is anyone currently using sprint TP on the VZW network - Touch Pro CDMA

I know there are a lot of threads and tutorials on how to do this, but my question is who is currently using a Sprint Touch pro with verizon and how are you doing it? I read that verizon blocked the way that everyone used to do it with *228 option 3, and I wanted to know if there was an alternate way of doing it before I go and buy one.

I am right now, got mine in while the loophole was still open. There is a way to have the esn added by calling cust service but it may take numerous calls to find someone who knows how to add the esn into the system. I am thinking of selling mine. I wonder if it has been on the account once if it will be able to be activated like normal since it was in the system once? I may toy with this and reactivate my vogue then try to reactivate my tp. Might be a plus for a selling point if i can...

No it wont reactivate, if you used the loophole and switch devices it will not reactivate.
Trust me I did this and had to do an ESN repair to get it working again.

I have been looking at the specs for the alltel TP and it seems that they are really similar to Sprints, and if it is known that a sprint TP will not work with verizon anymore i will just get the Alltel one. since verizon bought them it should be easier to add the Alltel one than the sprint one, they might not like it and try saying they can't but I am sure I can get them to do it. thanks for all your help.

RE: Alltel TP on VZW
No Dice on the Alltel Touch Pro on the VZW network! At least for me.

I think the sprint touch pro will work on vzw. The main thing is to setup the phone first and then some how get them to add the esn. That is what i had to do to get alltel to add my sprint touch pro.

you just need to quote the CSA to them that states that you can use any CDMA compatable phone here is the quote from their CSA "Your wireless phone is any device you use to receive our wireless voice or data service. It must comply with Federal Communications Commission regulations and be compatible with our network and your Plan. Whether you buy your wireless phone from us or someone else is entirely your choice. At times we may change your wireless phone's software, applications or programming remotely and without notice. This could affect data you've stored on, the way you've programmed or the way you use your wireless phone. If you purchased a wireless phone (other than a "global phone") from Verizon Wireless for use with a plan with a minimum term and want to reprogram your phone for use with another wireless carrier network, the default service programming code is set to "000000" or "123456." Verizon Wireless in no way guarantees that your Verizon Wireless phone will be capable of being reprogrammed for use with another wireless carrier network after the service programming code is entered, or that another wireless carrier will accept your device for use on its network" this is the post that I found.

I work for verizon and they have this 'come one come all' but it only depends on the person you get as a CSR. There is a request form where you can fill out the phone make, model, and ESN and email/fax it into the people that actually do it for you. I've performed the request without fail. If I can remember to get the request form, I'll post it here as soon as I can.

if you know how to get the esn added, i would love to find out. i went round and round with verizon customer service, sales, tech support and store reps about trying to get a sprint mogul setup for my girlfriend. everyone kept telling me it couldnt be done or they dont do that. found the entry in their websites faq that states they do before anyone would listen to me. was finally told i had to send the phone to their development evaluation center before they could activate it, and that it would take three weeks! so if you have an easier way, please, enlighten me! ps..didnt mean to jack the thread

coppertop24 said:
if you know how to get the esn added, i would love to find out. i went round and round with verizon customer service, sales, tech support and store reps about trying to get a sprint mogul setup for my girlfriend. everyone kept telling me it couldnt be done or they dont do that. found the entry in their websites faq that states they do before anyone would listen to me. was finally told i had to send the phone to their development evaluation center before they could activate it, and that it would take three weeks! so if you have an easier way, please, enlighten me! ps..didnt mean to jack the thread
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all they will do is change the settings to be compatible with their network, nothing that you can't do yourself. here is some info about how to do it yourself.

derynhaze said:
I work for verizon and they have this 'come one come all' but it only depends on the person you get as a CSR. There is a request form where you can fill out the phone make, model, and ESN and email/fax it into the people that actually do it for you. I've performed the request without fail. If I can remember to get the request form, I'll post it here as soon as I can.
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that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

can someone add my esn or point me in right direction?
please i have had this phone for weeks and havent got any where


Sprint PPC 6800 switch to Verizon.

