Need Help with activsync Hero! - Hero, G2 Touch Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hy to all!
I got a problem with activsync on my hero.I install activsync from my memory card , but i can't sycronise my phone, then i download the one from the web site and no succes. On my computer is comming out some message like wmisrsc.exe-no disk- there is no disk in the drive. Then i got the 3 option cancel, try again, and continue. I have been trying to go on application settings , development and to unmark usb debugging. Still the same...If i run the program activsync none of the icon is available. Is it wrong someting with my coputer? ( I use windows XP) . Thank you in advance

Soft Reset Required
Hi Carmen,
I had this problem too, I found that I had killed the task 'PC Sync' using a taskkiller... this cannot restart itselt without rebooting the device.
I don't know if this is exactly the problem you're having, but it is what I found with mine.
Give it a try... reboot your Hero and remember to not kill the task called 'PC Syncronisation'

Am I missing something here? You are talking about Microsoft's activesync? It aint gonna work.

No is the one for android! Any sugesstions?

You mean HTC sync? In that case sorry no suggestions as mine works fine.


can not synch

I installed 2005, and couldn't sych at all by AS4, everytime it tried to connect, i said looking for changes and then a protection fault, so I downgraded to wm2003se and active sych couldnt connect, I reinstalled AS 3.7 and then 3.8, but it can not run at all it just starts connecting, then stops and I can not show Activesynch window, it can not even explore the device
does anybody have a solution for this, or do I have to format and reinstall windows
yo medman
personally i think it was a bad mistake to upgrade to W2005. cause its still in the development phase and u wont find a lot of help from us users cause most of us are still waiting for a stable version to come out
looking at u'r situation
hard reset u'r PPC, do not connect u'r install 3.8 MSYNC....... restrt u'r computer.....n then once rebooted......connect the USB cradle with u'r comp and put in u'r PPC...
it shld work now..
best of luck
sync problem...solved!
hey medman,
i don't see why every one is dissing wm2005, its a great rom!
but for the people who are having problems with connecting their device with wm2005 to ActiveSync 4.0 i figured out what is wrong:
if you connected your device to your computer before you installed the new
ActiveSync, it set your device with no driver, and even if you have the
ActiveSync driver now you computer allready recognised your device, so:
the solution is to delete the device setting under device manager of your
computer [start->control panel->system->hardware->device manager]
now with device manager open and with you ppc not connected:
go to the view tab and check "show hidden devices"
then look for the driver of the ppc most likely under the "Non-Plug and Play
Drivers" but if it is not there look around for the driver
when you find it, you went to delete it by right-clicking on the driver and
clicking uninstall
after you delete the old driver have ActiveSync running and place your ppc in the cradle, and the new driver should be installed by ActiveSync 4.0
if you need activesync 4.0 just tell me and i can give you my sight that i uploded as4.0 and wm2005 in a rar file, by the way...most answers are being found on this topic
To rooschool: I did what u suggested but same...
To Destroyer7337:
I didn't connect the ppc before the active sych, I raid this topic before I tried wm2005, I took all the precautions u mentioned, but to no avail, any way I downgraded to 2003se bu I cannot synch with all versions of activesynch
What is the name of the driver? I can't find anything in non plug and play and I'm not sure what I'm looking for.

