Is there any program can control PC? - Hero, G2 Touch Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi, there
I would like to use some program to remote my Desktop....
I try to use Remote VNC Pro....but it didn't work.....
Anyone can tell me what can I do??
Thanks so much!!

remote droid is a pretty cool app from the marketplace. it essentially turns the phone in to a laptop style track pad. If your looking for something a bit more indepth then have a look on the market place

there are a couple of VNC programs, but none of them are brilliant.
Gmote allows you to remote control the media player on your PC and stream music to the phone
VLCMote allows you to remote control VLC if you have it installed on your PC...
there may be others.

PhoneMyPC looks impressive ?

Has anyone found these apps to be successful besides Gmote? I have tried every VLC remote in the market, set-up the HTTP protocol, and none has worked yet. I tried reading the developer's instructions to start it with command line but it told me the command was invalid. Thought it might be my firewall, but even disabling it did nothing.

Did anyone here try anyremote? Using anyremote2html it should be possible to control various applications on the PC using a web interface. Unfortunately it did not work for me yet since no browser on the android was able to show the webpage containing the controls. I always get a 404 error with them. I have no idea why this is so. I can get it to work with another PC controling my first PC via any web browser. Does anyone know why the android browsers are not able to show that simple webpage from anyremote?

vnc4android does work fine for me (on my pc i have a ultravnc server with standard settings)

where do I get vnc4android? I tried a few of those vnc clients in the market. But they have trouble with correctly showing the desktop.

Phil_UK said:
PhoneMyPC looks impressive ?
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It is impressive ! full control of PC, sneak peek, etc..
try it

kamdroid said:
Has anyone found these apps to be successful besides Gmote? I have tried every VLC remote in the market, set-up the HTTP protocol, and none has worked yet. I tried reading the developer's instructions to start it with command line but it told me the command was invalid. Thought it might be my firewall, but even disabling it did nothing.
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androidvnc works fine for me, using tightvnc on my pc. just change the port on androidvnc to 5900, altho lack of software keyboard is abit of a bummer.

The new version of GMote is excellent for the Hero. It allows you to use the Hero's screen as a touchpad and now also let's you bring up the keyboard to type stuff on the PC. It is very responsive and highly usable. I have a media centre PC and this means I have full control to complement the remote.


VNC Mobile

So i didn't see any threads about this and thought i'd post on it. I use VNC every day at work and i love how easy it is to connect to my laptop at home. but what if i want to access my laptop or my work computer and i'm not home? VNC Mobile is the answer. Pretty sweet little app that works just like the regular VNC Viewer. View is scaleable from 1/5 of the sever to 1:1 ratio or even 200% zoom. you can push ctrl, alt, and function commands as well. pretty sweet free app.
check it out here:
download here:
I have had all sorts of fun with this at work. I would walk to someone's machine, see them locked out, log into the server from my phone and unlock them. Also at home I use VNC to control Winamp and do other basic PC functions from the phone. On the road I use Browseamp and Shoutcast! to control and stream music to my phone and using a homehacked adapter play and charge the phone in my truck.
Have you compared this to RealVNC's WinMo beta client? That's what I'm currently using and it's the only one I've found that worked.
Post a link please....
Protonus said:
Have you compared this to RealVNC's WinMo beta client? That's what I'm currently using and it's the only one I've found that worked.
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Remote Desktop with a Windows PC