Ok... I bought a sprint phone off of a fellow Forum person... not naming... LOL... and now have it reprogrammed. First... I got it set to the latest sprint rom / radio / bootloader just to verify operation. Then, I reflashed it all to the latest Verizon stuff, to include loading the PRL 51020 so that when I dial *228 it actually says Verizon wireless.
Here's the dilemna, First... the CS rep said that it wasn't possible to get a Sprint phone on Verizon. I told her otherwise from my knowledge online. She got Tech Support on the line. I told him the exact things I did... reprogramming the phone and all. He said that's fine, but in order to get it on Verizon's network... meaning clear the ESN and EMIE... I would have to send it off and they would clean the phone and get it on their network.
From anybodies experience... Is this true? Or am I missing something.
nitro66215 said:
Ok... I bought a sprint phone off of a fellow Forum person... not naming... LOL... and now have it reprogrammed. First... I got it set to the latest sprint rom / radio / bootloader just to verify operation. Then, I reflashed it all to the latest Verizon stuff, to include loading the PRL 51020 so that when I dial *228 it actually says Verizon wireless.
Here's the dilemna, First... the CS rep said that it wasn't possible to get a Sprint phone on Verizon. I told her otherwise from my knowledge online. She got Tech Support on the line. I told him the exact things I did... reprogramming the phone and all. He said that's fine, but in order to get it on Verizon's network... meaning clear the ESN and EMIE... I would have to send it off and they would clean the phone and get it on their network.
From anybodies experience... Is this true? Or am I missing something.
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If the ESN is bad then no one will allow it on their network but I would assume that you should be able to tell the support people that you want to change phones and give them the new ESN and they should just put it in there system, then you will be able to dial *228. There are also phone repair places that also have access to do the switch as well. I did a phone on Cricket that way.
jambrose said:
If the ESN is bad then no one will allow it on their network but I would assume that you should be able to tell the support people that you want to change phones and give them the new ESN and they should just put it in there system, then you will be able to dial *228. There are also phone repair places that also have access to do the switch as well. I did a phone on Cricket that way.
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That was tried already. Because the ESN isn't from a Verizon phone, the system rejected the phone. That's why the tech support guy said to bring the phone in and have them send it away to make sure it's good for the network.
Do it yourself
You can manage your account online and enter the ESN yourself. The actually have an option for phones sourced other than Verizon.
I have never tried it, but it removes the useless support people from the mix.
I love cut and paste.
Yes it can be done. i have an alltel ppc6800 on vzw. the easiest way to do it is from the vzw website esn switch or activate equipment. There are some other steps you have to take to get the software loaded, not the stock rom. Then you will have to call vzw and have them reset your DMU key. Thats key to getting data to work.... start here:
or send you phone in:
Oh and you'll have to change the SPC code since it's a sprint phone. need to get that to a 000000, again the first post will help with that.
If you have questions send me a PM.
I tried to add ALLTEL PPC6800, Wasted 2 Days
Unfortunately, I had the exact opposite experience as the previous poster. I got a brand new ALLTEL PPC 6800 off Ebay. Did the flashing and the preparation and the phone was ready for VZW. Started off with call to regular support 1800-924-0204 to get the ball rolling. I knew they would be worthless but you need start somewhere. The gentleman tried to load it, said it came back as a NON VZW ESN and nothing he could do. I then asked , and got, Tier 3 Support. I told the gentleman the situation. He stated, " I have tried before and gotten nowhere.But I will try again" He tried and he got exactly where he stated, nowhere. He said he did not have the ability and asked his superiors and they did not have the ability. This subject was bounced around the support / switch room for about an hour.
Finally everyone gave up and said I could try submitting it for the Non VZW Equipment program (discussed in several threads here and elsewhere) or I could try going to a corporate store so the Manager could see the phone and then maybe he could call and get the phone added. The main problem they stated (I heard this several places BTW) is that the ALLTEL PPC6800 is not approved as a DATA device from ALLTEL. They have a list and Memo that states what ALLTEL devices are approved and that they can add to the system and the PPC6800 is not approved. It is not just omitted, it states the PPC6800 is not approved for use on VZW.
Here is the deal, I can only assume that it can be done as others state they have done it. Like many things when dealing with Wireless, what one person gets done out of the norm does certainly not guarantee you will. I have over 20 years in the Wireless industry and no how to talk to these people. I also consider myself a fairly adept "social engineer"/ I could NOT get it done. Maybe a few people got lucky and got in touch with people who could, and did, add an ESN into the System. I could not find that person. PERIOD
Now, this will really make some action. I finally got a the Product Manager who tried and tried, calling his "buds" up and asking around. He actually found a Memo that said if a customer was to bring an ALLTEL DATA device in to activate a New acct, they were to take it in and swap out for a new phone of equal value. He said after all the crap and time I had spent, and patience I had shown dealing with him, "come on in and Ill swap you out a XV6800"
Needless to say the car was moving before he hung up the phone. And he did exactly what he stated, gave me a brand new XV6800 in the box, and I handed him a used out of the box ALLTEL PPC6800 without battery, stylus, charger or battery door. Yes I lucked out.
Now can you pull that off? Doubtful. First off, even if the memo can be found, it clearly states for a NEW ACTIVATION, I found a flat out cool guy, and luckily a cool guy with authority. The whole time this transpired the front end person was going "I don't believe this, I don't know how he is going to get away with this, Man you sure are lucky" and then he had to make about 5-6 trips back to the rear for computer over rides and help. At one point in time the Store manager had to come give an over ride and I over heard him say, Hey that's his deal, if xxxx wants to do it, let him do so, he is the tech manager. not my problem!"
