[Q] newb requiring help - Galaxy S II Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi guys new member today but been following the board for a while
Iv had my s2 for about 3 weeks and apart from the battery life am loving it
but i have 1 slight problem thats really irritating me and iv looked all over the net and cannot find a solution.
Iv moved from the blackberry platform as i love tinkering and found bb's to be too boringand iphones to be too restricted out the box
anyway i have a lot in fact most of my friends are blackberry users and a lot of our sms conversations involve the little smiley emotions which tbh i think are great
But if a bb user sends me a smiley it only shows up as the text format
I know it would only show the android verdion of the smiley on my side which would be fine but it doesnt just the plain jane text
i think from reading around it is because the bberry doesnt include the nose
is there any way around this iv tried asking the bb user to wtite the smiley in text form with the nose but it still sends without
is there any way that i can change my device to recognise it and show the emotion
iv tried the replacement sms apps but they are still the same
thanks in advance

reeves1985 said:
Hi guys new member today but been following the board for a while
Iv had my s2 for about 3 weeks and apart from the battery life am loving it
but i have 1 slight problem thats really irritating me and iv looked all over the net and cannot find a solution.
Iv moved from the blackberry platform as i love tinkering and found bb's to be too boringand iphones to be too restricted out the box
anyway i have a lot in fact most of my friends are blackberry users and a lot of our sms conversations involve the little smiley emotions which tbh i think are great
But if a bb user sends me a smiley it only shows up as the text format
I know it would only show the android verdion of the smiley on my side which would be fine but it doesnt just the plain jane text
i think from reading around it is because the bberry doesnt include the nose
is there any way around this iv tried asking the bb user to wtite the smiley in text form with the nose but it still sends without
is there any way that i can change my device to recognise it and show the emotion
iv tried the replacement sms apps but they are still the same
thanks in advance
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Hmmmm... I am sure this is something that can be changed in the framework... No idea where it is though to look

pulser_g2 said:
Hmmmm... I am sure this is something that can be changed in the framework... No idea where it is though to look
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yeah it does seem strange that the os has not been designed to allow the device to recognise emotions that are text in short without the nose
it gets rather annoying when having a text convo to have to keep replying asking what does it mean etc
even the 3rd party sms replacements dont recognise them
would be nice if you could edit each emotions to have 2 possible varients for each

If u use handcent SMS then download the Smileys pack from market or for whattsapp its built in.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App

i tried that but it still doesnt seem to recognise the shortened version of the smileys???
or am i doing something wrong

I've tried the Handcent smileys too and no luck either.

Yeah i didnt think it worked surely there must be a way to do this

surely this is bugging a few more peeps as well as me


SMSing with 1 hand..

