[Q] See & control device on computer? - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

This guy is running Windows 8 and is able to see an 'ASUS like' device on his computer. It looks like he can control it as well...
Here is a link to the YouTube video:
Anyone know what app he's using? Is this possibly emulated?
He says that if the page gets enough traffic, he'll offer up the details. I went through and tried to search for it on XDA but nothing matches the way his app looked.

I know you can use ScreenCast to do that, although complicated and slow.
You can also use our VMLite VNC Server to install on Android, then control using a VNC viewer on pc,
there might be other apps too

I was hoping the app he's using is different from these 2 and that it worked really well. Who knows... hopefully someone knows what app this is or the guy tells us...

Might be an external display, some android devices support hdmi cable, which connects to tv card on that pc


VNC Mobile

So i didn't see any threads about this and thought i'd post on it. I use VNC every day at work and i love how easy it is to connect to my laptop at home. but what if i want to access my laptop or my work computer and i'm not home? VNC Mobile is the answer. Pretty sweet little app that works just like the regular VNC Viewer. View is scaleable from 1/5 of the sever to 1:1 ratio or even 200% zoom. you can push ctrl, alt, and function commands as well. pretty sweet free app.
check it out here: http://www.windowsfordevices.com/news/NS5673359231.html
download here: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=128549
I have had all sorts of fun with this at work. I would walk to someone's machine, see them locked out, log into the server from my phone and unlock them. Also at home I use VNC to control Winamp and do other basic PC functions from the phone. On the road I use Browseamp and Shoutcast! to control and stream music to my phone and using a homehacked adapter play and charge the phone in my truck.
Have you compared this to RealVNC's WinMo beta client? That's what I'm currently using and it's the only one I've found that worked.
Post a link please....
Protonus said:
Have you compared this to RealVNC's WinMo beta client? That's what I'm currently using and it's the only one I've found that worked.
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Is there any program can control PC?

Hi, there
I would like to use some program to remote my Desktop....
I try to use Remote VNC Pro....but it didn't work.....
Anyone can tell me what can I do??
Thanks so much!!
remote droid is a pretty cool app from the marketplace. it essentially turns the phone in to a laptop style track pad. If your looking for something a bit more indepth then have a look on the market place
there are a couple of VNC programs, but none of them are brilliant.
Gmote allows you to remote control the media player on your PC and stream music to the phone
VLCMote allows you to remote control VLC if you have it installed on your PC...
there may be others.
PhoneMyPC looks impressive ?
Has anyone found these apps to be successful besides Gmote? I have tried every VLC remote in the market, set-up the HTTP protocol, and none has worked yet. I tried reading the developer's instructions to start it with command line but it told me the command was invalid. Thought it might be my firewall, but even disabling it did nothing.
Did anyone here try anyremote? Using anyremote2html it should be possible to control various applications on the PC using a web interface. Unfortunately it did not work for me yet since no browser on the android was able to show the webpage containing the controls. I always get a 404 error with them. I have no idea why this is so. I can get it to work with another PC controling my first PC via any web browser. Does anyone know why the android browsers are not able to show that simple webpage from anyremote?
vnc4android does work fine for me (on my pc i have a ultravnc server with standard settings)
where do I get vnc4android? I tried a few of those vnc clients in the market. But they have trouble with correctly showing the desktop.
Phil_UK said:
PhoneMyPC looks impressive ?
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It is impressive ! full control of PC, sneak peek, etc..
try it
kamdroid said:
Has anyone found these apps to be successful besides Gmote? I have tried every VLC remote in the market, set-up the HTTP protocol, and none has worked yet. I tried reading the developer's instructions to start it with command line but it told me the command was invalid. Thought it might be my firewall, but even disabling it did nothing.
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androidvnc works fine for me, using tightvnc on my pc. just change the port on androidvnc to 5900, altho lack of software keyboard is abit of a bummer.
The new version of GMote is excellent for the Hero. It allows you to use the Hero's screen as a touchpad and now also let's you bring up the keyboard to type stuff on the PC. It is very responsive and highly usable. I have a media centre PC and this means I have full control to complement the remote.

Desktop Emulator for Atrix?

