Well that's a bummer - G2 General

Few days ago while at work my knock on spontaneously decided to stop working. Did some searching around, and during the process noticed my menu bar not coming down like it should, it was jittery on the way down. More searching, and stumbled across a BUNCH of internet talk about dead stripes across the upper portion of the screen in the digitizer. Sure enough, go into the notepad and drawing pen and there's a decent sized strip from side to side that's completely dead. Bummer. No reason at all either.
So, just got out of Verizon with my new G4. Going to take some adjusting because I absolutely adored the G2, but didn't want to take a chance on purchasing a new screen/digitizer or a refurb phone all together. Best phone I've ever had, and I'm going to miss it for sure.

Fastbird said:
Few days ago while at work my knock on spontaneously decided to stop working. Did some searching around, and during the process noticed my menu bar not coming down like it should, it was jittery on the way down. More searching, and stumbled across a BUNCH of internet talk about dead stripes across the upper portion of the screen in the digitizer. Sure enough, go into the notepad and drawing pen and there's a decent sized strip from side to side that's completely dead. Bummer. No reason at all either.
So, just got out of Verizon with my new G4. Going to take some adjusting because I absolutely adored the G2, but didn't want to take a chance on purchasing a new screen/digitizer or a refurb phone all together. Best phone I've ever had, and I'm going to miss it for sure.
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Well that sucks for you Fastbird but life has many turns and I guess we can't do much for it all those turns, so Goodluck with your new G4 and don't forget to buy a case for it to keep it protected :good: Goodbye, maybe I'll see ya again later somewhere here on XDA.:highfive:


Replacing trackball

I had seen a couple threads with custom colored trackballs etc...
Look flat out i'll be honest i'm not tryin' to do anything special I got royally hammered with my brother and woke up 30 miles from home the next day missing a shoe, my back cover, and my trackball will not go left anymore...
Cleaned it quite a bit even a mild bit of wd40 on a rag hoping to break up anything abrasive which has semi-worked but now seeing various custom trackballs i'm curious...
Would anyone be able to point me in a direction for how to replace it? I'll find the ball itself unless you wanna link that too ... but is it nothing more than a ball just like an old mouse? I know people have tried to replace blackberry trackballs and never really gotten them to stay back in there so I thought i'd ask ...
thanks !
you need to fully disassemble the phone to get to the trackball assembly. Use the HTC manual that can be found by searching it, it is a step by step process with all the screws pictured so you can get it back together. It is a tricky procedure, make sure you are up for a challenge if you have never had a phone like this apart before. this is one of the harder phones to work on.
BTW, Blackberry trackballs come out the front, by removing the trim ring. No such easy process on the G1!
They have youtube videos as well!
Threads dead bud... appreciate your excitement to help
lol... did you end up getting a new track ball ?
Changed mine just for the color ...LED didnt work. Doh

[Q] So is there any way to fix the "black blob" problem

I didn't even know it existed until I was messing around with my camera in the dark last night and could see it in the picture. Since then I have come across topics talking about the problem, and I almost feel like more phones have it than don't have it. I am getting tired of exchanging these phones. I started with a skyrocket then exchanged it for another skyrocket after the screen got really scratched up after about 10 hours of owning it and barely even touching it. I then exchanged the second skyrocket for the sg2 because it was $100 cheaper and I read that the sg2 is actually a more powerful phone. I was extremely happy with my choice until I noticed the the screen on my phone appeared to not be set properly. The bottom portion of the screen was about flush with the bezel while the top was recessed into the bezel. This phone was perfect until I came across the spotting issue. This is honestly something I could live with since I will rarely be in a situation where I will see it, but it is annoying that samsung can't get their QC straight. The thought crossed my mind to just get my money back and hope that the nexus comes out.
JaRay said:
I didn't even know it existed until I was messing around with my camera in the dark last night and could see it in the picture. Since then I have come across topics talking about the problem, and I almost feel like more phones have it than don't have it. I am getting tired of exchanging these phones. I started with a skyrocket then exchanged it for another skyrocket after the screen got really scratched up after about 10 hours of owning it and barely even touching it. I then exchanged the second skyrocket for the sg2 because it was $100 cheaper and I read that the sg2 is actually a more powerful phone. I was extremely happy with my choice until I noticed the the screen on my phone appeared to not be set properly. The bottom portion of the screen was about flush with the bezel while the top was recessed into the bezel. This phone was perfect until I came across the spotting issue. This is honestly something I could live with since I will rarely be in a situation where I will see it, but it is annoying that samsung can't get their QC straight. The thought crossed my mind to just get my money back and hope that the nexus comes out.
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Return it directly to Samsung if you are having that much of a problem, I have never encountered anyone directly who has had the same problem but you do have some recourse to c.y.a.
I'd take it back to the store you got it at, and if they aren't willing to do something you should be able to send it to Samsung to get it repaired/replaced.
Good luck!
JaRay said:
I didn't even know it existed until I was messing around with my camera in the dark last night and could see it in the picture. Since then I have come across topics talking about the problem, and I almost feel like more phones have it than don't have it. I am getting tired of exchanging these phones. I started with a skyrocket then exchanged it for another skyrocket after the screen got really scratched up after about 10 hours of owning it and barely even touching it. I then exchanged the second skyrocket for the sg2 because it was $100 cheaper and I read that the sg2 is actually a more powerful phone. I was extremely happy with my choice until I noticed the the screen on my phone appeared to not be set properly. The bottom portion of the screen was about flush with the bezel while the top was recessed into the bezel. This phone was perfect until I came across the spotting issue. This is honestly something I could live with since I will rarely be in a situation where I will see it, but it is annoying that samsung can't get their QC straight. The thought crossed my mind to just get my money back and hope that the nexus comes out.
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Never seen any of the issue you speak of, and sold tons of these phones. Have one myself, and again, never seen these issues. No offence, but sounds like your either extremely OCD, or lying to make Samsung look bad.
I had that issue on both phone the second was even worse a thick transparent black line was accros and down the screen. It was worse when I watch Netflix or movies at night. I ended going to Device support center and they order me a new one. This current one has a small blob on the top left but is minimal
So I just leave it.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using xda premium