ActiveSync 4

For all,
I have two computers both with XP Professional with ActiveSync 4 one of them can not connect My XDA II WM 1.50i with the Excheange Server of my work, what could be wrong?
The second PC work 100%
Also the XDA II conection with Excheange Serve through GPRS works 100%
somebody can help.
did you try all the firewal setiting and the like?
the exchange i think must be the last one or 2003 but i not certain about that
you can try first the firewall settings of that xp and what error do you have
its the last version of activesync 4?
hope thats helpfull
Re: did you try all the firewal setiting and the like?
rictec said:
the exchange i think must be the last one or 2003 but i not certain about that
you can try first the firewall settings of that xp and what error do you have
its the last version of activesync 4?
hope thats helpfull
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The ActiveSync is show this erro: Support Code:85020010
The ActiveSync Also asks to verify the connection, however as the xda works ok with another PC XP and with GPRS I do not know what to do.
try the fireall setting
try to see if in that pc the firewall settings are permisive
that problably a firewall prob but....
do you have outlook 2003 instaled in that machine also try to connect with it already open that solved my problem once and i have to open it first since
as a last resort do a new partnership
do like this on that machine thats not working
disable firewall
remove all mobile devices in file->delete mobile devices
open task manager and end process wcescomm.exe and wcesmgr.exe
them open device manager
look in usb ports
connect your device and when a usb device appears remove it (problably windows mobile device but you will see it )
remove the device and restart the pc
when restarted open outlook just in case
activesync will autostart
put you device in and create a patnership
this was what i had to do whem first instaled buzzmobile2005
hope this help you too if it doesnt
Re: try the fireall setting
rictec said:
try to see if in that pc the firewall settings are permisive
that problably a firewall prob but....
do you have outlook 2003 instaled in that machine also try to connect with it already open that solved my problem once and i have to open it first since
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Again I revised the connection of the firewall PC1 x PC 2 the look identical.
Same version of Outlook no diference if Outlook is open
This is drive'me crazy
Re: as a last resort do a new partnership
rictec said:
do like this on that machine thats not working
disable firewall
remove all mobile devices in file->delete mobile devices
open task manager and end process wcescomm.exe and wcesmgr.exe
them open device manager
look in usb ports
connect your device and when a usb device appears remove it (problably windows mobile device but you will see it )
remove the device and restart the pc
when restarted open outlook just in case
activesync will autostart
put you device in and create a patnership
this was what i had to do whem first instaled buzzmobile2005
hope this help you too if it doesnt
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Thank for trying to help I already had looked at the notations on the ActiveSinc I have the impression that the problem is a DLL in the XP the solution perhaps is to reinstall everything again.
Curiosity: What it means NSPS in your ExtRom topic
reinstall everything?
seach in the forum if none o what i sad worked there is some dlls i see somewhere you can remove and reinstall.
well if it didnt work and reinstall is a possibility do it
remember service packs
my ntsp in extended rom is :never twice the same
good luck

err little help - xdaII 2003-2003se upgrade gone a bit wrong

Hi all,
I just upgraded my xdaII from WM2003 to WM2003SE which seemed to work ok.
I then got the issue where the screen stops responding and worked out how to edit the config.txt file, ok I thought I'll just re-install SE.
So I dock my XDA into the cradle but it wont connect with active sync 4 anymore, which means I cant install the OS again.
Can anyone help me??
nevermind, did a hard reset and the pda is working ok now, still doesnt want to connect to Activesync tho
when flashing you dont want it to connect to activesync anyway
best thing is to set activesync to not sync on usb devices let windows find the pda as a non as device and then flash
also if you change the extented rom as in config.txt and reflash you are likely to get a new extented rom and a new config.txt overwriting yours anyway
most of the time when you change extented rom a hardreset is what you want
Hi rudegar
I didnt get as far as reinstalling the OS with the modded config.txt, once I hard reset the pda after installing it the first time it worked ok, it installed the O2 extensions and worked fine, except MSN messenger wont work, where before it would.
i tried disabling what you said and windows wouldnt detect it at all.
With it enabled I could see it as a mobile device in my computer, but not access it.
Also the active sync window would not load, the taskbar icon is there, but when you click on it the window does not pop up, but you can get to the options
its annoying as I now cant install any programs onto the pda, I dont have a USB reader for the SD card at the moment.
not sure whats going on
Rudegar said:
when flashing you dont want it to connect to activesync anyway
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really? cos the program I ran to upgrade the OS, himaupgradeUt says the pda should be docked and synced??
just installed activesync on my other pc and the pda syncs ok with it.

g4 wm6 doesn't connect to activesync.