Sorry for the dissertation. But I felt it only fair to give you a detailed story on how it can NOT happen, i.e adding the ALLTEL ESN to VZWs DMD (Device Management Database) which is the obstacle to the whole thing.
I wish you well.
EDIT: Yes I posted this same story in another FORUM in response to someone asking the same question. I figured it applies here and I should spread the knowedge. Like I said, it evidently can be done., But I know how these things can go. I hate to see someone read about this in a forum and spend a whole lot of time thinking "Hey, a few attempts and I'll get the right guy" I made MORE then a few attempts. It is not like getting an activation fee waived "Just keep calling until you get the right rep and they'll take it off" This is more like calling the White House and telling them you have a quick question for the President. LOL
I don't want to flame but, It is doubtful the previous poster has twenty years of mobile phone experience, although it's not impossible. If you do some leg work and use the same tools that are provided to everyone it can be done.
If you absolutely want to talk to a real live person about activating your non-VZW phone on the VZW network then know some facts. At the beginning of the year VZW announced the Any Device, Any App as part of their "open network" initiative. This allows some devices to be activated on their network after an evaluation, and although it is not 100% in place, and you can be damn sure about 1% of VZW employees know about it, you can fill out a form take your phone to a VZW store and have them ship it out. That I have heard of, only 1 out of about 50ish have been denied. I have attached the PDF to this post.
If you want to do it yourself, and or don't want to wait 1-3 weeks here are the basic steps *READ ALL THE STEPS BEFORE YOU START*:
1. Since it's a sprint phone you need to break the SPC/MSL code and set it to all zeros. This will allow the phone to be programmed when you dial *228, if you skip this step it will fail.
2. Next you will need to load the DCD ROM, Radio, bootloader and carrier cab.
3. Load the PRL onto your phone.
4. Update your MIP Profile and MIP Default Profile (##778)
MIP Profile
Number of profiles: 6
Active user profile index: 0
MIP_MODE: Mobile IP Prefered
MIP Reg Retries: 2
MIP Reg Retry: 1750 ms
MIP Pre-Reg Timeout: 0
Mobile Node-HA: Enable
Send A Reg: Disable
Dormant Handoff Opt: Enable
MIP Default Profile
Enable Profile: Enable
NAI: [email protected] ([email protected])
DUN NAI: (if entry is there enter [email protected] so you can tether without a tethering package or [email protected] if you want paid tethering))
MN HA SPI Set: Enable
MN HA SPI Value: 12C
MN AAA SPI Set: Enable
MN AAA SPI Value: 0 (requires a "2" here for 6800 and 6900)
Reverse Tunneling: Enable
Home Address:
HA Shared Secret: (erase whatever entry is here leave blank)
AAA Shared Secret: (erase whatever entry is here leave blank)
Primary HA Address:
Secondary HA Address:
DMU Pub Key: 10
MN Authenticator: 0
5. Upload the public DMU Key ( This step never works for me but I do it anyway. I always end up having to call and have them reset my DMU key manually. If you get the right person they can do it over the phone while you wait. Data will not work if you skip this step.
6. Last goto the VZW website and activate your new equipment. Once that is complete *228 option 1 to program your phone. And test.
This post has more details on what tools to use.
Again questions send me a PM.
But the ESN isn't allowed via the website. That's the main issue.
What error does it give you?
acidone said:
What error does it give you?
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"Your request failed. You may have entered the ESN/MEID incorrectly. Please re-enter and try again."
Basically the same thing the CSR told me.
Mmm did you enter the HEX or the DEC ESN. I had that error when I entered the DEC but the HEX would go through. If the HEX still doesn't work you could try A000000 (Six 0's) followed by the HEX ESN
EX: A00000012A3B45
acidone said:
Mmm did you enter the HEX or the DEC ESN. I had that error when I entered the DEC but the HEX would go through. If the HEX still doesn't work you could try A000000 (Six 0's) followed by the HEX ESN
EX: A00000012A3B45
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It doesn't allow for the whole Hex ESN if you put 6 0's
Edit: if I leave the last digit off... and use A followed by 6 0's... I get this "The phone associated with the ESN/MEID you entered cannot be activated. Please contact Customer Service at 800-922-0204 for assistance."
Bummer. Sounds like your sending it in then. grab the PDF off my previous post and take to the store and send it out. Let us know how it goes.
acidone said:
Bummer. Sounds like your sending it in then. grab the PDF off my previous post and take to the store and send it out. Let us know how it goes.
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Problem now is that I can't seem to load the "STOCK" Verizon rom. The one with Radio 1.30.00 keeps coming up with "No Radio" I even tried going back to Olipro 1.2 to see if it was a compatibility issue with the bootloader
Not sure on that one. Never loaded any stock roms.
Just want it to be stock when I send it back... If I can't get a "Tech" To add the ESN over the phone.
Edit: After a few trials... I have actually been able to get the Sprint phone to be like a stock verizon phone. Radio : 1.30.60 ROM : 2.09 and SPL 1.04.0000
Ok... come to find out... the reason Verizon can't activate this phone is that an Insurance claim was done on it. This means the ESN is "blacklisted" and assurian needs to get the phone back. Now, even though I spoke with Assurian, they are saying there is nothing they can do. However, Sprint.... through the normal CSR's, checked the ESN, I said nothing about insurance, and Sprint was ready to activate it on their network.
I hate to ask this.... but does anybody have a valid... non-blacklisted XV6800 ESN that can be activated on Verizon's network? The ones I would want are ones from phones that have not been insurance claimed.... and are just software bricked and somebody just upgraded phones. PM me if you could help me out.
And yes... if I can verify the ESN via Verizon... I will buy the bricked phone... just to be halfway legal
Why do you need a PPC ESN? I put one on from an old motorola pink razr (v3m) that was originally a verizon phone. I had the same problem. Insurance claim had same deductable whether it was broken or lost. So I just reported it lost and asurion blacklisted it. Back working again now though.