Googling around I see the original Transformer can do a remote desktop with a Windows computer. So I ask...
How good is it? Is it very choppy or smooth like you are really on that other computer?
And do you have to be on your home network to access it or can you be somewhere else and access your home computers on the internet?
I'm wondering this just because I'm not 100% sure this could be a good laptop replacement, but I could just access my Windows 7 desktop on it and it work well, I'm getting the Prime ASAP.
I think Splashtop, from what I've read, is what you want. Supposedly the best and fastest. I believe as long as home pc connected to Internet, you can access it anywhere from prime as long as it has a good connection also. Get splash top HD for android tablet. Then get free splash top program for pc. Supposedly a very easy setup, basically one click n you good to go. The prime client will automatically find the pc version and connect.
it's fine depending on what you want to do with it.
not fast or 1:1 mapped well enough to play most games, but to access files, even use productivity apps to a degree (i've made small changes to illustrator files) is pretty handy.
Sounds good. I won't be playing any games or anything like that, just want it for MS Office mainly and some other programs that won't be available on Android.
The laptop I have now if still perfectly functional and works great but I love the portability of the Prime. If I could just leave this laptop on a desk and use my Prime to access it whenever I need that would be perfect.
I'm so getting this now, can't wait.
wifesabitch said:
Sounds good. I won't be playing any games or anything like that, just want it for MS Office mainly and some other programs that won't be available on Android.
The laptop I have now if still perfectly functional and works great but I love the portability of the Prime. If I could just leave this laptop on a desk and use my Prime to access it whenever I need that would be perfect.
I'm so getting this now, can't wait.
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Honestly, tons of apps to remote connect to your desktop.
Try also logme in (free and paid version, but free should be enough) and Teamviewer is also excellent - especially once you get used to the mouse pointer, very precise.
Teamviewer is completely free.
I am actually looking for an RDP client. Anyone can suggest a good one? I have iTap on iPad, but since that is going on a shelf to collect dust, I need something for Prime.
splashtop is also free as asus includes it in the tablet (they call it something else, myasus or some stupid name, but it's splashtop)
splashtop has been the best (for me) out of the few that i've tried.
Meanee said:
I am actually looking for an RDP client. Anyone can suggest a good one? I have iTap on iPad, but since that is going on a shelf to collect dust, I need something for Prime.
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This would be ideal. These other apps that send images are not in the same league as a true RDP client.
Meanee said:
I am actually looking for an RDP client. Anyone can suggest a good one? I have iTap on iPad, but since that is going on a shelf to collect dust, I need something for Prime.
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I use this ... it is a bit pricey but I use it for work so it was totally worth it. It is seamless as an RDP client. Just make sure you use a physical keyboard or a software that has all the keys you need without switching back and forth (such as A.I. Type Keyboard)
Is the included Splashtop that Asus bundles in the regular Splashtop or the Splashtop HD?
i'm going to assume the HD variant since they list comptability with the TF101 on there...
Splashtop is the only one I've used that properly utilised the Transformer's keyboard dock, brilliant app (original Transformer that is).
I'm using Splashtop HD, I think the included splashtop in the TF101 is the regular version.
Anyway splashtop HD is a wonder. At first I tought that was going to be a headach to setup, then I tried:
1) Install Splashtop HD on your computer (it automatically update)
2) Install Splashtop HD on your tablet.
3) Log into both with your regular google account
It find automatically your devices everywhere on wifi and 3G.
If you re on the same wifi network as the computer you re accessing it's blazing fast almost no delay. Browsing the web with the real chrome browser at full speed on a tablet is a joy by itself (and make you realise the huge gap there still is between mobile device and desktop computer in terme of browsing speed )
If you re on over the internet there is more delay, depending on your connection both at home and currently but it's still usable for quick files transfere, small correction. I do some tweeks on Maya (CGI software) that way and it's really convenient to be able to check and redo some rendering that happen home when you're at work.
I dont know Splashtop, seems to be very nice. But Teamviewer is also excellent on every platform!
I am partial to Logmein. I support my customers with it. It's completely free on PC, but if you want to access it from a mobile device, you need to fork over $30 for the Logmein Ignition app. Their ipad app is pretty nice, and I test drove Android app on Samsung Tab. Great thing about Logmein, is that it does not require any tinkering with routers, or dynamic DNS.
what if i was in china, could i access my pc from there? what about youtube? could i access vpn on my asus? is there any apps for that ****?
blaziner18 said:
what if i was in china, could i access my pc from there? what about youtube? could i access vpn on my asus? is there any apps for that ****?
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I would suggest a VPN service. There's a monthly fee, but it gives you full access to the web. And I believe it should work with "Great Firewall of China". I personally use StrongVPN. Service is something around $7/mo and works quite well.
This page has setup instructions for almost every device:
Anyone try Remote Desktop Client from the market?
wifesabitch said:
Anyone try Remote Desktop Client from the market?
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I think the one who already linked to it earlier in this thread
tried it.
I used Logmein Ignition for Android. It supports (connecting to) a system with Multiple Monitors. Allows you to scale the screen to the default of your Transformer, with a dialog to switch back and forth between monitors.
I had to pay again Ignition for Android, to go with the one I use for Windows.
I've also surmised that SplashHD is mainly designed to allow you to shadow HD movies being played on your main PC, being i/o'd to your Transformer. Supports one monitor, and navigation in the window is a pain.
I use SplashHD religiously for Hulu+ until Hulu gets of their deadweight asses and supports the Transformer directly.

