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iPhoneToday v1.5.2 (Apr 15, 2010)
Improved scrolling performance. It should be really fast when there is no wallpaper or there is a gradient or image background for the mainscreen pages. Under these conditions you could even enable alpha blend on background without any performance loss.
Improved animation performance.
Added new animation effects. The available ones are: "None", "Expand rectangle from center", "Zoom out from center", "Zoom in to center", "Expand rectangle from clicked area", "Zoom out from clicked area", and "Zoom in to clicked area".
Added "animation" tab in options where you can select the animation effect, the animation duration, and whether to launch the application before the animation.
The "out of screen" tab got more options. You can now configure to stop scrolling when there are no more icons in a given direction.
Added an option to tile the background images.
Included a couple of tileable textures.
Included an iPhone background for the BottomBar.
Included some nicer looking bubbles.
When adding a new icon, it is now by default inserted at the end of the list not at the beginning.
Whenever edit boxes receive the keyboard focus all the text in them is selected and the keyboard is shown.
For PNDs added a "KB" button next to the "OK" and "X" buttons.
icons.xml and settings.xml are now always saved with DOS new lines.
Center button of D-pad jumps to first page.
Added --goto:right and --goto:left (similar to the --goto:next and --gotorevious).
Added a "Cradle State" icon.
Fixed non updating "Calendar & Appointments", "Unplayed Voice Mails" and "Irda State" icons.
Fixed exec alt of "Missed Calls & Signal Strength & Operator Name" icon.
Fixed an issue when text's color is black.
Other minor fixes and improvements...
iPhoneToday v1.5.1 (Apr 3, 2010)
Using registry notifications instead of polling for updating notifications (bubbles, date, time, etc.). Notifications (and reloadIcon) should now appear immediately. Battery foot print should also be smaller.
Icon, text, circles, offset sizes, etc. are scaled automatically if the application is launched in a different resolution than the one in settings.xml (LastConfiguredAt).
Bubbles are alpha blended.
Position, size, text, etc. of bubbles are configurable.
Added background image support for static bars (bottom bar and top bar). Gradient background can now be used even when a wallpaper is set. The background (gradient or image) of static bars can be alpha blended to the wallpaper.
ShrinkToFit option of static bars now shrinks the text height in addition to the icon width.
Added font settings dialog.
Renamed "GPRS State" icon to "Cell Network State".
Added "Missed Calls & Signal Strength & Operator Name" icon.
Added "Unplayed Voice Mails" icon.
Added "Irda State" icon.
Added "Phone Profile" icon.
No sound or vibration on launch if current profile is silent.
When battery is charging a dot is shown before the battery percentage to indicate charging.
If operator name is empty show NA for signal.
Changed the field "type" in the icon settings dialog from dropdown to droplist.
Fonts in the fonts subdirectory are automatically added/removed.
Load strExec and strParameters (in addition to nScreen, nIcon, strName, and strImage) from HKLM\Software\iPhoneToday\Icon...\ when HKLM\Software\iPhoneToday\reloadIcon is set.
Added a separate text quality option for text inside icons.
Added new pressed icons.
Added minimize OnLaunchIcon option (you have to manually edit settings.xml).
Added UpdateWhenInactive option (you have to manually edit settings.xml) to always update notifications even when window is inactive. The default value is 0 to save battery.
iPhoneToday v1.5.0 (Mar 21, 2010)
Fixed battery drainage issue.
Improved quality of icons by using the averaging interpolation method for resizing them.
Added an alternative method for alpha blending to the background that should be faster but requires more memory.
Added an option to "use mask for transparency" that might help the scrolling performance on some devices.
Added text quality option (Default, Draft, Nonantialiased, Antialiased, Cleartype, Cleartype comp), but it is available only when alpha blend on background is disabled.
Added facename (font family) option for the text labels under the icons, the header text, and the special icons text. (you have to manually configure the XML, no dialog yet).
Added shadow and roundrect options for the header text.
Added --winkey command to display the start menu.
Added an option to show battery percentage while charging (enabled by default).
Changed default value of vibration for non phone devices to 0.
Fixed crash when copying icons from topbar.
Fixed bug with pressed icon not displaying correctly when alpha blend is enabled.
If reloadIcon is 2 icons.xml are saved after loading them from registry.
Installer now displays a warning that today plugin will not be available if you choose to install to storage card.
Some minor fixes and improvements.
iPhoneToday v1.4.9 (Mar 15, 2010)
Fixed degraded quality of images of previous release (image resizing is done by the Windows Imaging API again).
Fixed a bug with background resizing.
