Email stops working after ~15 minutes - anyone have this problem? - Mogul, XV6800 ROM Development

Since flashing my phone last week, I've had problems with both my work email (synced through an exchange server) and Gmail. 15 minutes or so after being turned on, email no longer works. Although Activesync claims it is connected to the exchange server, it won't sync and manually pressing "sync" does nothing. Gmail won't send or receive email either, and if I click the menu button I see "Stop Send/Receive" as if it is syncing but if I click that it just says "Disconnecting...". The only way to fix this is to soft reset the phone, at which point everything syncs just fine when it starts back up, but 15 minutes later I have the same problem. Internet works fine....running dcd 4.1.2. I've reflashed several times, done a hard reset....nothing seems to fix this. Anyone experienced this issue and know how to resolve it?

ou try reflashing just for the hell of it? And which ROM/Radio did you flash it with?

Yeah I reflashed several times. I was using dcd 3.3.4 when the problem started. I've done hard resets, reflashed, upgraded today to dcd 4.1.2 to see if the problem would go away, but no luck so far. I can access the internet, but the email syncing just seems to stop working after a few minutes and I'm forced to do a soft reset to get it to sync. Perhaps not just an email problem, as my weather program (Pocket Weather) can't seem to connect either when the email stops connecting. Any ideas?

Oh and radio version is 3.42.50....


Weird issues with 2.06

I'm using 2.06 with radio 1.27 and it's been working great, but for some reason it's being really quirky the last week or so. I have two things going on. Some times the phone looks like it's working fine but I stop receiving email divia direct push, and cingular's xpress mail stops working too. I just think I haven't received new email, but then I find out someone emailed me and I didn't get it... so I reset the phone and when it reboots, I start receiving email again. Other times it just refuses to connect to any data services and I'll even get a pop up saying there is a problem with my GPRS connection and nothing will work until I reset it. I have to reboot the phone on a daily basis now or it'll stop getting email.. I haven't installed anything new or changed any settings, so I'm at a loss for what might be going on. Anyone else having this problem?

Sync will no longer connect to Exchange

Hmm, this is really bugging me now.
Hero has been running Exchange sync perfectly for a couple of weeks, but today it went AWOL and stopped connecting.
I rebooted the router (because I work from home and use the phone and laptop over wi-fi), but this didn't cure it.
Decided to shut down Outlook on my laptop (which was working perfectly anyway) and disconnect the VPN, then re-connect and see if my laptop would have the same problem as my Hero. Launched the VPN and it asked me to reset my password (usually due to our 90 day expiry policy) - okay, I changed the password and it connected fine, and Outlook appeared perfectly as it should. But the Hero still wouldn't connect, using both the original password and the new one (not that I expected this to change anything anyway).
The error I get (whatever I do) is "Authenticaion failed. Please verify username and/or password."
Got really irritated with this and deleted the account. Set it back up from scratch and still the same error.
Got even more irritated, remembering how the Hero seems to allow some people to only set up Exchange and Gmail accounts when they first set up the phone, i.e. during the "out the box" setting up stage. Figured I may have to do a factory reset, but had an idea ... download RoadSync and set up my account as usual ... same error even with this!!!! Aaarrgghghh!
All this after I've been signing the praises of the little Hero.
Does anyone have a fix? HTC can't help. My office say nothing has changed on Exchange. Any ideas?
Now fixed and working again.
Asked the office IT guys to change my password. It must have overwritten some kind of password corruption caused by me doing remotely, even though I've done it that was for the last 18 months.
Anyway, if people are having an Exchange authentication problem via Hero sync, it may be worth asking your IT people to change the password.

Gmail on phone not syncing with Gmail

Here is my issue. When I read or delete an email from my phone, it doesnt reflect in gmail when I login. It still shows as unread. Whenever I get new emails on the phone, it will say I have 5, but I only have 1 because I already read the other 4. But I cannot see them and can only view them then from gmail online.
Never had this issue live past a *228 and reboot. I have cleared cache, tried reflash. Everything. Even went back to a working NAND and still same issue. I am using Aloysius v11 MAPS.
Any thoughts?
Well I guess no one has had this issue. I finally got it working so far after 3 reflashes. NO idea why this happened, but hope it never happens again.

[Q] Possible virus on phone hotmail stopped working and prob with wifi(hd2)

I have not installed and i've done nothing but a few days ago the first thing i noticed go wrong was the wifi. When connected and I run fring (which I’ve always used) the wifi logs off and when i try to reconnect it asks for a wep key(even without fring all wifi hotspots are deleted from memory).
First prob wep key is being deleted from memory all the time.
Hotmail when i touch the mail icon on home page it takes me to my 3 hotmail account like it should but when you touch the email to go in to the account nothing happens (same on all 3 accounts). Next i went in to settings to have a look and the server setting have all been deleted both outgoing and incoming and also the part of the address had been deleted and instead for a 9 dig password it had been replaced by an 18 dig password.
So i changed all the setting back and great straight into my account downloaded and uploaded fine. Turned the phone off and back on again............ yep bang all the setting had gone again.
Anyone had this or heard of it or knows what to do
Sorry to hear about your issue.
A few questions:
Does your data connection remain active?
Does your phone try to dial a random number?
And how many times have you repeated this issue?
I don't use fring but it could be an application glitch. Reinstalling it or hard reset (last resort) may help. I presume youve already changed your hotmail passwords.
Thanks for the reply
The data connection is turned off
The wifi is turned on and stays on it just drops connection and when you try to reconnect the wep key has gone from the memory.
I have now uninstalled fring and still have all the same problems (wep key and hotmail server info being deleted (server info smtp and pop3 +passwords))
Do a hard reset and see if it persists. If it does, task 29 the phone and reinstall a fresh rom and radio and all should be well.

[Q] Sudden loss of email sync

My email accounts stopped syncing this morning, and I get a message "we re having a problem connecting to try again later " error code 80072EFD
and it happens with my google and other accounts too. I did two soft resets and it persists. tried 4g off and it is still happening while i can browse the internet normally. removing and re adding the accounts did not help either. Any other ideas someone?

