[Q] remote desktop for wp8 - Nokia Lumia 920

I am looking forward to getting my hands on wp8 most likely a lumia 920. My question is does anyone know of remote desktop software? I was really dissapointed that wp7 did not have one that was as easy as teamviewer. I have emailed teamviewer with the usual reply " if something is developed we will let you know." I have tried all the remote apps onn my wp7 to log into my work pc and no success. I have to resort to teamviewer on my laptop or my tablet. Does anyone know any inside knowledge or is it due to fact that I had a wp7 rom on my hd2 that prevented the remote control apps to work?

jpneves1978 said:
I am looking forward to getting my hands on wp8 most likely a lumia 920. My question is does anyone know of remote desktop software? I was really dissapointed that wp7 did not have one that was as easy as teamviewer. I have emailed teamviewer with the usual reply " if something is developed we will let you know." I have tried all the remote apps onn my wp7 to log into my work pc and no success. I have to resort to teamviewer on my laptop or my tablet. Does anyone know any inside knowledge or is it due to fact that I had a wp7 rom on my hd2 that prevented the remote control apps to work?
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I'm currently using PC Remote. It can found in the App store. has a 4.5 star rating from 3277 people.

shindou26 said:
I'm currently using PC Remote. It can found in the App store. has a 4.5 star rating from 3277 people.
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I have tried pc remote but my works ip address is hidden. I need something that works like teamview where you just log in and connect. I may try pc remote again and see what i can tinker with

I'm looking for something as well. The RDP metro app on Windows RT is really neat, I don't know why they just don't have it on windows phone 8. The thing that is killing me is the lack of VPN. Even Windows RT has built-in VPN and it works great.


[Q] RDP for webOS / Touchpad

I need to remote into my work but there is no RDP APP. The VPN works but what good does that do me if I can't connect into my work PC, or our servers. Anyone know if RDP is being developed for Webos?
broy55 said:
I need to remote into my work but there is no RDP APP. The VPN works but what good does that do me if I can't connect into my work PC, or our servers. Anyone know if RDP is being developed for Webos?
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From what I can find Splashtop should be releasing a application for WebOS, but it doesn't look like they have. Other then Splashtop, it doesn't look like their is a good way unless you want to VNC into a machine and launch RDP through that machine's session.
I'd hope somebody (devs) sees an opportunity here...
nks2105 said:
I'd hope somebody (devs) sees an opportunity here...
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I agree. It's funny that now that I finally have a device with native Cisco AnyConnect support, it doesn't have any RDP application!
Hopefully something will be created soon.
I'm waiting for this as well.
Sent from my T959 using xda premium
Same here. I'd easily pay 15-20 bucks for an app like Android's Xtralogic RDP client.
I would pay as well.
Sent from my T959 using xda premium
Should we turn this into a bounty thread? If this had RDP, I'd never go back to my desk again. As is, the Touchpad has already made me 200% more mobile at work.
Seriously, I would pay real money for a VNC (1st choice) or RDP (2nd) client that works. There is a VNC client free on the HP appstore but it doesn't support (or work at all on) the Touchpad. I have emailed the dev but his site is all German and I don't know if he will understand.
This is the main reason I am needing android so badly... At this point no client for RDP exists, as far as I can tell. We desperately need WYSE pocketcloud, which also does VNC, and I doubt they port that app to webOS
iTap works really well for Android and iPad, I wonder if they would develop an app for Webos?
I'm tempted to write one myself lol!
I was able to do it by installing ubuntu on the device and then just installing rdesktop in ubuntu. It should use the existing VPN connection that you have and you should be able to connect. I was able to use the same setup to create a SSH RDP tunnel to my home computer.
There's a bunch of tutorials on how to install ubuntu on the Touchpad.
Gnome-RDP is very nice on Debian Squeeze64. I download Cisco Anyconnect client from Stheir site via CCO login. Very nice.
Now I'm looking for just an RDP client for my HP Touchpad so I can access my work PC. IPSEC using native VPNC (not VNC) works pretty good. It is very nice. Very fast connection viewing our protected web server.
In the meantime I'll look for a way to run a terminal (or xterm), then use telnet or openSSH from the Touchpad.
I got an answer from the guy who wrote the only VNC client for WebOS I know of (current version doesn't work on tablet). He is a very nice German fellow named Bernard Slawik. Here is his answer when I asked if he could update for Touchpad.
I don't have a TouchPad, so I can't really develop for it
If it get's available again (I heard something yesterday), I hope it will become available in Europe as well!
Greetings from Munich,
Anybody in Germany/Eastern EU have a Touchpad we can hook Bernhard up with?
for those looking for a remote deskop app, there you go: http://signup.splashtop.com/
Splashtop app coming
I got an e-mail from WYSE today, makers of pocket cloud. No good news though:
Hi David,
With the latest HP announcements we currently have no plans to create a WebOS version.
Sorry for the bad news
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lebye said:
for those looking for a remote deskop app, there you go: http://signup.splashtop.com/
Splashtop app coming
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That's good news! anyone tried their non-touchpad version? is it any good?
nks2105 said:
That's good news! anyone tried their (Splashtop) non-touchpad version? is it any good?
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I use it on my iPad and Epic 4G. It's excellent.
boutwell said:
I use it on my iPad and Epic 4G. It's excellent.
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Sounds good! Can't wait for the TouchPad version

Splashtop Remote Desktop

The Free app of the Day on Amazon is "Splashtop Remote Desktop"
The app is supposed to let you link to a computer and access an files or programs on that machine.
The app seems like it might be useful but I would like to get your feedback on it.
(I am not associated at all with this app or its developer, I just thought it was neat and would like to get more opinions on it)
bobapunk said:
The Free app of the Day on Amazon is "Splashtop Remote Desktop"
The app is supposed to let you link to a computer and access an files or programs on that machine.
The app seems like it might be useful but I would like to get your feedback on it.
(I am not associated at all with this app or its developer, I just thought it was neat and would like to get more opinions on it)
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It requires that you install a client on your machine to use. I would recommend using the built-in RDP for Windows. There are many free RDP clients out for android that work, such as 2X, and do the same thing without installing extra.
If you are using a mac check out the computer specs because it only works on lion. I use jump and love it
Sent from my BNTV250 using Tapatalk
While reading the reviews listed for the Amazon Appstore for Splashtop, something that struck me as concerning was the lack of encryption. The reviewer did a great deal of research and said that Splashtop should have it available, though not when that date will come.
Personally, I use the free version of Pocket Cloud from Wyse for my remote desktop needs. It works well and uses your Google account information for logging in.
I've used Pocket Cloud and Splashtop on OS X Snow Leopard, so the poster saying it only works on Lion is wrong. Splashtop's encryption is loose to speed the program up. Splashtop is great for accessing your computer from your own LAN but insecure if you are on another network. Splashtop is cool, might as well give it a try, but I prefer Pocket Cloud overall.
my bad
lukeskope said:
I've used Pocket Cloud and Splashtop on OS X Snow Leopard, so the poster saying it only works on Lion is wrong. Splashtop's encryption is loose to speed the program up. Splashtop is great for accessing your computer from your own LAN but insecure if you are on another network. Splashtop is cool, might as well give it a try, but I prefer Pocket Cloud overall.
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Sorry about that, I just saw SL as well. My mistake.

[Q] See & control device on computer?

This guy is running Windows 8 and is able to see an 'ASUS like' device on his computer. It looks like he can control it as well...
Here is a link to the YouTube video:
Anyone know what app he's using? Is this possibly emulated?
He says that if the page gets enough traffic, he'll offer up the details. I went through and tried to search for it on XDA but nothing matches the way his app looked.
I know you can use ScreenCast to do that, although complicated and slow.
You can also use our VMLite VNC Server to install on Android, then control using a VNC viewer on pc,
there might be other apps too
I was hoping the app he's using is different from these 2 and that it worked really well. Who knows... hopefully someone knows what app this is or the guy tells us...
Might be an external display, some android devices support hdmi cable, which connects to tv card on that pc

USB over TCP tool that will allow me to repair ppls phones remotely?

I recently purchased uni android tool and am wanting to know if there is a solution that will allow clients to connect their phone to their computers via usb and then some how have it show up on mine as if it was a connected usb device? I have a few friends that have phones and dont want to have to mail them out so this would allow me to work on them remotely.
Not exactly what you are looking for, but you could just use rdp or vnc to remote to their desktop, then use a link to your Google drive or drop box to download your software. You could then have then plug in at their end, you fix the phone, them clean up your downloaded files and uninstall the program.
Not a great business model, but would probably work for friends.
Another options is to build a small virtual box with all your tools and such on it. Then you connect with rdp or vnc, install VB, and so the work. The plus side to this is, your VB can be encrypted and password protected, so no one can "steal" your tools, and everything would be set up and ready, and you would have your preferred operating system, in case they used something else, like a mac/Apple product.
Thanks for the response.... that idea would definitely work except the tool I use hardware locks itself to my windows machine.... I had to install windows 10 via bootcamp on my macbook just to run the software as it wouldnt even run in a virtual machine.
I am looking into just writing my own custom software that will handle the usb over tcp via a server and clients.
If anyone else knows any solutions that are already available please let me know.
Thank you for that information you article

Can we install Windows 10 on the Galaxy Tab S7/S7+?

Can we install Windows 10 on the S7/S7+?
Please tell me you're kidding?
Yes we can.
It's not as stupid of a question as you guys make it seem. Windows 10 ARM version exists (but there is no way to get a legal license and/or installation media for it) for the Surface Pro X and a few other devices. Of course there would most likely be no drivers, but in theory Win 10 COULD be possibly.. but yea in reality it's not at the moment.
Is anybody able to use a windows emulator? I tried Linux on it but wondering if there's a better way to use Windows apps if I need to other than remoting into my PC
IFNg said:
Is anybody able to use a windows emulator? I tried Linux on it but wondering if there's a better way to use Windows apps if I need to other than remoting into my PCi highly appreciate your factual statement, thankyou for elaboration, i wasn't aware of much of the info.
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I've found a few solutions to this. Ibochs works but is basically unusable. TeamViewer allows you to wake up your home PC and control it. This works surprisingly well if you have a good connection. Microsoft also has an app called Azure that lets you use a virtual desktop for less than $.01/hr if you can't wake up your home PC over ip for some reason
I'm going to go out on a limb here and use a throwback analogy... Much like a free ride from a partner with an STD... Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should... LOL

