Custom ROMs External Screen Caller ID Issue. Solution? - HTC Startrek

I recently upgraded to Erofich's excellent Windows Mobile 6.1 Standard ROM v9b and it is working absolutely brilliantly with only a single, but sadly agonizingly painful, flaw:
The external screen won't reliably show the caller's name and picture from the phone book. Instead it shows the caller's number and the "caller unkown" picture.
It never works on the first attempt after the phone has been turned on but when the person calls back a second time name and picture are usually displayed perfectly fine for this caller - until the next reboot.
Erofich claims that this sadly is a typical issue with most if not all custom StrTrk ROMs and I have no reason to doubt him. And since I otherwise love this ROM and already put a lot of effort into customizing it and setting it up perfectly I have absolutely no desire to test other ROMs for this behavior.
But since the caller ID works fine on the second time a caller calls, I'm wondering if this might be an easily fixed bug. Maybe there simply isn't something initialized on boot that normally should be?
So my questions:
* Who else experiences this bug?
* Are all custom WM 6.1 Std ROMs affected or are there exceptions?
* Has anyone already found a solution to this?
* If so, can it be applied to my current ROM?
I can't be the only one annoyed by this infuriating bug. I like to know who is calling me without having to open the phone first (the caller ID on the internal screen works perfectly fine all the time) or withjout having to memorize every single phone-number in my address book.

I'm using the Clean STD ROM WM 6.1 OS ver 5.1.19202
I have experienced this problem ONCE only, a few weeks ago but not since. I've been running the rom for nearly a year now and that was the only time.
What happened in my case was that it displayed the name but not the picture, which did appear eventually after several seconds just as I answered it. It seemed like there was a delay finding the picture or something.
What would be nice though is if there was a way to change the unknown caller picture (blue outline with ?) so something of our own choosing.

I don't care about the unknown caller picture, it fits nicely with the rest of the StrTrk external screen theme.
And I wouldn't mind too much if it occasionally took a little longer to show the correct picture.
But for me, the first phone call from a caller after turning on the phone (even when it has been running for hours) always won't show name and picture. If only one of both were missing, I could live with it - but this is actually causing some serious problems since I now frequently have to identify callers by their number and ringtone.
I think this is a bug in Erofich's ROM that somehow can be fixed, but if Erofich himself, probably the most experienced ROM-cooker in this forum, can't fix it, who can?

all of the custom roms (roms by me, GnatGoSplat, Pampooh, etc) are based on cingular 4.1.502.5 rom
try to take SubDisplayDll.dll from last Qtek 8500 rom, and rebuild your rom using kitchen

Thanks for the reply, Erofich.
My educated guess is that the SubDisplayDll.dll is not the source of the problem, it seems more likely that something that is supposed to call this dll isn't correctly started.
Well, since you STD_v9b ROM seems to have a time-bomb I'm forced to find a different ROM anyways
Well, this is my chance to find out how the others are behaving - lemons ... lemonade ... etc.

This is the Rom I've been using :
you could give that a try.

I don't think I had such problem with 1.1.7, less lag/delay before the name is displayed (will only get the number) in the call history as well.