Can't activate an Alltel Phone on Verizon?

Hi everyone,
I am a new member here but I have long browsed and admired this forum and I am thankful to now be a part of it! I have a question....I am a Verizon Wireless customer and I purchased an HTC Vogue (xv6900) from Alltel and I wanted to activate it on my line. When I went to do so I was told by 3 separate reps that it could not be done because I was a Verizon plan and only Alltel phones could be on Alltel. They said this is because they are trying to get everyone off of Alltel devices. Is there any way I can flash this phone or hack it so that Verizon will activate it on my account?
Thanks so much!
mac+htc said:
Hi everyone,
I am a new member here but I have long browsed and admired this forum and I am thankful to now be a part of it! I have a question....I am a Verizon Wireless customer and I purchased an HTC Vogue (xv6900) from Alltel and I wanted to activate it on my line. When I went to do so I was told by 3 separate reps that it could not be done because I was a Verizon plan and only Alltel phones could be on Alltel. They said this is because they are trying to get everyone off of Alltel devices. Is there any way I can flash this phone or hack it so that Verizon will activate it on my account?
Thanks so much!
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Does no one know anything about this?
mac+htc said:
Does no one know anything about this?
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Diddo here! having same issue. I can dial (#228) and get Verizon voices, but fails to activate. I think it has something to do with the esn number not being on vzw? Did find this post:
Mylt1 said:
i am doing this right now with a altell phone. i can tell you its a PITA and verizon will NOT push the ESN through on there system via a store or by calling tech support. i have had to send my phone to verizon to have it flashed to there software and have them push the ESN through. i did everything in my power to get them to just push the ESN and they refused. once you get the phone, you will need to take it to the service dept of an actual verizon store and they will have you fill out a form and then they will ship it out to have the work done. i was told by tech support that it takes 3 weeks give or take.
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But that was in 2008, hoping someone had a better solution. Thanks