Spongy Screen Edges

So, I received my Prime on 2/8/12 and I absolutely adore it. However, I have noticed that on the right side of my screen near the bottom, the very edges seem to be able to be depressed just slightly. The best word I can come up with is Spongy. If I press quickly I can hear where the case and the screen come together and click softly. There is no Creaking or anything.
Is this a known defect or is it just a soft spot on the case and there is nothing to worry about? So far I have not received a straight answer on it. It certainly doesn't effect anything. I have decent wifi connectivity in an old Cement Style Apartment and the screen is perfect. I walked in knowing the GPS wasn't going to work and had very little worry or interest in GPS in a tablet.
Thanks for your help!
I know exactly what you're saying...but I'm almost 100% sure that there's no issue here. It just happens to be a place where there's no clip to fully secure it and it doesn't come together exactly in that location, but it's not going to cause an issue.
That is what I was assuming as well. I wanted to make sure. I am so happy with this tablet thus far, I just wanted to make sure I wasn't looking at a defect. Takes a huge load off my mind and my wife's as well. For as much as we paid for it I would hate to see something small be the cause of some major flaw.
Thank you so much!
Hmm, It seems I have a Spongy spot on all sides of my tablet. Right side on the bottom (near where you would hold it in Landscape), On the top near the camera (I can actually feel alot of give here and hear the case clack against it when I even just hold it in Portrait mode), Just below the volume rocker and another beside the Power adapter area.
Sadly I am starting to think this isn't exactly normal. Am I the only one thinking it might be time to head back to office depot?
MilesAeon said:
Hmm, It seems I have a Spongy spot on all sides of my tablet. Right side on the bottom (near where you would hold it in Landscape), On the top near the camera (I can actually feel alot of give here and hear the case clack against it when I even just hold it in Portrait mode), Just below the volume rocker and another beside the Power adapter area.
Sadly I am starting to think this isn't exactly normal. Am I the only one thinking it might be time to head back to office depot?
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After reading this, I checked the spot by the camera, and I have that too. You really shouldn't worry about it though...they're WAY within tolerances for devices of this kind...I mean, it moves like what, 0.001mm?
My first one was the same way as it the one I just got as a replacement (I sent the first one in for an unrelated problem). I wouldn't worry too much about it.
So everyone says not to worry. I am really glad to hear that More people are having this problem than just myself. Yes it is a very slight movement, however, I was worried about it hindering the screen. I called office depot today and they said they would refund me if I wished. I think I will probably call off the refund. It is an amazing tablet and I love it to death. Hopefully nothing worse comes of it as time goes on.
I have a lot of thinking to do I suppose. I kind of feel like if I take the refund I am going to have to take a step backwards, due to the loss of the quad core. Though, between my wifes Dual core and my quad core I see very little difference between the two.

Had a Faulty Device, my experience so far...