Major Bugs in T-Mobile Rom 1.6

Good morning to all of you from snowy Germany,
I'd like to introduce myself as former user of a MDA I who upgraded to MDA II in November.
Like many of you I lived through all (officially) published ROM upgrades offered by T-Mobile. Now, after having upgraded the MDA II to 1.6, I finally ask myself one question:
Do you think (as a member of XDA developers), that there is one single person on manufacturers side who is actually testing wether these ROM upgrades work and if yes, to which extend?
Here is my experience with 1.6 ROM:
First I changed my today screen to Windows Standard, but decided to like the T-Mobile screen better in the end. After reactivating T-Mobile screen the dropdown menu appears with white letters on white background. Only fix: cold reset :-(
Worst bit: any calendar or tasks notification is displayed with the known blinking red LED, but no matter what you do the LED goes on blinking forever (even if event is confirmed or deleted). No matter wether preset blinking time is unlimited or 15 minutes, the only way to stop it is again a: reset. If you are using your calendar notifications frequently for business, you end up resetting your device up to 10 times or more every day :-(
Again I have noticed that there are too many applications simultaniously launched and some of them are REALLY useless. Top ranking in wasting resources is CALLER ID. This program is causing so many problems that one have to wonder why there is no option to delete it from the operating system.
I'd like to know what your experiences are with MDA II (or similar) and I would higly appreciate any suggestions how to solve the mentioned bugs.
Beside these bugs, the MDA II is a very nice device with high engineering and build quality.
With kind regards
I have also the german t-mobile MDA2, i upgraded to t-mobile NL and 2 days later upgraded back to the new t-moble rom release, so everything is back to german, and I have none of your problems as stated above. I suggest you re-load the rom again, my MDA2 is proving itself a very steady work-made, even battery life is good, get a good days work from it,
However to be sure , i orderd an extra battary (just in case)
IA Caller ID
You can delete IA Caller ID, as well as some other programms you do not need from the Extended ROM and it will never bother you again. You have to know that after deletion you will have to do Hard Reset.
Also you can delete FlashMans from the Start Up folder - you will see how faster it will be (requires Soft Reset).
And go to - this will clean duplicate proccesses on your MDA II.
For sure all of this you have to do on your own risk, but there are a lot of instructions how to do that.
Contact me if you need a help with it.
Flashmans... actually I don't know what they do. Any harm removing them from Startup?
I believe that the flashman processes are related to the 'Permanent Save' feature. If you do not use this, you can remove them from the startup folder.
I have removed (or rather moved) the following entries:
Orange Support
This gives me the ability to have Activesync + 3-4 apps running in parallel.

Bugs Report on WM2003SE (V2.02)

dear all,
First of all, thanks dcs and all others who have contributed so much to the completion of WM2003SE. Somehow, I think I should start a thread stating people's experiences on WM2003SE bugs, so that some geniuses may find ways to fix them. Here is my report on 3 day-usage when compared to the older version 1.72
1. The voice call cannot be made longer than the time specified in the power saving mode. In other words, the voice calls will be cut off when the phone turns itself off. I didn't encounter this problem using older versions. And this is truly annoying since I have to untick the saving mode to prolong my calls
2. When the sms is sent, the confirmation letter box sign appears and never leaves the screen. it stucks there until soft reset
3. Power consumption is fast
4. Some of the today plugin programs are so fond of playing hide&seek. Refreshing the today screen mitigate this issue.
5. When in landscape mode, sometimes scrolling the screen can cause multiple horizontal lines.
6. Found out that the original camera and caller ID are not totally compatible. I gotta go back to using those of 1.72 version.
BTW, I gotta admit that I prefer WM2003SE to any other previous version
Any other comments? :roll:
Um, i have the modified asian to english version of SE.
I have none of the bugs that you have, but i have one other.
I cant get any ringtone when recieving a call.
i also live here in thailand and i just finished upgrading to the asian wm2003 se rom. no problems so far...only change i've seen is that when i reboot and try to access the phone immediately; there's a message saying "the phone is not yet ready, please try again in 15 seconds".
bt is fine; i THINK the blue led is flashing a little faster..but i could be wrong...
landscape mode is fine although as expected some games or apps have screens which are "cut up". this was warned when installing; a message appeared saying "the program you are installing may not display correctly because it is not designed for wm2003se"..or something like that.
power consumption seems to be the is ringing fine...though i still have to figure out if my ringtonex (mtux) is working properly...
so far so good and i like this rom. seems stable to me.
cheers then
forgot to mention that i use animated today for themes, and the wm2003 se doesn't have any effect on it. works well even in landscape mode....
chinese font can't display with clear type mode in ENG SE
I just upgraded to Eng SE. I love the SE upgrade except the following.
I have third party software ("Small Knife") installed in it so that I can read and type chinese. However, when I rotate it to SE mode, the fonts seemed ugly compared with portrait mode. It's definitely the clear font working not working in SE mode.
Any solution?
2. When the sms is sent, the confirmation letter box sign appears and never leaves the screen. it stucks there until soft reset
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this sounds very much like the issue that people have when they set pocketplus or other programs to close applications insted of minimizing them
this happen on all 2002, 2003 roms
if people close outlook before the msg is sendt
of cause i dont know if SE have that bug no matter what
those are the issue on the ENG ROM
not happening to us on CH ROM
Robson said:
...only change i've seen is that when i reboot and try to access the phone immediately; there's a message saying "the phone is not yet ready, please try again in 15 seconds".
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This is normal that happen in all roms, after reboot you have to wait for the phone to operate.
try different sim card, I got the same problems with OLD sim :twisted:

questions after upgrading to WM6

1. A2DP icon missing
I want to re-direct skype audio to my bluetooth earphone. How can I do that?
2. I can not login MSN/windows alive though skype can login without any problem via WIFI. Seems MSN try to get online through different connection setting? how/where can I define the connection setting for MSN?
3. Phone module die without any sign. All incoming call is diverted to voice mail automatically until soft reset. As if the phone is switched off.
(I am not sure whether this is WM6 related)
this means you might miss important call without any sign!
Does anybody have same experience?
1) I dont think that was ever a default thing? Did you install something and forget? have a cooked rom? There are A2DP solutions in this forum, "Use the Search luke."
2) No, its shagged. I installed the file I had on universal, it works now.
3) No idea, mine works fine. Hard reset? Check your sim?
I can get online with my WLM but it does sometimes take a resync of the whole account to do it.
Skype did say (unless changed recently) that they were still working on transferring calls to bt headsets. Which means, currently, that it does not work through anything other than headphones and the mic on the phone.
Comm Manager
It is possible to change the green color from the Comm Manager ?
French Keyboard
I have upgraded my french Advantage and all is OK apart for keyboard layout. On my old Universal (also french keyboard) I had changes the registry for hklm/software/oem/qwerty layout to 1040C (hex) and it had worked.
On the advantage this does not seem to change anything, any ideas?
Also has anyone got integrated VoIP working? I have used a CAB file from Universal to activate it and SIP Config Tool to do the set up but it does not allow me to select VoIP from today menu.
Anyone got this set up and working? Integrated VoIP is the reason I upgraded to WM6!
Messenger Etc....
Live Messenger stops working correctly after a soft reset. Initially it works fine. Contacts show as offline, although they are still able to contact me and vice-versa.
As far as I can ascertain push email still functions correctly.
I cannot confirm whether this is related to MS's side (rather than the program) as I haven't had chance to check if anyone else experiences the same problems.
Have tried installing the separate CAB file but I am subsequently told that I do not have the necessary permissions (or something like that).
This comes from tests on a T-Mobile branded Ameo (not the brand new one I'm selling, if anyone decides to cross-check!)
I haven't come across any other problems. Seems a bit less laggy than the original T-Mobile ROM, loads up web pages slightly faster too it seems.
No other issues as yet.
Ive had no probs at all since installing the messenger cab.
Still using it now.
Do we know what version of WLM is on this new ROM?
I've pulled \windows\wlmmessenger.exe to desktop and looked at the Version tab... is what comes out.
Pyrofer - can you do the same on your cabbed version and let me know what the version number says? Not always an accurate guide but worth a shot. Also the digital signature is 3rd May 07.
EDIT - never mind, just seen ur post in general Athena tab...10.6.0026.1400
I wonder what is different? If anything? I also wonder whether this is actually a final release of the ROM that's just been leaked early, as WLM is a pretty central component to web using Athena owners (myself very much included) and for it not to work after a soft reset...hmm.
Hi royalmail,
I've got exactly the same problem you mention about the phone.
I was unable to answer calls.
So I belive you've use the second file to upgrade to WM6 (HTC001 ... with ipl...).
You have to go back to WM5 WWE using the last ROM posted in the Athena upload folder in the XDA FTP. After flashing your Athena to WM5, Use the first ROM posted (the one with a readme file included).
And voila! No problem at all since I've done it this morning, everything works fine!
Hope this helps!
Hi Thibale,
I flashed with the t-mobile version. the phone dead only once so far, though i am not sure it's caused by WM6. Anyway, thx for sharing your info.
royalmail said:
1. A2DP icon missing
I want to re-direct skype audio to my bluetooth earphone. How can I do that?
2. I can not login MSN/windows alive though skype can login without any problem via WIFI. Seems MSN try to get online through different connection setting? how/where can I define the connection setting for MSN?
3. Phone module die without any sign. All incoming call is diverted to voice mail automatically until soft reset. As if the phone is switched off.
(I am not sure whether this is WM6 related)
this means you might miss important call without any sign!
Does anybody have same experience?
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See if this helps
Also, read through the forum regarding some of your other issues.
Try to disable your GPRS and see if your calls start coming through.
Pyrofer said:
Ive had no probs at all since installing the messenger cab.
Still using it now.
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Thanks for all the input.
@Pyrofer, could u upload yr here? thanks in advance.

