy it!
I agree. Simple and easy to use.
Just wondering if you could add weight conversions???
thex said:
I agree. Simple and easy to use.
Just wondering if you could add weight conversions???
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Thanks for downloading! The reason there are only five unit categories is basically because my coding skills are very limited at the moment. If I was to make a sixth category, it would disappear off the bottom of the screen, as the app does not allow the user to move the screen around, if that makes any sense.
If I can work it out, or someone can reference a site where it explains it, I might include it.
looks great, i hope you can make a VGA version soon, like it was said, this seems to be the best looking converter to date
paulmahoney40 said:
The result of a bored uni student on holidays, mConvert is a Windows Mobile unit converter.
I have tried to make the UI as attractive as possible, hope you like it.
I decided to make the app free as nobody likes paying for this stuff, however if you really like it, feel free to donate at the FreewarePocketPC site - Just go to FreewarePocketPC and search mConvert (I could not post a link here as I am new to the forum - if someone can post a link that's much appreciated )
System Requirements:
Windows Mobile (Tested on 6.5)
Windows .NET Framework 3.5
WVGA Resolution Screen
Touch Screen
Check out the pics below and download.
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Please ... Can you do this program for VGA? ... Thank you.
FreewarepocketPC Direct Link
Thankz for this app!
Hi Paul,
If you thinking of adding additional categories, rather than putting them on the same page and having to scroll down, you could always make a new page and add page number links to the top of each (if that makes sense).
it's just a suggestion, but thanks again for the app!
Hoping to make a VGA version when uni slows down, pretty insane at the moment.
Mass13 said:
FreewarepocketPC Direct Link
Thankz for this app!
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Thanks for the direct link mate
l3mm said:
Hi Paul,
If you thinking of adding additional categories, rather than putting them on the same page and having to scroll down, you could always make a new page and add page number links to the top of each (if that makes sense).
it's just a suggestion, but thanks again for the app!
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Great idea l3mm!
When uni slows down I'll look into that - I'll see if i can add some more categories, and I'll try and make a VGA version - seems to be a popular request.
paulmahoney40 said:
Thanks for the direct link mate
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welcome, u did the work, I just copy/paste
Gets me to think of uconvert .. pretty close
Would it be an idea if the predefined converting options would be read from an XML file?
This way others can add to this list.
Very nice looking app!
Btw just wandering which language do you use to program this on?
ock said:
Very nice looking app!
Btw just wandering which language do you use to program this on?
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I did this is VB.NET - basically what I learnt at uni but adapted for mobile.
Images were done in GIMP
Hi there mate, welcome to the programmers world ... Here is a little tip to add more calculations without losing to much space:
Remove the = button, calculate on the fly. Saves you some space, and saves the user a click.
Add a dropdown with categories: Weight, Distance, Speed, etc....
Add a second dropdown which is filled with the items from the selected category: Inch/feet, Inch/cm etc
I didn't do much VB.net/C# lately, but with a little research it wouldn't be to hard to do, keep motivated!
Thanks a lot!!
very useful app.
Great program! But do you think you could add "sq.ft. > acres" and "acres > sq.ft." in the area conversions? I work in a landscaping company and those are my 2 most used calculations.

CheckList (W)VGA v2.1

Platform: Windows Mobile (Tested on 6.5.x)
Overview: A simple Check List application
* Organized by Categories
* New / Modify / Delete Category
* New / Modify / Delete Item
* Move Item to Vault / Restore Item from Vault
* Touch friendly
* Included Desktop Companion (PC application)
* No Master Lists!
* No Descriptions / Notes
* No Quantities
* No Item Pictures
* No Prices
* Without many functions and options
Download (old) 1.1 VGA version
Download 2.1 (W)VGA version
Download Desktop Companion version 2.1
Changelog v2.0 :
- Fixed the WVGA resolution.
- The Splash Screen was Changed.
- The user can change the order of the Categories / Items
- Settings Panel added
- The Program now can keep the Backlight On (option)
- The user can change the Item (list) height (option)
- The user can change the Text size (option)
- The user can enable/disable the message dialogs (option)
- The user can enable/disable the splash screen (option)
- The database is saved only if changes detected.
- The graphic files was retouched.
- Many minor bug fixes.
Changelog v2.1 :
- added gray boxes
- fixed category problem
- fixed minus problem (-)
- Marks by default the first Category
- Marks by default the first Item in the selected category
- Many minor bug fixes.
First Impressions
I just discovered this app and thought I'd leave my first impressions. Here goes...
At first go it's just what I've been looking for: a simple checklist app. It seems to be just that. I wouldn't say it's immediately intuitive, but with some messing around I picked up the basic routine. As with all things, with a little more playing around it will become 2nd nature. You should be aware, however, that the screen doesn't render properly in landscape (my phone is a TP2 [WVGA] see details in sig). As such, I couldn't confirm compatibility with the hard keyboard on my device.
Also, something to consider for future development, would be a way to create a link for a specific list that can be placed in one's calendar/appt editor. This probably takes away from the simplicity aspect, but that would be really slick!