i let my almost-future son-in-law take home and play with my g4 wizard love wm6 cingular branded wizard.
he mailed it back to me and now it won't connect to activesync 4.5.
if i uncheck advanced settings on the usb settings page, the computer gives me the usb balloons that says it is connected to the computer.
activesync doesn't even want to look for the pda.
if i check the box, activesync tries to find the pda but fails.
also, the computer doesn't seem to connect to the computer since there are no usb balloons.
is there anything i can try short of reinstalling wizard love.
Plug it into the usb wire, turn it on and then do a hard reset do not unplug it till active sync pops up on your computer.
irv6744 said:
i let my almost-future son-in-law take home and play with my g4 wizard love wm6 cingular branded wizard.
he mailed it back to me and now it won't connect to activesync 4.5.
if i uncheck advanced settings on the usb settings page, the computer gives me the usb balloons that says it is connected to the computer.
activesync doesn't even want to look for the pda.
if i check the box, activesync tries to find the pda but fails.
also, the computer doesn't seem to connect to the computer since there are no usb balloons.
is there anything i can try short of reinstalling wizard love.
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You havent mentioned what OS you have on your pc. If you have XP SP2 you can sometimes jumpstart activesync 4.5 by restarting the DHCP.
Start -> Control Panel -> Administrative Tools (only visible in classic view of control panel) -> Services -> DHCP client -> Restart
peter petrelli said:
You havent mentioned what OS you have on your pc. If you have XP SP2 you can sometimes jumpstart activesync 4.5 by restarting the DHCP.
Start -> Control Panel -> Administrative Tools (only visible in classic view of control panel) -> Services -> DHCP client -> Restart
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i've got the same problem olso with xp sp2 and i tried it on vista .
after the update to wm6 its ****ty both solution didn't work for me.
I hope some one get a solution
Same problem with me too..
all the sudden the activesync service in WM6 doesnt start at all..
ActiveSync on PC warns me there is a problem with the connection..
Is there anybody out there that knows how to get the ActiveSync service back and running again.? I tried the the taskmanager to look for the service itself. But found out that the activeSync service is nowhere to be found between the other services. 16 other services are found.
I tired it on Vista (Mobile 6.1) and Windows XP SP2 (Activesync 4.5)
It does not help when i start the program ActciveSync (application) in WM6.
dCY said:
Same problem with me too..
all the sudden the activesync service in WM6 doesnt start at all..
ActiveSync on PC warns me there is a problem with the connection..
Is there anybody out there that knows how to get the ActiveSync service back and running again.? I tried the the taskmanager to look for the service itself. But found out that the activeSync service is nowhere to be found between the other services. 16 other services are found.
I tired it on Vista (Mobile 6.1) and Windows XP SP2 (Activesync 4.5)
It does not help when i start the program ActciveSync (application) in WM6.
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I had the same problem one time after flashing to WM6. How I got it to work was to delete the old mobile device from my active sync, then connect the usb cable.
i've tried all the hints here but so far no connectivity to activesync.
did anyone get the pda seen by winxpsp2 any other way that worked.
i can get into boot loader but still no connection ro activesync.
in the begining , sorry for my poor langague
first point u should have active synchronize virgin 4.5 not earlier
second point delete the old connection from the programe.then make a new connection between ur device & pc. it will work properly (in shaa allah)
try it & let me know
i uninstalled activesync and then rebooted, downloaded a new copy and reinstalled it.
the computer sees the pda through the rndis driver and says it's installed.
at the end of the install i got some kind of message about outlook not being the default email reader but i ignored it.
then i ran the basic outlook setup but did not make outlook the default mail client.
but active sync still refuses to connect to the computer to the pda.
any other thoughts.
later tonight or during the week i will try it on another xp computer and then a vista computer to see if one of them works.
Hey lissen folks.... any luck on finding the solution.... were u guys able to run the AS4.5 after removing the device? If yes, how do you remove the devioce?
I know its a problem with PC because i tried it on other PC with Win2000 and it worked fine. ANything to do with firewall perhaps?