Athena Project Prerelease Tester Bugs And How To Solve Them

I just thought that amidst all the abusing by various people, and asking and begging etc, the people who actually have the rom should post their findings on it so far. Maybe say what os u used to flash, and then any problems you have had with it.
I used XP SP2 32 bit, and these are the bugs ive found:
1)I have this weird thing with the battery where even after being on 80% at night, then charging overnight, both pocketplus4 and resco today say its on 95%. The light is also green before i pull the charger out.
2)I had a problem with wisbar not showing the full start menu, in that some parts only had icons and no text, but a reinstall fixed this.
3)Opera also doesnt load my homepage properly. I have set it to the athena mobile 6 forum, and whenever i load it, it goes to But when i click settings, it userdefined is selected and its the right URL.
4)Theres no top line on the tabs at the bottom in settings just the lines between "personal" "system" and "connections", ill post a screen shot if needed...
5)finally, audio sometimes doesnt resume when i pause a video and resume it.. but the video does..
Im not trying to complain here, just thought it would be good for the team to ahve somewhere to look to see the bugs people have, and maybe you can try and iron them out for the full release. that is why there was a prerelease after all.
Fianlly, please REFRAIN FROM POSTING unless you have the rom.
If your device has been "bricked" by the prerelease spl, please post in this thread : not here.
Solutions to bugs:
The battery bug: no soultion yet
Opera Homepage bug: instead of going to a page, then settings and clicking use current page, copy the url, and click user defined and paste the link there
The settings tabs graphic problem: Solved by a hard reset. a hard reset may also solve all graphics problems
The audio not resuming problem: disable wow hd [ people said this, i tried it, didnt work for me]
Thanks to the team for all their hard work!
3) Opera homepage was wierd for me in not working initially when I set it but ok now.
Think what I did different was to set it in "User Defined"
Its not obvious but you can finger scroll the opera settings pages down to show more options
4) Line is ok for me, running RealVGA 96dpi
5) try turning off WOW HD Settings
AP4 works great for me. Other than a few missing icons I have zero problems. The battery (new) shows 100% when fully charged.
Agile Messenger
is an example of several applications that appear to install fine, but when you try and run them, don't start. Maybe a WM6.1 problem rather than AP4.0 ?
I REALLY do not like Agile anymore. First, they charge. Second they send your password as plaintext! How stupid is that???
And yes I do have the 95-96% battery bug.
Flashed using XPSP2 - followed the PDF exactly by updating radio to 1.57 first and then installing before starting the update process. Have flashed before so did not need to install the drivers from boot loader mode, they were already there.
1: Task Manager icon missing at 96dpi
2: logmein seems to be an issue with WM6.1
3: camera album hangs when opening a video, needing a soft reset
4: WMP will not open in Portrait orientation in 96dpi.
5: The comm manager is still only filling a quarter of the screen in 96dpi mode.
6: Device hangs when trying to open BT SAP settings in 96dpi.
I know some people have mentioned issues with the USB to PC storage mode, but i have not tried this yet, but will report back when i do.
gonna keep testing to see what i can find and update this as i find them.
Fixed no. 4. - Whenever i tried to open WMP in 96dpi portrait it simply crashed and closed again. fixed in the following steps.
set real VGA back to 192 and reboot device
open WMP in portrait.
Got to menu/options and select the skins tab.
Wait for the skin to appear (this will take several seconds)
Once it has appeared on the screen, tap OK and then close WMP.
reset VGA to 96dpi and you're good to go.
This was exactly the same way i used on the WMP bug in AP2/3.
