((((LARGER font size in TEXT MESSAGES)))) - Hero, G2 Touch Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hey guys, my wife got her 'hero' today, ive set it up and its working like a dream, only problem is, does anyone know of a way to make the size of the font, larger, when writing and reading TEXT messages, ive managed it on emails but she texts more.
Id be grateful if anyone could help, thanks guys....Im going 'home' now, to the HD forums!!!!!

xX SPION KOP Xx said:
Hey guys, my wife got her 'hero' today, ive set it up and its working like a dream, only problem is, does anyone know of a way to make the size of the font, larger, when writing and reading TEXT messages, ive managed it on emails but she texts more.
Id be grateful if anyone could help, thanks guys....Im going 'home' now, to the HD forums!!!!!
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Not got mine on me at the minute but when in messages, can you not press menu and go through the settings?

nicelad_uk said:
Not got mine on me at the minute but when in messages, can you not press menu and go through the settings?
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Yes mate, you can, Id done that, but unless its glaringly obvious and I just cant see it, it isnt there, i appreciate the reply, looks like she'll just have to wear her glasses!!!!!!!!

Still searching
I do not think that you can adjust teh SMS size settings but I will keep looking for ya.
As a note maybe you can help me: I searched the forums and have not seen any questions for this possible issue / noob question. I recently got my HTC Hero and have noticed that when ever I receive a text message/ SMS they become all grouped together like they are the same contact but they are not. I open my received messages and i have 4 message from what looks like contact 1 but in fact i have a total of 4 message from 34 different contact. Also when I reply it gets sent to the wrong person.
Any Ideas?


Is anyone else experienceing this?

Hi Everyone,
I'm pretty good at searching for my answers & 95% of the time i find them. but i cant seem to locate the answer to this question.
I can send or forward a text to 1 person at a time with no problem. but i cant forward or send the same text message to multiple people. when i do, only the first person receives the text & no one else... i am running dcd 3.2.5... i have also encountered this before with the other dcd roms...
does anyone have a solution to this?... PLEASE!!!!
You have to put a semi colon in manually before you add each name....
Name ; Name ; Name etc.....
Wouldn't it help you and the forum best to actually elaborate upon your issue in the title? Just a bland question is actually a lottery for trolling of hits on the thread. ...just my two cents..
xclusiv_1 said:
Hi Everyone,
I'm pretty good at searching for my answers & 95% of the time i find them. but i cant seem to locate the answer to this question.
I can send or forward a text to 1 person at a time with no problem. but i cant forward or send the same text message to multiple people. when i do, only the first person receives the text & no one else... i am running dcd 3.2.5... i have also encountered this before with the other dcd roms...
does anyone have a solution to this?... PLEASE!!!!
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I do know that the latest rom does not include the latest Arcsoft MMS software. I'm not sure if it effects anything. You definitely have to put the semicolons in between the names. If that fails and you want MMS... download and install the following.... Arcsoft MMS
xclusiv_1 said:
Hi Everyone,
I'm pretty good at searching for my answers & 95% of the time i find them. but i cant seem to locate the answer to this question.
I can send or forward a text to 1 person at a time with no problem. but i cant forward or send the same text message to multiple people. when i do, only the first person receives the text & no one else... i am running dcd 3.2.5... i have also encountered this before with the other dcd roms...
does anyone have a solution to this?... PLEASE!!!!
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I have the same issue and has nothing to do with semi colons. It auto populates them when you select another contact. Only the first person gets the sms. I posted this in the DcD thread tonight. I came across it this evening when I was trying to send multiple contact sms's tonight. Bummer, but I am sure there is a fix.
So your saying with the latest Arcsoft from GC14 that you cannot send to more than 1 person???
You've installed something that is messing with the SMS.
Now in portrait mode I have no issues with selecting up to 16 people per SMS, and 10 in MMS. In landscape, I have to add the semi-colon after each name manually..... I am on 3.2.5 with the 3.42.50 radio.......
azclown said:
You have to put a semi colon in manually before you add each name....
Name ; Name ; Name etc.....
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This works... now is there antway to have the semicolons entered automatically when sending a text to multiple people?
Well I founf a fix! quite simple. Go to start settings and input. select word completion and check all three boxes and now the semi colons auto populate. I forgot dcd disables this by default.
try group sms