I recently got the JasJam and wanted to know is it possible for a developer to be able to write a code for a '123' keyboard with the 'abc' letters on each number to appear when typing an sms with T9 functionality.
Your replies would be much appreciated..
lol, I would probably be prepared to be flamed for this...
And we wonder why people get in accidents...
I've never seen anything like what you are asking for though, and I think that it would still be very hard to do something like this while driving since it's a touch screen...
actually i think it'd be easier if somebody could write a code to modify the normal keyboard to accept sliding...
that is, if you poke at G then move to H and release at H, H gets typed not G
this makes things very easy to use 1 handed as you can keep your finger pressed to verify what is being typed before actually typing the letter
ahfunaki said:
lol, I would probably be prepared to be flamed for this...
And we wonder why people get in accidents...
I've never seen anything like what you are asking for though, and I think that it would still be very hard to do something like this while driving since it's a touch screen...
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no he has a valid point... trying to type in porn websites on your hermes while you're masturbating is quite tricky.
also... yes it is possible to do; if MS have released docs on writing your own keyboard map, then it could easily be done
you could try the phone pad cab in the ftp under tools and programs, it gives you the option to have the onscreen keyboard work like a normal phone pad with t9 predictive text
Well, there is an application that I use for one hand SMS. I don't actually use it when I am driving, however I do use it when I don't feel like sliding the keyboard. The app is "Tengo Thumb" and below is the URL and it is not free.
Thanx for the replies. Will try TenGo and let u know how it works out..
Baileys said:
you could try the phone pad cab in the ftp under tools and programs, it gives you the option to have the onscreen keyboard work like a normal phone pad with t9 predictive text
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phone cab is the way to go. Install it, then soft reset and select it instead of the on screen keyboard and you tap on your screen as if its a phone with a keypad.
Pls excuse me..
I am having diffculties locating the Phone cab file..
Pls help.
Installed TengoThumb but it takes time getting used to.
Thanx in advanced.
Found it.
Thanx for your help gents.
Here's the link incase anyone else was looking for it.
ftp://xda:[email protected]/Hermes/Tools_and_Programs/Phone%20Pad%20-%20English%20Only.CAB
I have never used Phone-Pad so I am interested on you thought between the two products.
The reason why i ask this is because it is difficult to type an sms when driving...
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In the this country it is not only difficult but illegal! I nearly got killed by somebody using his phone while driving.
for those that don't know after installing the phone cab and restarting you have to select the onscreen keyboard and then press the arrow next the keyboard button
as for how it works, I find it pretty responsive, the t9 works as well as other phones, although if your a fast typer you can outpace the phone sometimes, I didn't find it a big problem.
the only real negatives I found was leaving fingerprints on half myscreen and the phone pad is a lot taller than the normal keyboard
OMg txting while driving
Phone pad is much better and more practical to use. It's exactly like using a normal keypad to type T9 sms's - it's actually even better..
The driving was simply an example to 1 hand typing. I started the thread cos there was no possible way i could continue with the Jasjam using its current features to type out an SMS.
And yes, it is illegal in my country... But who obeys the laws at the best of times?
i use the full keyboard while driving yes yes, flame me now...
but actually it works out kinda better, as i can put both hands on the wheel while holding the keyboard and still keep my eyes on the road...
WARNING, do not try this at home, this is a stunt performed by a professional with years and years of texting experience. I will not be held responsible for your inability to multi-task
Thanks for the tip and I will give it a shot.
Using the full keyboard while driving is definitely not an easy task especially at night. I agree with the warning, please do not try at home.

((((LARGER font size in TEXT MESSAGES))))

Hey guys, my wife got her 'hero' today, ive set it up and its working like a dream, only problem is, does anyone know of a way to make the size of the font, larger, when writing and reading TEXT messages, ive managed it on emails but she texts more.
Id be grateful if anyone could help, thanks guys....Im going 'home' now, to the HD forums!!!!!
xX SPION KOP Xx said:
Hey guys, my wife got her 'hero' today, ive set it up and its working like a dream, only problem is, does anyone know of a way to make the size of the font, larger, when writing and reading TEXT messages, ive managed it on emails but she texts more.
Id be grateful if anyone could help, thanks guys....Im going 'home' now, to the HD forums!!!!!
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Not got mine on me at the minute but when in messages, can you not press menu and go through the settings?
nicelad_uk said:
Not got mine on me at the minute but when in messages, can you not press menu and go through the settings?
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Yes mate, you can, Id done that, but unless its glaringly obvious and I just cant see it, it isnt there, i appreciate the reply, looks like she'll just have to wear her glasses!!!!!!!!
Still searching
I do not think that you can adjust teh SMS size settings but I will keep looking for ya.
As a note maybe you can help me: I searched the forums and have not seen any questions for this possible issue / noob question. I recently got my HTC Hero and have noticed that when ever I receive a text message/ SMS they become all grouped together like they are the same contact but they are not. I open my received messages and i have 4 message from what looks like contact 1 but in fact i have a total of 4 message from 34 different contact. Also when I reply it gets sent to the wrong person.
Any Ideas?