USB to PC storage actually worked VERY well for me Saved me from having to download WM5torage.
I haven't had any of thoose problems. I flashed it via xp and just clicked on the athena wrapper. my thoughts so far is that its a nice rom some annoying problems I had were the screen oriention changing when ever I soft reset. soultion was to copy the toggle to windows\startup and reset and it won't change by itself. as for opera I hated the 9.5 so I uninstalled and installed 8.65 I cant get tomtom to install on this rom. but was able to run route 66. had problems with palringo(im client) and it upgrades itself. I installed schaps configurator and maxed at all the settings. runs super fast now! questions I have for the team is why do they recommend upgrading to 1.57 radio? im using 1.38 with out any problems. another is does the new home screen require net frame 3.0 to run? or why include it in the rom. if im wrong correct me but isn't it a beta?
overall good jobs guys
tomtom 6.03 installed and running fine for me.
Only odd thing is that as you drive screen keeps swapping between landscape and portrait, so just used the icon to disable auto rotate.
What about a option for no bugs?
another thing i just noticed is that the device runs much qiucker using the netcf 2 rather than the 3 thats installed on it. another thing i noticed is that if your sending a message using the attached keyboard when your typing the sender it wont pre guess it. but if i use the sip it works fine
still existing the problem with the watch, as for AP 3. The phone each time you reset moves the zone to GMT +2
I don't understand the brick advice. It is a regular update of rom.
There too much programs no needed, still waiting for a vainilla version.
Now i see what you mean by the battery bug. I had not noticed it previously.
If i charge the device to 100%, showing in the settings menu, DCI battery bar, and also green light, as soon as i unplug the device, it drops to 96% almost immediately. I can actually watch the battery bar clicking down each percent over around 15 seconds!!
Windows media player not opening in portrait at 96dpi has been solved, simply go back to 192 and open WMP in portrait. Got to menu/options and select the skins tab.
Wait for the skin to appear (this will take several seconds)
Once it has appeared on the screen, tap ok and then close WMP.
reset VGA to 96dpi and you're good to go.
beginner said:
I don't understand the brick advice. It is a regular update of rom.
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Have you read nothing on AP4.0? It certainly ISN'T a regular update of ROM!
marka2k said:
What about a option for no bugs?
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i mispellt opera in the poll too, and want to change it, but cant, i put it up with the view that i could add more options if people had other bugs, but i cant. sorry
Confucious said:
Have you read nothing on AP4.0? It certainly ISN'T a regular update of ROM!
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Exactly mate.
Btw, I was on modaco yesterday and saw youve got like 5k posts, 5th biggest poster there.. not bad mate not bad at all... must be on here or there pretty much all day lol
fixed the poll
cheers midget
Several bugs
I have installed AP4 according to the manual and it went like clockwork.
After four days of havy use I have noticed some problems:
1. On sunday and monday I had several problems with the microdrive. Several times the drive vanished in Resco Explorer or there were strange files, or complete directories were read only. Everytime a softreset solved it. I decided to flash my device again and now everything works fine.
2. I use TomTom very often. Installing works fine but with the latest versions 6.032 build 8351 and build 8355 I have problems. It happens very often when I am navigating and I change te route, that when TomTom is recalculating, the program gives a error saying that because of an error it can not calculate the route. Only a softreset solves the problem. Tomorrow I will test the wm2003 version 6.03 on AP4 to find out if WM6.1 is the problem.