Added RoundRect option (for now only in the XML, no dialog yet) to display a black rounded rectangular behind the text (like Android).
iPhoneToday v1.4.8 (Mar 14, 2010)
Using LPNG library (an extremely light-weight library - it just adds 6KB) if imaging API fails (mostly helpful for PNDs where imaging API is often missing). This allows now all devices to load and display transparent PNG icons.
Huge memory savings compared to v1.3 when AlphaBlend is disabled (32bit icons are now converted to whatever the screen supports, usually 16bit).
Fixed text labels being 1-2 pixels left of the center of the icons.
Fixed background color of options dialog to be the windows default color for menu backgrounds.
Added --keyboard command to show/hide the keyboard.
Only for PNDs: added a help button (question mark) on the title bar of the options and icon settings dialogs (next to the OK button) that toggles the appearance of the keyboard.
The 3-letter abbreviation of the day of the week is now by default displayed in the language of the user locale.
Converted the included pressed icons from gray scale to true color since LPNG only supports loading true color PNG images.
Resized the bubble icons.
Added a warning that scrolling will be slow when AlphaBlend is enabled on devices that do not natively support it.
iPhoneToday v1.4.7 (Mar 09, 2010)
Changed the icon set
Added pressed icon effect
Currently incuded icons: CrackedGlass.png, Fingerprint.png, RoundedPressed.png (default), Spotlight.png, StopwordPressed.png (Thanks to Osprey for the images)
Added text shadow
Added some new options for the background image: fit width, fit height, center
Added refresh time setting in the movement tab
Added new command: --volume:++<step> and --volume:--<step>
Fixed a bug with animation rectangular staying sometimes on screen
Fixed some minor bugs
iPhoneToday v1.4.6 (Mar 06, 2010)
Added some new icon types:
Memory Load
Memory Free
Memory Used
GPRS State
Signal Strength
Operator Name
Signal Strength & Operator Name
Added some new commands:
--rotate to rotate the screen 90 degrees
--rotate:<angle> (e.g. --rotate:270) to rotate the screen by the given angle
--volume:<number> to set the system volume to <number> (0-100)
--volume:+<step> or --volume:-<step> to increase or decrease the system volume by <step>
--reset or --restart to soft reset the device
--off or --standby or --suspend to suspend the device
--minimize to minimize the iPhoneToday's window (only for exe version)
--taskbar to show/hide the taskbar (only for exe version)
Alpha blend transparent icons with the background
Option dialog to configure the transparency of icons
Fixed transparency of png icons with black pixels
Today item's height is configurable again
The color of the expanding rectangular - animation on launch - can now be configured
A default sound on launch can be set
Added a play button in the icon settings dialog to preview the selected sound
Fixed the ignore screen rotation option
Fixed focus of the choose color dialog
If the bubble png icons are not found nicer bubbles are programmatically drawn
Added a reset settings to defaults button in the about dialog
Configurable margins for the text inside the special icons such as day of month, day of week, clock, battery, etc.
You can set which applications to run when the icons are out of screen instead of cycling through the pages
Reorganized the options dialog
AppToDate support
Installer will ask to create a startup shortcut to the exe if you answer no to the question whether you want to enable the today item plugin
iPhoneToday v1.4.5 (Feb 27, 2010)
1. Added a static top bar of icons
2. Non static background keeps the aspect ratio of the image
3. Configurable zooming factor of the background image
4. Added a warning before enabling "never show taskbar"
iPhoneToday v1.4.4 (Feb 26, 2010)