So first 2-3 days with the device I kept noticing more and more issues since its been out of the box. I'm really particular with anything I own and if I'm paying money for it then I expect nothing but the best, and I'll take care of my belongings the same.
As soon as I unboxed it I noticed that some of the edges of the metal finish were unevenly colored and scratched. The dark plastic fillers on the back had patches in them and were discolored also. I told myself I wouldn't be so nitpick-ey about those. Moving on...
Later once I setup the phone I realized the power button's right side was completely sunk in, while the volume rocker was also uneven, with the Volume up Side sticking out of the device, and the Volume down Side completely flush with the device.
Concerned I took it to the closest AT&T store where I've become quite friendly with some of the sales associates there. Just wanted to get an opinion as to whether I should live with these imperfections (it would have drove me crazy). I showed it to one of them and they urged me to call AT&T support and try to set up a buyers remorse period exchange straight away.
It took two hours to deal with AT&T customer service on the phone, but it was worth it. I'm shipping this one back and they're gonna priority ship out another one soon. The representative told me they've been getting a few calls regarding such hardware issues.
I'm interested to see if any of you have had any issues yet so far. And if this is a isolated situation with a few devices manufactured at different warehouses.
As with any new product launch, there are going to be some bad ones that slip through the cracks in the rush to get the product to consumers as quickly as possible. I'm glad you got your fixed rather easily, though!
Bammeh said:
As with any new product launch, there are going to be some bad ones that slip through the cracks in the rush to get the product to consumers as quickly as possible. I'm glad you got your fixed rather easily, though!
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Yes of course I completely agree with you. With a few product launches recently and the ones I've bought right when they were released have had issues out of the box or after major updates. The XboxOne, PS4, Retina iPad Mini, 5S etc have given me a little trouble out of the box or after their big updates, but they're still premium devices. Same with the HTC M8 that's why I didn't make too big a deal about it and seek to get my money back. I just asked for an exchange that's all. The rep that helped me, he urged me to ask for a replacement. This device is going to my daily driver for the next year and a half or so. Really happy with it minus the little issues thus far. Best mainstream android device I've ever used.
Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
My M8 was random rebooting every so often. It was enough to notice it as a problem. I did a factory reset, problem still persisted. AT&T gladly exchanged and now I'm good to go ???
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
SO far I have the power button stick on me a few times. Pressing it a few times seems to get it to go back to normal.
Also once while on a call, afterwards the phone would not sleep. Powered the phone off. Ever since phone has been running smooth.
Glad you were able to get it exchanged. I've had mine for a few days and while there are no critical flaws, I do see some scratches that I most definitely did not cause and were there out of the box. I also know what you mean by the uneven banding because I have that too, it's very minor though. There are 2 surface scratches on the back that aren't noticeable unless you have really good eyes (which I do) and a very small chip at the front around the bezel that is impossible to cause naturally. I'm trying to tell myself I shouldn't be so picky because I've already unlocked the bootloader and put a custom rom on it and I assume if I want to exchange it at Best Buy I'll have to put the stock rom back on and lock the bootloader. I'm on the fence. I don't exactly want the Best Buy employee to think I'm crazy if I take it back plus it all takes up my time so I'm trying to tell myself it doesn't matter. If I caused the scratches I'd just live with it but it annoys me that they were there out of the box. Please tell me I'm crazy or I might actually go for an exchange.
Just got mine the other day and found a couple issues with it.
The top panel just below the front camera is pushed out a bit so there's sharp edge and stuff is already getting caught under it. You can push it down and make it flush but it pops back up after a while. Also my touchscreen will just randomly stop responding to touch. Going to reset to back to stock and exchange it later this afternoon.
pingy1030 said:
Glad you were able to get it exchanged. I've had mine for a few days and while there are no critical flaws, I do see some scratches that I most definitely did not cause and were there out of the box. I also know what you mean by the uneven banding because I have that too, it's very minor though. There are 2 surface scratches on the back that aren't noticeable unless you have really good eyes (which I do) and a very small chip at the front around the bezel that is impossible to cause naturally. I'm trying to tell myself I shouldn't be so picky because I've already unlocked the bootloader and put a custom rom on it and I assume if I want to exchange it at Best Buy I'll have to put the stock rom back on and lock the bootloader. I'm on the fence. I don't exactly want the Best Buy employee to think I'm crazy if I take it back plus it all takes up my time so I'm trying to tell myself it doesn't matter. If I caused the scratches I'd just live with it but it annoys me that they were there out of the box. Please tell me I'm crazy or I might actually go for an exchange.
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Honestly you're lucky it's Best Buy. I've done multiple exchanges there before for each: MacBook, Xbox One and iPhones. They did it easy no questions asked. At least in my case. If I were you I'd exchange it. No excuses for the device to be that scratched up and imperfect out of the box. Also remember to check for Dead Pixels, Volume Rocker, and Power Button issues.
Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
rahtrip said:
Honestly you're lucky it's Best Buy. I've done multiple exchanges there before for each: MacBook, Xbox One and iPhones. They did it easy no questions asked. At least in my case. If I were you I'd exchange it. No excuses for the device to be that scratched up and imperfect out of the box. Also remember to check for Dead Pixels, Volume Rocker, and Power Button issues.
Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
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Thanks for the advice. For a little bit today I was determined to go get an exchange but I kind of buffed out the worst scratch (which was only like 3mm) with a nail buffer so I think I'll just save myself the trouble of putting the phone back to stock, having to take it to best buy, and re-flashing the new phone. Plus I did not take a backup of the stock AT&T rom. I don't know if someone has posted it in the forums, I'm going to look, but it's just such a drag to go through with putting it back to stock then an exchange.
The volume rocker doesn't sit 100% parallel but it's very close, the power button has no issues, and the bezel is pretty well flushed with the speaker grills. I think I'll just keep this one, I am also afraid that the new one might even have worse problems. HTC needs to get their quality control tighter because I have had tons of devices but never a problem out of the box.
Next time I buy a phone I am going to make sure I check the condition thoroughly. Or at least check it before I root and flash a rom. When I got the M8 I just grabbed it and went...
So I said I wasn't going to exchange it but I was still annoyed by the flaws and I was approaching my 14 days.. took it to Best Buy today without putting it back to stock and was able to exchange it. They just switched out the SIM card and gave me a new one, but they did reiterate that they don't normally do it for scratches and they were making an exception. I could totally tell they didn't believe it was the manufacturer's fault, but they didn't give me attitude and were nice. They didn't look at the software or boot screen in the old phone so they didn't even see that it was unlocked and rooted. They mentioned it was getting sent back so HTC is going to have to deal with it, which they should have to because the one I exchanged for is totally perfect. I didn't realize the other one was even more problematic than I thought until I saw how well constructed this one is. The volume rocker doesn't fumble around, the screen is set perfectly leveled with the speaker grills, no scratches on bezel or back. This is how they SHOULD come, every single one of them. In the future when I get HTC phones I am going to examine it right then and there so I don't have to go through the trouble of sounding asinine while trying to explain what the store employees surely think are non-problems.
I don't think I would've made the exchange without this thread though so thanks. I'm now free to enjoy the awesomeness of this phone without being held back by structural annoyances.
The top panel just below the front camera is pushed out a bit so there's sharp edge and stuff is already getting caught under it. You can push it down and make it flush but it pops back up after a while.