3. Today I had several problems with the radio version 1.57. It was already installed when I used AP3. After entering my pin the device connected to the intenet but there was no trafic possible. A softreset solved it. But this happened several times today while driving on the road. I also noticed a problem I had in the past with my universal. While I had te problem I disabled the phone, but the connection stayed. There was also trafic. Very strange.
4. Another thing that bothers me is TouchFlo itself. Sometimes it makes it impossible to select text. Within TomTom the screen does not respond as it did in AP3. You have to press hard and for a longer time before TomTom noticed that you pushed the screen. The same TomTom has no problem on my HTC Touch Cruise (Polaris).
5. I used F-Secure for months now but now it will not install. I had to install compact framework 2 first.
6. I noticed another thing this aftenoon. When I was in TomTom te diable call button will minimize TomTom and you cannot see it anymore with WkTASK. First I thought it hd crashed but after starting it again I noticed that the program was running in the background.
7. This evening I was browsing with RSS hub and Opera. I was hitting a link and on te page was a flashvideo. After Opera had started the page was loaded but just before it was finished Opera shutdown completely.
8. I want to end this review with saying that I also have the probem with the battery indicator not showing the 100% energie level, the htc album freezing my device, iGO8 not wanting to start, Opera not wanting to start mediaplayer after hitting an mms link. Internet Explorer does, and several websites use a specific fonts which result in a webpage with very large text. E.g. which normaly shows small fonts. I have no probem with it on AP3.
Beside all these problems I like the rom. Route66 workeds perfectly on AP4 so I can live with the TomTom problem. A few weeks ago my plus account ended and I did not renew it yet.
OK, battery bug seems to be getting worse, charges fully and light goes green, all battery meters read 93%, even when still plugged in!
I am also experiencing problems with the internet as detailed by Qan. It works fine for a while and then it stops and i have to soft reset. Am going to flash back to 1.50 radio as i never had a problem with that - although i am a bit worried about flashing a radio on the pre-release as it does not have the locked SPL that would be in the final release, but i suppose if i use an updater that only contains the radio, it shouldn't be a problem (famous last words!!).
I have noticed that my touch screen seems to be much less sensitive. This I am guessing is down to touchflo waiting to see if you are going to scroll and therefore it is not picking up the quick taps. Annoying, and possibly the one thing that will send me back to AP3 dual. The touch itself bugged the hell out of me for being so unresponsive on the touch screen, but the touch dual was much better. This seems to be at the level of the original touch and not sure it is something i can live with.
This is not to detract for the rest of the ROM. It is superb, and the current bugs are minor, and no doubt the guys and gals of the AP team will fix them all in no time. I just am not a big fan of touchflo and would rather it was not there. but hey, we all have our own personal tastes.
I am unhappy with the autorotation of the screen (you can imagine while you are driving).
The device is times no responding because maybe touchflo way of work.
I don't see special speed or capacity improvement from ap 3 and times speed is lower than generic 6.1
Bluetooth disconnect more often, but not sure if it is because I moved radio 1.53
The other point I see is that there are too much stuff programs for me. I use other ones and the problem is memory...
still waiting a vainilla version, if it is possible.
I would like to be a technician in order to understand the memory improvement this rom has meaning, may I ask somebody to explain please?