[Q] salvage boost mobile galaxy SII

My daughter got duped and bought a stolen SGII for Boost Mobile (the previous owner's service was still active when she got it). Is there a way to re-flash it or hack it so it can be activated on her Boost Mobile account? If not, is there a way to flash/hack it to run on Sprint, Verizon or Credo Mobile?
Thanks in advance
I'm sure what you want to is illegal.
Contact the owner and return it.
I has a sig
neuropsychosis said:
I'm sure what you want to is illegal.
Contact the owner and return it.
I has a sig
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Okay, well forget the "illegal" part (altering the MEID/DEC). It appears its common to flash phones TO Boost from Sprint and Verizon, but not the other way around (FROM Boost to Sprint and Verizon) - is this a correct observation? Even if I could flash from Boost to Sprint and Verizon, would I be able to activate the phone given that its not able to activate on Boost?
Oh and we did contact the owner, but since she promised to smack the ish out of my child so there goes being nice.
What does the sticker on the phone chassis under the battery say ? Irrespective of that, it's an issue to sort out with the carrier given it's obviously IMEI blocked. There is nothing 'legitimate' you can do to fix it, and talk of anything 'not legitimate' is not allowed here.
DiGiTY said:
Okay, well forget the "illegal" part (altering the MEID/DEC). It appears its common to flash phones TO Boost from Sprint and Verizon, but not the other way around (FROM Boost to Sprint and Verizon) - is this a correct observation? Even if I could flash from Boost to Sprint and Verizon, would I be able to activate the phone given that its not able to activate on Boost?
Oh and we did contact the owner, but since she promised to smack the ish out of my child so there goes being nice.
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Yeah..previous owners are like that.
Sent from the little guy
Contact the owner and return it
or just have a lucky chance to bump the IMEI with generic one....or else sale it least you get yr money back
illegal, thread closed. Also IMEI changing is illegal in most countries so discussion on this isnt allowed either.