T9 search in stock dialer

Hi everyone,
I hope to consider this post in the good section, because I think this problem could be solved by a developer.
So, what's about?
I'm coming from a WM device (HTC Touch HD) and, having a huge amount of contacts, I discovered a problem with the stock dialer.
In my old phone dialer, when I searched for (by example) letters JO it returned all the contacts containing these string in name, surname or company name, like this:
Doe, JOhn (Acme Inc.)
JOhannes, Mike (McNeill Co.)
Power, Paul (JOss Ind.)
In my SGS2 (as well as in the Galaxy Tab) stock dialer, the results returned are only the contacts where the name starts with JO: JOhannes, Mike.
Also, the stock dialer isn't showing the company name and, because I have more persons with the same name, I often make confusions and call the wrong person.
Question: can anybody correct this problem and/or modify the stock dialer in order to return all the relevant results?
A related problem is with the anwer screen where only name and surname are shown. Will be great if could be shown the company name also.
P.S. there is a dialer who already can do a real K9 search and snowing all the relevant results: aTAKEphONE. But I prefere to add as less as possible other application to my phone. Also, the above mentioned dialer does not make video calls.
So, what do you think guys ?
Could we have a real K9 serch in our stock dialer ?
Regards to you all !
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA App
Same problem as you mate, the dialer sucks due to this fact. I went for go dialer instead. Works well and has video call (i think...?) And nice grouping of contacts if you have lots...
At least it gives the correct search if nothing else
I'd too stick to the default dialer if it actually worked.
Good luck, and please post here if you find a hack for it.
if you mean t9, try dialer one from market.
sent from my SGSII via T*patalk
Yes, sorry...
I wanted to say t9
To reply to the other posts, neither GO contacts nor Dialer One fits my needs. I've tried almost dialers...
And want to have the t9 for the dialer section and not for it's contact section.
So, I also hope that some skilled developer will find a solution for us.
I'll keep posting any news anyway.
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA App
I'm curious but what about dialer one isnt meeting your needs? It searchs first and last name and by number, in both contacts and call logs, all similtaneouly. Brings most often contacted to the top, etc. I'm wondering if its the company name? Not sure as that gets included in the return as I have my contacts set up by name except where then company is the name itself and then I have different numbers set up under that contact. Just curious as I'm always looking for a better mousetrap. I'm sure someone will be along to point at that requests do not belong in this section as stated in the faq above.
krabman said:
I'm curious but what about dialer one isnt meeting your needs? It searchs first and last name and by number, in both contacts and call logs, all similtaneouly. Brings most often contacted to the top, etc. I'm wondering if its the company name? Not sure as that gets included in the return as I have my contacts set up by name except where then company is the name itself and then I have different numbers set up under that contact. Just curious as I'm always looking for a better mousetrap. I'm sure someone will be along to point at that requests do not belong in this section as stated in the faq above.
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Yeh Dialer one searches business name and just about everything in the contact info. I wouldn't go back to stock even if it did search properly, even though that is why I left it. I personally don't see whats missing in Dialer one either so curious what the topic author finds is missing.
Edit: Except he DOESN'T want T9 when searching contacts and only in the dialer. Not sure of the reason for this but hey. He could always use the stock contact manager still and only use the dialer for making calls.
Oh, I assumed he was using T9 search. I dont even have a contact shortcut on the home screen. A lot of people don't realize its actually less clicks to get to a number through T9 on the dialer than any other search method.
krabman said:
Oh, I assumed he was using T9 search. I dont even have a contact shortcut on the home screen. A lot of people don't realize its actually less clicks to get to a number through T9 on the dialer than any other search method.
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I agree. Pretty much all contact methods are easily accessable in Dialer one by entering just a few numbers for detailed t9 prediction then clicking on their contact photo choose call, sms, email, video call, full contact info, facebook, google maps.....
Jus thought I'd say I have no affiliation with Dialer one, just a happy user
I hear you. The stock dialer is woefully inadaquate in terms of enhanced functionality and search. Was used to much better before I got to android. Like I said though, always looking for a better mousetrap or just learning something new that makes things either easier or faster.
I have been using Rocket Dialer. its the best i saw amongst all T9 dialers
First of all, this post was intended to rise a challenge for developers for finding a solution to have a real T9 search on the stock dialer.
Second, I agree that there are many other dialers out there, most of them better than the stock dialer.
Third, Dialer One does not show the company within the returned results. So, if you search JO and you have more "Doe, JOhn" you will see these results without knowing who-is-who. Will you going to open each one in order to find the right John that you want to call?