Power Button

On my Verizon V10 the power button/fingerprint scanner seems pretty loose. There's a lot of play up and down, kind of like this video. Is this common? Is this a defect? Should I swap it out while I'm in my 14 days?
Mine is like this also probably so it allows for the finger to conform
Sent from my LG-H901 using Tapatalk
Also feels loose on mine, but not too bad. Maybe intended as mentioned above.
Mine is not that loose. It has a little bit of play but I don't hink it's as much as what your video shows.
I have the black T-Mobile version.
Sent from my LG-H901 using Tapatalk
Rolling the T-Mobile version here as well. Mine isn't as loose as it looks like yours is.
I'd go and get a replacement if you think it'll cause problems in the future.
F600S here... I would say loose, but the video is like twice mine.
Mine started out being a little wobbly but has gotten progressively worse over the last 2 days. I'd say now it's as wobbly and creaky as in the video. Gonna head to the Verizon store to check out the floor display and possibly swap it out.
odesskiy said:
Mine started out being a little wobbly but has gotten progressively worse over the last 2 days. I'd say now it's as wobbly and creaky as in the video. Gonna head to the Verizon store to check out the floor display and possibly swap it out.
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Good idea. Better to go work it out now instead of letting it fester inside you.
My fingerprint reader wasn't working well at all, took 20 minutes to register fingerprint and unlocking was hit and miss. Took it back to store and tried the demo. The demo was perfect. They gave me a new phone and reader didn't work. (the sales guy couldn't get it to work either)
Then I realized the only thing different was the cheap Verizon case.
With the case off, and touching the metal edges while using fingerprint reader it unlocked 100 percent all the time.
If you have issues try without case. Must have something to do with conductivity. Happy camper now.
Mine has a little play in it as well. I wonder if it was the result of the jagoff TMO employee straining to turn the thing on with brute force before I asked him to stop then hand it to me. Oh boy, this feel lighter than my G3, you sure the battery is in it?
I'll forever blame that person now.
I swapped mine out, now a week later the button on the new unit is pretty wobbly too. I don't know how well LG designed/tested this thing and what kind of long-term durability we should expect out of it. I love the phone, so I'm not going to return it. Let's see if any wide-spread issues creep up.
same Problem
I have the same problem but its not that bad, it does not stay stuck onto one side but i did notice that it was very creaky and sounded like springy