[Q]SMS notifications and reports

Hi all,
I'm sorry for probably a completely noob question, but it's been bugging me and I cannot find a solution.
Whenever I send an SMS I have a load of things to do afterwards and this is annoying.
First comes the confirmation of sending. I need to go to the notifications bar, go to the notification itself and close it. And then comes the delivery report. I need to go to the Inbox and read it. If I don't want my inbox to be filled with meaningless delivery report messages I need to manually delete it each time. Fortunately by this time the notification disappears from the bar so I don't need to delete it manually.
And all this of course with activating my phone's ring/vibration.
This is not how it's supposed to be done? So is(are) there a way(s) around it?
1. First of all the most annoying is that a delivery report is saved as a regular message. I've tried searching around with nothing found except that its a WM way of doing this and there's no way to change it. And then I found this dinosaur thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=387307 which is sadly discontinued. Does anyone know if anything has been done on this topic? An app? Or perhaps a rom with such change?
2. Second thing - is there a way of disabling the notification in the bar of a message being sent?
It all should be just an icon beside a message showing the status - failed to send/successfully send/received with perhaps a easily deleted popup for the delivery report.
Set the value to 1
This will stop SMS notifications
Thanks for this at least
SMS Sent Notification Off Disable
alecs said:
Set the value to 1
This will stop SMS notifications
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Here is a cab for that:
alecs said:
Set the value to 1
This will stop SMS notifications
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Found that previously, but haven't got that entry on my registry ...
Would the CAB posted above solve it regardless of the missing key?
Not sure why you don't have that key. You can use total commander to add it if the cab file I attached doesn't add it for you. If it doesn't add it, installing the cab doesn't change a thing, so you have nothing to lose.
Dear Expert!
Pls help me!
I have HD2 from Korea
I only can write 80byte messeage
Currently I am using this phone at overseas...
So 80byte messeage would be written means too short and even this would be as one messeage even if i text in overseas...it would be so waste money....
Pls help me to extend the byte for me to write as other smart phone over 80byte?
I am pretty sure there may be the way to modify in registry
I am looking forward to having your answer....
Thanks and B~ well~

[Q] newb requiring help

Hi guys new member today but been following the board for a while
Iv had my s2 for about 3 weeks and apart from the battery life am loving it
but i have 1 slight problem thats really irritating me and iv looked all over the net and cannot find a solution.
Iv moved from the blackberry platform as i love tinkering and found bb's to be too boringand iphones to be too restricted out the box
anyway i have a lot in fact most of my friends are blackberry users and a lot of our sms conversations involve the little smiley emotions which tbh i think are great
But if a bb user sends me a smiley it only shows up as the text format
I know it would only show the android verdion of the smiley on my side which would be fine but it doesnt just the plain jane text
i think from reading around it is because the bberry doesnt include the nose
is there any way around this iv tried asking the bb user to wtite the smiley in text form with the nose but it still sends without
is there any way that i can change my device to recognise it and show the emotion
iv tried the replacement sms apps but they are still the same
thanks in advance
reeves1985 said:
Hi guys new member today but been following the board for a while
Iv had my s2 for about 3 weeks and apart from the battery life am loving it
but i have 1 slight problem thats really irritating me and iv looked all over the net and cannot find a solution.
Iv moved from the blackberry platform as i love tinkering and found bb's to be too boringand iphones to be too restricted out the box
anyway i have a lot in fact most of my friends are blackberry users and a lot of our sms conversations involve the little smiley emotions which tbh i think are great
But if a bb user sends me a smiley it only shows up as the text format
I know it would only show the android verdion of the smiley on my side which would be fine but it doesnt just the plain jane text
i think from reading around it is because the bberry doesnt include the nose
is there any way around this iv tried asking the bb user to wtite the smiley in text form with the nose but it still sends without
is there any way that i can change my device to recognise it and show the emotion
iv tried the replacement sms apps but they are still the same
thanks in advance
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Hmmmm... I am sure this is something that can be changed in the framework... No idea where it is though to look
pulser_g2 said:
Hmmmm... I am sure this is something that can be changed in the framework... No idea where it is though to look
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yeah it does seem strange that the os has not been designed to allow the device to recognise emotions that are text in short without the nose
it gets rather annoying when having a text convo to have to keep replying asking what does it mean etc
even the 3rd party sms replacements dont recognise them
would be nice if you could edit each emotions to have 2 possible varients for each
If u use handcent SMS then download the Smileys pack from market or for whattsapp its built in.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
i tried that but it still doesnt seem to recognise the shortened version of the smileys???
or am i doing something wrong
I've tried the Handcent smileys too and no luck either.
Yeah i didnt think it worked surely there must be a way to do this
surely this is bugging a few more peeps as well as me