Anyway, the discussion slipped to a discussion about different dialers, as I can see. All right, maybe this could give ideas to a good developper for implementing the best funtions in a new dialer... or to modify the stock one.
Keep posting, maybe will improve our Android smartphones.
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA App
try youlu address book from the market... its has the best t9 search and interface.
stefanjadex said:
Hi everyone,
I hope to consider this post in the good section, because I think this problem could be solved by a developer.
So, what's about?
I'm coming from a WM device (HTC Touch HD) and, having a huge amount of contacts, I discovered a problem with the stock dialer.
In my old phone dialer, when I searched for (by example) letters JO it returned all the contacts containing these string in name, surname or company name, like this:
Doe, JOhn (Acme Inc.)
JOhannes, Mike (McNeill Co.)
Power, Paul (JOss Ind.)
In my SGS2 (as well as in the Galaxy Tab) stock dialer, the results returned are only the contacts where the name starts with JO: JOhannes, Mike.
Also, the stock dialer isn't showing the company name and, because I have more persons with the same name, I often make confusions and call the wrong person.
Question: can anybody correct this problem and/or modify the stock dialer in order to return all the relevant results?
A related problem is with the anwer screen where only name and surname are shown. Will be great if could be shown the company name also.
P.S. there is a dialer who already can do a real K9 search and snowing all the relevant results: aTAKEphONE. But I prefere to add as less as possible other application to my phone. Also, the above mentioned dialer does not make video calls.
So, what do you think guys ?
Could we have a real K9 serch in our stock dialer ?
Regards to you all !
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA App
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dialer from ZSKF4 has that feature. perhaps you can try flashing that rom. bear in mind that's an Asian rom.
stefanjadex said:
Third, Dialer One does not show the company within the returned results. So, if you search JO and you have more "Doe, JOhn" you will see these results without knowing who-is-who. Will you going to open each one in order to find the right John that you want to call?
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Ahh so you want to show the company name in in the results. Now I re read your message its pretty obvious now I think of it... Ooops.
I agree maybe we should list things that people like from all dialers and maybe some devs can add these functions to the stock dialer.
I thought you meant search say "Nike" and show all people who work for Nike.... of which Dialer one does but it will also show your best mate "Nikelodeon Smith" as well... but will not show the company name in the search names....
Thank you for your suggestion. Can you try please to post a screenshot with a search result ?
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA App
I'm glad that you saw the point. Where I want to arrive is: using our Android handsets also for business, not only for fun.
This is mean that they really should be SMARTphones, helping us to use them better and faster.
Ar regarding your suggestion, let's do it!
I'll start a new post for that purpose and I'll post the link here.
Meanwhile, everybody is welcome to post here their suggestions.
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA App
stefanjadex said:
Hi everyone,
I hope to consider this post in the good section, because I think this problem could be solved by a developer.
So, what's about?
I'm coming from a WM device (HTC Touch HD) and, having a huge amount of contacts, I discovered a problem with the stock dialer.
In my old phone dialer, when I searched for (by example) letters JO it returned all the contacts containing these string in name, surname or company name, like this:
Doe, JOhn (Acme Inc.)
JOhannes, Mike (McNeill Co.)
Power, Paul (JOss Ind.)
In my SGS2 (as well as in the Galaxy Tab) stock dialer, the results returned are only the contacts where the name starts with JO: JOhannes, Mike.
Also, the stock dialer isn't showing the company name and, because I have more persons with the same name, I often make confusions and call the wrong person.
Question: can anybody correct this problem and/or modify the stock dialer in order to return all the relevant results?
A related problem is with the anwer screen where only name and surname are shown. Will be great if could be shown the company name also.
P.S. there is a dialer who already can do a real K9 search and snowing all the relevant results: aTAKEphONE. But I prefere to add as less as possible other application to my phone. Also, the above mentioned dialer does not make video calls.
So, what do you think guys ?
Could we have a real K9 serch in our stock dialer ?
Regards to you all !
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA App
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Did you ever get any solution for this very annoying problem?
njallotkar said:
Did you ever get any solution for this very annoying problem?
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Are you referring to searching for company names too in the dialer?
After reading this post I found this app that does it well - Eir Fast Dialer.
You do have to go into the settings to enable company names though but it seems to work well after that.
jjdoctor said:
I have been using Rocket Dialer. its the best i saw amongst all T9 dialers
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It consumes memory heavily