I'll play with it some more throughout the week, but for simplicity's sake I like what you've put together -- at least on 1st impressions. Thanks for sharing!
thank you very much for your comments
Dadi68 said:
Platform: Windows Mobile (Tested on 6.5.x)
Overview: A simple Check List application
* No Master Lists!
* No Descriptions / Notes
* No Quantities
* No Item Pictures
* No Prices
* Without many functions and options
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...really simple, really friendly ... but: that is what I really need, it's quick, it's easy....it's GREAT (you're right: keep it simple!!!)
It works on HD2, no prob with keyboard...
I hope, that you are buying soon a new device, to develop a WVGA-Version...aäh, whats about a wrap-up or second row for longer entrys ?
THX and greetz
fast_zorro said:
...really simple, really friendly ... but: that is what I really need, it's quick, it's easy....it's GREAT (you're right: keep it simple!!!)
It works on HD2, no prob with keyboard...
I hope, that you are buying soon a new device, to develop a WVGA-Version...aäh, whats about a wrap-up or second row for longer entrys ?
THX and greetz
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Do u want to be a beta tester of the 1.2 version? (its wvga compatible - i hope)
Thanks to fast_zorro's valuable help, a WVGA version is coming!
ETA : this weekend
short video for the app
..thanks god, it's friday....
fast_zorro said:
..thanks god, it's friday....
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Good morning dear beta tester
Today I will make a new version of the desktop companion and tomorrow morning I will release the full package
Im thinking to add an "enable single tap" option but i dont know because its not so friendly...
Anywayz, I will send you the released package via email - megaupload
Have a nice Friday people!
Dadi68 said:
Today I will make a new version of the desktop companion and tomorrow morning I will release the full package
Im thinking to add an "enable single tap" option but i dont know because its not so friendly...
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May I leave some friendly feedback?
(I'm going to assume you said "yes"...)
First of all, allow me to repeat that this is a great little app. Simple and useful. Further, you have shared it with us freely, and I'm the first to acknowledge "beggars can't be choosy." With this in mind, I offer the following...
The boot time is too slow. One would think that given how light-weight this app is, it should load much like an immediate toggle on/toggle off application. While you're deserving of the credit appearing in your 'welcome'/'boot' screen, perhaps eliminating this feature would speed the load time? Even if it would not speed the load, I would like to see the Category menu straight away without an extra screen to pass through.
Second, it would be nice if Categories, and not just Items, could be saved to the vault. (Am I missing something?) It would be nice to create a simple template to the vault, then be able to copy a version to the active menu which could be applied as needed. Make sense?
Lastly, would it be possible to move the command bar down a centimeter or so? That way 4 full Category/Item panels could be visible w/o having to scroll up/down. I understand it's placed to accommodate ergonomic thumb usage, but to see 4 full Item panels, as opposed to 3 1/2, would be worth the slight stretch...
I'm really looking forward to a WVGA version as I'll be able to use the keyboard on my TP2, which would make this even MORE useful!
Once again, many thanks!!!
p.s. - There's also a couple of spelling errors in the menu guides. 'Aproove' comes to mind right off. ('Approve' is correct) However, your English is far superior to my Greek, so I have no room to criticize...
Minnesinger said:
May I leave some friendly feedback?
(I'm going to assume you said "yes"...)
First of all, allow me to repeat that this is a great little app. Simple and useful. Further, you have shared it with us freely, and I'm the first to acknowledge "beggars can't be choosy." With this in mind, I offer the following...
The boot time is too slow. One would think that given how light-weight this app is, it should load much like an immediate toggle on/toggle off application. While you're deserving of the credit appearing in your 'welcome'/'boot' screen, perhaps eliminating this feature would speed the load time? Even if it would not speed the load, I would like to see the Category menu straight away without an extra screen to pass through.
The boot time is extremely slow... Its not my fault... This programming language is slow (even a "Hello world" takes 3-4 secs to load)
In the new version you have the option to disable the splash screen
Second, it would be nice if Categories, and not just Items, could be saved to the vault. (Am I missing something?) It would be nice to create a simple template to the vault, then be able to copy a version to the active menu which could be applied as needed. Make sense?
Why you make your life so difficult?
Lastly, would it be possible to move the command bar down a centimeter or so? That way 4 full Category/Item panels could be visible w/o having to scroll up/down. I understand it's placed to accommodate ergonomic thumb usage, but to see 4 full Item panels, as opposed to 3 1/2, would be worth the slight stretch...
In the new version you can adjust the row height of the items/categories
I'm really looking forward to a WVGA version as I'll be able to use the keyboard on my TP2, which would make this even MORE useful!
Wait 30 minutes...
Once again, many thanks!!!
You r welcome my friend
p.s. - There's also a couple of spelling errors in the menu guides. 'Aproove' comes to mind right off. ('Approve' is correct) However, your English is far superior to my Greek, so I have no room to criticize...
Please help me to correct them... My English suck...
Maybe I will release the new version in Greek
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thank you very much for your post
Version 2.0 added at first post
Thanks to fast_zorro for his valuable help on the WVGA support
Minnesinger said:
May I leave some friendly feedback?
