Replacing trackball - G1 Accessories

I had seen a couple threads with custom colored trackballs etc...
Look flat out i'll be honest i'm not tryin' to do anything special I got royally hammered with my brother and woke up 30 miles from home the next day missing a shoe, my back cover, and my trackball will not go left anymore...
Cleaned it quite a bit even a mild bit of wd40 on a rag hoping to break up anything abrasive which has semi-worked but now seeing various custom trackballs i'm curious...
Would anyone be able to point me in a direction for how to replace it? I'll find the ball itself unless you wanna link that too ... but is it nothing more than a ball just like an old mouse? I know people have tried to replace blackberry trackballs and never really gotten them to stay back in there so I thought i'd ask ...
thanks !

you need to fully disassemble the phone to get to the trackball assembly. Use the HTC manual that can be found by searching it, it is a step by step process with all the screws pictured so you can get it back together. It is a tricky procedure, make sure you are up for a challenge if you have never had a phone like this apart before. this is one of the harder phones to work on.
BTW, Blackberry trackballs come out the front, by removing the trim ring. No such easy process on the G1!

They have youtube videos as well!

Threads dead bud... appreciate your excitement to help

lol... did you end up getting a new track ball ?
Changed mine just for the color ...LED didnt work. Doh


Stylus stuck, please help

unfortunately my stylus cap came off.
Now the longer part of the stylus is stuck in the XDA :-(
Any ideas how to get it out again?
many thanks
if you cant put the upper part into the xda and screw it a bit on and then pull it out
then maybe a longer metal or what ever stick with the same size thread
would be able to get screwed into the pen and then you can pull it out
Thanks for the very quick reply.
When it happened for the first time I was able to "reconnect" screwing the top part on.
But now it's not deep enough. I just doesnt connect, because the main part slid in to far or the thread doesn't grip :-(
I called O2 and they said I would have to send it in...
Very anoying...
well a long screw with the same size and the top would be able to connect would it not ?
You need to get something with the same thread as the top half but longer, then just screw it in and pull the lower half out, if it is broken off then thats a different story.
Thanks folks.
I will stop by at a DIY shop and see if I can find a long screw somewhere...
I had this happen to me. I put some Krazy Glue in the top half and then pushed it onto the bottom half - waited about 20 sec, then it pulled out without a problem. My issue was the both screw threads became completely stripped.
I used the handle end of a small artist's paint brush.
The tapered, plastic shaft was just the right size to push into the stuck portion of the stylus.
Obviously you'll need to hunt around for the right size, but most households will have something similar.
Thank you, the screw did it
I am happy to inform you that with your help yesterday I managed to release the stylus.
A long screw did the the trick for me easily.
Now the only problem left is the unstable screen color, but that's something I have to live with...
thanks again

Replacing button decal?