Dailer & Contacts on ICS 4.0.3 issue

Search is disabled, google didn't help, but you just might ...
I got a new SGSII through an unwanted upgrade, have stock rooted ICS 4.0.3 and found that keypad, logs, favourites are under one app 'Phone', and groups, contacts and favourites under another 'Contacts'.
An old SGSII running an older version of Litening rom my friends has, got the keypad, logs, contacts, favourites and groups all in one place.
I can't seem to change this/merge them, were the merged dailer/contacts part of the previous rom? Previous touch wiz version? Or am I being dumb and not finding the setting to have them in the same screen?
Thanks for any pointers/mocking/gtfo's etc in advance
Sub Atomic Specialist said:
Search is disabled, google didn't help, but you just might ...
I got a new SGSII through an unwanted upgrade, have stock rooted ICS 4.0.3 and found that keypad, logs, favourites are under one app 'Phone', and groups, contacts and favourites under another 'Contacts'.
An old SGSII running an older version of Litening rom my friends has, got the keypad, logs, contacts, favourites and groups all in one place.
I can't seem to change this/merge them, were the merged dailer/contacts part of the previous rom? Previous touch wiz version? Or am I being dumb and not finding the setting to have them in the same screen?
Thanks for any pointers/mocking/gtfo's etc in advance
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sorry dude thats how they are in ICS 4.0.3 and 4.0.4 for now u have 2 leave with it
Well that sucks monkey toes, looks like I got to enjoy several more taps to work with numbers logs and contacts (or use another app) high five for progress...
Cheers Sun90, thanks for the heads up bud
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
Let's see on GB you have to click contacts from dialer
On ics you have to press menu than click contacts.
So my question is how hard/tiring is one more click?
Also you have t9....
atifsh said:
Let's see on GB you have to click contacts from dialer
On ics you have to press menu than click contacts.
So my question is how hard/tiring is one more click?
Also you have t9....
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Mate, your sarcasm meter is faulty, send it off for repairs, and while your at it get treatment for those saddle sores.
And you want to raise the question know how hard/tiring one more click per use is, and you are who exactly? how heroically pedantic. Do I tell you how the way you do things are wrong?
After you have used it in a car dock extensively, I'll think you might have half an idea of the implications, until then you obviously don't get what the difference is and just want to jump on the comment about an extra few taps, bravo
"Also you have T9...." And?
Sub Atomic Specialist said:
Mate, your sarcasm meter is faulty, send it off for repairs, and while your at it get treatment for those saddle sores.
And you want to raise the question know how hard/tiring one more click per use is, and you are who exactly? how heroically pedantic. Do I tell you how the way you do things are wrong?
After you have used it in a car dock extensively, I'll think you might have half an idea of the implications, until then you obviously don't get what the difference is and just want to jump on the comment about an extra few taps, bravo
"Also you have T9...." And?
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Thank you for that long letter, your use is specific and valid for you, but not all who whining are using it on a car dock.
And where did I say anything about you being doing things wrong !
atifsh said:
Thank you for that long letter, your use is specific and valid for you, but not all who whining are using it on a car dock.
And where did I say anything about you being doing things wrong !
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"Let's see on GB you have to click contacts from dialer
On ics you have to press menu than click contacts.
So my question is how hard/tiring is one more click?
Also you have t9...."
"Thank you for that long letter, your use is specific and valid for you, but not all who whining are using it on a car dock.
And where did I say anything about you being doing things wrong !"
lets call it quit peace!
God god man, you are thicker than a 2x4 mate. :/
can't you just push the GB phone.apk into sys?
You could always install a 3rd party app like Go Contacts which comes with a dialer and have it all intergrated once again.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
Thanks Aikje and Bored Stupid, proper contributions and advice
To be honest, I already had ExDialer and Contacts by the time the good Sun90 let me know it's the lay of the land with ICS. Have had a quick look at others too.
With A N Other dialers I've tried so far, you have to tap a different end of the phone, which still takes your attention away for half a second, which when crossing the A406 to get to the A1 isn't really the one, actually, anywhere in central London to be fair.
It's purely for this reason, it's the 'no look' control on the old dialer I'm after again, as I'm on the blower a lot, so am obviously evaluating other options as there could be better out there, I've only just updated to ICS so contrary to a certain peevish belief, I asked a question on a q&a forum to point me in the right direction, as the better members here of XDA know how to *cough* soap box *cough* hahahaa
Regarding the pushing of the Phone.apk, was going to be trying that tonight after backing up, it came from a custom rom and my knowledge of these things is a bit dry, so will find out if it plays nice later.
Again, thanks for the info guys
Good luck, I thought the "Black infinitum" rom(or something like that) had the combined dialer&contacts, and that is 4.0.3...
I'll try it this afternoon and give some feedback okay?
EDIT: doesn't work...
another ics tryout
try ics passion

why does keyboard hide after sending each text?

I just changed from an iPhone 5 to HTC ONE and I'm so frustrated at this issue. In iPhone, after sending a text message the keyboard stays on the screen in case you want to type something right after what you sent previously. In HTC One however, If I type "Hello" and press send, the keyboard will hide in bottom before I can type "How are you?" in the following separate text message. It's pretty frustrating to keep clicking the white part to bring back the keyboard up to send a follow up text. I've tried all kinds of things but just can not seem to find a solution to this problem. Any help will be appreciated. BTW it's running stock at&t software and nothing has been modified.
That's the way it's supposed to be there's no fix because nothing is broken
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 4
That's how a normal phone works. Why would you send multiple messages in a row?
Here is how a normal person sends a text:
Hi, how are you? Wanna meet at taco bell for lunch?
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 4
I hate people like you. Text 1 Hello. 2. How are you? 3. Whats going on tonight?.
If your going to have a conversation with the person then call them if not then just get straight to the point. I think the fix is knowing when you make a phone call vs text.
lunaticX said:
I just changed from an iPhone 5 to HTC ONE and I'm so frustrated at this issue. In iPhone, after sending a text message the keyboard stays on the screen in case you want to type something right after what you sent previously. In HTC One however, If I type "Hello" and press send, the keyboard will hide in bottom before I can type "How are you?" in the following separate text message. It's pretty frustrating to keep clicking the white part to bring back the keyboard up to send a follow up text. I've tried all kinds of things but just can not seem to find a solution to this problem. Any help will be appreciated. BTW it's running stock at&t software and nothing has been modified.
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as noted, this isn't a 'problem' with the phone. it's working properly. i almost dont want to dignify your questionw itha response due to, as others noted, your apparent penchant for sending a series of short texts taht could easily jsut be one message. part of the problem is you. that said, I will provide a response because i use an app that deservesplugging and is truly a spectacular addition to the phone. Get yourself the Chomp SMS app from the app store (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.p1.chompsms and at chompsms.com). It's tremendous for about 1000 different reasons, one of which is that is allows you to control when the keyboard auto-hides.
to your credit, years ago when i switched to Android from iPhone i did find this setting odd. however, i got used to it and actually much prefer it now. i'd probably dropkick myself in teh face if i had to deal with the keyboard staying up and that tiny little screen on the iPhone again...you can only see about 2 messages! that was horrifically frustrating.
---------- Post added at 01:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:22 PM ----------
lunaticX said:
I just changed from an iPhone 5 to HTC ONE and I'm so frustrated at this issue. In iPhone, after sending a text message the keyboard stays on the screen in case you want to type something right after what you sent previously. In HTC One however, If I type "Hello" and press send, the keyboard will hide in bottom before I can type "How are you?" in the following separate text message. It's pretty frustrating to keep clicking the white part to bring back the keyboard up to send a follow up text. I've tried all kinds of things but just can not seem to find a solution to this problem. Any help will be appreciated. BTW it's running stock at&t software and nothing has been modified.
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also, it really sucks that this is your first post in XDA. i know we're long past the days where these forums were saved for the dedicated developer and hardcore enthusiast, but this is just a sad introduction ot use on XDA. it's crap like this that's turning these forums into the new android/droid forums...do a little reasearch before posting, okay? maybe even read the rules of the forums?

