looking for landscape cabs have modified the look of every screen except for the landscape one anybody know of a link were someone is working on this
why stock
can anyone help me with this /// i can find cab after cab to change everything from clocks to slide icons even hide curtains but am i to assume that everyone customizes there today screen but nobody ever customizes the landscape screen.
Amarullz, or anybody else,
Is it possible to make a compact home tab? Removing the top curtain "carrier name", and the calendar shortcut, than adding the shortcut buttons, like the picture attached?
I am not a developer..
danilovac said:
Amarullz, or anybody else,
Is it possible to make a compact home tab? Removing the top curtain "carrier name", and the calendar shortcut, than adding the shortcut buttons, like the picture attached?
I am not a developer..
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
no one is interested in this? if someone know somebody who is capable to do this compact manila tab, I appreciate.
I wanted to do this too but i would like to keep everything but resize all of the items to fit in one screen
Well, I've been working on this off and on for about two weeks now. My problem is when it load manila initially the top curtain is gone, but when you move to a different tab and move back, the curtain reappears. I've tried lots of stuff and can't get it to stay gone. You can see the problems I'm having in the 2nd and 3rd shots.
I'll keep working, but if you want it as is for now. I've attached a cab. I've also run into a problem with the shortcuts covering up the top time info on the shortcuts screen. Should I just remove that top time info?
It includes 20 shortcuts and background for all tabs.
Just replace the top bar graphic with a blank one or change the height of it to 0 in 3a8e04af_manila.
Anyone know of any transparency cabs for start menu and manila curtain?
I search the forums but couldn't find one for the start menu and curtain
Update on this, i found the start menu transparency cab from the Sense 2.5 tweaks.. but still missing the manila curtain cab.
There's a top curtain transparency cab and a 50% bottom curtain, but what i'm looking for is the "middle curtain" when you scroll long the slider. Anyone know of this?
i think this is what you r after
Hi Jeewadj, i checked through the post, but couldn't find what i want. what i'm looking for is sort of like a middle curtain transparency, but all i could find are top and bottom curtain cabs.. any ideas?
bit confuzled about what you want post a screen shot and explain mate
hi i thought you were after a transparent slider ?? is that what you r after or please post a example
Hi guys
sorry for the confusion.. it's abit diff to take a screenshot. i'll try to describe it.
When you slide your finger across the slider, the curtain for manila shows you where you're going..(Home -> People -> ..) it greys out the whole screen with just an icon and the description.
What i'm trying to do is removing the greying out of the whole screen. This greying out happens between the top curtain and slider itself.
Hope this helps
try this one i think i no what you mean
Cool!!1 Thanks very much demon. That's exactly what i'm looking for!
WOW, i love it. this is one of the custom i being searching for. Thanks Demon_Man
Hello all,
So I love Fancy Widgets' Fancy Home setup - with the sense like time and weather etc.
In landscape mode, the default display for Fancy widget is a landscape style view, with time, then weather, next to it on the right.
In portrait, it shows the time, with the weather under it, just like Sense/Beautiful Widget.
However, on occasion, my Fancy Widget will show the portrait view while I am in landscape - and it looks AWESOME.
Does anyone know if there is a way to make it display this way ALL THE TIME?
I much prefer the portrait style layout...but while in landscape mode.
p.s Has anyone else experienced this? I'm sure someone has - it happens to me once a day I would say.
I`d like to know it, too!
Anyone knows if it's possible and if, then how, to achieve different layouts for portrait and landscape mode.
So basically whenever you rotate your screen (for the sake of example) in Nova launcher Prime, the layout could either separately be set up or it would switch from say 10x8 to like 8x10 or whatever you choose.
At the moment when you rotate the screen the portrait layout obviously looks pretty much messed up (see attachments for example of a messed up landscape layout).
up up and away...
Check out sslauncher - as far as I know, it is the only one where this is possible (completely independent layouts for landscape and portrait). Apex has the option to use different grid sizes in portrait and landscape, which can help in certain cases. But I personally use sslauncher because it simply is the most customizable launcher there is!
8 years into the future and still hasn't been addressed.... v7 is due soon, I'm crossing fingers, all of them.
Hi everybody,
Im currently cooking a rom and now i have this very strange issue.
In stock android (4.4.2) landscape mode was blocked for both lockscreen and launcher.
I then went on and replaced the lockscreen and the launcher, and added "log.tag.launcher_force_rotate=VERBOSE" to build prop.
Now both can be rotated just as i wanted it, but however when i rotate to landscape mode, wallpapers are resized incorrectly, leaving a black bar on the side
Also, when in landscpae mode, wallpaper doesnt scroll when moving through home screen.
Wallpapers are 2160x1920. Have a look at the screenshots to know what I mean!
Using some kind of live wallpaper (like muzei feg) the issue doesnt appear
Anyone knows where this comes from? I found several threads with this issue with google but no solution...
thanks in advance!
EDIT: Solved. Issue was in the launcher3.apk. I replaced it with SlimLauncher by slimrom all working fine now.