During my Sony Ericsson P800 days, there is a desktop PC application where I can control the phone right at the desktop using a mouse and keyboard. The actual screen of the phone is shown right on the desktop.
Is there one for the Atrix? What is the name of the application and is there a "how to" procedure?
I'm experimenting a lot of apps. I might as well do it on a larger desktop screen than on the phone.
Edit: ..or should I have said "Atrix emulator" for the PC.
TeamViewer is aa great application. FYI, most applications are developed to work on more than just one particular phone, more like all phones that support some general software/hardware requirement.
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA Premium App
I was hoping for a simple remote control for my Atrix. Several applications in the market are for the phone to control the PC but not the other way around. Teamviewer price is prohibitive to me. Thanks for the suggestion anyway.
I'm not sure if there are any, but what you're looking for is a VNC server for the phone. Hope that helps.
No solution in sight
I found 2 solutions but none of them works on the Atrix
1. Android Screencast: http://code.google.com/p/androidscreencast/
2. Droid VNC Server: https://market.android.com/details?id=org.onaips.vnc&feature=search_result
This is where Symbian phones are well ahead of Androids. I hope Android can catch up.
LastQuark said:
I found 2 solutions but none of them works on the Atrix
1. Android Screencast: http://code.google.com/p/androidscreencast/
2. Droid VNC Server: https://market.android.com/details?id=org.onaips.vnc&feature=search_result
This is where Symbian phones are well ahead of Androids. I hope Android can catch up.
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ScreenCast is working for me
Edit: I take that back.. it actually shows my display, but I can't click on anything with my mouse.. darn.
Use the Motorola "Phone Portal" that came installed on your phone.
Phone Portal> Connect w/ WiFi> [computer browser] IP address:8080

PC screen/control/mirror app

I am looking for a remote control/keyboard/remote desktop app. I have seen several of them in the market, but I have a specific want and I don't know if any will do this.
I want to be able to sit in the livingroom and control my PC that is attached to my TV. I currently use a wireless keyboard, but the biggest issue with that is the text is too small, and I basically have to walk over to the tv to use it. I know there are settings for large fonts, etc, but I use the PC for several things and that change is impracticable.
So what I am hoping for is to have my G Tab in my lap and be able to see the computer screen and control it using the g tab... BUT also be able to see what I am clicking on and the results of those clicks on the TV/PC.
When I use Remote Desktop, it logs off the TV/monitor connection and only routes the video to what ever device is logged in... I want it on both devices. Maybe like the remote tech support people can do on some PC's.
Can you point me in the right direction for an app like that.
I use remotedroid. Works perfectly with the gtab
Sent from my Droid using XDA Premium App
collindv said:
I use remotedroid. Works perfectly with the gtab
Sent from my Droid using XDA Premium App
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I looked at this, and it does look cool but I already have a wireless keyboard, with a trackball built in. I like the idea, but it is not what I am looking for.
I am looking for a program that when you look at the G Tab you see the computer screen, and when you look at the monitor/tv you see the same thing. Then you can use the tablet as the control. All movement and visuals are repeated on both screens. Like having dual monitors except 1 is the touch screen tablet. I think PhoneMyPC would do it, but I am not sure.
I use PocketCloud VNC. It seems quite smooth. You might not want VNC though, but it would solve your text size issues, I think.
But Pocket Cloud does not show both screens at once, as the OP is desiring, does it?
boufa, there was a thread around here recently about using the g-tab as a second monitor, so I know it works like that; but I don't know how to control the PC from the g-Tab while seeing both screens. I'm using Pocket Cloud as well.
You guys are great, pointed me in the rough direction, and found TeamViewer.
It looks to do exactly what I want it to do. Full clone of the desktop via Wifi or 3g. I was supprized that it was free for non-commercial use.
I tested it and it works good on my HTC Inspire over 3g, I won't have my G Tab until tomorrow night so I cannot test it until then. I'll report back.

[Q] remote desktop for wp8

I am looking forward to getting my hands on wp8 most likely a lumia 920. My question is does anyone know of remote desktop software? I was really dissapointed that wp7 did not have one that was as easy as teamviewer. I have emailed teamviewer with the usual reply " if something is developed we will let you know." I have tried all the remote apps onn my wp7 to log into my work pc and no success. I have to resort to teamviewer on my laptop or my tablet. Does anyone know any inside knowledge or is it due to fact that I had a wp7 rom on my hd2 that prevented the remote control apps to work?
jpneves1978 said:
I am looking forward to getting my hands on wp8 most likely a lumia 920. My question is does anyone know of remote desktop software? I was really dissapointed that wp7 did not have one that was as easy as teamviewer. I have emailed teamviewer with the usual reply " if something is developed we will let you know." I have tried all the remote apps onn my wp7 to log into my work pc and no success. I have to resort to teamviewer on my laptop or my tablet. Does anyone know any inside knowledge or is it due to fact that I had a wp7 rom on my hd2 that prevented the remote control apps to work?
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I'm currently using PC Remote. It can found in the App store. has a 4.5 star rating from 3277 people.
shindou26 said:
I'm currently using PC Remote. It can found in the App store. has a 4.5 star rating from 3277 people.
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I have tried pc remote but my works ip address is hidden. I need something that works like teamview where you just log in and connect. I may try pc remote again and see what i can tinker with
I'm looking for something as well. The RDP metro app on Windows RT is really neat, I don't know why they just don't have it on windows phone 8. The thing that is killing me is the lack of VPN. Even Windows RT has built-in VPN and it works great.