Used Sprint HTC One M9 ESN OK but FED not - activate where or how

Bought a used HTC One M9 (Sprint). ESN is OK, but after purchase learned 'Owner Mismatch / FED Not Met', which I think means it's not stolen but a previous owner owes Sprint. The seller says he bought it used also and it's not him who owes Sprint, and can't or won't help me.
I paid a lot for this and need to activate it somehow, somewhere. Currently with a Sprint MVNO but open to moving to any network where I can activate it. Can it be used on a GSM network, or just CDMA?
What do I need to do to finally use it? ASAP, please, as in my frustration I just broke my current POS.
Thanks for any and all help!
Outta luck. Get a full refund if you can. Sprint's got a really nasty policy when it comes to unlocking for cricket/boost AND it's CDMA only so... Unless you're gonna to global to like Korea or India you can't activate it anymore. The only methods left are things like editing IMEI, but that's illegal lol.
I'd like to use the phone, and though I could ask, I doubt the seller (an individual) is going to agree to a refund.
Can you tell me or point me where I'm likely to find accurate directions and the program or tool to edit the IMEI? The phone's not rooted (nor have I experimented with that), but I can be careful (with guidance) if that's my only real option.
Thanks for helping!
I was told there's a guide to repairing (changing) an IMEI number here at XDA, but haven't found it. Can someone correct me? Also, as a clueless noob, any and all advise on the subject would be greatly appreciated.
Phone is an HTC One M9 for Sprint, bought used. Clean ESN (not blacklisted, stolen or reported lost), but previous owner owes Sprint money, I'm told when trying to activate it. I'm with a Sprint MVNO (Kroger i-Wireless, that allows bring-your-own-device, but since I can't return the phone to get my money back, willing to move to any service where I can activate it.
Not clear on this stuff, but I don't have it unlocked (boot, S-ON, or carrier) not is it rooted, though I'll do whatever it takes to be able to use it (myself or pay someone else to do it).
Please help.
kevinprice said:
I was told there's a guide to repairing (changing) an IMEI number here at XDA, but haven't found it. Can someone correct me? Also, as a clueless noob, any and all advise on the subject would be greatly appreciated.
Phone is an HTC One M9 for Sprint, bought used. Clean ESN (not blacklisted, stolen or reported lost), but previous owner owes Sprint money, I'm told when trying to activate it. I'm with a Sprint MVNO (Kroger i-Wireless, that allows bring-your-own-device, but since I can't return the phone to get my money back, willing to move to any service where I can activate it.
Not clear on this stuff, but I don't have it unlocked (boot, S-ON, or carrier) not is it rooted, though I'll do whatever it takes to be able to use it (myself or pay someone else to do it).
Please help.
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yeah, get a refund or give up...editing the imei isnt like editing a build.prop heh...and if you cant get a refund get something for it as its now a paperweight, if you have money then just simply go buy a used one online from swappa, ebay etc..
Sorry to hear about your troubles. Sprint is a real bastard with FEC. This phone can do GSM, you could take it to T-mobile but you would first need to do a simunlock on the phone. There are two kinds, domestic sim unlock and international sim unlock. You will need to have a domestic sim unlock done on your phone before it will accept a t-mobile sim card. Also, the phone will do voice and 3g okay but LTE support is limited (sprint version does not support all of the lte bands which t-mobile uses).
Honestly you are probably better off selling the phone on Swappa (assuming you werent able to refund from seller). Phones with FEC problems will usually work on Sprint directly, but not with MVNOs. When buying a sprint phone for a MVNO always ask the seller to check the IMEI at your operators website or ask for the IMEI to check yourself.
May be useful hint regarding Mismatch or FED problem
Old post, but there may be people searching high and low with this very problem and I hope this helps someone.
Domestically, it just may hypothetically be possible to go ahead and activate the phone with prepaid Sprint. Without purchasing a plan, even, just getting the number assigned. Maybe you would need to deactivate the phone online, or it may not even matter. Then, it's a possibility an mvno such as....ring+ may accept and activate the esn you provide when you check for the eligibility online.
Then after you have successfully gotten your assigned number, maybe an hour later you might decide that ring+ isn't right for you after looking at the prices and stipulations more closely and deactivate device.
Then, you may find that you are able to activate your phone on the mvno of your choice.
Maybe I know of someone who thought they were buying a brand-new never activated Sprint-branded phone that could be used on an mvno and ended up accidentally finding a way. Or thought that since the phone was used and deactivated and had that Sprint brand on it but no indication that it was a prepaid device and not postpaid that a Sprint mvno of their choice would accept.