Anyone have any info on this? My "ok" button and some of the other's decal are starting to chip off and it makes it a real pain to look at. I just want to know if i have any options on replacing these or am I doomed to keep looking at them like this till they eventually all come off.
Same Here...
I have the same problem! Let me know what you find out!! Thank!
Phawkes said:
Anyone have any info on this? My "ok" button and some of the other's decal are starting to chip off and it makes it a real pain to look at. I just want to know if i have any options on replacing these or am I doomed to keep looking at them like this till they eventually all come off.
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ditto i have same issue
really hoping someone has an answer for this
I'm having the same problem. I actually just noticed it the other day. Its only on my End call button and my softkey on the same side. i'm pretty sure that its from taking it out of the holster and the little metal clip rubbing against it.
ah that makes sense. i knew it was coming from the holster but i couldnt understand why, would still love to know if we can replace em
LOL, wow i thought i was the only one. Ive never dropped my phone but my top right soft key and windows key is completely chipped off clear looks kinda cool actually lol....
I used to work at a T-Mo Tech Center. There were about 20 out of the couple hundred of us who owned the wing. I introduced every one to XDA and often took friends' Wings home to upgrade thier ROM's. Over half of them had chipped buttons (ie Softkeys, Start, and OK). I always thought those friends didn't take care of thier Wings...until it happened to mine, and I am overly careful with it. I think the best thing we can do is let HTC know, this way It will be taken care of on future product releases.
Interesting post and I am glad the issue is being brought to daylight. It's not fun having a $400(+) phone have a $300(-) look.
Did you work in Frisco? I work in RP at the Jefferson Commins site.
Add me to the list, my ok button is completely scratched off, I thought it was just me :-D
add me to the list also my call button is chiped off were can we buy replacemet buttons
Wow this many ppl need new button decal and we all dont have a clue where to get it... I almost went as far as trying to get a replacement phone from t-mobile just so i could get em but sadly that didnt work out...
As I stated before, it really didnt pop up until about 6-8 months after starting using it. Its coming from the little magnetic clip on the holster.
If not replacing the decals....what about the buttons? Is there anywhere you can buy just the front keypad.
I know you can buy a housing for about 55 bucks, may be worth it. Pretty sure that the front keypad comes with it. I found this...
From that page:
"The camera cover and buttons are not included"
not a bad find at all, i think the buttons they are talking about is the keyboard seeing as those are the only ones missing. And it does say it has front keypad
Yeah, add me to the list too. My end button is starting to chip. Seems like a big problem. You think they would have maybe made the buttons clear plastic and painted them from the inside so it wouldn't scratch.
Add me too!
So I have the same problem as you guys. I know a lot of people whose buttons are completely clear now... I found this site, but i wish i could just find the buttons to buy too. Any help would be appreciated.
that's way too much just to replace the buttons.
To the guy that thinks it's his case: It's not your case. It's these cheap ass button. I don't use a case at all and it came off. Why couldn't they make it the same quality as the send/end (green/red) buttons? I'm sure the Herald users aren't having this problem.
LordPhong said:
that's way too much just to replace the buttons.
To the guy that thinks it's his case: It's not your case. It's these cheap ass button. I don't use a case at all and it came off. Why couldn't they make it the same quality as the send/end (green/red) buttons? I'm sure the Herald users aren't having this problem.
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On my first wing the send/end buttons were chipping too. Like you said, a combination of cheap and poor design.

My SGS2 Vibrate is messed up!