1. Installer now detects previous installations and asks to keep the current settings.xml and icons.xml
2. Added simple battery icon (shows battery percentage or AC)
3. Added about dialog (last tab in options)
4. Added file version information in the .exe and .dll
5. Added edit header dialog
6. Added an option to configure the circles offset from the top of the bottombar
7. Optimized screen transition a bit
8. Avoid some unnecessary redraws
9. Icons behind the bottom bar are now hidden
10. You can now add a bottom bar icon by right clicking on the bottom bar's empty space
11. Fixed --goto:down that was scrolling one extra page down
12. Fixed the background of text in the options dialog for PND
13. Disabled --close and --exit for the dll version
14. Fixed crash when icon width is set to 0 (useful to disable the bottom bar)
15. Fixed dll's crash when icons.xml does not exist or is not valid
16. Fixed bug when using reloadIcons that was not deleting "unused" icons.
17. Renamed some confusing options
18. Disabled options that cannot be changed depending on whether you are running the exe or the dll version
iPhoneToday v1.4.3
1. Icons can be associated with wav files to play once they are clicked.
2. Fixed infinite loop when checking for Software\iPhoneToday\Icon%d.
iPhoneToday v1.4.2
1. If imaging API is not available (some PND do not have it) use imgdecmp.dll instead (included in the PND zip).
iPhoneToday v1.4.1
1. Switched to TinyXml that has smaller memory footprint than MSXML
iPhoneToday v1.4.0
1. Support for Pocket PC 2003
2. Support for Portable Navigation Devices (Windows CE Core)
3. Today item height is automatically figured (you can have multiple today items and it should still work properly as long as iPhoneToday is the last one)
4. Vertical scrolling
5. Added header text for each screen
6. Support for BMP files without using the imaging API (BMP images are actually a lot faster)
7. Made almost everything configurable
8. Bottombar can have different settings from the mainscreen
9. Icon text can be set to 0
10. Icon offset can be set to a negative value to make the text overlap the icon
11. Commandline arguements and special icons with the same commands (--reload, --relaunch, --add, --options, --close, --exit, --goto:<screen>, --goto:next, --gotorevious, --goto:down, --goto:up)
12. Added copy icon and copy here in the right click (long tap) menu
13. Paths can now be relative to the application directory
14. Better orientation and rotation support
15. Special characters such as ", <, >, & are properly handled in the XML (if you manually edit the XML make sure you escape them!)
16. Use the last indexed LED as the vibration LED
17. Scroll through the pages with the directional pad.
18. Many other bugfixes, improvements, and optimizations that I've forgotten now...
Uhmm, why did you open a thread about this again?
egzthunder1 said:
Uhmm, why did you open a thread about this again?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I believe because he's not the author of the earlier versions (he's picked up the project where the original author abandoned it) and wants to be able to maintain his own thread and starting post. If he had just replied in the original thread, the thread owner might not update the starting post links and only those who read the whole thread (which is 287 pages long) would find the new version. I think that a new thread for a new author and new "life" for the project makes sense.
It looks really good. Some things...
1. Tapping the screen briefly flashes an all-white screen (the same that shows when loading and during the "animation" when pressing an icon). If anything, it'd be nice if it (and the loading screen and "animation" screen) were black, but, ideally, there shouldn't be any flashing at all, of course.
2. Is there an option to not display the taskbar? I realize that that's the normal way to get at the keyboard, but it'd be good to allow for alternatives (like MioPocket's MiniBar).
3. Flipping pages isn't a smooth as it seemed in the YouTube video that you pointed me to earlier. Could it be that the "movement" settings have been changed or is my device's 400MHz processor not powerful enough to handle the program smoothly?
4. Even though settings.xml indicates an icon width of 45px, when I loaded the program, the "autoconfigure" set it to 51, which made the icons look bad. I'm guessing that the program picks an icon size based on the resolution, which is probably a good thing, but perhaps it should choose from icon sizes that are multiples of 8 or 16, i.e. ones that would still look good when downsampled from the original 96x96 icons.
5. An icon on the button bar to access options and add icons would be a lot more intuitive than clicking and holding the background. Do you think that that's doable?
6. Have you made any progress in adding multiple categories (ex. "Settings", "Tools", "Apps", etc.) and a nav bar to switch between them?
7. Have you made any progress in adding icons outside of the main area and bottom area, so that we aren't restricted to them? I'd like to be able to define an icon anywhere that I want, including by giving exact coordinates.
Sorry to throw so much out there for you to address. I'm just, as you know, thinking about how I might adapt MioPocket to it, especially without having to remove features (such as the quick launch button, the SideBar, faux taskbar with start menu button and so on). It's really good so far and suitable for a lot of other people's uses already, though.
BTW, you might want to include some more information and a screenshot in the first post for those who aren't already familiar with the project . I suspect that that's your plan... just mentioning it in case not.
Wow this is really exciting. I love this app, it's really given my phone a new lease on life without its stylus.
I'm really curious to know what the change log for this version might look like, since iphone today is so central to my usability I'm a little more hesitant than I would normally be to just dive in and try a new version..
can you please add me to the project on google code project?
My google account is: [email protected]
I created this thread for the reasons Osprey00 mentioned.
I got permission from MiToNiOeS to create a google code project for iPhoneToday and upload my changes there. I hope that this move will help its further development.
1. That was a stupid bug I introduced just before uploading it. Only the exe version is affected. I fixed it and uploaded 1 hour ago. Please redownload it.
2. Check the "Fullscreen" option under Misc tab. Also since the taskbar will automatically be shown whenever iPhoneToday loses focus you might want to check the "Never show taskbar" option too.