Question with having problem with getting my G5 on sprint network

So i bought a G5 on ebay. seller says it's unlock for both international and domestic and should work also with sprint.
Trying to activate with meid just give you cannot activate this phone on sprint site. Sprint store says not compatible with sprint network. I was able to get them to give me a sprint g5 sim card anyway. when i insert that at home, the phone detects sprint 3g network
got online with sprint chat, they again says phone is not registered in sprint network and therefore cannot be used.. they keep on saying i have to use a sprint labeled g5 phone?
Is there anything i can do about this? is sprint reps just being an ass (not their fault or maybe because they just being brainwashed by the corporate) or is there some real technical thing preventing them from registering my phone? It did detect sprint network when sprint sim is inserted after all.
Anything i can do about all this? Thanks.
wildpig1234 said:
So i bought a G5 on ebay. seller says it's unlock for both international and domestic and should work also with sprint.
Trying to activate with meid just give you cannot activate this phone on sprint site. Sprint store says not compatible with sprint network. I was able to get them to give me a sprint g5 sim card anyway. when i insert that at home, the phone detects sprint 3g network
got online with sprint chat, they again says phone is not registered in sprint network and therefore cannot be used.. they keep on saying i have to use a sprint labeled g5 phone?
Is there anything i can do about this? is sprint reps just being an ass (not their fault or maybe because they just being brainwashed by the corporate) or is there some real technical thing preventing them from registering my phone? It did detect sprint network when sprint sim is inserted after all.
Anything i can do about all this? Thanks.
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Maybe if you really got high enough up on the engineer food chain, they might be able to override it. The software they use to activate phones will not allow phones outside of their system. If it's not on the list of acceptable IMIEs too bad. Had the same problem a while ago on a Nexus 5x that was fully compatible. It wasn't in the list even though they said all 5Xs are compatible on their website. After a couple of hours on the phone, I decided it was just easier to return the phone on eBay.
idontkn1 said:
Maybe if you really got high enough up on the engineer food chain, they might be able to override it. The software they use to activate phones will not allow phones outside of their system. If it's not on the list of acceptable IMIEs too bad. Had the same problem a while ago on a Nexus 5x that was fully compatible. It wasn't in the list even though they said all 5Xs are compatible on their website. After a couple of hours on the phone, I decided it was just easier to return the phone on eBay.
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Anyone has any hints or tip on how i can accomplish this? what do i need to say to the sprint rep? I think it's BS they doing this. They allow BYOD but then they do this kind of crap? I really don't understand at all!
wildpig1234 said:
Anyone has any hints or tip on how i can accomplish this? what do i need to say to the sprint rep? I think it's BS they doing this. They allow BYOD but then they do this kind of crap? I really don't understand at all!
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Why don't you return it to the seller? Unless it's the Sprint version of the phone or the RS988 it's not going to work with Sprint.
idontkn1 said:
Why don't you return it to the seller? Unless it's the Sprint version of the phone or the RS988 it's not going to work with Sprint.
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It was actually RS988. I think it was a prior verizon phone as i went to verizon website just testing out adding the imei. it says the phone is no longer eligible to be activated on verizon...... what kind of bs is that?
I guess it;s possible that that phone didn't have all the bands needed by sprint? Anyway, i went ahead and returned it. Got a sprint labeled G5..... the imei seems to check out so far when i tried it on sprint website.... just haven't tried to switch over yet since i still need to back up data from old phone over.....