Send text without sending text?

I know the title sounds a tad confusing, but that's because what I want to do is kind of confusing.
I want to send a text to a phone number, but have my phone not actually send the text at all, meaning that there would be no chance they would ever receive it, but it would make it look as if I texted them (I know I could edit my text logs with an app or some sort of SMS restore app, but I want to see if there is any way to do this).
All help is much appreciated
Sent from my Inspire 4G using XDA
hmmm... i see what you mean.... you need a messaging app that has the capability of allowing you to send "duds." ive noticed that if you have multiple messaging apps, sending one with one app shows in the others, so i assume they all use the same database for storing your sent/received messages. so actually, what you need is one that toggles a block for the messages, telling your phone you successfully sent the message while keeping it from leaving the phone. the best way for it to be integrated would be a setup where you hold the search button to toggle the block. this would let you send a message in front of someone, have it injected into your logs, and it not really be sent at all. i dont know of any app like this, but if you are a developer yourself (im not. im on this site because its helpful and i like it.) or if you know one who can do it, it seems like it wouldnt be difficult to make, although root would be a likely necessity.
---------- Post added at 12:38 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:35 AM ----------
isavegas said:
hmmm... i see what you mean.... you need a messaging app that has the capability of allowing you to send "duds." ive noticed that if you have multiple messaging apps, sending one with one app shows in the others, so i assume they all use the same database for storing your sent/received messages. so actually, what you need is one that toggles a block for the messages, telling your phone you successfully sent the message while keeping it from leaving the phone. the best way for it to be integrated would be a setup where you hold the search button to toggle the block. this would let you send a message in front of someone, have it injected into your logs, and it not really be sent at all. i dont know of any app like this, but if you are a developer yourself (im not. im on this site because its helpful and i like it.) or if you know one who can do it, it seems like it wouldnt be difficult to make, although root would be a likely necessity.
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i think i found one. if youre willing to shell out the 100 pennies for it, maybe this is what youre looking for.
try it within the first 15 mins of getting it, and if youre displeased, go back to the market page and hit refund.
isavegas said:
hmmm... i see what you mean.... you need a messaging app that has the capability of allowing you to send "duds." ive noticed that if you have multiple messaging apps, sending one with one app shows in the others, so i assume they all use the same database for storing your sent/received messages. so actually, what you need is one that toggles a block for the messages, telling your phone you successfully sent the message while keeping it from leaving the phone. the best way for it to be integrated would be a setup where you hold the search button to toggle the block. this would let you send a message in front of someone, have it injected into your logs, and it not really be sent at all. i dont know of any app like this, but if you are a developer yourself (im not. im on this site because its helpful and i like it.) or if you know one who can do it, it seems like it wouldnt be difficult to make, although root would be a likely necessity.
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Exactly what I am looking for, is a way to send "dud" messages. Anything or any way to do so would be absolutely beautiful (I only wish I was still a developer. I got to C# and stopped years ago, then never recovered back to my potential).
Exactly what I was looking for. Thank you sir
QuentinX5 said:
Exactly what I was looking for. Thank you sir
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youre absolutely welcome and i dont know if i qualify as sir, im only 17 XD