So it happened this morning when my alarm went off and it vibrated. I heard a plastic part vibrating also. The sharp loud noise was disgusting. I shut off my alarm thikning it was my cheap SGP case.
Later today I played around trying to find out if the silicone had a hole or something where the plastic frame was touching the SGS2 phone itself. Nope. I took the whole case off. Each time it vibrates it sounds like... ahh what the hell. I will film it for you guys now.
WTF is that? I took the cover off. I took the SIM card out on another occasion too. It sounds like something on the upper left. If I push my finger down on the panel, it stops. If you notice the few seconds it is sitting on the table flat, it's fine. Just a little weight seems to calm it down. Not sure if its the vibrating motor itself because it is vibrating properly. Sounds like something is loose inside though...
Anyone experienced this before? Should I go for RMA?
Second part of the question:
Obviously being an XDA-er I'm rooted. I will flash back to stock and unroot. I bought this off of Expansys-USA so I should get *some* reasonable attempt by them to send it back. What are the chances that my warranty gets denied? I don't have a USB jig to reset the counter, but I'll of course get rid of the yellow triangle.
*grrrr... I need to dig up my Nexus S now if I have to go through warranty... I'm guessing I'll be phoneless for weeks*
I don't know if it would invalidate the warrenty or not (technically rooting/custom roms is supposed to), but when I had a problem with my stereo jack not working rather than risking it I just replaced the part myself.
The vibration motor, stereo jack and earphone speaker are all on the same part.
(I got it from this guy on ebay for about $7 if you're curious.)
Random6 said:
I don't know if it would invalidate the warrenty or not (technically rooting/custom roms is supposed to), but when I had a problem with my stereo jack not working rather than risking it I just replaced the part myself.
The vibration motor, stereo jack and call speaker are all on the same part.
(I got it from this guy on ebay for about $7 if you're curious.)
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I see. I'm not sure whats broken really. When I shake my SGS2 I hear something rattling inside. I'm just afraid to open the thing up... is it difficult?
Just watched your video. It sort of sounds as if somehow the vibration motor came loose from its proper spot and is now moving around vibrating against the plastic. Its normally held in with some adhesive (basically double sided tape) within a cutout area.
When I had mine apart I actually took a photo,, if that makes it any more clear.
I actually recorded the process of me reinstalling the new part (excluding the disassembly, there are lots of clips of that from other people on youtube) but havent gotten around to uploading it yet since my internet connection sucks and the file is nearly 2GB.
Edit to add:
No it wasn't really all that difficult to dissassemble, it was actually pretty easy. That said I enjoy taking things apart and trying to fix them. This was the first time I've dissassembled anything as small as a cell phone, but I'm used to taking things apart and trying to fix them when they break. If you don't have any experience taking apart electronics you might want to think twice or just pay someone who fix's cell phones to do it.
If you're thinking about it, heres a video where someone shows taking it apart to get a rough idea of whats involved.
I decided to try and upload the video I took, once it finishes (in about 2.5 hours) it should be viewable here:
Random6 said:
I decided to try and upload the video I took, once it finishes (in about 2.5 hours) it should be viewable here:
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thank you for your detailed writeup. im going to try this. ive taken apart my macbook pro to install an SSD before, and a few other electronics, but i'm not the very best (i feel clumsy sometimes), but i'm willing to give this a shot.
The only thing I'm worried about is that I could potentially mess up the phone in other ways in disassembly such that my warranty won't be honored if I need to resort to that... We'll see tonight. It looks like you used two screwdrivers? Which ones will I need? I have a #000 that I see will be needed for the back plate at least...
k. opened my phone up.
i just took the screws out and the backplate. i pushd around to make sure things are tight, and they seem to be.
put it together and the vibrate thing happens VERY rarely now..
I shook my phone around and still heard something shaking (please tell me if this happens).
I opened up my phone and the camera module seems to be loose. Is it supposed to be glued down?
Just to let you know, you say you don't have a USB jig so your Flash counter may make your warranty void, but, if you flash to an ice cream sandwich ROM (Cyanogenmod 9) you can install an app called 'Triangle Away' which will basically get rid of the Flash count and yellow triangle - it needs root by the way. (search it up on XDA, it's by chainfire')
Then you can flash stock and send in for warranty.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA
dmo580 said:
k. opened my phone up.
I shook my phone around and still heard something shaking (please tell me if this happens).
I opened up my phone and the camera module seems to be loose. Is it supposed to be glued down?
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I don't remember it being glued down. Its been a few month since I fixed mine but if I recall correctly it just fit snugly in place between some plastic fitted walls.
This is the camera module you mean right?
Edit: I also don't hear anything shaking with mine, did you mabe leave a screw loose inside?
Random6 said:
I don't remember it being glued down. Its been a few month since I fixed mine but if I recall correctly it just fit snugly in place between some plastic fitted walls.
This is the camera module you mean right?
Edit: I also don't hear anything shaking with mine, did you mabe leave a screw loose inside?
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Yeah. Camera module. That's the one. The main 8MP shooter. It's not glued down or anything. It shakes around inside. I definitely did not leave a screw inside because I only opened the back panel and I put all the screws back in.
It's weird because something making noise while shaking the phone has been documented here:
And I noticed that when you activate camera it goes away. Quite strange but as an engineer this makes me wonder HOW that even happens? Shrug.
I'm waiting for my Samsung Focus S phone to come from the Windows Phone challenge and I'm contemplating using that for a month while my i9100 goes out for warranty. Of course I can always use my Nexus S as a backup, but part of me wants to force myself on a new platform for a month and see how that goes... Hahahaha.
Random6 said:
No it wasn't really all that difficult to dissassemble, it was actually pretty easy.
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Hey Random6, did you happen to find that after replacing the vibrator motor with a new one, the intensity is now less than when new? I used double sided tape, but with 1.5mm, I guess the motor won't vibrate AT ALL.
Also I found that if I don't screw the one that seems to be closest to the vibrator motor all the way in, it obviously vibrates harder, but not hard enough.
I also used two very thin copper plates to sandwich the motor between the plastic plates, but once again, that was too much and the vibrations were not transfered to the phone's body, but I could hear it doing its job.
Any suggestions?

[Q] HTC One Screen Repacement.