3. If my bugfix for #1 didn't do it please experiment with the "Movement" settings.
4. Yes MiToNiOeS originally had code to autoconfigure the icon size based on the screen width. I might change it to be multiple of 8 but the included icons will have to be updated too. I included MiToNiOeS's ones that are 90x90 and not 96x96. For now change AlreadyConfigured in the settings.xml to 1 and set the icon size from a script depending on the screen resolution.
5. Yes it is doable but since I don't have a device anymore (I got as a gift a nokia phone that fits my gps needs too) I am not planning to add any new features, only bugfixes.
6. Manually enter a header text in the icons.xml for each screen and change the mainscreen's top offset and header height in the options. For changing screens if you don't like flipping you can use the circles at the bottom.
7. Sorry no plans to do this.
I changed quite a few things that I don't remember them now.
Once I find time to look into my code changes I will create a detailed changelog.
OK I added you.
If you can help in any way please feel free to ask me to add you.
You don't have to know coding. The project needs a summary page and documentation in the wiki.
Nice work, I was playing around with it in the CE emulator. I renamed your .exe as SysInfo-Start in my emulator miopocket setup. It started up everything fine and Iphone today as GUI. I get the white flashes sometimes too, but other then that it operates good. I would like a full time clock display on GUI. I would like more pages( might be possible havn't played with it enough yet), and be able to edit the dot buttons to easily navigate pages by pic or text (i.e. multimedia, setting, navigation). Going into the task bar setting and unchecking keep task bar on top, completely hide task bar, which is good IMO. I need to test it more, but your doing a fine job with this GUI.
Awesome that someone gets his hands on this.
Can't wait to see what will come next.
Hi tronikos
Thank you for keeping alive this wonderful today plugin
Hi, I don't really know much about coding but I can lend a hand if there are any graphics that need done. I don't know if this is the issue mentioned above but I have an HD2 and the icon resolution looks really low. Might I suggest using some of the many icon packs available in the HD2 Themes and Apps section or something.
Sorry if I said something noobish lol I haven't had a proper good look at it yet.
As requested, can you put a screenshot in this thread (or, at least, in your google code page) ?
I think we'are reacting better with a screenshot...
As someone said in the past : 'A pic is better than a thousand words' !
Good luck with the project !
@Osprey, Tronic and all Miopocket friends
After playing arround a little bit, all in all a very good tool. It is easy to add some pages and also create a header for the pages, so Miopocket Windows seven page folders (Favorites, Navigation etc.) could easily adapted. Also vertical scrolling is possible, but I don't know how to create pages?
Flipping pages was a mess at the beginning, instead off flipping, it always went to icon edit mode. I played arround with the movement settings, but had the feeling nothing is changing. At the very end, I disabled right klick in the settings. Now flipping works very good, but the way to come back to the setting page is closed. ==> Any ideas?
Regarding icons:
I added two icons from this board (not allowed to link)
to compare. On the picture these are the first two adobe test and igo test. By far looking better, but no problem to change.
Sorry, I am not allowed to link to image banana and , so I have to attach the picture as a zip file
Use imageshack (or photobucket...) to upload your pictures and post the forum version of the links (with pic thumbnail). Without the attachments size restrictions the bandwith cost would go through the roof!
it's the same. I am a new member (Feb 2009!!!!) and not allowed to link to external pages. BTW also internal links seems to be not allowed.
Probably somebody could link to the picture?
Putting an original copy of setting.xml in your install will take you back to default.
I noticed that the clock and calender icon are actually the clock and calender and can be customized in options somewhat. I placed the clock on bottom bar. Still trying to figure out adding pages and headers and still working with it in CE emulator.
schlork said:
it's the same. I am a new member (Feb 2009!!!!) and not allowed to link to external pages. BTW also internal links seems to be not allowed.
Probably somebody could link to the picture?
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I don't know if we are all working on the same page. Some of the posters are redirected from Tronikos to post here. We are owning thumb GPS devices, which became Porsche's since Osprey developed Miopocket for. Even now more with ability to have iphone functions.
@[email protected]
Thanks! It's not a problem to switch back, I could easily write a script and put it on a button for that. But I am wondering, if there is not another solution?
pretty thanks! And OT how can I convince Mods to be not a spammer?
Hi, where can i fin the "full" changelog?
Hope I can help
I know a little about coding, but I make mean FAQ and display pages (see links in my sig). I am very happy that this got picked back up and look forward to new releases. Anyone from the old iPT forum knows how much I was involved there, and I hope I can help as much here and on the google code page.