why does keyboard hide after sending each text?

I just changed from an iPhone 5 to HTC ONE and I'm so frustrated at this issue. In iPhone, after sending a text message the keyboard stays on the screen in case you want to type something right after what you sent previously. In HTC One however, If I type "Hello" and press send, the keyboard will hide in bottom before I can type "How are you?" in the following separate text message. It's pretty frustrating to keep clicking the white part to bring back the keyboard up to send a follow up text. I've tried all kinds of things but just can not seem to find a solution to this problem. Any help will be appreciated. BTW it's running stock at&t software and nothing has been modified.
That's the way it's supposed to be there's no fix because nothing is broken
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 4
That's how a normal phone works. Why would you send multiple messages in a row?
Here is how a normal person sends a text:
Hi, how are you? Wanna meet at taco bell for lunch?
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 4
I hate people like you. Text 1 Hello. 2. How are you? 3. Whats going on tonight?.
If your going to have a conversation with the person then call them if not then just get straight to the point. I think the fix is knowing when you make a phone call vs text.
lunaticX said:
I just changed from an iPhone 5 to HTC ONE and I'm so frustrated at this issue. In iPhone, after sending a text message the keyboard stays on the screen in case you want to type something right after what you sent previously. In HTC One however, If I type "Hello" and press send, the keyboard will hide in bottom before I can type "How are you?" in the following separate text message. It's pretty frustrating to keep clicking the white part to bring back the keyboard up to send a follow up text. I've tried all kinds of things but just can not seem to find a solution to this problem. Any help will be appreciated. BTW it's running stock at&t software and nothing has been modified.
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as noted, this isn't a 'problem' with the phone. it's working properly. i almost dont want to dignify your questionw itha response due to, as others noted, your apparent penchant for sending a series of short texts taht could easily jsut be one message. part of the problem is you. that said, I will provide a response because i use an app that deservesplugging and is truly a spectacular addition to the phone. Get yourself the Chomp SMS app from the app store (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.p1.chompsms and at chompsms.com). It's tremendous for about 1000 different reasons, one of which is that is allows you to control when the keyboard auto-hides.
to your credit, years ago when i switched to Android from iPhone i did find this setting odd. however, i got used to it and actually much prefer it now. i'd probably dropkick myself in teh face if i had to deal with the keyboard staying up and that tiny little screen on the iPhone again...you can only see about 2 messages! that was horrifically frustrating.
---------- Post added at 01:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:22 PM ----------
lunaticX said:
I just changed from an iPhone 5 to HTC ONE and I'm so frustrated at this issue. In iPhone, after sending a text message the keyboard stays on the screen in case you want to type something right after what you sent previously. In HTC One however, If I type "Hello" and press send, the keyboard will hide in bottom before I can type "How are you?" in the following separate text message. It's pretty frustrating to keep clicking the white part to bring back the keyboard up to send a follow up text. I've tried all kinds of things but just can not seem to find a solution to this problem. Any help will be appreciated. BTW it's running stock at&t software and nothing has been modified.
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also, it really sucks that this is your first post in XDA. i know we're long past the days where these forums were saved for the dedicated developer and hardcore enthusiast, but this is just a sad introduction ot use on XDA. it's crap like this that's turning these forums into the new android/droid forums...do a little reasearch before posting, okay? maybe even read the rules of the forums?