Second, it would be nice if Categories, and not just Items, could be saved to the vault. (Am I missing something?) It would be nice to create a simple template to the vault, then be able to copy a version to the active menu which could be applied as needed. Make sense?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
...not bad, I'm also think about this topic...but, keep in mind the important issue: "small and easy".
I think, these is the most benefit from this app, so any new features should be aware of this point before added.
(MASPWARE Checklist, as example, looks nice, but you could be very easily lost in categories and items in up to 4 stages of deep)
But you're right, there are some improvents possible - let's see, what others will say and give Dadi68 a chance to enjoy the summer before making a version 3.0...
fast_zorro said:
...not bad, I'm also think about this topic...but, keep in mind the important issue: "small and easy".
I think, these is the most benefit from this app, so any new features should be aware of this point before added.
(MASPWARE Checklist, as example, looks nice, but you could be very easily lost in categories and items in up to 4 stages of deep)
But you're right, there are some improvents possible - let's see, what others will say and give Dadi68 a chance to enjoy the summer before making a version 3.0...
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Click to collapse
Hahahaha run DaDi RUNNNNNNNNN
2 weeks left for vacations guys
Ok, add categories to vault...
you mean an empty cateory or a category full of items?
I started to like that idea
Dadi68 said:
Ok, add categories to vault...
you mean an empty cateory or a category full of items?
I started to like that idea
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yes, a category full of items: a template. For example, a simple agenda template...
A template of the user's own design could be kept in the vault. In my case, there are occasions when I don't need to use a full appointment editor; I just need to keep a running list of contacts and times for any given day. Instead of retyping the time increments over and over, a blank agenda is always at the ready!
Although, this brings up another issue for me:
Whenever I attempt to edit one of the time slots on my agenda template, I get the warning seen in the pic above. I have the current-most NETCF v35 on my device, in addition to the NET CF v35 Messages.EN.wm .cab: am I missing anything? If I click 'yes' I'm able to continue and add a contact to a time slot, but the error message repeats with each edit.
Looking for ward to watching your app evolve -- Thanks!
Minnesinger said:
Yes, a category full of items: a template. For example, a simple agenda template...
A template of the user's own design could be kept in the vault. In my case, there are occasions when I don't need to use a full appointment editor; I just need to keep a running list of contacts and times for any given day. Instead of retyping the time increments over and over, a blank agenda is always at the ready!
Although, this brings up another issue for me:
Whenever I attempt to edit one of the time slots on my agenda template, I get the warning seen in the pic above. I have the current-most NETCF v35 on my device, in addition to the NET CF v35 Messages.EN.wm .cab: am I missing anything? If I click 'yes' I'm able to continue and add a contact to a time slot, but the error message repeats with each edit.
Looking for ward to watching your app evolve -- Thanks!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Replace the [-] with [...] and it will work fine!
About the Category -> Vault ...gimme some time, maybe next week
great tool - thats what i'm looking for. THX!!
Look nicely, I will try this program out.
Guys a beta 2.1 is out, that supports grayed checkboxes...
Im waiting for comments from my dear beta-tester
@Minnesinger : Can you help me by correcting spelling errors? To fix them before release the new version?
@All :
To Do:
1. Store full Categories (with items) into Vault [ NEXT WEEK ]
Have a beautiful weekend people!
Dadi68 said:
@Minnesinger : Can you help me by correcting spelling errors? To fix them before release the new version?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yes, of course. I would be happy to. Check your PMs and I'll attach a Word document with a complete list. Although, from what I've observed there are only a few minor things...

[Q] Looking for a calculator

Hey guys, I'm looking for a calculator for windows mobile 6.5 QVGA (shareware or freeware) that is:
1. Finger friendly
2. Display the calculation in 2 line, first line show what I input (for example 98/(10+3+15)), and the 2nd line show result, just like Hicalc from PPClink
3. Save recent calculations
I want it to save the whole calculation and result, like 98/(10+3+15)=3.5
So it's like Hicalc Arithmetic mode, plus the ability to save recent calculations
Spacetime is good and it save calculations but it's not finger friendly, very hard to enter data on my small QVGA screen
If anyone know about a calculator like this please let me know. Thanks a lot
I think what you want is IGCalc. It's a skinnable calc that does exactly what you are asking for.
probably bit more than you are asking for, but take a look at SpaceTime
SpaceTime has many nice features, the only problem for me is the small buttons (my screen is QVGA), but I still install it in case I need some advance calculations
IGCalc is great, it does just what I want thanks a lot Ummagumma
It even has some nice skins and functions
I search in freewarepocketpc and try googling all day but couldn't find what I want, but IGCalc is really the one, you did me a great favor.
(Sites that have IGCalc are in Russian, no wonder I couldn't find it )
For those who want it, here is the link:
You're welcome. There are some very beautiful skins for it, the default one is kind of fugly. Just make a search for "IGCalc Skins".
Yes, I found some nice skins in this topic:
Took me a while to register on 4pda.ru, but worth it
the java fx for wm dev includes an awesome touch calculator-
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