S2A dialer in most ROMs has major issue...

The S2A dialer used by most chefs in WM6.5 ROMs has a major problem. If the phone is in standby, and a call is received, the phone cannot be answered, either with the slider or with the hardware button. I have experienced this with both Shep's ROMs and EnergyROM 3.0 with 100% consistency, and have had to call people back almost every time I receive a call.
I've seen several posts here and elsewhere about others experiencing this as well. In fact, in relation to the posts here... for some reason, the moderators determine that the problem is not "ROM-related" and that the threads should be frozen or deleted, or moved to specific ROM threads. I don't think that this is the best way to handle this, especially considering that nearly all chefs are using this dialer and none seem to mention this common issue in their release notes. This is not ROM-specific! It is a problem with the S2A dialer used by nearly all chefs alongside WM6.5.
Currently the only workaround I can find is to hit the power button twice before attempting to answer the call (since the call itself doesn't seem to completely wake the phone up), or to skip S2A altogether and use the Windows dialer.
Yes, i noticed this too, only for my phone it seems to take a bit more time to wake up (so it is possible to answer). I'd use the MS dialer, only I hate the look of it when phone is on and i receive a call... It only shows a notification or something... Maybe somebody can find a registry tweak or something.
I have tried Shep's rom and currently using NRG's rom. I have not had this issues with either. I have not seen others have this problem posted in their respective thread, which is probably why this is not something they would post as known problem. The only well known issue that happens regularly is the notification showing up along side S2A, but that interfere with the ability to pick up phone calls. If you believe it is a rom issue, try posting it in the respective thread.
Just a reminder, ALWAYS perform a hard reset after you install a new rom, that very often corrects a non regular occurring issue.
AndyJ91, Currently there is no fix because HTC S2A was made for 6.1 and not 6.5, which is why until HTC makes a fix or release a new version for 6.5, there is really nothing much the chefs can do.
Not sure I understand the issue. I am using Energy 60109. I can answer calls when the phone has been idle for hours. Perhaps you should define "Standby". By that do you mean that you briefly press the power button to turn the display off? Or is there more to "Standby"?
If that is the case, it works fine for me every time. Maybe you have some other program that is causing problems. Try a hard reset and test it before you make any customizations or load any software. Sort of a "factory fresh" test.
Doug M.
i didn't notice this problem either when i was running NRG 3....noticed other problems so i switched back to 2, but the S2A was working fine. YOu could always lengthen the ring time on your calls so you don't miss them..
I also experience the same problem . . . The phone rings . . . I slide to answer . . . I say, "hello . . . hello . . . anyone there? . . . hello . . ." for the next 15 seconds. Occassionally, I'll actually connect to whoever has called. Most of the time they are sent to voicemail and I have to redial them.
I'm at the point where I want to chuck my phone down a sewer because of S2A. Is there a way to disable it? I'm using EnergyROM 3.0, 6/01/09 version.
AUTiger83 said:
I also experience the same problem . . . The phone rings . . . I slide to answer . . . I say, "hello . . . hello . . . anyone there? . . . hello . . ." for the next 15 seconds. Occassionally, I'll actually connect to whoever has called. Most of the time they are sent to voicemail and I have to redial them.
I'm at the point where I want to chuck my phone down a sewer because of S2A. Is there a way to disable it? I'm using EnergyROM 3.0, 6/01/09 version.
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You can always disable the dialer and use the MS dialer, but the keys are so tiny it is difficult to use ...unless you put your finger in the pencil sharpener.
A less painful solution may be to simply install another dialer on top of the current one. Search for the Diamond Dialer of the original ATT dialer and try one of those.
If you can't find it, send me a PM with your email and I'll send it to you tomorrow when I get back to the office.
Doug M.
This issue has been discussed at length in other threads.
The default HTC dialer is incompatible with the wm6.5 lock screen, leading to issues including the send and end keys being unresponsive.
To disable the HTC dialer use Advanced Config, first option under phone section. This will restore the ms dialer which works just fine.
If you dont like the stock dialer some people have had success with 3rd party ones, but bear in mind that these have not been designed for 6.5 either, so you may see other issues.
I had this same problem on 6.1 with NATF and Arrup's ROMs.
Have you tried . . .
. . . THIS dialer?
Its from the Tachi, which came with a 6.5 ROM. I honestly don't know how well it works from Standby, but it couldn't hurt to try, I'm sure.
tachi dialer
Captain_Throwback said:
. . . THIS dialer?
Its from the Tachi, which came with a 6.5 ROM. I honestly don't know how well it works from Standby, but it couldn't hurt to try, I'm sure.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
The tachi dialer works well while in standby, somehow it unlocks the phone first..then you use the S2A. Give a try. I use EnergyROM as well.