Transfer contacts Phone->SIM

Hi guys,
i have HTC Leo HD 2 with Energie ROM WM 6.5. I dropped my phone ot the floor and the screen got crashed. Now my sense doesn't work and all my phone contacts are in the phone. Please, help me with coppying all the contacts to the SIM card without using the touch screen ????
vladi_90, install Activesync or WMDC to your PC. Install Microsoft outlook (part of the office) to your PC. Connect HD2 to USB. When sync software starts - sync your contacts with Outlook. No SIM is needed.Another thing - if you have a file manager on your PC with mobile plugin support (Total Commander for example), you can sync the phone, open it in file manager on PC an run executable of backing up contacts to SIM straight by clicking it on PC. (In case you have yhid backup program on your phone)
connect to PC & use MyMobiler (link in my signature) depends on default setting of usb connection though.
Mister B said:
connect to PC & use MyMobiler (link in my signature)
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Your in-signature stuff is useful only to run phone's build-in SIM Manager from PC. Nothing else. Sync transport anyway must be installed (activesync or wmdc depending on OS)
AndrewSh said:
Your in-signature stuff is useful only to run phone's build-in SIM Manager from PC. Nothing else. Sync transport anyway must be installed (activesync or wmdc depending on OS)
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Correct & that all you really need, but you could also install whatever contacts backup software you want so can be useful but not always the answer for all scenarios.
Other options are copying the pim.vol then using the wm6.5 emulator to load the pim & retrieve data.
Activesync & WMDC are all in HD2wiki
Mister B said:
Other options are copying the pim.vol then using the wm6.5 emulator to load the pim & retrieve data.
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Heh Dude does not know that the easiest way to keep his contacts safe is to just have email and you want him to use emulator and to deal with pim.vol?
Mister B said:
Activesync & WMDC are all in HD2wiki
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Sorry, never read any wiki for HD2, Because I don't need it - I usually cooked my own roms for HD2 and never used someone's else. To know this - you may read my sig.
AndrewSh said:
Heh Dude does not know that the easiest way to keep his contacts safe is to just have email and you want him to use emulator and to deal with pim.vol?
Sorry, never read any wiki for HD2, Because I don't need it - I usually cooked my own roms for HD2 and never used someone's else. To know this - you may read my sig.
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Problem is if he not by default set for sync by usb then it a bit of a problem using sync & outlook or any other option requiring sync.
In that scenario recovering the pim.vol via sd card extraction software is not a bad option .
Dudes, i can't transfer the contacts ......
I'm installing activesync 4.5 for XP, after that installing MyMobiler, connecting my HD2 with USB to the PC and on the desktop of the phone to default is the second option - Disk Transfer. At the screen of the PC i'am seeing this:
tinypic_____com/view.php?pic=29erkw0&s=8 (i don't have 10 posts and i can't add a link, please put instead of "____" "." )
Ideas ??
Is your device connected in storage mode !
Have a look in 'My Computer' at drives & if showing SD card of the HD2 then that the issue .
For above suggested ideas involving Activesync you need your HD2 to be set in Sync option for USB & obviously you can not change that as touch not working on the HD2 (as mentioned in post #7)
Your best bet is using the autorun feature from SD card to copy the PIM.VOL from the HD2 to the sd card then use emulator or request help for someone use emulator to load the pim.vol & export contacts.
See post below (#3) for general details/download.
You could also try removing SD card & connect via USB & see what access you have yo HD2 with likes of Total Commander from your PC.
mister b said:
is your device connected in storage mode !
Have a look in 'my computer' at drives & if showing sd card of the hd2 then that the issue .
For above suggested ideas involving activesync you need your hd2 to be set in sync option for usb & obviously you can not change that as touch not working on the hd2 (as mentioned in post #7)
your best bet is using the autorun feature from sd card to copy the pim.vol from the hd2 to the sd card then use emulator or request help for someone use emulator to load the pim.vol & export contacts.
See post below (#3) for general details/download.
you could also try removing sd card & connect via usb & see what access you have yo hd2 with likes of total commander from your pc.
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it's done !!! Thank u !! I remove the sd card and connected via activesync ))))))
Yes I see if remove SD card it reverts USB options to sync which very good
glad you got it done, well done