I ordered a screen/digitizer assembly to replace mine because its cracked. I didn't want to disbond the digitizer so I ordered the whole assembly.
When I installed the new. assembly, the screen wont come on and the phone wont boot. Here is where thing started to get interesting:
1. Boot the phone with the old screen assembly and wait until the home screen shows then turn off screen.
2. Disconnect the old screen at this moment and connect the new one while the phone in sleep mode.
3. push power button to wake screen and its working and fully functional.(New one)
If I tried to reboot the phone the new screen wont come back on again. I also tried to reset and RUU and it still wont work.
Please let me know if you have any suggestions. I am in the process of returning the screen and getting another one, but i am still worried if I will be going through the same issue. One thing I didn't like about the phone is the cheap trashy components. So easy to brake and not made to be worked on.
I think I found the problem.
Well. Taking a closer look at the ribbon cable for the LCD and it appears to be the same color, but if you follow the lines, it does not look the same. I am currently waiting on a screen from a different seller and hoping to be the right one. I will keep you updated as I go forward.
Too many views, but no comment. I just hope this post going to help someone in the future. Keep in mind that sellers doesn't specified the kind of the LCD which is creating the troubles.
I am going to attach some photos to make it little clear. Keep in mind that I have HTC One for AT&T USA.
Did you ever replace the screen? I need to take mine apart and put a new battery and USB port in it. I'd like to know how pulling the screen went for you, if it was done.
xartic12 said:
Did you ever replace the screen? I need to take mine apart and put a new battery and USB port in it. I'd like to know how pulling the screen went for you, if it was done.
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Not that good. I watched a YouTube video that helps a Little. You have to be really careful. Watch it and let me know if you need any additional help. Removing a broken screen not that bad since its broken. Be really careful when you order your new screen because I am having trouble to fine the right one. Mine PN: 60H00741-00P . There are many PN: 60H00742-02M that aren't working for me.
Forgot the video links
To disassemble :
To reassemble:
medoo313 said:
Not that good. I watched a YouTube video that helps a Little. You have to be really careful. Watch it and let me know if you need any additional help. Removing a broken screen not that bad since its broken. Be really careful when you order your new screen because I am having trouble to fine the right one. Mine PN: 60H00741-00P . There are many PN: 60H00742-02M that aren't working for me.
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The problem I have isn't the screen, but rather the battery and the USB port.. I have found both for about $20 each, but just didn't want to trash a basically brand new HTC.
Did you use a suction cup or pry it out?
xartic12 said:
The problem I have isn't the screen, but rather the battery and the USB port.. I have found both for about $20 each, but just didn't want to trash a basically brand new HTC.
Did you use a suction cup or pry it out?
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I used a plastic sharp tool and you need to find the spots where you have to press on it to get it released. If you look at the first video, you will see where he marked it. those are the lock tabs that hold the assembly. The worst could happen is you may put a few dents in the plastic frame. You can order this part for around $20. A suction cup may works for you as well. Consider giving it little heat to lose the adhesive. Let me know if you still have any further questions.
Good luck
Where to get the right LCD in USA
I finally found a good supplier in USA for the proper kind of LCD. I spoke to him on the phone and I sent some pictures of my LCD. He has LCD part number 60H00741-00P that I been looking for. The website is If you ever call, ask for Jacky.

Well that's a bummer

Few days ago while at work my knock on spontaneously decided to stop working. Did some searching around, and during the process noticed my menu bar not coming down like it should, it was jittery on the way down. More searching, and stumbled across a BUNCH of internet talk about dead stripes across the upper portion of the screen in the digitizer. Sure enough, go into the notepad and drawing pen and there's a decent sized strip from side to side that's completely dead. Bummer. No reason at all either.
So, just got out of Verizon with my new G4. Going to take some adjusting because I absolutely adored the G2, but didn't want to take a chance on purchasing a new screen/digitizer or a refurb phone all together. Best phone I've ever had, and I'm going to miss it for sure.
Fastbird said:
Few days ago while at work my knock on spontaneously decided to stop working. Did some searching around, and during the process noticed my menu bar not coming down like it should, it was jittery on the way down. More searching, and stumbled across a BUNCH of internet talk about dead stripes across the upper portion of the screen in the digitizer. Sure enough, go into the notepad and drawing pen and there's a decent sized strip from side to side that's completely dead. Bummer. No reason at all either.
So, just got out of Verizon with my new G4. Going to take some adjusting because I absolutely adored the G2, but didn't want to take a chance on purchasing a new screen/digitizer or a refurb phone all together. Best phone I've ever had, and I'm going to miss it for sure.
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Well that sucks for you Fastbird but life has many turns and I guess we can't do much for it all those turns, so Goodluck with your new G4 and don't forget to buy a case for it to keep it protected :good: Goodbye, maybe I'll see ya again later somewhere here on XDA.:highfive:

