Facebook Data Unavailable? - Hero, G2 Touch Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

in ALbums I no longer see Facebook friends, and I cannot link to anyione in the People area as the list is blank. Assuming I still have friends (I checked ) anyone know what the problem may be???

Hmm, tried logging out of Facebook & Twitter. Now cannot log back in to either. Not sure if to blame the phone or the network.
'Currently unavailable' message for facebook log-in. 'Incorrect Password' message for Twitter (checked...def correct login detail used)
Aha...can't even access web now. Blame O2 I guess!
Hmm...O2 ok. Removed battery for 5 mins and restart seems to have fixed it.
Is this a bug/build quality issue????


Missing Facebook contacts??

For some reason I do not find all my FB contacts to link contacts of my HD2?
I do not what causes that but my FB application and HD2 when trying to link user to fb user... it doesn't find all my fb friends... I have about ~250 friends...
Are you trying to link your contacts to their fb accounts?
The HD2 automatically links contacts to their fb profiles if their names match. If their names do not match you will have to link them manually by selecting the contact --> edit contact --> Associate with facebook account (scroll to bottom)
(Note: some people have said it can also link by email address, but I have had no success with this)
Or do you mean that some fb friends do not appear in the associate list? I have had this issue a couple of times, try restarting the device or logging out and back into facebook via accounts manager?
jwchips said:
Are you trying to link your contacts to their fb accounts?
Or do you mean that some fb friends do not appear in the associate list? I have had this issue a couple of times, try restarting the device or logging out and back into facebook via accounts manager?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
This one... and all my friends are also invible in FB app v1.1.0.17.
And... I've tried reset and restarting my device soooo many times to get this working...
Hmm... accounts manager?? My bells are not ringing?
Account manager: Start --> Settings --> Connections--> Account Manager
Also try Settings Tab --> Data Services --> facebook --> tick Download data Automatically
Also try finding profiles over WiFi as opposed to 3g?
Hope this helps
Damn don't work... I've about 280 friends and in list where I can choose contact for linking I see only 196 contacts...
C'mon guys I am desperate about this situation....
have you logged into facebook via sense or are you just using the fb app ?
Both... However... FB app is working ok but sense don't update anything anymore...
It seems that now it is time to update Energy ROM again
Damn... after updating ROM to Energy_Sense 18.9 version I still do not have ability to sync all my contacts to facebook contact. Sense only see 195 FB contacts.
I've been having the same problem for a few months now. I've got a stock HTC Pure and I'm using the ordinary Facebook app downloaded from MS Marketplace.
When the HTC Sense tries to link a contact on my phone with one of my FB friends, not all my friends show up in the list, even after refreshing. Brand new friends just added show up, but a small handful of existing friends are not in the "Link Profiles" list.
Also, those same friends are not showing up in the Facebook app. When I view my friends list, they are simply not there, as if we're not even friends. Even weirder, if I search for those friends by name or email or phone #, no results appear. So I can't view their wall or profile or anything.
Another weird thing about this is that if one of those friends sends me a message through FB, it shows up in my message section of the app, but there's no name next to it, and no profile pic (just the generic pale blue head icon). If one of those friends posts on my wall, their words show up in the app but there's no name or pic beside the post.
I tried everything from updating the app to hard resetting the phone, but still the same problem. We tried entering the city in the employer section like someone mentioned already, but that had no effect.
Anyone else have these issues? Any resolutions yet?
I'm having similar problem today, but using the method: Start --> Settings --> Connections--> Account Manager, logout the FB. Then go back to FB on sense to login, everything back to normal.
Thanks jwchips for the tips!

SE sync can anyone help

I have tried to get this to work periodically since I got the phone in March with no success. I have followed the instructions to the letter and been onto customer services and still no joy!
Once you are logged in to SE sync on phone and go to "Account and sync settings" and then select "Account Settings" does your correct username and password appear in the box? I get a random selection of letters as my username everytime. Can someone check whether their correct details are shown?
Then if I click on "Contacts" there is another place to enter a username and password which doesnt get mentioned on any instructions I have seen! DO you have this filled in?
When I try and sync the arrows "spin" but nothing gets uploaded to teh website....any ideas?!
I used SE sync briefly, but quickly switched to google sync.. just seemed a richer product.. can't remember having any problems though..
I think the problem is that my contacts are not stored on my memory card. I have tried importing them from SIM card but it doesnt make any difference. Is there anyway of telling where your phonebook is getting the contacts from? I now believe that my phone is actually synching but it has no contacts to sync!
Any one has any ideas? I was looking at this thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=863166 and it shows how to get high-res pictures sync to the phone without losing quality (low-res blurry pictures) for the Contacts. But it has to be done through SE Sync. Would appreciate if someone can post their direction. Tks
have some issues whit SE sync i setup the account on my phone did step bye step the setup but i keep getting cant sync,,, chech the account and on users name it change the user name,,, i dunnot understan,,, i redo the input on the user and pass info and nothing
any ideas
It's normal for the user account and password to differ between the phone and the SE website.
See here for more details:

[Q] Youtube Account Login Problem

I found on these forums before that unlinking your YouTube account from your Google account stops any login problems and lets you login to your account through the Data Services tab in Settings.
However, Google have changed their policy so you're forced to link your Google and YouTube accounts when you login on your computer. Now whenever I try to login on my phone, nothing happens. I enter my username and password and when I click Login, it just goes back to the previous screen with the Youtube slider still set to Off. I'm using the right password as if I spell it wrong on purpose, I get an error message telling me that the password is wrong.
I've been searching the forums for an answer to this and cant seem to find one, does anyone else have any idea what tod do? I liked having the upload to youtube feature but I can't do this now.
Got this exact same problem and would love a fix if there is one?
Same problem here as well, hopefully a fix comes along
Same Issue
WTF is that all about? I don't know what annoys me more, incompetent back end admins or the money people/merger managers who merge everything and think data magically goes together all the time flawlessly!
I have this same issue and I forcefully unlinked my account and it wont let me get into it online but at least I can upload from my phone.
I hope Google fixes this soon!
I have the same problem in my Blackstone! Nothing happens in account manager and directly after I recorded a video (youtube share)

[Q] 2-step verification and picasa upload (authentication failed)

Hello everyone,
I have a problem uploading photos to my picasa account from my sgs2. Syncing emails, contacts and calendars works pretty fine. I can also see my picasa web-albums in the gallery app and they are up to date, but when I try to upload a photo to picasa I always get the error "authentication failed".
I already removed my google account on the phone and added a it again with another application password, but the error stays the same.
The same with other applications in the market for uploading photos to a picasa account (Picasa Tool, JustPictures!). With these apps I can also view my web albums, but uploading always fails.
Does anyone else experience this error? Does it have to do something with the latest security issue of android phones (being able to steal authentication in open wifi) and the google fix? Because just two weeks earlier it worked fine with my HTC Desire. Or am I just doing something wrong?
I had the same issue with the picasa app which is already installed.
I got the 'picasa tool' from the android market which worked fine after loggin in with the google account.
Thanks for reply!
I found my problem and could resolve it!
My picasa album reached the maximum image limit (1000), so every uploaded image was rejected and all applications gave an authentication error. When I tried to upload a photo over the web interface I got another error from google "server rejected" and searching for it told me that I could have reached my limit.
Well, it would be helpful if these applications could tell the user that the album possibly reached the limit.
Anyway, I hope I can help other people who run into the same problem.
I had a similar issue that I wanted to share. The issue started after I installed Google authenticator. Everyday (usually once a day, hard to reproduce), I would get a sign in error, which would make me put in a human readable word to correct it.
Looking into it more, found that it would put error next to 'Sync Picasa Web Albums' (Settings -> Accounts & Sync) and state that it is temporarily unavailable but would never come back. This would also make the albums I have on Picasa unavailable on my phone. After removing authenticator, I would still get the same issue. VERY annoying.
I tired everything I could think of: Changing passwords, wiping the phone, forcing log out on every device accessing Google services...
Then I went to Picasa settings and disabled Analytics for my account and updated the setting. BAM... Worked ever since.
I hope this helps someone later.
Other details that may help: Evo 4G, running CyanogenMod-

[Q] Disappearing emails in email app.

Hi there,
i am using the email app to collectively get yahoo and gmail account emails.
However, some of my messages just disappear as soon as I read them from the notice bar.
It seem that emails read thru the email app -- directly -- stay there.
There are no options, or none i can easily find saying to delete messages from server or anything, but *those* messages also disappear without trace from server as well.
I experienced this with gmail as well as yahoo mail. just this morning the last time.
I am using v1.6 of ressurection remix, will upgrade today to 1.8.1, however, i think this might not be rom related as i think it happened in the past with other dev roms.
Any thoughts on this? For now i just disabled notifications in system bar and see if still happens...
thanks for any idea on how to fix this.
It seems i was too fast to upgrade. the data doesn't seem to connect to telus' 3g/h+ network anymore.. in device status, mobile network state keeps saying 'connecting'.. After a while it reads 'disconnected'.
I guess i will just have to wait and see what other 1.8.1 upgraders have to say.