Recommendation for a good computer remote control app

I'm looking for an app that is capable of controlling my computer using my mobile, but it is important that I will be able to transfer files to my phone using this app (for example, in case I left home but forgot to transfer file to my phone).
I prefer having efficient apps and having as less apps on my phone as possible, so if you know an app that is capable of doing these two things, and perhaps even more, that would be nice.
If not, I don't care to have two separate apps for that, one for remote controlling my computer and the second for remotely transferring files to my phone, though the first option would be better
Thank you.
Unified remote is brilliant. Not sure if do the file transfers. Airdroid is great but not sure if its good for what your asking, worth getting either way
Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk 2
Your title confused me a little. I though you wanted a remote app which functions as a mouse and keyboard. (RemoteDroid was what I was going to suggest).
But for remote control and viewing, Teamviewer does a pretty good job. It even allows you to log in from a web interface. Linux and Windows support. I'm not sure about transferring files but you can use dropbox and if you forget to put the file in the dropbox folder, use teamviewer to do so.
try jump to desktop for remote control. For file transfer you can use dropbox, copy-paste on the computer and it will sync to your device
As said Unified Remote is the best for using your Mobile as a keyboard and mouse for your PC.
It doesnt allow you to transfer files. You can use and Sync applications such a Box or Dropbox to do that.
Unified Remote allows you to browse your computer HDD, and allows you to play or run any software/ App/ Movie/ Video on your PC.
Thanks for your replies everyone.
Dropbox is indeed a creative way of transferring files, did not think of that, but still, isn't there an app that can do this?
And VicXxX, Unified remote is not good for me, this is an app that is used like a remote control (like in a TV), I need an app that allows me to remotely control my computer, from afar (when I'm not at home). By controlling my computer I mean, of course, do basic things like moving my mouse, open programs or web sites, etc.
ears1991 said:
Unified remote is brilliant. Not sure if do the file transfers. Airdroid is great but not sure if its good for what your asking, worth getting either way
Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk 2
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Sign, i'm using both first for Controlling my PC/Media Player eg wit my Smartphone and Airdroid for Installing apps, managing Contacts eg on Smartphone with PC, Both are definitly recommendable
Any other suggestions?

[Q] See & control device on computer?

This guy is running Windows 8 and is able to see an 'ASUS like' device on his computer. It looks like he can control it as well...
Here is a link to the YouTube video:
Anyone know what app he's using? Is this possibly emulated?
He says that if the page gets enough traffic, he'll offer up the details. I went through and tried to search for it on XDA but nothing matches the way his app looked.
I know you can use ScreenCast to do that, although complicated and slow.
You can also use our VMLite VNC Server to install on Android, then control using a VNC viewer on pc,
there might be other apps too
I was hoping the app he's using is different from these 2 and that it worked really well. Who knows... hopefully someone knows what app this is or the guy tells us...
Might be an external display, some android devices support hdmi cable, which connects to tv card on that pc

Looking for Android app for Remote Control PC (Windows)

1) Working through Local Network (preferably). I need this for fast connect to my PC. Apps like TeamViewer or Google Remote Desktop has to long connect to my PC (probably because of connection through Internet)
2) Picture of desktop from PC in real-time (like in TeamViewer)
3) Easy mouse control
I'm using android OS.
GuitarFan said:
1) Working through Local Network (preferably). I need this for fast connect to my PC. Apps like TeamViewer or Google Remote Desktop has to long connect to my PC (probably because of connection through Internet)
2) Picture of desktop from PC in real-time (like in TeamViewer)
3) Easy mouse control
I'm using android OS.
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I use Windows Remote Desktop-
If you're having issues with two of the best apps that do what you want, you have other problems causing the slow connection. Using TeamViewer & Google Remote Desktop always work well for me.
I use Windows Remote Desktop-
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I tried this, but it asks some username and password.
I don't have password on my PC account
If you're having issues with two of the best apps that do what you want, you have other problems causing the slow connection. Using TeamViewer & Google Remote Desktop always work well for me.
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This is not 2 best app that do what i need.
Probably you can't read what i need.
TeamViewer is ****. It has bad picture from PC (it updates to long, work like ****)
Google has to long connection because it work throught internet but not local lan.

